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杭州电子科技大学信息工程学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告题 目英语导游翻译的语言艺术与技巧系外国语专 业英语姓 名周蔚班 级07093713学 号07099330指导教师阮敏一、综述本课题国内外研究动态,说明选题的依据和意义国际旅游界认为导游在旅游中的作用是非常重要的,没有导游的旅游是没有灵魂的旅游。凌斌认为要做一个合格称职的英语导游翻译不仅要具备渊博的知识,而且要有高超的语言表达能力【1】。汉斯威米尔(Hans Vermeer)所创立了功能派的奠基理论:翻译的目的论(Skopostheory)。在这一理论框架中,决定翻译目的的最重要因素是受众译文预期的接受者,他们有自己的文化背景知识、对译文的期待以及交际需求。每一种翻译都指向一定的受众,因此翻译是在“目的语情景中为某种目的及目的受众而产生的语篇”【2】。而在贾斯塔赫兹曼塔利(Justa Holz Manttari)的理论模式中,翻译被解释为一种“为实现某种特定目的而设计的复杂活动”。她的理论建立在行为理论的原则之上,这一理论试图囊括各种形式的跨文化转换。【3】对于导游翻译这个在跨文化语言转换领域中具有重要地位的一方面来说,如何能将中国这个作为文明古国所拥有的丰厚文化底蕴与涵这一目的养体现出来,其中所要进行的复杂活动的难度是可想而知的。严复(1854-1921)在中国近代提出了著名的“信达雅”翻译标准。此翻译标准在中国翻译理论史上占有极为重要的地位。严复认为“信”就是对原文思想内容的忠实,“达”就是使译文语言通顺流畅,“雅”就是读者的接受程度要高。4一直以来,信达雅的标准成为衡量各种文体英语翻译的主要标准之一。除了信达雅的翻译标准,德国翻译目的论认为“译者在进行翻译之前,翻译的发掘者(initiator)同样也可能是译者本身通常会根据译文的接受者,译文的使用环境及译文应具有的功能等提出相应的翻译要求(translation brief)和翻译目的(Skopos)。” 5 翻译者可以根据发起者的翻译要求和翻译目的进行翻译活动,并由此决定整个翻译行为的过程。翻译目的论广泛的应用于不同翻译的文本。翻译目的论也同样可以用于旅游文本的翻译。在目的论理论的支配下,旅游翻译的立足点在目标游客和翻译任务委托者的身上,特别是放在目标文本在他们所属文化中的功能上,译者必须根据目标文本在目标文化中所要承担的功能来决定在旅游翻译中应当采用何种方法和策略。把这两个中西方闻名的翻译理论应用到英语导游翻译的探讨上具有尝试性的意味。陈普在也谈旅游资料的翻译中说,英语导游翻译的技巧主要有:理解原文意思,力求用词准确,培养跨文化意识,采用灵活的翻译方法和幽默及文学色彩的语言【6】。导游翻译中有很多技巧的,但是要根据情况改变。平时的工作中也要注意多积累,多记录,从实践中提高,探寻适合自己的方法和技巧。导游孙至理说不仅要熟悉各国的文化背景,还要熟悉本国的历史文化等各方面的知识,在翻译中采取不同的翻译方法,让听者或看者能够明白旅游价值及文化价值【7】。陈刚认为涉外导游词的翻译的研究比较少,学者们对此的探讨非常少【8】。导游词的翻译涉及特殊的文本类型,翻译标准,翻译目的及针对性较强的翻译原则和策略等诸多问题。导游词文本是信心文本,表情文本和祈使文本的结合体,其翻译特点或翻译难点就是要服务对象明确,文化对应词较少和古诗词较多【9】。由于导游翻译重视现场效果,所以其翻译的标准更应该是严复提出的三个标准中的“达”,这样才能符合导游语言的职业特点。因此根据这一翻译特点在翻译时要注意使用有效的翻译策略,使用不同的文化概念词及方法,铺垫法,补充法,或展示法等辅助手段来突出旅游翻译的准确性。闵大勇认为功能翻译理论和旅游英语翻译之间存在着内在联系和必然的规律【10】。功能翻译理论强调翻译是一种“跨文化活动”(Cross-cultural event),他认为旅游翻译的行为有六个性质,即:互动性,人际性,意向性,交际性,跨文化性和文本加工性。因此这些特性要求译者根据翻译活动的目的,结合文本的交际功能和译文读者的期盼,来决定源语文本信息的选择,翻译策略的运用及译文的表现形式,顺利完成翻译跨文化活动的文化转换和交际目的。旅游英语翻译的核心是“文化转换”与“交际互动”。译者要根据旅游资料的核心要求重构译文的内容和形式。旅游资料这类“诱导型”文本的翻译以有效传递信息,唤起读者感应和行动为核心要求,功能翻译学派认为,译者可以根据翻译要求对原文内容和形式做相应灵活的处理,决定原文文本信息的选择及译文的表现形式。 二、研究的基本内容,拟解决的主要问题:本文的基本内容分为5部分。第一部分介绍写作背景及导游翻译在旅游中的重要性以及本论文的一些简要介绍。第二部分给出理论框架,主要说明英语导游翻译的不同类型,并从英语导游的口译及文本翻译来说明英语导游翻译的语言技术及技巧。在此基础上,第三部分主要讨论英语导游翻译的语言艺术和标准,即严复提出的信达雅三个特点,并用口译或文本的导游翻译的具体例子来说明。第四部分主要分析了英语导游翻译的技巧。此外,重点说明了导游翻译中的难点:古诗词的翻译和人名,地名,景点名等翻译,在这些翻译中跨文化意识是必不可少的。第五部分是总结,无论是英语导游口译还是文本翻译都要注重译者自身能力的提高,辅助以翻译技巧才能在导游翻译中做到游刃有余,让外国游客了解中国,了解中国文化。 三、研究步骤、方法及措施:本文作者首先对相关研究文献等理论依据进行详实地参考,对其进行整理,归纳和分类,列出其中一些具有代表性的研究。然后通过比较和对照,分析对不同英语旅游报刊版本翻译的优缺点,针对现状做出自己的分析。接着论述奈达的功能翻译理论及信达雅的翻译标准,例举一些在旅游翻译中出现的难点。本文将运用归纳法,应用分析法等研究方法,最后做出总结,指出研究的成果与局限性,以及未来的研究方向。四、大致框架:1 引言2 英语导游翻译的不同类型 2.1口头翻译 2.2文本翻译3英语导游翻译的“信,达,雅”的语言艺术和标准 3.1“信达雅”翻译标准的介绍 3.2 信达雅的翻译标准在英语导游翻译中的评判和运用 3.2.1 翻译标准 3.2.2 语言艺术3.2.3 相关例子分析4翻译目的论在导游翻译中的运用4.1 翻译目的论的介绍4.2 目的论的影响4.3 相关例子分析5从信达雅的翻译理论及标准看英语导游翻译中的技巧 5.1 导游词口译的翻译技巧 5.1.1突出口译跨文化意识 5.1.2 简单化 5.1.3 句型变化法 5.2 导游词的文本翻译技巧 5.2.1 音译法 5.2.2 意译法 5.2.3音译加解释法 5.2.4 增添和删减法 5.2.5 改写法6 结论五、主要参考文献:1 凌斌. 英语导游翻译技巧的探讨. 浙江教育学院学报,2005(3)2 Nord, Christiane. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained M. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. 123 Nord, Christiane. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained M. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. 134 严复. 天演论译例言A 翻译研究论文集C(1948-1984). 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 1984. 285 Nord, Christiane. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained M. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. 266 陈普, 也谈旅游资料的翻译J.中国翻译,1987, 31987孙至礼,翻译:理论与实践的探索M. 南京:译林出版社1999 1281378陈刚. 旅游翻译与涉外导游M. 北京:对外翻译出版社,2004 501169陈刚. 涉外导游词翻译的特点及策略J. 浙江大学学报, 2002(2): 67-73.10闵大勇. 旅游翻译初探J. 