英语专题练习之五 写作训练(仁爱英语七年级上)

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英语专题练习之五 写作训练(仁爱英语七年级上)_第1页
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英语专题练习之五 写作训练(仁爱英语七年级上)_第3页
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专题练习之五 写作训练A班里新来了一位名叫Mary的新同学。请根据表格内容写一篇短文,介绍表格中所描述的学生,可以有适当的自我发挥。要求不少于40字。NameMaryAge12SexGirlThe color of hairYellowEyesGig_B把下列的句子重新排列,组成一篇题为My Happy Family 的短文。注意大小写及标点符号的正确使用。A. There are (有) four people in my family.B. We love our parents a lot.C. We work very hard.D. They often say were good children (孩子).E. They love us, too.F. I have a happy family.G. My parents are teachers.H. They like their work every much.I. We study in the same school.J. My sister and I are middle school students._C假如你是Jack。 请根据表格中的提示,写一篇不少于50词的英语短文介绍一下你的情况。Name JackAge 12Class and gradeClass 8,Grade 7FromEnglandLanguageEnglish and ChineseFavorite food Chinese breadFavorite sportFlying kitesFavorite movie starBruse Lee _D你的好朋友康康打电话,邀请你星期天一起去野餐。你和他在电话中商量这个活动。请就此情景编写一段你与康康之间的对话。要求不少于六句。参考句式: 1. Are you free 2. Would you like 3. Dont forget _EJack在北京上学。他的妈妈从美国写信问他一日三餐是怎样安排的。请你以Jack的身份给妈妈回一封信,告诉他你现在一天三餐的情况。要求:1. 语言流畅,书写规范。 2. 不少于40 字。_F这是Alan家的一张照片。请写一段不少于40字的英语短文,简单介绍一下Alan的家庭成员。参考词汇:中间 (in the middle)高个子男人 (tall man)在旁边 (beside)高个子女孩 (in red)在前面 (in front of )_G请以My good friends为题,写一篇词数在50词左右的小短文。内容包括:1. 我在班上有三位好朋友,他们是Linda, John 和Lucy。2. 经常在一起学习,玩耍。3. Linda喜欢跳舞,她经常教我们跳舞。4. John的英语说得好,他经常帮助我们学英语。5. Lucy喜欢烹调,她经常给我们做好吃的。My good friends_H你知道吗?妈妈在我们成长过程中,付出了许多的心血和汗水。请根据下面的表格写一篇题为My mothers day的短文。要求:1. 可适当发挥。2. 不少于50词。3. 语言流畅,标点准确。Job Office worker18:00Do some shopping5:30Get up19:00Cook dinner6:00Cook breakfast20:00Do some washing7:30Go to work22:00Go to bed参考词汇:繁忙的 busy 超市 supermarket My mother is an office worker, and she is always very busy. _I星期六,Michael和朋友们Kate, Jane, Lily一起到动物园去玩。在那儿,他们看到许多动物,有他非常喜爱的大象;Kate喜欢的猴子;Jane喜欢的老虎和Lily喜欢的狮子。熊猫是他们最喜爱的动物。他们玩得非常高兴。请根据上述内容以Michael的名义写一篇题为A visit to the zoo的短文,词数40左右。_J假设你是Lucy,是一个七年级六班的新同学。请你给你在美国的朋友Cindy写一封信介绍你的新班级。要求不少于40词(不包括已给的内容)。文章要包括以下内容:1. 班上共50名同学,30个男生,20个女生。2. 中文老师Mr Zhang,今年27岁,非常和蔼。3. 你有一个好朋友叫Li Jie,你帮助他学英语,他帮助你学汉语。Dear Cindy, Now, I am a student in Class 6, Grade 7. _Yours,LucyK康康今天和几个同学到西山野餐。请你展开合理想象,写一篇不少于40词的小短文介绍他们野餐的情况。要求:1. 想象合理,语句通顺。2. 词数50左右_L你的同班同学Helen想去买一条连衣裙。请你展开合理的想象,写一篇Helen与Saleslady之间的对话。 要求:1、字数60词左右。 2、想象合理,符合逻辑。 3、语句通顺、连贯;标点正确。_MAnn在周末经常帮助父母做事。下面是她在6月7日(星期六)的活动安排。请根据表格提示的内容完成日记。TimeActivitiesDescripitionMorningCleaning the roomsHappy MorningHelping mother wash clothesTired but happyAfternoonDoing homeworkAfternoonGoing shopping with motherInterestingEveningEating Sichuan foodDelicious but hot要求:1. 请使用第一人称写。2. 短文必需包含以上信息,可适当发挥你的想象,使短文更生动。3. 字数80词左右。June 7th Saturday Fine _参考答案A.I have a new friend in my class. She is from America. She is a girl. Her name is Mary. She is 12 years old. She has yellow hair and big eyes. Her face is round. I like her very much. B.My happy familyI have a happy family. There are four people in my family. My parents are teachers. My sister and I are middle school students. We study in the same school. We work very hard. We love our parents a lot. They like their work every much. They love us, too.They often say were good children. CHi! My name is Jack. I come from England. I am twelve years old. I am in Class 8, Grade 7. I can speak English and a little Chinese. My favorite food is Chinese food. I like flying kites best. My faveorite movie star is Bruse Lee. I want to be your friend. How about you?DA. Hello! May I speak to Kangkang?B. This is Kangkang speaking.A. Kangkang, are you