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Chapter Three EnquiryLearning Objective: To master the writing methods of an enquiry; To identify the types of enquiries; To grasp the definition of enquiry and useful expressions. Section One Brief IntroductionIn foreign trade, enquiries are usually made by buyers without engagement to get information about the goods to be ordered, such as price, catalogue, delivery date and other terms.Enquiries may be either dispatched by mail, cable, telex and fax or handed to the supplies through personal contact.When making an enquiry, a buyer usually begins with a question or questions he wants to ask. The reader then knows at once what the enquiry is about.Generally speaking, we should keep our enquiry short and to the point; say what needs to be said and then stop. For instance, if you are an enquirer, you should state clearly in your enquiries to foreign suppliers your exact requirements, inclusive of prices, discounts, terms of payment and the length of time required for delivery. There is no need for long, over-polite phrases and still less for humbleness. Nowadays, many firms even use a printed enquiry form instead of a letter.An enquiry must be acknowledged in terms that establish good will if an immediate sale is not possible. If it is from an old customer, say how much you appreciate it; if it is from a new customer, say you are glad to receive it an express the hope of keeping up friendly business relationship.Furthermore, enquiries should be addressed to the company because, in this way, your letter will receive quick attention. If you address the enquiries to an individual, your letter may have to wait while he is away. Or you may make a mistake and address it to the wrong individual, and this will also mean delay.To sum up, enquiries should be brief, specific, courteous and reasonable. In return, the answers to enquiries should be prompt, courteous and helpful. In case the goods enquired for are currently out of stock, the supplier should inform the enquirer when they will be available and, by taking this opportunity, introduce some other products as substitutes so as to create a good impression, which hopefully will result in more business.Section Two Writing Steps Opening: If this is the first time the enquirer asks for product details from the reader, the former should state clearly where he obtained the relevant information of the latter. After that, he can move further to make a brief introduction about himself. By doing so, the enquirer can help the receiver obtain as much information as possible about the former so as to eliminate the latters worry in establishing business relationship with the enquirer.If this is not the first time, the enquirer would probably express his current situation and interest in the very beginning. Since the enquirer and the receiver have known each other well, this kind of enquiry letter can be more casual than the situation mention above. Body: In this part, the enquirer should get down to the point and state clearly whatdetails of the product he would like to know.Closing: to express hope of early replySection Three Specimen LettersSpecimen Letter 1 A general enquiry DearSirs,We learn from Brown & Clark Co. Ltd., New York that you are a leading company in exporting cotton piece goods. At present, we are interested in Printed shirting and shall be pleased to receive from you by airmail catalogues, sample books and all necessary information regarding these goods so as to acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies. Meanwhile please quote us your lowest price CIF Pusan, including our 5% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment. Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you.We trust you will give us an early reply.Yoursfaithfully,Noteslearn from 从获知leading company 大公司,主要的公司cotton piece goods 棉制品at present 目前receive from 收到的来信regarding 跟有关的acquaint with 使熟悉,了解workmanship 工艺place a large order with 向下一笔大数额的订单Specimen Letter 2 A specific enquiry for iron nailsDear Sirs,We intend to buy large quantities of Iron Wire Nails of all sizes and should be obliged if you would give us a quotation per metric ton CFR. Lagos, Nigeria.It would also be appreciated if samples and/or brochure could be forwarded to us.We used to purchase this article from other sources, but now prefer to buy from your corporation because we are given to understand you are able to supply large quantities at more attractive prices. Besides, we have confidence in the quality of Chinese products.We look forward to hearing from you by return.Yours faithfully, Notesbe obliged 不胜感激 metric ton 公吨be appreciated 不胜感激brochure 产品说明书forward 寄送be given to understand 获悉,听说hear from 收到来信by return 立即,收信后立即Specimen Letter 3 An enquiry for porcelain wares Dear Sirs,Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce in your country we learn that you are one of the leading exporters of porcelain wares of a variety of types. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.We have been exporters of porcelain wares for many years. Now we are interested in your porcelain tea and coffee cups and saucers of different shapes.Please inform us of your trade terms and forward samples and product brochures. If your prices are in line, we trust important business can materialize.We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,NotesThrough the courtesy of 承蒙的帮助或介绍Chamber of Commerce 商务部porcelain wares 陶瓷器皿a variety of 各种各样的avail oneself of this opportunity to 借此机会去approach 靠近,接近in the hope of 寄希望于inform sb of 告知,通知某人be in line 合适materialize 得以实施,实现Specimen Letter 4 Enquiry about ability to produce according to specificationsDear Sirs,Can you screen-print T-shirt to our specification?We are now expanding our business to include items for collections. We are looking for manufacturers who can make and print T-shirts according to our patterns and designs. Since the T-shirts are intended for the niche market of collection, the quality is of utmost importance. Though the number of prints for each design may not be very large, we are prepared to accept prices a little higher than ordinary items. It is understood that the designs are and remain to be our intellectual property rights. You are not supposed to duplicate or sell any of our designs to any other customers without our written approval.In order to safeguard the collection value, defective pieces, if any, shall be destroyed. They shall not be disposed of in any other markets including your own domestic market.Please let us know if you are interested in such cooperation. If you are, please quote us lowest FOB price, stating your normal lead-time.If your price is competitive and delivery time acceptable, we are ready to sign long-term contract with you.Your early reply will be highly appreciated.Yours faithfully,Notesscreen-print 丝网印刷intend 打算niche market 缝隙市场,瞄准机会的市场of utmost importance 非常重要intellectual property rights 知识产权duplicate 复制written approval 书面同意FOB 离岸价Section Four Useful Expressions and SentencesUseful Expressions1.learn/obtain from 从获知2.Through the courtesy of 承蒙的帮助或介绍3.leading company 大公司,主要的公司4.at present 目前5.be obliged/grateful 不胜感激6.appreciate it if 如果我(们)将不胜感激7.place an order with 向下订单8.brochore/leaflet/pamphlet 产品说明书9. avail oneself of this opportunity to 借此机会去10. in the hope of 寄希望于11. inform sb of 告知,通知某人12. be in line 合适13.intend to 打算14.be of utmost importance 非常重要15. by return 立即,收信后立即16.prospective customers 潜在的客户17.forward 寄送Useful SentencesOpening1. We learn from that you are exporting 我方从获悉贵方出口2. We know your company through the courtesy of 承蒙公司好意,介绍贵公司给我方。3. We are keenly interested in importing from your company.我方很希望从贵公司进口4. We have seen your advertisement in and are particularly interested in your 我们在见到你们的广告,我们对你们的尤感兴趣。WeBody1. It will be appreciated if you can quote us a firm offer for 如果你方能报的实价的话,我方将不胜感激。2. Please quote your lowest prices for请报的最低价格。3. Please quote us your best price and shipping date.请报以最低价格及装运日期。4. We would appreciate a sample of each of the items listed above.请寄来以上物品的样品。5. Please submit specifications, perfectly with illustrations.请说明产品规格,最好附上图示。