规划未来 金蝶经营分析PPT

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To protect the confidential and proprietary information included in this material, it may not be disclosed or provided to any third parties without the approval of your organization and Hewitt Associates LLC.为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。Shaping Our Future.规划未来规划未来. Lets start with首先首先Who we are翰威特简介翰威特简介 Some business imperatives相关经营重点相关经营重点Our approach我们的服务方式我们的服务方式 Planned initiatives计划方案“Shaping the Future”“规划未来规划未来” Objectives目标 Agenda议程 Groups小组 Ground rules基本规则Lets start with首先首先Arriving at a common understanding针对下列事宜达成共识针对下列事宜达成共识 Purpose宗旨 Mission使命 Goals目标 Strategy策略 Strategic imperatives策略重点 You are ready您已准备您已准备To grow发展发展To create greater success取得更大的成功取得更大的成功To build better business processes改善经营程序改善经营程序do your people know您的员工是否知晓您的员工是否知晓. Where they are headed?他们的奋斗目标他们的奋斗目标? What their role is?他们所担当的角色他们所担当的角色?What we do我们进行哪些工作我们进行哪些工作 Business Results经营结果经营结果Business Strategy经营战略经营战略People Requirements人员要求人员要求Peoples Priorities员工的轻重缓急员工的轻重缓急HR Strategies人力资源策略人力资源策略HR Practices人力资源操作方案人力资源操作方案Clarifying the people challenge明确人力资源挑战Employee satisfaction员工满意员工满意determining people strategy确定人员战略taking action on the people strategies针对人员策略采取行动方案Customer satisfaction客户满意客户满意Help clients like Kingdee improve business results through people帮助金蝶等客户公司通过人员来改善经营结果帮助金蝶等客户公司通过人员来改善经营结果 Hewitt Associates LLC翰威特咨询有限公司We are翰威特简介翰威特简介.60 years in management consulting60年的管理咨询经验Headquartered in Chicago, 12,000 consultants in over 80 offices.总部位于美国芝加哥市,在全球80多个办事机构中拥有12,000名咨询顾问We work with -我们的客户 - 360 of the Fortune 500 (72 percent)包括财富500强中360家公司(72%)All of the top 25, 91 of the top 100; and 209 of the top 250其中包括全部财富前25强,前100强中的91家公司,前250强中的209家公司We specialize in managing large scale corporate change and Organizational/HR Consulting我们专长于管理大型公司变革项我们专长于管理大型公司变革项目和组织目和组织/ /人力资源咨询工作人力资源咨询工作翰威特咨询有限公司翰威特咨询有限公司通过人员来改善经营结果通过人员来改善经营结果Largest and most experienced workforce consulting firm in China中国最大、最富资历的人力资源管理咨询公司3 offices in Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong with nearly 100 Associates在中国上海、北京和香港三地的办事机构中拥有近百名员工More than 7 years of client experience in China在中国大陆拥有7年多的客户服务工作经验1000+ clients in China在中国拥有1000多家客户China HR Consultancy of Year 1999 & 2000, awarded by “China Staff”于1999年和2000年连续两次荣获“中国人力资源咨询年奖”Hewitt in China翰威特在中国翰威特在中国Our clients span all industry segments and all geographies我们的客户来自我们的客户来自各个行业和各个地区各个行业和各个地区 通过人员来改善经营结果通过人员来改善经营结果Your business imperatives 金蝶的经营重点金蝶的经营重点Organizational Culture组织文化组织文化Capabilitybuilt throughlearning and growth通过学习和发展来培养能力Commitmentbased onmeaningfulwork and rewards针对合理的工作与全面薪酬作出承诺Clear Expectationsfor individualand groupcontributions明确对个人和小组贡献的期望Common Understandingof the organizationspriorities and goals针对组织重点与目标达成共识 1998 Hewitt Associates LLC翰威特咨询有限公司,1998年What s in it for me?于我何益?于我何益?Why do I care?我为何需要关注?我为何需要关注? Do I have what it takes to contribute to Kingdee?我是否具备为金蝶作我是否具备为金蝶作出贡献所需具备的核出贡献所需具备的核心能力?心能力?Where is Kingdee Software headed?金蝶软件有何目标?金蝶软件有何目标? What is my role in helping the achievement of results?