free this Sunday?B. Yes, I am. Whats up?A. Well have a picnic this Sunday, would you like to go with us?B. Thats great!A. Dont forget to bring you guitar!B. All right. See you then.A. See you.EDear mother,How are you? I am in Beijing now. I am very happy here. I often have milk and an egg for breakfast. Sometimes I have a piece of bread and a cup of tea. For lunch, I can have fish, chicken and rice. I often have some vegetables, too. I often have noodles for supper. Noodles are very delicious. I like Chinese food a lot.Yours,JackF Look! Its a picture of Alans family. The tall man is his father. The woman beside his father is his mother. The tall girl in the middle is Alans friend, Maria. The girl beside Maria is Alans sister Jenny. The little boy is Alans brother Michael. The boy beside Maria is Alan. He has a happy family. GI have three friends in my class. Ther are Linda, John and Lucy. We are good friends. We often study and play together. Linda like dancing, she often teaches us to dance. John speaks English well. He often help us learn English. Lucy can cook delicious food. She often cooks food for us. HMy mother is an office worker, and she is always very busy. She often gets up at half past five in the morning. She cooks breafast at 6 oclock. Then at half past seven, she goes to work. She works all the day. At 6 oclock in the afternoon, she often does some shopping in the supermarket. She often cooks dinner at 7oclock. After supper, at 20 oclock, she has to do some washing. At 22 oclock, she goes to bed. My mother is very tired. My father and I often help her. IA visit to the zoo Today is Saturday, Michael and his friends Kate, Jane and Lily go to the zoo. They see many interesting animals there. Michael likes the elephant best. Monkey is Kates favorite animal. And Jack likes tigers; Lily likes lions. But they all like pandas. They have a good time there. JDear Cindy, Now, I am a student in Class 6, Grade 7. There are fifty students in our class. Thiry of them are boys and twenty are girls. Mr Zhang is our Chinese teacher. He is twenty seven years old. He is kind to us. I have a new friends in my class, his name is Li Jie. He often helps me with my Chinese and I often help him with his English. How about you? Please write to me soon. Yours,LucyKToday is Sunday, Kangkang and his friends go to West Hill for a picnic. Lucy cooks at the foot of the hill, Maria flies a kite with her dog, and Lucy plays the guitar. Kangkang would like Ben to climb the hill, but he has no time, he has to carry water for Lucy. They are all very happy. LSaleslady: Good morning, what can I do for you ?Helen: Good morning, I would like a dress.Saleslady: Dresses are over there. This way, please!Helen: Wow! These dresses are very nice!Saleslady: How do you think of the dress?Helen: I dont like blue.Saleslady: How about the red one?Helen: It looks nice, but too long.Saleslady: Do you like the white one?Helen: Its very nice, how much is it ?Saleslady: Ninety yuan.Helen: Well, Ill take it.MJune 7th Saturday Fine I often help my parents do housework on weekends. Today is Saturday, in the morning I have to clean the rooms. I like to do it, I am very happy. I also help my mother wash clothes. We wash a lots of clothes. We are tired but happy. I do my homework in the afternoon. I go shopping with my mother at five oclock in the afternoon. Its very interesting. In the evening, we eat out. We have Sichuan food for dinner. Its delicious but very hot. - 7 -中考资源网期待您的投稿!zkzyw


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