6. Please send us your latest catalogue with your best CIF Tianjin prices.请寄来你方最新的产品目录并报以最低的天津到岸价。7. If you do not deal in this line, please hand on our enquiry to the appropriate company.如果你方不经营此业务,请将我们的询盘转交给有关公司。8. Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you.如果你方报价有竞争性且交货期可以接受,我们将会向你们下一笔大订单。Closing1. We look forward to hearing from you.期盼你方早日回复。2. We hope this will be a good start for long and profitable business relations.希望这是我们双方长期互利关系的开始。.3. I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.急盼佳音。4. We trust you will give us an early reply.相信你方将尽早回复。Section Five ProjectsProject 1Situation: 假设你是吉隆坡菲新雅贸易有限公司的业务员,从事各种自行车的进出口,你的一些潜在客户对飞鸽牌自行车感兴趣,打算从你这购买1000辆该品牌自行车,向你寻求报价。你现在写信给中国的一家自行车出口商咨询自行车单价及供应1000辆自行车的条件,并要求对方报1000辆飞鸽牌自行车吉隆坡到岸价及交货时间。Requirements:Write an enquiry letter according to the above situation.Project 2把下列询盘翻译成英文:我公司从纽约ABC公司获悉,你公司专门出口尼龙床单和枕套,我们是中国一家有着40多年历史的大型纺织品进出口公司,现欲从贵公司进口优质床单及枕套,如能将贵公司最新的产品目录及价格单发给我方,将不胜感激。Section Six Exercises Fill the missing words in the blankets with the given letters.Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of March 6 e for our tape recorders and your desire to enter into d business relations with us.As requested, we are sending you our q sheet covering the types in which you are interested. Unless o stated, all the products can be supplied within four weeks after r of your order and the prices listed are s to our final c . On an order e 10,000 sets, we usually allow a 3% quantity d .Some latest c s and b s have also been sent to you under separate cover for your r . Should any of the items be suitable for your market, please let us know. As soon as your s enquiry is received, we will make you an offer immediately.Your early reply will be much a . Yours faithfully, Translate the following sentences into English 1 承蒙武汉菲新雅贸易有限公司的惠顾,我们了解到贵公司专门从事纺织品的进出口已经数十年了.2 从纽约A.B.C公司获悉,你公司出口尼龙床单和枕套,对上述品质优良价格公道的商品,本地区常有需求。3 我们写信给你寄希望于能和你们建立业务关系.4 你方如果能报优质绿茶的成本加运费保险费到墨尔本最低价,我们将不胜感激.5 你方所报价格需要包括到温哥华的保险和运费.6 希望这是我们双方长期共利关系的开始. Translate the following letter into English 事由本公司是芝加哥最大的缝纫机进口商之一,我们经营各种牌号的缝纫机已经有二十多年了。我们热切地希望与你公司建立业务关系,发展我们两国之间的贸易。随函附上地235号询价单一纸,盼望你方早日给我们报芝加哥到岸价,包括我们的佣金5%,报价时请讲明最早交货期和可供数量。为了便于我们了解你们的产品,请你们立即航空邮寄目录十本。倘若你们报价具有竞争性的话,我们打算订购1000台。如蒙早日复信,不胜感激。Section Seven Professional Development 外贸业务员如何才能有效促进询盘成交? 当外贸企业已经从网络上获得了询盘,并且跨过了群发阶段,与海外买家取得了一对一的连接,这时应该遵循怎样的一些原则,才能尽可能的将询盘向成交的方式引导? 首先,业务员主动联系买家的频率不要过高,但要保持所有联系方式畅通可用。 外贸业务员需要理解,初期的海外潜在买家一定不会回复您的每一封邮件的,当外贸业务员追问目标价格、出货日期、订单进展等敏感信息时,很多海外买家不得不选择沉默,因为他可能自己还没有落实好,或者他觉得还没有到告知您这些信息的阶段;当外贸业务员只是闲聊式的和他沟通交流,试图拉近距离,他也可能不会搭理您,因为很多海外买家只关注生意本身,不必要的交流他们并不欢迎。 当外贸业务员的几封询盘买家没有回复,您或多或少总会感觉心里没底,担心订单是否被别人给抢了,总想做些什么事去争取。但其实,订单实在不是争取来的,您即使每天电话传真邮件轮番轰炸,也很难将一个不属于您的订单争取过来,只可能让买家觉得威胁和反感,更糟糕的是,下一次他有询盘,会犹豫是否还要再发给你。 其次,要多和海外买家展望未来,多向买家介绍您的历史。 在跨过了询盘群发阶段,又跨过了一对一的简单好奇阶段后,如果海外买家还是继续关注您,是会从对您的产品转移到对您公司的兴趣上来的,而要让接触不久的买家能下决心把订单交给您,一定得得到买家足够的认可,这个认可不仅是对与您沟通的认可,对您产品的初步认可,还需要对您公司整体实力认可。而要让买家认可您公司,最有效的方法不是承诺保证或者展望未来的计划,而是告诉他你们公司以前和现在的成就。 第三,要利用好价格策略,但不意味着总是用降价来促成生意。 当您和买家的谈判已经步入正轨,核心信息的确认会越来越多,而价格永远是外贸中核心的核心,也通常是谈判中最后确定的信息,很多时候我们会感觉就是价格有那么一点点差距,跨过去就好了,所以经常试图用降价来促成生意的成交。 但其实,就差那么一点点价格因素而导致生意流产的可能性是很小的,如果那一点点价格差距真是这么绝对的障碍,那么他就不会提前与您沟通确认其他各方面的信息了。更多的情况是,买家确认好了其他所有信息,开始和你作最后的侃价时,他已经基本做好了下订单的准备,只是想让采购价格再仅可能的再低一些。 所以,只要您对自己的产品和同行竞争力有一定的了解和把握,您就大可以在适合的时候再自信和强硬一些。降价是一种有风险的促销手段,它会让您今后的报价威信降低,也可能让买家对您产品或公司产生疑虑,假如您实在想降价,或者知道自己的价格的确比别家高了些,那么也请记得为自己的降价“编”一个通的过的理由,让买家知道这次降价是多么困难和特殊的情况。而在很多时候,通过价格之外的因素来说服买家接受您的价格,比降价要明智的多。 第四,要适当迎合客户的思维和沟通方式,但要保持自己的原则,不卑不亢。 买家有非常非常多的种类,思维模式和沟通方法都大相径庭,相信只需要简单几封邮件的往来,您就能感觉出些许端倪,如果您能尽快把到对方的脉络,用对方熟悉和舒适的方式与其交流,会对谈判内容本身也创造很多便利条件。 假如对方的邮件篇篇冗长,很乐于掏心窝的谈,您也可以尝试把想表达的内容说的详尽一些,同时也可以敢于多提一些问题了解对方;假如对方的邮件惜字如金,除了必须说的信息之外几乎一个词也不会多写,那么他多半是个非常追求效率的人,您一定不要急于拉进关系,而要尝试表现出您的干练和专业;假如对方的邮件段落清晰,没有一个错别字,他一定非常严谨,您在写完邮件要记得多检查几遍;假如对方喜欢夸夸其谈,他应该是个好面子并且底气不够的人,您可以适当奉承,并努力找到拉进关系的切入点。 但是迎合只是为了让沟通更简单,更能按您的思路走,而不代表没有原则一味妥协,对高效干练或谨小慎微的买家,在该说不时同样得说不,只是说不的方式不一样,一个专业的外贸人并不是要满足买家提出的所有要求,而是要能做到自己答应的所有事情并给买家有益的引导帮助,只要您时机和方式选择得当,拒绝对方或告诉对方该怎么做的时候,反而更能让他感觉到您的能力和素养。 (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)


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