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定语从句重点与考点1. 定语从句的基本结构: 先行词(主句主、宾、表,被定语从句修饰)+ 关系代、副词 (代替先行词,连接主从句,引导从句,充当从句成分) + 定语从句 定语从句位于名词、代词后,起修饰限制作用。是由两个简单句合成的。如; A plane is a machine. It can fly. A plane is a machine which can fly. The teacher who teaches us math is Miss Sun. The teacher is Miss Sun. She teaches us math 2. 关系代词、关系副词分类分项突破,分场合运用:定语从句中关系代词充当主语、宾语等主要成分;关系副词充当状语(附加成分)。1) 指人: 作主语who/ that. 定语从句中不可缺少,是短文改错中的缺词。如: The teacher teaches us math is Miss Sun. Who 作宾语 whom/ that. 对于从句中可以省略,但被代替的词语不能重复出现,否则,就是短文改错中的多词。 The mam I met him at the school gate is the headteacher. 2)指物: which/ that 作主语、宾语。与上例情况相同。 which/ that A plane is a machine can fly. (主语) WhichThe noodles she cooked them was delicious.(宾语)3) 所有格:whose 指人、物后面要有相关名词。不能与which混用,否则,就是短文改错中的多词。如: This is the boy which father is an engineer. Whose (= his) The room which window faces south is mine. whose (= its)4) .“介词+关代”关注点、考点:介词选用:根据介词的惯用法及其固定搭配和具体语境决定冠词使用;介词后不可用that,而用whom(指人);which(指物);意义上有时相当于关系副词。如:This is the man with/for whom I am working. This is the door through which we come or go every day. 5) . 关系副词:当先行词是时间、地点和原因的名词是可选用关系副词when、where和why。 when(时间)、where(地点)和why(原因),意义上有时相当于介词+关系代词。如:We will never forget the years. we live and studied in this school in the years.We will never forget the years when (= in which) we live and studied in this school.This is the school. I once live and studied in the school.This is the school in which (= where) I once live and studied.The reason was that he was too busy. He didnt come to the meeting for the reason. The reason why (for which) he didnt come to the meeting was that he was too busy. 但是,当定语从句谓语是及物动词,并与先行词和关系代词构成动宾关系时,则要用关系代词that和which,可以省略。如:改错:We will never forget the years when we spent in this school. which/that 拆句: We will never forget the years. We spent the years in this school. This is the school. We will visit the school soon.合句:This is the school (that/ which) We will visit soon.改错:This is the school where we will visit soon. which/that 填空:The school _I studied medical science is the one _ we will visit soon. where (which/that)填空:The reason _ he gave for smoking is _ he suffered greatly. that/which that改错:One reason why he gave for his smoking is because he suffered greatly. 拆句:One reason is that he suffered greatly. He gave one reason for his smoking.3. 两类定语从句:根据先行词与定语从句关系是否紧密,表意是否明确,句中是否有标点可把定语从句分为:限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。本部分关注点和考点是:限制性定语从句中,关系代词指物,先行词前有序数词、形容词最高级、不定代词等词修饰或先行词是不定代词时,只用that,不可用which;但是在非限制性定语从句中,不论关系代词指人、指物一律不能用that,指人用who/whom;指物用which.同时注意:在填空、改错时,非限制性定语从句中的主语、宾语等主要成分用which;表示时间、地点和原因时,则用关系副词。如:I gave him all the books,that belong to me. which I live in Beijing,where is the capital of China. whichWhich is known to all,Taiwan is part of China.AsHe is a hardworking student,that we all know. as还有一些固定搭配结构,如:suchas,the sameasThere is no such thing _ standard English.He helped the black people get the same rights_ the white people.


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