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香港快樂指數Hong Kong Happiness Index2009何濼生教授嶺南大學公共政策研究中心嶺南大學經濟學系國際銀行與金融碩士課程Prof Lok Sang HODirector, Centre for Public Policy StudiesMaster of Science in International Banking and Finance Programme, Department of Economics Lingnan UniversityNovember 2009 調查自2005年首次推出今年為第5次Launched in 2005, this year is the 5th time for the study 今年調查於2009年11月9日至13日期間進行The survey was conducted between 9 13 Nov 以隨機抽樣電話調查方式進行The survey was conducted via randomized phone calls 成功訪問了828位年齡21歲以上的香港居民828 Hong Kong residents aged 21 or above were successfully interviewed 嶺大香港快樂指數: 以0-100分作指標,獲取50分以上者屬於快樂組別,50分以下屬於不快樂組別,愈接近100分,其快樂指數愈高。On a scale of 0 to 100, an index above 50 suggests that people are happy 2005200620072008200909年與08年比較五年平均值MeanNMeanNMeanNMeanNMeanN%家庭主婦75.3 11871.2 11071.510375.2 13472.6 141-3.5%73.3 退休78.2 6071.5 10068.17969.4 8172.7 96+4.8%71.7 經理及行政人員71.1 9271.6 14370.410573.3 8871.3 80-2.8%71.5專業人員72.5 6171.4 74687169.7 9070.5 80+1.2%70.3 文員69.5 10172.5 10068.810165.9 10071.5 87+8.5%69.6 服務工作及商店銷售人員 71.2 6869.5 6565.77769.0 7970.6 69+2.3%69.1 Income, Financial Situation and Happiness收入, 財政狀況與快樂(包括無收入人士 including no income group) 家庭每月收入家庭每月收入HouseholdIncome20082008200909 與與 08年百分比(年百分比(%)轉變轉變 ChangeChange平均值平均值MenMen樣本樣本數目數目SampleSample平均值平均值MenMen樣本樣本數目數目SampleSample9999 or below63.0410266.63104+5.69%10,000-19,99965.1010470.42119+8.16%20000-29,99970.2010171.88106+2.39%30,000-39,99971.647370.1376-2.11%40,000 or above72.9116572.81142-0.14%家庭每月收入家庭每月收入HouseholdIncome20082008200909 與與 08年百分比(年百分比(%)轉變轉變 ChangeChange平均值平均值MenMen樣本樣本數目數目SampleSample平均值平均值MenMen樣本樣本數目數目SampleSample9999 or below66.215863.8565-3.56%10,000-19,99965.1010470.42119+8.16%20000-29,99970.2010171.89106+2.39%30,000-39,99971.647370.1376-2.11%40,000 or above72.9116572.82142-0.14%(不包括無收入人士 excluding no income group) Is your financial situation better, worse, or about the same compared with last year?Happiness Index by Change of Financial SituationHappiness by Financial PressureWork and Happiness工作與快樂Happiness Index by the most favorite activityHappiness Index by Work PressureHappiness Index by the Satisfaction about Working EnvironmentHappiness Index by Weekly Working Hours其他因素Other Factors and HappinessHappiness Index by Education Comparison of Happiness Index:Have you ever experienced great setback?Comparison of Happiness Index:Did anyone offer you support when you face a setback?Comparison of Happiness Index:Have you ever experienced poverty?Comparison of Happiness Index:“I participated actively in voluntary work in the past year”:Happiness Index by Degree of Religious Practice/faithHappiness Index by Religion三式快樂Three HappinessesMeasures of prospective happiness前瞻快樂Disagree or agree ( scale of 0 to 10)I meet the future 10 years with excitement and joy 我以興奮的心情迎接未來的十年 I do not usually worry about the future 我對未來並不憂慮 I expect to continue to learn more things in the rest of my life 我期待不斷學習 Measures of happiness in process過程快樂Disagree or agree ( scale of 0 to 10)I enjoy my work/housework.我享受我的工作(包括家務) I enjoy the time with my family.我享受與家人相處的時間 I find much interest in my living. 我從生活中找到很多樂趣Measures of retrospective happiness後顧快樂Disagree or agree ( scale of 0 to 10)Looking back, I am satisfied with my performance. 回首過去, 我滿意自己的表現 I have grown wiser because I am able to learn from my mistakes.