中国翻译,1999(3):32-35. Language characteristics and skills for an English tour guideI. Literature Review Guiders take an important role in the world of international tourism industry. And the tourism without guilders likes to travel without a soul. But every guider can not leave the travel guide, and this should turn to some translators of travel guide. In order for smooth cultural communication, what requires for an English guide translator? As for this, Ling Bin thinks that a qualified and competent English guide translator not only requires profound knowledge, but also superb language expressive ability 1. This indicates what a competent English guide translator should be qualified on himself or herself. Besides, some translation theorists also provide some theories for the translators. Han Vermeer created the fundamental theory of functionalist theory-Skopos theory. In the framework of this theory, the most important factor of determining the purpose of translating is the accepted audiences - the would-be acceptors of target text. They have their own cultural background knowledge, expectations for the target texts and communicative demands. Every kind of translation is targeted at a certain audience, therefore translation is “in the context of target language to produce the discourses in order for some purposes and target acceptors” 2. While Justa Holz Manttari in the mode of her theory explains the translation is a kind of “complex activities designed in order to achieve a particular purpose”. Her theory is based on the principle of behavior theory, including all forms of cross-cultural conversion 3. However, as for the guide translators, translation takes an important part in the field of cross-cultural language conversion. On one hand, the difficulty of complex activities that should carry out can be imagined in how to achieve the purpose of reflecting the profound cultural spirit of China as an ancient civilization country. But some translation principles may help them solve the difficult problems, for example, Yan Fu (1854-1921) proposes the famous translation principle of “faithfulness, smoothness and elegance” in contemporary society. This principle takes an extremely important role in the history of China translation theory. Yan Fu thinks that “faithfulness” is faithful to the spirit of the original text, “smoothness” is to make the language of target text fluent and smooth, and “elegance” is the higher degree of acceptability to readers 4. Until now, the principle of “faithfulness, smoothness and elegance” becomes one major criteria of measuring various styles of English translation. In addition to this principle, German Skopos Theory believes that “before translating, the translators may also often follow the translation brief and Skopos of initiator according to the acceptors, the use environment and corresponding function of the target texts” 5. Then, translators can start the translation activities according to the translation brief and purposes which determine the whole process of translation behavior. Skopos Theory can be widely used in various styles of texts. So, it can also be used in the translation of tourist texts. Under the domination of the theory, the standpoints of tourism translation focus on the target tourists and people who commissioned the translation tasks, especially on the cultural function of target texts. Translators should determine the methods and strategies according to the functions that the target texts bear in the target culture. Therefore, it has a tentative meaning to combine the two well-known Chinese and Western translation theories and apply them to the English tourism translation. Chen Pu also in his “On the Translation of Tourist Texts” says that the major skills of English tourist translation include understanding the meaning of original texts, striving for the accurate word-choices, developing cross-cultural awareness and adopting flexible translation methods and humorous and literary