在帮助公司实现经营结在帮助公司实现经营结果的过程中,我发挥什果的过程中,我发挥什么作用?么作用? DESIRED BUSINESS RESULTS预期经营结果预期经营结果People Issues人员问题人员问题 Organizing组织组织 Staffing人员配置人员配置 Learning & Development学习与发展学习与发展 Performing绩效绩效 Rewarding全面薪酬全面薪酬Aligned people management systems一致的人员管理系统一致的人员管理系统Key strategic imperatives关键策略重点关键策略重点Goals and strategy目标与策略目标与策略Common purpose and mission共同宗旨与使命共同宗旨与使命Business Context经营背景经营背景Translating business imperatives经营重点释义经营重点释义Over the next few sessions接下来的几个部分中接下来的几个部分中Evolve a direction for Kingdee Software确定金蝶软件发展方向确定金蝶软件发展方向 Articulate specific business goals明确特定经营目标明确特定经营目标Discuss and define action steps to achieve goals探讨和确定实现目标所需的行动步骤探讨和确定实现目标所需的行动步骤Our objective would be to:我们的目标将是:我们的目标将是:The end purpose of all discussions would be to benefit Kingdee Software一切讨论旨在使金一切讨论旨在使金蝶软件从中受益蝶软件从中受益Confidentiality信息机密信息机密Facilitators role 协调员的角色协调员的角色The Team Thing小组工作小组工作Process highlights -程序要点:程序要点: Hewitt leading & facilitating翰威特引导和协调翰威特引导和协调 Highly interactive高度互动性高度互动性 Group discussions and exercises小组讨论和练习小组讨论和练习Some ground rules一些基本规则一些基本规则. All opinions are valid欢迎提出任何观点欢迎提出任何观点 Give your mobile phones a break !请让您的手机休息一下请让您的手机休息一下! This a team effort协同工作协同工作 Parking lot issues停车区问题停车区问题 Provide information where you can尽量提供信息尽量提供信息 Provide logic too还应说明道理还应说明道理 Appreciate other opinions欢迎提出其它观点欢迎提出其它观点 Think and help “FOCUS” the group以小组为单位进行思考和提供帮助以小组为单位进行思考和提供帮助 Be honest and frank开诚布公开诚布公 Content (and not process) is important内容内容(而非程序而非程序)至关重要至关重要 Timelines can be extended灵活掌握时间灵活掌握时间To protect the confidential and proprietary information included in this material, it may not be disclosed or provided to any third parties without the approval of your organization and Hewitt Associates LLC.为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。Next接下来接下来.Your retirement speech!您的退休演说您的退休演说! To protect the confidential and proprietary information included in this material, it may not be disclosed or provided to any third parties without the approval of your organization and Hewitt Associates LLC.为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。What we heard from you您所述的信息您所述的信息.High level executive interview and employee focus group results高层经理面谈与核心员工小组面谈结果高层经理面谈与核心员工小组面谈结果Highlights of Findings访谈要点汇总访谈要点汇总Help clients succeed through strengthening their competitive advantage in business management通过强化互联网时代的管理竞争力来帮助顾客成功通过强化互联网时代的管理竞争力来帮助顾客成功Transit from accounting software provider to management software provider从财务软件厂商向管理软件厂商转型从财务软件厂商向管理软件厂商转型Emphasize on both growth and return发展与回报并重发展与回报并重Target clients that value management effectiveness and are willing to grow with Kingdee (e.g., industry leaders, financial, telecom and utility sectors, etc.