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大家好!欢迎走进“语法突破” 。今天我们要学习高中阶段第一个语法项目:直接引语变间 接引语。希望可以为你学习高中语法开一个好头: A good beginning is half done. 你要努力哦! 例句呈现观察下面的句子,注意直接引语变为间接引语后,发生了哪些变化。1) She said to me, “ I can t finish the work today. ” She told me (that) she couldn t finish the work that day.2) She said to me, “ Have you read this book? ”She asked me whether / if I had read that book.3) She said to her father, “ How will you come here tomorrow? ”She asked her father how he would go there the next day.4) She said,“ He left twenty minutes ago.”She said (that) he had left twenty minutes before.5) She said,“ What are you doing now?”She asked (me) what I was doing then.小结归纳通过以上例句我们可以发现,直接引语变为间接引语时, 从句中的人称、时态、指示代 词、时间状语、 地点状语、 动词等都需要进行相应的变化。 我们来归纳一下以上例句中所发 生的变化:人称(you t I )、指示代词(this t that)、时间状语(todaythat day)、地点状语(heret there )、动词(come t go)等。关于时态 , 需要我们特别注意:如果主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,从句的谓语动词 在时态上一般都要相应地“退后一步” ,即:一般现在时变为一般过去时,如:句 1);现在 完成时变为过去完成时,如:句 2);一般将来时变为过去将来时,如:句3);一般过去时变为过去完成时, 如:句 4);现在进行时变为过去进行时,如:句 5)。细心的同学会发现由直接引语变为间接引语时还会涉及到连词的使用: 当直接引语是 陈述句时我们可以添加that (也可以不添加),如:句1)和句4);是一般疑问句时必须添加whether或if,如:句2);是特殊疑问句时仍用原来的疑问词引导,如:句 3)和句5)。你还发现有哪些变化吗?对了! 如果直接引语是疑问句, 那么变为间接引语时语序也 要变成陈述句语序,如:句 2)、句 3)和句 5)。特别需要指出的是: 如果直接引语的内容是客观真理或事实, 或者含有一个具体的时 间状语时,变为间接引语时不受主句时态的影响,如:He told me the moon moves around the earth.She said that she went to school in 1995.即学即用I. 动手操练吧请把下面的句子变成间接引语:1. He said, “My books are better than yours.”2. My father said,“Did you sleep well last night?”3. He said to his sister,“Why did you buy these old books?”4. He said, “What are you going to do tomorrow?”5. She asked Jack, “Will you come here this afternoon?”II. “火眼金睛”识“破绽”来看看下面的句子有错误吗?如果有的话请改过来。1. He asked me why he has not received the letter.2. Peter asked his mother where she was going next day.3. She told me that she had sent an e-mail about ten minutes ago.4. He asked how did you went there the day before yesterday. Key:I.1. He told me (that) his books were better than mine.2. My father asked me whether / if I had slept well the night before.3. He asked his sister why she had bought those old books.4. He asked me what I was going to do the next day.5. She asked Jack whether / if he would go there that afternoon. II.1. has t had 2.在 next 前加 the3. ago t before 4.去掉 did


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