我從錯誤中學到很多,智慧漸長Independent Variables: 快樂指數快樂指數Constant未來組成部份未來組成部份 prospective happiness現在組成部份現在組成部份 happiness in process過去組成部份過去組成部份 retrospective happiness Coefficient2.1410.0910.3870.246t statistic8.222*2.582*9.369*6.11*Dependent Variable: 快樂指數(max=10)快樂由人生三部份組成:現在, 過去, 未來 Regression Analysis (迴歸分析)* & * indicate 5% & 1% statistical significanceR bar square: 0.328 F-statistics: 126.296*统計上统計上, 那個人生三部份對快樂指數影響較大那個人生三部份對快樂指數影響較大?現在組成部份現在組成部份 過去組成部份過去組成部份 未來組成部份未來組成部份For someone with 10 for each of the 3 components, Happiness Index= 2.14+0.91+3.87+2.46=9.38 年齡Age21-2930-6060或以上(60 or above)Constant1.721(3.463)*1.680(5.123)*4.197(4.590)*未來組成部份未來組成部份 prospective happiness0.125(1.544)0.097(2.163)*0.034(0.368)現在組成部份現在組成部份 happiness in process0.439(5.081)*0.419(8.065)*0.274(2.159)*過去組成部份過去組成部份 retrospective happiness0.242(3.066)*0.262(5.429)*0.141(0.852)R bar square(F-statistics)0.389(38.394)*0.362(94.016)*0.127(5.349)*Dependent Variable: Happiness Index 快樂指數(max=10)按年齡劃分的廻歸分析 * & * indicate 5% & 1% statistical significance 年齡 Age21-2930-6060或以上(60 or above)未來組成部分Prospective happiness6.26.06.0現在組成部分Happiness in process6.77.37.4過去組成部分Retrospective happiness6.16.67.1按年齡劃分, 不同快樂組成部分的平均得分(最低0分, 最高10分) Regression Analysis (迴歸分析) (with female as interactive variable)Coefficient(t-test)(Constant)Prospective happinessHappiness in processRetrospective happinessfemale x prospective happinessfemale x happiness in processAll cases2.18 (8.328)*0.076 (1.389)0.349 (5.661)*0.285 (4.87)*0.028 (0.389)0.06 (0.769)-0.074 (-0.988)Age: 21-291.66 (3.184)*0.013 (0.106)0.623 (4.468)*0.153 (1.347)0.18 (1.117)-0.293 (-1.744)*0.157 (1.027)Age: 30-591.686(5.138)*0.068(0.945)0.382(4.937)*0.319(4.616)*0.054(0.592)0.07(0.725)-0.108(-1.217)Age: 60 or above3.895(4.26)*-0.077(-0.491)-0.244(-0.926)0.78(2.214)*0.064(0.324)0.686(2.224)*-0.731(-2.033)*Coefficients(t-test)(Constant)Prospective happinessHappiness in processRetrospective happinesstertiary x prospective happinesstertiary x happiness in processtertiary x retrospective happinessAll cases2.106 (8.032)*0.105 (2.534)*0.372 (7.795)*0.262 (5.586)*-0.039 (-0.503)0.028 (0.317)-0.016 (-0.197)Age: 21-291.818 (3.619)*0.164 (1.174)0.337 (2.3)*0.308 (2.661)*-0.068 (-0.4)0.129 (0.745)-0.086 (-0.565)Age: 30-591.562(4.746)*0.145(2.838)*0.416(7.257)*0.246(4.49)*-0.179(-1.671)*0.01(0.081)0.131(1.287)Age: 60 or above4.056(4.419)*-0.01(-0.099)0.223(1.679)*0.275(1.592)0.207(0.815)0.485(1.176)-0.783(-2.003)*Regression Analysis (迴歸分析) (with tertiary education as interactive variable)Happiness Formula 快樂方程式快樂方程式 : = L I F E L = LOVE 關愛I = INSIGHT 智慧F = FORTITUDE 堅毅E = ENGAGEMENT 活動Measures of Love 關愛關愛 Disagree or agree ( scale of 0 to 10)I very much care for my family 我十分關心我的家人 I very much care about social justice 我關心社會公義能否彰顯Measures of Insight 智慧智慧Disagree or agree ( scale of 0 to 10)Success does not mean outperforming others.成功不是比別人優勝 Success means achieving the best I can, even though the outcome may not impress. 能盡己所能做到最好, 即便表現一般, 亦屬成功As long as I have acted according to my conscience, I do not worry about how others regard me.只要光明磊落, 就不用理會別人如何評價自己 I am comfortable with myself and will not be troubled by my inadequacies.