language 6. There are many skills in the tourist translation, but it should be change them according to circumstances. In the regular work, translators should pay attention to accumulating more experience, making notes and improving themselves in the practical work to explore methods and techniques for their own. A guider Sun Zhili says that translators are not only familiar to the cultural background of all countries, but the domestic historical cultures and other aspects of knowledge; using different translation methods makes hearer or reader able to understand the tourist and cultural values 7. Chen Gang thinks that the researches on the translation of foreign travel guide are relatively less and few scholars discuss them 8. The translation of travel guide involves special text types, translation standards and purposes, and translation principles and strategies and many other problems. The travel guide text is the combination with informative texts, expressive texts and vocative texts, and its translation feature or difficulties are targeted at clear service objects, less cultural equivalence and more ancient poems 9. For the travel guide translation emphasizes the field effect, so the translation standard should use the “smoothness” of the three principles proposed by Yan Fu. In this way, it can be conformed to the professional feature of guide language. Therefore, according to this translation feature, when translating, translators should pay attention to using the effective strategies to highlight the accuracy of tourist translation by means of different words expressing cultural concepts and methods, including bedding method, supplementary method, and interpretation and so on. Min Dayong thinks that between functionalist translation theory and tourist English translation exist intrinsic link and necessary law 10. Because Skopos Theory highlights that translation is a kind of “cross-cultural events”, he also thinks that the behavior of translation has six natures, namely interactively, interpersonally, intentionally, communicatively, cross-culturally and text-processionally. Hence, these features require translators to determine the information selection of original texts, the application of translation strategies and the forms of target texts according to the skopos of translation activities and combining the communicative function of texts and the expectation of target acceptors in order to achieve the cultural exchanges and communicative goals smoothly. The core of English tourist translation is “cultural exchanges” and “communicative interaction”. So, translators should bear this core in mind and reconstruct the contents and forms of the target texts. Because the tourist information belongs to the “induced” text type to transmit information effectively and arouse the readers response and action as it core requirements, the school of functionalist translation believe that translators can flexibly process the contents and forms of original texts according to translation requirements to decide the selection of original text information and forms of target texts. II. Statement of the Problems The basic content of this paper is mainly divided into five parts. In the first part, it mainly introduces the writing background, the importance of travel guide translation in the process of travelling and a brief description of the paper. After that, the second part gives the theoretical framework which mainly explains the various types of English tourist translation and the language skills and techniques from the interpretation of English guide and translation of the texts. Based on these things, the third part mainly discusses the art of language of English guide translation and its criteria, that is, the three principles