背向滑步推铅球论文:背向滑步推铅球 表面肌电图 积分肌电图 最后用力部分

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背向滑步推铅球论文:背向滑步推铅球 表面肌电图 积分肌电图 最后用力部分_第1页
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背向滑步推铅球论文:背向滑步推铅球 表面肌电图 积分肌电图 最后用力部分_第2页
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背向滑步推铅球论文:背向滑步推铅球 表面肌电图 积分肌电图 最后用力部分_第3页
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背向滑步推铅球论文:背向滑步推铅球 表面肌电图 积分肌电图 最后用力部分【中文摘要】研究:本文主要尝试将肌电技术运用于背向滑步推铅球技术动作中,从而测量出优秀铅球运动员在整个投掷过程中所表现出来的生物电情况,对测量结果进行分析整理,得出最后用力阶段主要用力肌群肌电的变化情况,为运动员在以后日常训练中技术诊断和肌肉力量训练提供参考,提高我国男子铅球运动成绩。研究方法:采用芬兰产的MuscleTesierME6000便携式8导肌电仪对10名优秀运动员进行现场完整背向滑步推铅球过程中的肌电数据采集,运用Megawin肌电分析软件将所得的数据进行分析整理。研究内容:铅球运动员的最后用力阶段的表面肌电图谱;各肌肉肌电活动的开始时间、结束时间、持续时间;肌肉肌电活动的均方根振幅平均值;肌肉肌电活动的积分值;所测肌肉在整个动作阶段的贡献率。研究结果:1最后用力准备部分肌电分析发现右三角肌、右斜方肌、右前胫骨肌最先参与肌肉发力,肌肉肌电活动开始顺序先后为:右三角肌、右斜方肌、右前胫骨肌左股二头肌右胸大肌、右股直肌右肱二头肌右桡肌;右三角肌、右胸大肌、右斜方肌最后结束放电,肌肉肌电活动结束顺序先后为:右肱二头肌右股直肌左股二头肌右桡肌、右前胫骨肌右三角肌、右胸大肌、右斜方肌;右三角肌、右斜方肌肌肉放电持续时间最长,肌肉肌电活动持续时间的长短顺序为:右三角肌、右斜方肌右前胫骨肌右胸大肌、左股二头肌右股直肌右桡肌右肱二头肌。2最后用力准备部分右三角肌、右胸大肌、右斜方肌肌电信号相对最稳定,肌肉肌电活动放电的同步化方面:右三角肌、右胸大肌、右斜方肌相对较大,右桡肌、右肱二头肌、左股二头肌次之,右股直肌、右前胫骨肌肌肉放电的同步化相对较低。3最后用力准备部分肌肉的贡献率情况:右三角肌、右斜方肌、右胸大肌最大,其次是左股二头肌、右桡肌、右前胫骨肌,最小的是右肱二头肌、右股直肌。4最后用力加速部分肌电分析发现右三角肌、右胸大肌、右斜方肌、右前胫骨肌最先参与肌肉发力,肌肉肌电活动开始顺序先后为:右三角肌、右胸大肌、右斜方肌、右前胫骨肌右股直肌右桡肌右肱二头肌左股二头肌;右三角肌、右胸大肌、右斜方肌、左股二头肌最后结束放电,肌肉肌电活动结束顺序先后为:右前胫骨肌右肱二头肌右桡肌右股直肌右三角肌、右胸大肌、右斜方肌、左股二头肌;右三角肌、右胸大肌、右斜方肌肌肉放电持续时间最长,肌肉肌电活动持续时间的长短顺序为:右三角肌、右胸大肌、右斜方肌右股直肌右桡肌左股二头肌右肱二头肌右前胫骨肌。5最后用力加速部分右三角肌、右胸大肌、右斜方肌肌电信号相对最稳定,肌肉肌电活动放电的同步化方面:右三角肌、右胸大肌、右斜方肌肌肉放电的同步化程度较高,右肱二头肌、右桡肌次之,右股直肌、左股二头肌、右前胫骨肌放电的同步化相对较低。6最后用力加速部分肌肉的贡献率情况:右三角肌、右胸大肌、右斜方肌最大,其次是右肱二头肌、右桡肌,最小的是左股二头肌、右股直肌、右前胫骨肌。7在整个背向滑步推铅球最后用力阶段,右三角肌、右胸大肌、右斜方肌肌肉用力方面作用最大,同时右三角肌、右斜方肌在收缩速度、持续时间输出功率方面要求较高。【英文摘要】Research purpose:This paper mainly attempt to use EM technology in back-putting sliding technical movement, To measure the outstanding shot-putter of biological muscle electricity show in the whole process of throwing, Analysis on the measurement results,The EM variations of the main muscle group mainly energised in the final stage of shot-putting, provide reference for athletes with technical diagnosis during routine training and muscle strength training,in order to improve mens shot put reformance in our country.Methods:MuscleTesierME6000 produced by Finland on portable 8 guide muscle imager 10 outstanding athletes on-site complete back-putting sliding process data acquisition, analyze the last data Use Megawin muscle electric analysis software.Research content: the last stage of shot-putting shot-putter sEMG electricity map the table; Every muscle muscle of electrical activity in the start time, over time, duration; Muscle muscle of electrical activity in the root mean-square amplitude average; Muscle muscle of electrical activity in the integral value; Measured in the whole action phase of muscle contribution.Results: 1 the last strength ready to part muscle electric analysis found that right deltoid muscle, right trapezius muscle, the first move in the tibia muscle muscles send force, muscle muscle electrical activity began to order successively for: the right deltoid muscle, right trapezius muscle, right and left tibia muscle biceps - right pectoralis major, right shares rectus - right biceps - right radial muscle; Right deltoid muscle, right pectoralis major, right trapezius muscle finally end discharge, muscle muscle electrical activity sequence successively for: the right end biceps - right shares rectus - left and right biceps muscles, right radial tibial muscle - right deltoid muscle, right pectoralis major, right trapezius muscle; Right deltoid muscle, right trapezius muscle discharge lasted the longest time, muscle muscle electrical activity duration length order: right deltoid muscle, right trapezius muscle - right shin muscle - the right chest muscle, left biceps - right shares rectus - right radial muscle - right biceps. 