我接受我自己,不會因自己的不足而煩惱Making money is not my favorite activity. (Yes=9; Making money is the most favorite=4)賺錢不是我喜愛的活動Measures of fortitude 堅毅Disagree or agree ( scale of 0 to 10)My faith and belief give me support when I experience hardship.我的信念或信仰會在我遇上挫折時, 給我支持Measures of engagement 活動Disagree or agree ( scale of 0 to 10)I strive for opportunities to learn and develop my potential.我爭取機會學習盡量發揮所長 I have clearly identified goals and purposes in life.我有清晰的人生目標 Measures of Love 關愛關愛 Disagree or agree ( scale of 0 to 10)I very much care for my family 我十分關心我的家人 I very much care about social justice 我關心社會公義能否彰顯 My family very much cares for me 我的家人十分關心我 Measures of Insight 智慧智慧Disagree or agree ( scale of 0 to 10)I am not worried about falling behind others. 我不會理會別人是否比我優勝 I do not care about how others treat me. 我不會理會別人如何待我 I do not care about how others think of me 我不會理會別人如何評價我 I am comfortable with myself and will not be troubled by my inadequacies. 我接受我自己,不會因自己的不足而煩惱 I feel fine as long as I have met my essential needs.我不愛與人家比較,我深信知足常樂 2008 SurveyMeasures of fortitude 堅毅Disagree or agree ( scale of 0 to 10)Failures only strengthen me. 挫折使我變得更堅強 I have clear and strong convictions 我有清晰牢固的信念或信仰Measures of engagement 活動Disagree or agree ( scale of 0 to 10)I have ample opportunity and am taking these opportunities to develop my potential 我有足夠機會並能充份發揮所長 I have clearly identified goals and purposes in life.我有清晰的人生目標 2008 SurveyRegression Analysis (迴歸分析)Dependent Variable: 快樂指數(maximum 10)* & * indicate 5% and 1% statistical significance respectivelyIndependent VariablesIndependent VariablesConstantConstant關愛原素關愛原素Love (0-10)Love (0-10)智慧原素智慧原素 Insight (0-10)Insight (0-10)堅毅原素堅毅原素 Fortitude(0-10)Fortitude(0-10)活動原素活動原素 Engagement(0-10)Engagement(0-10)CoefficientCoefficient1.2620.0920.3910.090.252t statistict statistic2.579*2.122*5.553*3.895*7.387*For 10 marks of each component, Happiness Index = 1.26+0.92+3.91+0.9+2.52=9.51R bar square: 0.255F statistics: 53.769*Regression Analysis (迴歸分析): (with tertiary education as interactive variable)Dependent Variable: 快樂指數 (Constant)關愛元素 love (0-10)智慧元素 wisdom (0-10)堅毅元素 fortitude (0-10)活動元素 engagement (0-10)Tertiary education x loveTertiary education x wisdomTertiary education x fortitudeTertiary education x engagementR-Bar Square: 0.272F statistics: 29.261*Coefficients1.2650.1160.4430.0650.202-0.097-0.2130.1130.182t2.5672.11*5.847*2.46*5.087*-1.117-2.077*2.118*2.345*Prob. value0.0110.03500.01400.2640.0380.0350.019Regression Analysis (迴歸分析): (with age as interactive variable)Dependent Variable: 快樂指數 (Constant)關愛元素 love (0-10)智慧元素 wisdom (0-10)堅毅元素 fortitude (0-10)活動元素 engagement (0-10)21-29 x love21-29 x wisdom21-29 x fortitude21-29 x engagementAbove 60 x loveAbove 60 x wisdom (wisdom matters most when old)Above 60 x fortitudeAbove 60 x engagementR-Bar Square: 0.272 F statistic: 19.96*Coefficients0.944*0.173*0.315*0.093*0.274*-0.248*0.1350.010.131-0.1060.34*-0.066-0.138*t1.872.8593.8773.3565.991-2.611.1740.1711.349-0.8172.262*-0.935-1.686*Prob. value0.0620.00400.00100.0090.2410.8640.1780.4140.0240.350.0920.944+1.73+3.15+.93+2.74=9.494; love matters most for prime age people; wisdom matters most for the old; young people do not care about love as much as other age groups年齡Age關愛元素love智慧元素wisdom堅毅元素fortitude活動元素engagement21-29Mean7.027.006.885.266.636.386.846.19N18117515218030-59Mean7.797.807.146.116.867.106.846.43N51246044951660或以上60 or