年仁爱版九年级上册 Unit1 Topic 1 Section B练习题

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2020年精编仁爱版英语资料Unit 1 Topic 1 Section B练习题【基础过关】I.短语1.从学到_ 2.过着艰难的生活_ 3.详细地_. 4.为了_II. 读1a 完成下列短文 Maria has _ _ _some volunteer activities_the summer holidays.She has been a volunteer in a disabled_room. She has_rooms for the disabled children. She has never _them, but she has_ _for them. Its a _experience for her. She has learnt_from it. _she had no time to travel, she still_very happy.III.根据首写字母填空: Yestday ,my granny d_ the life in the country in the past for me . At that time ,people were very poor, so parents couldnt afford their childrens e_. Many children spend their childhood w_. But nowadays, with the d_of the economy(经济), most people have chances to go to school. And many people can even r_ some other special training.IV.补全对话。A:Where is Lucy? B:1._ to England.A:2._? B:Yes, she has been there once.A:3._? B:She went there last week.A:4._? B:She is going to stay there for a month.A:Do you know 5._?B:Shell be back at the end of October. V单项选择( )1.Whats more, some of them_to work and _money to help_their families.A.had; make; support B.has; make; support C.have; made; supported D.having;makes;support( )2.I sat in front of the classroom _ hear clearly.A.so that B.in order to C.in order that D.for( )3.Life was very hard for these _.A.children laborers B. child laborer C. child laborers D. childrens laborers( )4.Sorry, I didnt bring_bag.A. big enough B. enough big C. an enough big D. a big enough( )5.Well have a day off. -_A.Is that so? B.Thanks a lot C.With pleasure D.Is that all?【巩固提升】I. 单项选择( )1.Could you please tell us _about Canada? A. anything new B. new anything C. something new D. new something( ) 2. May I speak to Mr. Wang? -Sorry. He _ Hongkong. But he _in a week.A. has been to , will come back B. has gone to ,will return C. has been in ,would come back D. has gone to ,would return( ) 3. I want to buy a computer, but I cant_it. A.spend B.pay C. afford D. cost( ) 4.In the past, most children couldnt go to school _their poor family A. because B. because of C. since D.for( ) 5.If you _the school team ,youll have a chance to _ many activities. A. join in, take part in B. join, take part in C. take part in, join it D. take part in, join( ) 6.When did you start to learn to play computer game? I did it_.A. Two years before B. two years ago C. in two years D. After two years( ) 7.Not only Maria but also Jenny _to the Green wall .They havent come back now. Ahave been B. have gone C. has been D. has gone( ) 8.Shall we go on studying? Ok, _Im a little tired. A. When B. if C. because D. Though( ) 9. In the old days, children had _ food to eat and _clothes to wear.A. few, few B. little, few C. little, little D. few, little( ) 10.Without your _ ,we couldnt finish the work so quickly. A. supporting B. supported C. support D. supportsII.口语应用AHas she been there before? B.I hope I can go to Beijing someday. C. She said that she would stay there for about two weeks D. Yes, she did. She thinks Beijing is busy and modern. E. Why has she been there so many times? F. No, she didnt. G. How many times has she been there?A: Why doesnt Rita come with us to the park ? B. Shes gone to Beijing . A: _1_B: Yes, she has been there several times. A:_2_ B: Because her father worked there. She goes to visit him and spend her holiday there. A: Its really nice. _3_ .Did she tell you when she would be back?B:_4_ A: Did she tell you anything about Beijing? B:_5_1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_III.完成句子1. 许多人们为那些贫穷的人们提供了帮助。Many people _ _ _the poor people.2. 他们拿不出50美元买一张票。They _ _ 50 for a ticket.3. 你能详细的描述一下她的外貌吗? Can you describe her look_ _?4. 你的祖父曾经过着艰难的生活吗? _your grandfather ever _ _ _ _?5. 为了养家糊口,他爸爸不得不日日夜夜的工作。In order to_ _ _, his father has to work_ _ _.IV.句型转化1. The book is so difficult that Petter cant understand it.( 改为同义句)The book is_difficult for Peter _understand.The book is not_ for Peter_ understand.2. .Has she ever written a letter in English?(否定回答) _,she _.3. Emily has bought a nice present for her teacher.(对划线部分提问)_has Emily _ for her teacher?4. I have no time to see the film, besides , I hear the film is boring.(改为同义句)I have no time to see the film,_, I hear the film is boring.5. It took me half an hour to work out the maths problem.(改为同义句)I_ thirty minutes _ out the maths problem.6. Sue is the tallest student in her class. ( 改为同义句) Sue is_ than_other student in her class.7. Our country has developed rapidly.(改为否定句) Our country _ _ rapidly.8. I have already finished my homework.(改为一般疑问句) _ you finished your homework _?V.完形填空 Once a beggar had worked about five miles in the hot sun. He was quite tired and wanted to _1_.When he came to a crossing, he saw a tall tree. On one side _2_ the tree he saw a board .”Take This Road To Franklin” was written on the board. “I will rest under the_3_,” said the beggar .”I can lie on the board while I sleep.” As the beggar 4 ,a doctor rode up to him. “Wake up, beggar!” said the doctor. “I am lost. Can you tell me _5_ road is to Franklin?” “It is too hot to think,” said the beggar. “Thinking is not working in such a _6_ day.” “Here is a dollar,” said the doctor. “Now, will you think?” “ Of course. I will, sir,” said the beggar. “_7_that road to Franklin.” After a while, a driver stopped to _8_ the beggar which road was to Franklin. “You must give me a dollar,” said the beggar. “Then Ill start thinking .”The driver gave him a dollar. “Turn to the left”,the beggar said.The begger went back to _9_.Then a farmer woke him up. “Which is the road to Franklin?” he asked. The beggar got _10_ dollar and the farmer went along the road. “A doctor gets paid when he doctors,” said the begger to himself. “A driver gets paid when he drives, and a farmer gets paid when he farms. But this time a beggar got paid,and all he did was thinking!”( )1. A. drink B. eat C. rest D. ride ( )2. A. with B. of C. by D. for( )3. A. tree B. sign C. road D. bed( )4. A. walked B. said C. passed D. slept( )5. A. who B. which C. where D. when( )6. A. warm B. cold C. hot D. wet( )7. A. Walk B. Take C. go D. get( )8. A. tell B. show C. ask D. help( )9. A. sleep B. work C. read D. write( )10. A. three B. more C. paid D. another【中考链接】1.(2012北京) This is the most beautiful park I have _ visited. A.ever B.yet C.never D.already2.(2012玉林) The man has been dead for ten years. (对划线部分提问) _ _ has the man been dead?3.There were many people. I couldnt find a place to take photos.(合并为一句) There were _ many people _ I couldnt find a place to take photos.


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