教案seasons (2)

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Teaching plan for Book 8 Unit 3 SeasonsPeriod 1Teacher:张真居 Class 2 & 3 Grade 4Teaching content: Part A ,B1 &B2Teaching aims: A. Knowledge aims:1. Participate in simple interaction in classroom situation.2. Communicate with others on familiar topics.3. Use simple expressions and sentences to describe pictures.4. Understand a series of instructions and act accordingly.5. The words of weather.B. Emotional aims:Pupils can express their feelings and make clear their attitude while and after learning the text.Lead-in question: Whats your favourite season? Why?Because Teaching main points:1. Whats the weather like there in _(seasons)?Its _. It often .2. Where are you from? Im from3. Whats your favourite season? I like Why? Because I caninTeaching difficult points:1. Help the class to be able to use the expression fluently.2. Make sure the pupils can ask and give answers about the weather in different seasons.Teaching aids:Picture and word cards, flash cards, a map and an envelope and CAI.Teaching methods:Audio-visual, scenery and elicitation method of teaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming-up1. Sing a song. How is the weather?2. Greetings and free talk between the teacher and pupils.Whats the date today? Its April 11th.T: Just now you sang the song Hows the weather? We can also say (提示学生用另外一个句型表达) Ps: Whats the weather like ?T: Whats the weather like ?( 板书)Well, boys and girls, please look out of the window. Whats the weather like in Shenzhen today?Ps: Its cool, wet, windyStep 2: Revision.1. Talk about the weather in some cities. T: Very good. But whats the weather like in Harbin now? (学生有可能会说) Do you know? Look, let me give you a weather report about Harbin. Today its cold and snowy in Harbin. Now I need a weather forecaster. Who wants to the weather forecaster?(示意学生上台扮演天气预报员)T: Whats the weather like in Lasa?P: Its rainy and cold. T: If you want to know the weather in other cities, you can ask(get pupils to ask the weather forecaster).2. Talk about the symbols of weather.T:Well done.Youre a good forecaster, thank you. Beside the weather on this picture, here are some other symbols of weather for you. First, the teacher ask the pupils.T:Whats the weather like?P: Its cold.T: Whats the weather like? P: Its snowy. T: We can also say It snows (引导学生说,并板书)T:Whats the weather like?P: its hot.Then get pupils to ask and answer about the weather P&P: Whats the weather like? Its wet / rainy. T: We can also say It rains.(板书)P&P: Whats the weather like? Its cool.T: When the temperature is 15 degree centigrade, its cool. That means not very cold. P&P: Whats the weather like? Its warm.T: When the temperature is 20 degree centigrade, its warm. That Means not very hot.Step 3 IntroductionT: Im so happy. All of you can describe weather very well. As we know , the weather always changes with the seasons 中文引导“天气一般随着什么而变化呢?Do you want to know the weather in different seasons? (Yes)T: OK. Were going to do some revision for seasons. 板书 Unit 3 Seasons (read the title together)Step 4 Presentation1. Watch a music video and answer some questions.T: Before the class, lets watch a nice music video changing seasons then please answer the questions What kinds of weather can you see? What seasons can you see?(After the video)T: Thats a nice video. Do you like it? Well, please answer my questions. What kinds of weather can you see? What seasons can you see?Ps: I can see snowy, sunny, rainy, hot, dry, windy, cool I can see spring, summer, autumn, winter.2. Play a guessing game.T: You have sharp eyes. How about your hearing? Im going to play some beautiful sounds. Please listen and guess what season it is?Sound 1T:What season is it?P: Its summer. (板书)T: Whats the weather like in winter?Ps: Its hot, sunny.Sound 2 T: Lets come to next one.What season is it?P: Its winter. (板书)T: Lets talk about the weather in summer. Id like you to ask and answer Whats the weather like in summer? Its.Sound 3 T: One more sound. What season is it?P: Its autumn.