of “faithfulness, smoothness and elegance” proposed by Yan Fu. And then, there are some specific examples of interpretation and translation of English guide to demonstrate them. Following that, in the fourth part, it mainly analyzes the translation skills of English guide translation. Besides, the difficult points of travel guide translation are mainly discussed, such as the translation of ancient poetry, person names, place names and scene names and so on. Among these translations, the cross-cultural awareness is vital for a translator. Finally, the fifth part is a conclusion, in which both English guide interpretation and text translation should be focused on the improvement of translators own capacity and according translation techniques so as to do well in the translation of guide transition to make foreign tourists understand China and Chinese culture. III. Methodology The author of this thesis firstly consults a great deal of relevant bibliography and obtains the theoretical basis, and then makes an induction and classification of them and lists some representative researches. After that, through comparison and contrast, there is an analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the translation of different types of English tourism newspapers and journals according to the current situation. Next, the paper demonstrates Nidas functional translation theory and Yan Fus translation principles, and then taking some examples related to the travel guide translation to explain the difficulties. Besides, in the thesis, it mainly adopts inductive method, applied analysis and other research methods to draw a conclusion at the end of the paper that it indicates the results and limitations of the research and the future research directions. IV. Tentative Outline 1. Introduction 2. Various Types of English Guide Translation 2.1 Interpretation 2.2 Text Translation 3. The Art of Language of “Faithfulness, Smoothness and Elegance” of English Guide Translation and Translation Criteria 3.1 An Introduction to the Translation Principles of “Faithfulness, Smoothness and Elegance” 3.2 Evaluation and Application of the Translation Principles of “Faithfulness, Smoothness and Elegance” in the English Guide Translation 3.2.1 Translation Criteria 3.2.2 Art of Language 3.2.3 Analysis of Relevant Examples 4. Application of Skopos Theory in the English Guide Translation 4.1 An Introduction to Skopos Theory 4.2 Influence of Skopos Theory 4.3 Analysis of Relevant Examples 5. English Guide Translation Techniques from the Translation Theory of “Faithfulness, Smoothness and Elegance” and Its Criteria 5.1 Interpretation Techniques of Travel Guide 5.1.1 Emphasis of Cross-cultural Awareness in the Interpretation 5.1.2 Simplification 5.1.3 Conversion of Sentence Patterns 5.2 Text Translation Techniques of Travel Guide 5.2.1 Transliteration 5.2.2 Free Translation 5.2.3 Transliteration Plus Interpretation 5.2.4 Addition and Reduction 5.2.5 Adaptation 6. Conclusion References1 凌斌. 英语导游翻译技巧的探讨. 浙江教育学院学报,2005(3)2 Nord, Christiane. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained M. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. 123 Nord, Christiane. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained M. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. 134 严复. 天演论译例言A 翻译研究论文集C(1948-1984). 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 1984. 285 Nord, Christiane. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained M. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. 266 陈普, 也谈旅游资料的翻译J.中国翻译,1987, 31987孙至礼,翻译:理论与实践的探索M. 南京:译林出版社1999 1281378陈刚. 旅游翻译与涉外导游M. 北京:对外翻译出版社,2004 501169陈刚. 涉外导游词翻译的特点及策略J. 浙江大学学报, 2002(2): 67-73.10闵大勇. 旅游翻译初探J. 中国翻译,1999(3):32-35.


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