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请准备一张纸和一支笔,开始做题吧!坚持就是胜利! !I. You have bee n assig ned as project man ager on what could be a bet thecompany project.If the projectis successful,management will becarrying you around on a sedan chair, if it fails, you will be in theunemployment line. You realize that to be successful you need to exercise maximum control over project resources. Which form of project orga ni zati on should you establish for this project?A. Strong matrixB. ProjectizedC. Project coordi natorD. Weak matrix1. 你负责管理的一个项目, 这个项目对你来说是成败在此一举。如果项目成功,那么你的前途无量;如果项目失败,那么你就要被炒鱿鱼。 你意识到:为了使项目成功,你必须对项目资源具有最大程度的控制。那么你预备建立哪一种项目组织形式来达到你的目的A. 强矩阵B. 项目型C. 项目协调人D. 弱矩阵2. Your project is man aged un der a projectized orga ni zati on .It has justen tered closure. Un der the circumsta nces, which of the follow ing shouldbe your GREATEST concern?A. Sett ing yourself up to take over a large multi-year projectB. The team is not focused on completi ng the project.C. You will have extra pressure from the customer.D. Making sure your man ager knows the project is almost completed2. 你的项目在项目型组织中执行,现在刚进入收尾阶段,在这种情形下你最应 该关注的是:A. 让自己能接受一个大的多年度的项目B. 这个团队重心不在完成这个项目上C. 你会受到来自客户的额外压力D. 确定你的经理知道这个项目已几乎完成3. You have bee n assig ned to a project in which the objectives are to direct customer calls to an In teractive Voice Resp onse system before being conn ected to a live age nt. You are in charge of the media com muni cati ons for this project. You report to the project man ager in charge of this project and the VPof marketing, who share responsibility for this project. Which orga ni zati onal structure do you work in?A. Functional orga ni zatio nB. Weak matrix orga ni zati onC. Projectized orga ni zatio nD. Bala need matrix orga ni zati on3. 你参与一个项目,该项目目标是在客户的电话在未被连接到代理之前,将其 接到一个交互式的语音回应系统。你主要负责该项目的信息沟通.你需要向该项 目的项目经理和市场 VP(与项目经理共同分享项目的权限和职责)汇报工作。 你所工作的机构属于下列哪种组织形式?A. 职能组织B. 弱矩阵组织C. 项目化组织D. 平衡矩阵组织4. What is not true of project life cycle phases?A. They are gen erally seque ntialB. They cannot overlapC. They defi ne what deliverables are producedD. They invo Ive han doffs to other phases4. 关于项目生命期各阶段的描述哪个是不正确的?A. 它们通常是顺序的B. 它们不能够重叠C. 它们定义了将产生何种可交付成果D. 它们涉及从某个阶段到另一个阶段的交接5. The major differe nee betwee n the project coord in ator and projectexpeditor forms of orga ni zati on is thatA. Strong commitment to the project usually does not exist in the project expeditor form of orga ni zati onB. The project coord in ator cannot pers on ally make or en force decisi onsC. The project expeditor acts only as an intermediary between management and the project teamD. The project coord in ator reports to a higher-level man ager in theorga ni zati on5. 项目协调者类型和项目促进者类型的组织形式之间主要区别在于:A. 在项目促进者类型的组织形式中,员工们通常对项目没有比较稳固的承诺B. 项目协调者通常不能以个人名义做出或执行项目决策C. 项目促进者只是作为管理层和项目团队之间的媒介存在D. 项目协调者负责向组织中更高层的经理人员进行报告6. Project A is being administered using a matrix form of organization.The project man ager reports to a senior vice preside nt who providesvisible support to the project. In this scenario, which of the following stateme nts best describes the relative power of the project man ager?A. The projectmanager will probably not be challenged by projectstakeholders.B. In this strong matrix, the balance of power is shifted to the functional line man agers.C. In this tight matrix, the bala nce of power is shifted to the projectman ager.D. In this strong matrix, the balance of power is shifted to the projectman ager.6. A项目通过一个组织矩阵进行管理。项目经理向一位高级副总裁汇报工作,后者对项目提供实际的帮助。在这种情况下,以下哪个陈述最好地说明了项目经理的相对权力?A. 项目经理很可能不会受到项目干系人的责难B. 在这个强矩阵中,权力的平衡倾向于职能经理C. 在这个紧密矩阵中, 权力平衡倾向于项目经理D. 