aboveMean8.247.847.316.537.547.376.235.73N102938299全部樣本TotalMean7.677.647.105.986.896.996.766.29N795728683795Scores in different happiness formula elements across age, 2009 (2008 figure)不同年齡組別在快樂方程式元素的得分比較, 2009 (2008數字)性別Sex關愛元素love智慧元素wisdom堅毅元素fortitude活動元素engagement男 MaleMean7.45 7.406.995.84 6.536.67 6.676.15 N331311278331女 FemaleMean7.817.80 7.186.07 7.147.21 6.816.39 N475426415476全部樣本 TotalMean7.677.63 7.105.97 6.896.98 6.756.29 N806737693807Scores in different happiness formula elements across sex, 2009 (2008 figure)不同性別在快樂方程式元素的得分比較, 2009 (2008數字)Dependent Variable: 快樂指數 (Constant)關愛元素 love智慧元素 wisdom堅毅元素 fortitude活動元素 engagement已婚 married (1 or 0)收入低於一萬元 income lower than 10000 (1 or 0)大學教育 tertiary education (1 or 0)年齡(21-29歲) Young Age (1 or 0)年齡(60歲或以上) Old Age (1 or 0)R-Bar Square: 0.318F Statistic: 22.204*Coefficients0.9710.0890.4110.0880.2830.053-0.402-0.1560.040.616t1.6231.72*5.095*3.304*6.826*0.29-2.075*-1.0460.1852.476*Prob. Value0.1050.08600.00100.7720.0390.2960.8530.014Regression Analysis (迴歸分析): with control variables教育程度Education關愛元素love智慧元素wisdom堅毅元素fortitude活動元素engagement全部樣本Allmean7.687.627.095.976.896.976.776.27N791724680792小學或以下Primary or belowmean7.837.437.176.356.616.606.155.30N1159995114中學Secondarymean7.807.697.116.156.706.966.756.18N407373336408大專或以上Tertiary or aboveMean7.447.607.055.607. in different happiness formula elements across education, 2009不同教育程度在快樂方程式元素的得分比較, 2009 (2008數字)不快樂人士分析(快樂指數在0-4分屬不快樂人士)比較不快樂的人與整體受訪者的年齡Comparison between Unhappy and All Respondents by Age(bracket % refer to last year)年齡Age不快樂的人(N)Unhappy Respondents整體受訪者(N)All Respondents不快樂佔百分比% of Unhappy Respondents21-29111816.1%(9.6%)30-49223466.4%(7.9%)50或以上(50 or above)192816.8%(9.2%)總數Total528086.4%(8.6%)比較不快樂的人與整體受訪者的家庭收入Comparison between Unhappy and All Respondents by Household Income家庭收入Household Income不快樂的人(N)Unhappy Respondents整體受訪者(N)All Respondents不快樂佔百分比% of Unhappy Respondents$9999或以下91048.7%$10000 - $19999101198.4%$20000 - $39999111826.0%$40000或以上21421.4%總數Total325475.9%比較不快樂的人與整體受訪者的個人收入Comparison between Unhappy and All Respondents by Personal Income個人收入Personal Income不快樂的人(N)Unhappy Respondents整體受訪者(N)All Respondents不快樂佔百分比% of Unhappy Respondents$9999或以下273827.1%$10000 - $1999951613.1%$20000 - $3999951094.6%$40000或以上1432.3%總數Total386955.5%比較不快樂的人與整體受訪者的家庭收入Comparison between Unhappy and All Respondents by Household Income家庭收入Household Income不快樂的人(N)Unhappy Respondents整體受訪者(N)All Respondents不快樂佔百分比% of Unhappy Respondents$9999或以下1410313.6%$10000 - $199991310412.5%$20000 - $3999991755.1%$40000或以上131657.9%比較不快樂的人與整體受訪者的個人收入Comparison between Unhappy and All Respondents by Personal Income個人收入Personal Income不快樂的人(N)Unhappy Respondents整體受訪者(N)All Respondents不快樂佔百分比% of Unhappy Respondents$9999或以下333639.1%$10000 - $19999171809.4%$20000 - $3999941123.6%$40000或以上75512.7%總數Total617108.6%2008 Survey比較不快樂的人與整體受訪者的職位Comparison between Unhappy and All Respondents by Occupation職位Occupation不快樂的人(N)Unhappy Respondents整體受訪者(N)All Respondents不快樂佔百分比% of Unhappy Respondents經理及行政人員Managers & Administrators3803.8%專業人員 Professionals61294.7%文員 Clerks7878.0%服務工作及商店銷售人員Ser & Shop Sales Workers4695.8%非技術工人Elementary Occupation4527.7%家庭主婦 Housewives71415.0%失業、待業 Unemployed8501.6%退休 Retired7967.3%總數Total465947.7%


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