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5A Unit1 Mary and three bears(Story time)教学目标:1. 能掌握词汇:hard, soft, afraid, in front of等,并学会运用。2. 初步感知There be句型,并能简单运用There be句型。3. 了解故事的内容,并能复述课文。教学重点:1. 能掌握词汇:hard, soft, afraid, in front of等,并学会运用。2. 初步感知There be句型,并能简单运用There be句型。教学难点:了解故事的内容,并能复述课文。教学准备:课件,图片,实物教学过程:Step1. Preparation1. Greeting. Good morning, boys and girls. Im your new teacher today. Nice to meet you! 2. T: First, lets sing a song Three bears. S: OK! T: (唱完歌曲后) Do you love bears? S: Yes, I do. T: Today I bring a story for you! The name is Mary and three bears. (揭题)Step2. Presentation and practice T: Look! Who are they? (PPT) S: They are three bears. T: And there is a little girl. (播放Mary的声音) Lets say hello to Mary. S: Hello, Mary. T: Good! Can you guess where does the story happen? (PPT出示选项,让学生选择) S: In the forest. T: Great! It happens in the forest. (学习forest这个单词)Shall we begin the story now? (导入故事)S: OK.T: Look, this is a beautiful forest. There are many trees and flowers. Mary is playing in it. She plays with the dragonflies and butterflies. She is so happy. But she forgets the time. The forest becomes dark and dark. She cant find the way home. Mary is hungry, thirsty and tired.场景一:T: Oh, there is a house in front of Mary. 在Mary面前出现一座房子。 T: Look, there is a house. It is beautiful. T: Can you guess whats in the house? I think there is a fridge, there are two telephones. what do you think of? 引导学生猜想屋子里面有些什么,四人一组讨论并使用There be 句型阐述。T: Whats in the house?S: There is a computer in the house. There is a bear in the house. 6. T: You have many different ideas. Now lets watch the cartoon, and answer whats in the house. OK?S: OK!(播放卡通视频)场景二:T: Whats in the house?S: There are three bowls of soup in the house. T: Yes. (PPT) There are three bowls of soup. 教授bowl和soup两个新单词(领读,贴好三碗汤的图片并板书three bowls of soup)。T: Mary is hungry and thirsty. So she drinks the soup. But how does Mary think about the soup? Lets listen to the tape. (播放录音,cold, cold, hot)T: OK! What did you hear? How about this soup?S: This soup is cold. (请学生回答的同时进行板书) (同样的方法复述另外两碗汤)场景三:1. T:Now Mary is not hungry and thirsty. But she still feels S:引导学生说出tired.T: Yes, she is very tired. Then she goes into the bedroom. Whats in the bedroom? S: There are three beds in the bedroom.T: Thats right. There are three beds in the bedroom. How about the three beds? Please read Paragraph 3, and circle the answer.S: OK.T: How about these three beds? (课件出现3张床)教授单词:soft and hard, 并通过实物让学生感知。T:Mary chooses a soft bed to sleep. . One hour later(课件钟声)场景四:T: Mary wakes up(做动作). Whats the meaning of wake up?S: 醒来。T: You are right.(板书wake up)T: Mary wakes up. Do you want to know what happened next?S: Yes.T: Before we watch the cartoon. There are two questions for you. First one is: Where are the three bears? Next is: How does Mary feel?(播放卡通视频最后一个场景)看完视频之后,完成选择。 (PPT上显示改正好的答案,教授: in front of, afraid )T: Question1,where are the three bears? Behind Mary or in front of Mary?S: In front of Mary.T: Whats the meaning of in front of ? Ill give you an example. (请学生帮忙,帮助理解词组)T: Next question,how does Mary feel?Afraid or happy?S: Afraid. (板书)T: Great! Can you act this word? (学生表演)T: Good! Thank you! Now you know afraid means (引导学生说出中文意思)Step3. Production1. 学生模仿录音读课文T: Lets read the story, OK?S: OK.2. 根据板书复述课文T: Do you love this story?S: Yes.T: If you like the stories, you can share it with your friends. The best way is to tell the story to them. Who wants to have a try? Dont worry. The pictures on the blackboard will help you. You can discuss in your groups.T: Now, please look at the blackboard. There is a forest on the blackboard. Oh, there is a in the forest.S: There is a house in the forest.T: Whats in the house?S: There are three bowls of soup in the house.T: How about the soup?S: This soup is.T: Anything else in the house?S: There are three beds in the house.T: How about the three beds?S: This bed is(让学生跟着黑板上的图片提示描述)Step4. ProgressGroup work 完成更多的绘本T: Today I prepared more stories for you. You can open the plastic bag on your table. There is a story in each bag. Now what you should do is finish the story and put them into the right order. Understand?S: Yes.T: OK, you can begin.开始小组合作,完成绘本。T: Times up. Which story have you got?S: Snow white.T: Can you read it for us?S: (PPT同时出现白雪公主片段)请两组学生展示绘本T: Time is limited. You can show your stories to me after class.S: OK.T: Today we learned many interesting stories. Read more meaningful stories make our life colorful.Lets look at more meaningful stories, ok?S: OK.展示更多的故事给学生。Homework:1. Retell the story to your friends.2. Read more stories.


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