2 the last strength ready to part right deltoid muscle, right pectoralis major, right trapezius muscle muscle signals relative most stable, muscle muscle electrical activity in the synchronization aspects: discharge right deltoid muscle, right pectoralis major, right trapezius muscle is opposite bigger, right radial muscle, right biceps, left biceps next and right shares rectus muscle, discharge right shin synchronization relatively low. 3 the last strength prepare the contribution of part muscle: right deltoid muscle, right trapezius muscle, right pectoralis major biggest, followed left biceps radial muscle, right the smallest tibial muscle is right biceps, right shares rectus. 4 the last strength accelerate part muscle electric analysis found that right deltoid muscle, right pectoralis major, right trapezius muscle, the first move in the tibia muscle muscles send force, muscle muscle electrical activity began to order successively for: the right deltoid muscle, right pectoralis major, right trapezius muscle, move right shares and tibial muscle rectus - right radial muscle - right biceps - left biceps; Right deltoid muscle, right pectoralis major, right trapezius muscle, left biceps finally end discharge, muscle muscle electrical activity sequence successively for: move over the tibia muscle - right biceps - right radial muscle - right shares rectus - right deltoid muscle, right pectoralis major, right trapezius muscle, left biceps; Right deltoid muscle, right pectoralis major, right trapezius muscle discharge lasted the longest time, muscle muscle electrical activity duration length order: right deltoid muscle, right pectoralis major, right trapezius muscle - right shares rectus - right radial muscle - left and right biceps right biceps muscles and shin. 5 the last strength accelerate part right deltoid muscle, right pectoralis major, right trapezius muscle muscle signals relative most stable, muscle muscle electrical activity in the synchronization aspects: discharge right deltoid muscle, right pectoralis major, right trapezius muscle discharge the synchronization degree is higher, right biceps, right radial muscle next and right shares rectus, left biceps, move the synchronization of tibial muscle discharge is relatively low. 6 the last strength accelerate the contribution of part muscle: right deltoid muscle, right pectoralis major, right trapezius muscle biggest, followed right biceps, right, the smallest of radial muscle is left biceps, right shares rectus, tibial muscle move. 7 in the whole back-faced sliding the last strength phase, right deltoid muscle, right pectoralis major, right trapezius muscle muscle force effects, and largest right deltoid muscle, right trapezius muscle in shrinkage speed, duration output power demand is higher.【关键词】背向滑步推铅球 表面肌电图 积分肌电图 最后用力部分【英文关键词】back-putting sliding movement SEMG IEMG the final forced stage【目录】我国男子高水平铅球运动员最后用力阶段主要用力肌群表面肌电分析摘要5-6ABSTRACT6-81 前言9-181.1 选题依据9-101.2 研究意义及肌电应用可行性101.2.1 理论意义101.2.2 现实意义101.2.3 实际应用价值101.2.4 肌电应用的可行性101.3 研究思路10-111.3.1 本研究运动员肌电测试的肌肉选取10-111.3.2 肌电测试原理图111.3.3 本研究肌电测试时的工作流程111.4 文献综述11-181.4.1 推铅球运动的发展概况11-121.4.2 肌电图概述12-141.4.3 肌电图的国外发展历史及现状14-161.4.4 肌电图的国内发展历史、现状及目前我国对铅球的研究现状16-182 研究对象和研究方法18-212.1 研究对象18-192.2 研究方法19-212.2.1 文献资料法192.2.2 专家访谈法192.2.3 测试法19-212.2.4 数理统计法213 研究结果与讨论21-443.1 最后用力准备部分肌电特征分析22-333.1.1 最后用力准备部分各肌肉肌电活动的时间顺序22-283.1.2 最后用力准备部分各肌肉所表现的均方根振幅平均值28-303.1.3 最后用力准备部分各肌肉的积分值、贡献率30-333.2 最后用力加速部分肌电特征分析33-443.2.1 最后用力加速部分各肌肉肌电活动时间顺序33-393.2.2 最后用力加速部分各肌肉所表现的均方根振幅平均值39-413.2.3 最后用力阶段加速部分各肌肉的积分值、贡献率41-444 结论与建议44-454.1 结论444.2 建议44-455 参考文献45-486 致谢48-497 附件49-52【采买全文】 同时提供论文写作一对一辅导和论文发表服务.保过包发. 【说明】本文仅为中国学术文献总库合作提供,无涉版权。作者如有异议请与总库或学校联系。


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