板书T: Im going to ask two pupils to talk about the weather in autumn. Who wants to try?Sound 4 T: Now lets listen to the last one.P: Its spring. 板书T:Yes, spring is beautiful. Whats the weather like in spring?P: Its warm, wet, rainy.T: So how many seasons are there in one year?Ps: There are four seasons3. Watch a video about four beautiful seasons.T: Lets share the beauty of four seasons.(After the video)4. Talk about the activities in four seasons.T: Are they beautiful? Well, lets learn about some activities in four seasons.T: In spring, what can you do?P: We can have a picnic in spring.T: In summer, what can you do?P: We can swim in summer.T: What can you do in autumn?P: We can fly a kite in autumn.T: What can you do in winter?P: We can make a snowman. 5. Talk about favourite seasons in groups.T: Look at these four beautiful seasons. I like spring because its warm. I can see many beautiful flowers. What about you? Whats your favourite season? Why? ( Ask two pupils as models) Now Id you in groups to talk about your favourite seasons using the sentence patterns Whats your favourite season? I like. Why? Because If you finish, please raise your hands.Then get pupils in groups to talk about favourite seasons and ask some groups to act it out.Step 4: Practice1. PK timeT: OK. You really have done good jobs. Now, its PK time.1) What season is warm and green? Its spring. (Get pupils to read the questions and answer)2) What season is hot and bright(明亮的)? Its summer.3) What season is cool and yellow? Its autumn.4) What season is cold and white? Its winter.5) Whats the weather like? Its warm.6) What season is it? Its autumn.7) Which one is right?A. It never snow.B. It never snows.C. Its snowy.8) Which one is right?A. Its often cloudy.B. It often cloudy.2. Pair workGet pupils to talk about the weather in their hometowns in four seasons and fill in the chart. Then act it out.T: So much for this. I have a friend . Shes from Canada. She wants to visit some cities in China. She also wants to know whats the weather like in each season there. How should I help her?I have an idea.T: Where are you from?P: Im fromT: Whats the weather like there in winter?P: Its( Ask two pupils).T: I think most of you are from different cities. So you can help my friend Cindy. (投影展示)Please finish this chart, ask and tick. For example: Where are you from? Im from Whats the weather like there in _? Its _in_. Well, please take out your worksheets. Ask your partners and Make some records. If you finish hands up and give me a report. Then ask pupils to act it out.Step 5 SummaryT: Thank you for your help. Thats all for today. What did you learn in this class?Step 5 Homework1.Please draw a picture of your favourtie season and write down why you like it.2. Listen to the tape for A,B1 and read aloud.教学反思:本课围绕 seasons这一话题展开了一系列活动,让孩子们在活动中运用句型Where are you from? Im fromWhats the weather like? Its谈论他们各自家乡的四季气候,进行了有意义的交际活动。在本课中我较好地做到了以下几点:1. 简单自然地引出课题。一首有关天气的英文歌曲Hows the weather?之后,让孩子 们描述当天的天气,并用常见的天气图标复习了一些天气的单词:hot, warm,cold,cool,从而引导孩子们理解The weather always changes with seasons.天气一般随四季的变化而变化,引出课题“seasons”。2. 由易到难,较好地迎合孩子们认知的规律。从复习天气到认识四季,进而学习四季的气候,最后谈论各自家乡的四季气候,由易到难,孩子们一步一个台阶,学得顺畅学得开心。3. 教学活动丰富多彩,激发了孩子们学习的兴趣。首先一首很有动感的歌曲把孩子们带入了课堂;接着让孩子们在感受四季美妙的音乐中学习四季的单词;一段有关四季的精彩视频吸引了孩子们的眼球。孩子们饶有兴趣地讨论各自喜欢的天气及原因;最后两人一组互相询问各自的家乡及四季的气候,这是孩子们感兴趣的话题,都非常积极地投入到活动中进行有意义的英语交际。4. 新旧结合,适当拓展。在英语学习中,要注重温故而知新。本课中就较好地做到了这点,把之前所学的天气单词和四季紧密结合,进而适当拓展本课的句型Whats your favourite season? I like. 较好地巩固了所学的知识.不足之处本课的设计的内容较多,课堂时间不是很充足,在某些教学环节显得有些仓促,下节课应适当调整一些教学活动。


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