在这个强矩阵中, 权力平衡倾向于项目经理7. At what point in the project would stakeholders have the most ability to in flue nee the final outputs of the project product?A. Impleme ntatio nB. Developme ntC. Con ceptD. Close out7. 在项目的什么阶段,干系人对项目的最终产品影响能力最强?A. 执行B. 开发C. 概念D. 收尾8. An organization is going through an evolution phase of restructuring the way it does projects. In a shift from a weak matrix organizationto a strong matrix organization, the power is shifted from:A. Project man ager to fun cti onal man ager.B. Expeditor to coord in ator.C. Fun cti onal man ager to project man ager.D. Fun cti onal man ager to spon sor.8. 一个组织正处于调整其从事项目工作方式的发展阶段。从弱矩阵组织到强矩 阵型组织的转换中,权利的转移是从A. 项目经理到职能经理B. 督办员到协调员C. 职能经理到项目经理D. 职能经理到出资人9. In a projectized organization the project team:A. Reports to many bosses.B. Has no loyalty to the project.C. Will not always have a home.D. Will be less interested in the project.9. 在项目型组织中,项目团队A. 向很多老板汇报B. 对项目不忠诚C. 不是一直都有“家”D. 对项目工作不感兴趣10. Which type of orga ni zati on is BEST for managing complex projects involving cross-disciplinary efforts?A. ProjectizedB. FunctionalC. Li neD. Matrix10. 在管理跨越多个部门的复杂项目时,下列哪种组织类型最有效?A. 项目型B. 职能型C. 部门型D. 矩阵型11. In which orga ni zati on project member feel most an xiety at clos ing phase?A. FunctionalB. MatrixC. ProjectizedD. Strong Matrix11. 在哪种组织中,项目成员在项目收尾阶段最为焦虑?A. 职能型B. 矩阵型C. 项目型D. 强矩阵型12. In matrix organizational structures, the primary condition leadingto con f1ict isA. Communi cati on barriersB. Conflicting interestsC. Need for consen susD. Ambiguous jurisdict ions12. 在矩阵组织结构中,导致冲突的主要情况是:A. 沟通障碍B. 相互冲突的利益C. 需要统一意见D. 管辖模糊13. The highest risk impact gen erally occurs duri ng which of the followi ng project life cycle phases?A. Con cept and pla nningB. Pla nning and impleme ntati onC. Impleme ntatio n and closeoutD. Con cept and closeout13. 在以下哪个项目生命周期阶段风险的影响最大?A. 构思和规划B. 规划和执行C. 执行和收尾D. 构思和收尾14. In which kind of organization structure, does the project expeditorappear?A. Matrix orga ni zati onB. Projectized orga ni zatio nC. Fun cti onal orga ni zati onD. Any orga ni zati on14. 在哪种组织结构中会出现项目联络员?A. 矩阵组织B项目型组织C职能组织D.任何组织15. In the strong and weak matrix structures, the balanee of power maybe shifted to either the project manager of funetionalmanager by ehangingthe:A. Levels at which the project and the partieipating funetionalmanagersreportB. Support provided to the project and fun eti onal man agers from topman ageme ntC. Physical distanees between the people involved in the projectD. All the above15. 在强矩阵与弱矩阵结构中,权力均势可以通过改变()转移到项目经理或职能经理。A. 项目经理及参与项目的职能经理的报告级别B. 高层管理者对项目经理与职能经理的支持C项目所涉及人员在空间上的距离D.上述所有选项16. Who has the power in a strong matrix?A. Functional man agerB. Senior man ageme ntC. SponsorD. Project man ager16. 谁在强矩阵中具有更多的权力?A. 职能经理B高级管理层C. 出资人D. 项目经理17. One of the main adva ntages of a matrix orga ni zati on?A. Improves project man ager eon trol over resources.B. More than one boss for project team.C. Communication is easier.D. Report ing is easier.17. 下列哪一个是矩阵型组织的主要优点?A. 它增强项目经理控制资源B. 它允许项目团队有不止一个老板C. 沟通更容易D. 汇报更容易18. A PM s boss and the head of engineering discuss a change to a major task. After the meeti ng, the boss con tacts the project man ager and tells him go make some cha nges. This is an example ?A. A project coord in ator positi onB. Change con trol board meet ingC. Man ageme nt atte nti on to time man ageme ntD. Man ageme nt invo Iveme nt in executi ng18. 一位项目经理的老板和工程领导讨论一个关键任务的变更。会议结束后,该老板与项目经理联系,告诉他做了一些变更。这是一个什么样的例子?A. 位项目协调员的职位B. 变更控制委员会会议C. 对时间管理的管理关注D. 管理层参与执行19. A freque nt compla int of matrix orga ni zati ons is that com muni cati ons are:A. SimpleB. Open and accurateC. ComplexD. Hard to automate19. 