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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上一般现在时态练习题(二)一、写出下列动词第三人称单数的变化形式;be have come go stay teach write take study watch fly play 二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空;1.Thebuses_(use)alotofoil.2Eachofus_(have)strongpointsandweakpoints.3Mydaughter_(watch)TVeveryday.Sometimesshe_ (see)afilmonSunday.4LiWei_(have)adaughter.5Ourfamily_(be)ahappyone.6Hermother_(teach)Englishatamiddleschool.7Jackoften_(listen)totheradio.8He_(say)thatProf.Li is tired.三、将下列句子变成否定式和疑问式:1Wegotoeveningschoolatnight.2Mybrotherworksinaradiofactory.3HernameisMeiLing.4Youhavearedpencil.5Shehaslunchathome.6Wehaveameetingonceaweek.7.Mariagoestoschoolonfooteveryday.8.Myfathersmokesaftermeals.9.Theyalwayshelppeopleinneed.10.Iwanttobeateacher.四、单项选择1.TheBrowns_anicecarandBrownsbrother_anicejeep.A.have/have B.has/has C.have/has D.has/have2.Iftheirhouse_notlikeours,what_itlooklike?A.is/is B.is/does C.does/does D.does/is3.-_youthinkhewillcome?-Ifit_tomorrow,hewillnotcome.A.Do/rains B.Are/rains C.Do/willrain D.Are/willrain4.Thelittlechild_notevenknowthatthemoon_aroundtheearth.A.do/move B.do/moves C.does/moves D.did/moved5.Manyastudent_fondoffilms,butagoodstudentseldom_tothecinemaA.are/goes B.is/goes C.are/go D.is/五用所给词的正确形式填空。1.Weoften_(play)intheplayground.2.He_(get)upatsixoclock.3._you_(brush)yourteetheverymorning?4.What (do)heusually (do)afterschool?Heusually (do)(he) homework.5.Danny (study)English,Chinese,Maths,ScienceandArtatschool.6.Mikesometimes_(go)totheparkwithhissister7.Ateightatnight,she_(watch)TVwithhisparents.8._Mike_(read)Englisheveryday?9.Howmanylessons_yourclassmate_(have)onMonday?10.Whattime_hismother_(do)thehousework?改句子1.Doyouoftenplayfootballafterschool?(肯定回答)_2.Ihavemanybooks.(改为否定句)_3.GaoShanssisterlikesplayingtabletennis.(改为否定句)_(改为一般疑问句) (否定回答)_4.Shelivesinasmalltown(小镇)nearNewYork.(改为否定句) (改为一般疑问句) (划线提问)_5.IwatchTVeveryday.(改为否定句)_(改为一般疑问句)_(划线提问)_6.Mingmingusuallywaterstheflowerseveryday(改为一般疑问句)_(作出肯定回答)_(改为否定句)_7.SuYangusuallywashessomeclothesonSaturday.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_8.Tomdoeshishomeworkathome.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_划线提问:_9.Iplaybadmintoneveryweek.变成一般疑问句:_否定回答:_变成否定句:_10.Lilycancookmeals.变一般疑问句:_作出肯定回答:_变否定句:_六句式转换1.MostofthefarmworkisdonebymachineintheUSA.(改为一般疑问句)2.Thejacketismadeofcotton.(变为否定句)3.FrenchandEnglisharespokeninCanada.(对划线部分提问)。_ _ _ _inCanada?答案:一、is has comes goes stays teaches writes takes studies watches flies plays二、1 use 2 has 3 watches; sees 4 has 5 is 6 teaches7 listens 8 says三、1 We dont go to evening school at night. Do you go to evening school at night?2 My brother doesnt work in a radio factory. Does your brother work in a radio factory?3 Her name isnt Mei Ling. Is her name Mei Ling?4 You dont have a red pencil. Do you have a red pencil?5 She doesnt have lunch at home. Does she have lunch at home?6 We dont have a meeting once a week. Do you have a meeting once a week?7 Maria doesnt go to school on foot every day. Does Maria go to school on foot every day?8 My father doesnt smoke after meals. Does your father smoke after meals?9 They dont always help people in need. Do they always help people in need?10 I dont want to be a teacher. Do you want to be a teacher?四、 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B五、1 play 2 gets 3 Do; brush 4 does; do does; his 5 studies6 goes 7 watches 8 Does; read 9 does; have 10 does ; do改句子1 Yes, I do.2 I dont have many books.3 Gao Shans sister doesnt like playing table tennis. Does Gao Shans sister like playing table tennis? No, she doesnt.4 She doesnt live in a small town near New York. Does she live in a small town near New York? Where does she live?5 I dont watch TV every day. Do you watch TV every day? How often do you watch TV?6 Does Mingming usually water the flowers every day? Yes, he does. Mingming doesnt usually water the flowers every day.7 Su Yang doesnt usually wash any clothes on Saturday. Does Su Yang usually wash any clothes on Saturday?Yes, he does.8 Tom doesnt do his homework at home. Does Tom do his homework at home”Yes, he does. What does Tom do at home?9 Do you play badminton every week? No, I dont. I dont play badminton every week.10 Can Lily cook meals? Yes, she can. Lily cant cook meals.六、1 Is most of the farm work done by machine in the USA?2 The jacket isnt made of cotton.3 What languages are spoken 专心-专注-专业


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