矩阵组织中常见的一个毛病是沟通:A. 简单B. 公开而准确C. 复杂D. 难于自动化20. The greatest of un certa inty is encoun tered duri ng which phase of the project life cycle?A. Con ceptB. Pla nningC. Impleme ntatio nD. Closeout20. 项目生命周期的哪个阶段具有最大的不确定性?A. 概念阶段B. 规划阶段C. 执行阶段D. 收尾阶段Projects have the least atte nti on in what form of orga ni zati on:A. Bala need matrixB. Strong matrixC. Coord in atorD. Fun cti onal21. 项目在哪种组织中最不被重视?A. 平衡矩阵型B. 强矩阵型C. 协调者D. 职能型22. The terms strong matrix, balaneed matrix, and weak matrix whenapplied to the matrix structure in project orga ni zati on refer to theA. Ability of the organization to achieve its goalsB. Physical proximity of project team members to one another and to the project man agerC. Degree of authority the project man ager has over team resourcesD. Degree to which team members bond together22. 当对项目组织的矩阵结构采用强矩阵,平衡矩阵和弱矩阵等词汇时,它们指的是:A. 组织达成目标的能力B. 项目小组成员之间的物理距离以及与项目经理的物理距离C. 项目经理对项目小组资源的控制能力D. 项目小组成员合作的程度23. Which phase is in flue need highest by the stakeholders?A. Con ceptB. Developme ntC. Executio nD. closeout23. 项目干系人对项目最大的影响力在:A. 概念阶段B. 开发阶段C. 执行阶段D. 结束阶段24. A project stakeholder may in clude:A. End usersB. SuppliersC. Citize nsD. All of the above24. 项目干系人可能包括:A. 最终用户B. 供应商C. 市民D. 所有上述选项25. The amount of authority a project man ager possesses can be relatedto:A. The project man agers com muni cati on skillsB. The orga ni zati onal structureC. The amount of authority the man ager of the project man ager possessesD. The project man agers in flue ncing skills25. 项目经理拥有的权力与什么有关?A. 项目经理的沟通技能B. 组织结构C. 项目经理的领导所拥有的权力D. 项目经理的影响能力26. At the first phase end of the project, you should en sure thatbefore you beg in the n ext phase.A. Resources are available for the n ext phase.B. Progress was achieved to its baseli ne.C. The phase has reached the objectives and formally accepts its deliverables.D. Corrective acti ons are take n to bring project results26. 在项目第一阶段末,在你开始下一阶段前,应确保 A. 下一阶段的资源能得到B. 进程达到它的基准C该阶段达到了目标,并且可交付成果已正式接收D.采取纠正措施获得项目结果27. You are a project man ager for a large con structi on project whe n you realize that there are over 500 pote ntial stakeholders on the project.Which of the following would be the BEST course of action for you to take?A. Elimi nate some stakeholdersB. Find an effective way to gather the needs of all stakeholdersC. Gather the n eeds of all the most in flue ntial stakeholdersD. Con tact your man ager and ask which ones are more importa nt27. 作为一个大型建设项目的项目经理,你认为到项目有500多个可能是干系人。下列做法中,你最好应采取哪一个行动方案?A. 排除一些干系人B. 找到一个收集所有干系人需求的有效途径C. 收集所有最具影响力的干系人的需求D. 联系你的经理,问哪位更重要28. Who of the follow ing are always stakeholders?A. A pers on who does not want the project to be completedB. An assembly line worker that will use the product of the projectC. A functional man ager from the engin eeri ng departme ntD. A pers on who might lose their positi on in the compa ny because of the project28. 下列谁总是干系人?A. 不希望项目完工的人B. 将使用项目产品的装配线工人C. 来自工程部的职能经理D. 可能因项目而失去公司中职位的人29. Project expeditor is differe nt from a project coord in ator in thatit:A. can make more decisi onsB. reports to a higher-level man ageme ntC. can make no decisi onsD. has some authority29. 项目联络员与项目协调员的不同点在于其:A. 可以制订更多的决策B. 向更高层管理者报告C. 不能制订决策D. 有一些权限30. An importa nt con cept in project man ageme nt is holdi ng reviews at the conclusion of major project phases. Which of the following is nota n ame common ly used for these reviews?A. Phase reviewB. Ben chmarksC. Stage gatesD. Kill poi nts30. 项目管理的一个很重要的概念就是在主要的项目阶段结束之际举行评审, 种评审的名称不包括哪一个?A.阶段审查B. 标杆参照C. 阶段把关D. 生死点完成了吗?可以关注微信公众平台查看答案(输入“答案 2”即可)


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