定位客户群体为那些注重管理效能和愿意与金蝶共同成长的顾客定位客户群体为那些注重管理效能和愿意与金蝶共同成长的顾客(如:如:行业龙头企业,金融、通信和公用事业,等行业龙头企业,金融、通信和公用事业,等)Increasingly focus on high value-added consulting services不断健全实施层面的客户化、高附加值的咨询服务不断健全实施层面的客户化、高附加值的咨询服务Highlights of Findings (Con)访谈要点汇总访谈要点汇总(续续)Ensure key revenue generating processes are facilitated by the organization structure保障组织机构充分支持关键业务流程的顺畅运行保障组织机构充分支持关键业务流程的顺畅运行Strengthening the information/knowledge sharing infrastructure健全信息健全信息/知识共享平台知识共享平台Promote new company culture: open, integrity, respect and conscientious提倡新的企业文化:提倡新的企业文化:开放、诚信、尊重、认真开放、诚信、尊重、认真Mainly focus on 4 spirits: innovation, professionalism, Mainly focus on 4 spirits: innovation, professionalism, teamwork and customer servicesteamwork and customer services主要体现四种精神:创新精神、职业精神、团队精神和服务精神主要体现四种精神:创新精神、职业精神、团队精神和服务精神Highlights of Findings (Con)访谈要点汇总访谈要点汇总(续续)Executives expressed their expectation of Kingdees employees:高层普遍提出以下对于员工的要求:高层普遍提出以下对于员工的要求: Innovative 创新 Collaboration 合作 Initiative 主动/积极 Accountable 责任心 Learning 学习What employees need from the company are:员工对于企业的需求主要围绕以下领域:员工对于企业的需求主要围绕以下领域: Learning and skill development学习与技能发展 Career growth职业发展 Reward薪酬To protect the confidential and proprietary information included in this material, it may not be disclosed or provided to any third parties without the approval of your organization and Hewitt Associates LLC.为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。Developing a statement of Purpose for Kingdee Software 制定一项金蝶软件宗旨陈述制定一项金蝶软件宗旨陈述Defining a purpose确定一项宗旨确定一项宗旨 What we stand for - why we exist公司存在的目的公司存在的目的 - 我们为何存在我们为何存在 The essential sacred spirit or the soul of the organization关键、神圣的组织灵魂与精髓关键、神圣的组织灵魂与精髓 Provides a direction for the future提供未来发展方向提供未来发展方向What to preserve and what to stimulate progress toward我们需要保持哪些内容?激励发展哪些方面? A consistent identity that transcends product or market life cycles, customers, technological breakthroughs, management fads and individual leaders超越超越产品或市场生命周期产品或市场生命周期、客户客户、技术创新技术创新、管理理念及单个领导者之上的一致形象管理理念及单个领导者之上的一致形象 Remains fixed while strategies adapt to business needs针对经营需求调整公司策略时,宗旨保持不变针对经营需求调整公司策略时,宗旨保持不变e.g. 3M - sold off several large and profitable businesses to focus on its core purpose of solving unsolved problems innovatively例如:3M出售许多大型、赢利的企业,注重富有新意地解决遗留问题这一核心宗旨Purpose checklist宗旨检验清单宗旨检验清单 The reason for existence公司存在原因公司存在原因 Should last a 100 Years至少延续至少延续100年年 Can never be achieved可能永远无法实现可能永远无法实现 Inspiring ideal鼓舞士气鼓舞士气 Provides reason for organization to keep changing and progressing为组织提供进行变革与进步的理由 An organization can have only one purpose一个组织仅有一项宗旨一个组织仅有一项宗旨Organizations with a purpose设有一项设有一项宗旨的组织宗旨的组织 The premiere institutions in their industries同行中的佼佼者同行中的佼佼者 Best of the bestand have been that way for decades最佳中之最最佳中之最数十年一贯如此数十年一贯如此 Widely admired受到广泛青睐受到广泛青睐 Role models for the practice of management管理操作方案之典范管理操作方案之典范 Huge impact on the world in which we live对我们所赖以生存的世界产生重大影响对我们所赖以生存的世界产生重大影响 Which companies do you think of?您会联想到哪些公司?您会联想到哪些公司?Fortune magazines most admired list - 2001财富杂志中最受青睐的公司财富杂志中最受青睐的公司 - 2001 General Electric Cisco Wal-Mart Southwest Airlines Microsoft Home Depot Berkshire Hathaway Charles Schwab Intel Dell ComputerWhat has made them reach there这些公司何以如此这些公司何以如此 Innovation创新创新 Quality of management管理质量管理质量 Employee talent员工才智员工才智 Financial soundness财力雄厚财力雄厚 Use of corporate assets公司资产运用公司资产运用 Long-term investment value长期投资价值长期投资价值 Social responsibility社会责任社会责任 Quality of products/services产品产品/服务质量服务质量 Examples of core purpose statements核心宗旨陈述实例核心宗旨陈述实例What a purpose is核心宗旨是核心宗旨是.To make people happy - Walt Disney为人们带来欢乐为人们带来欢乐 - 沃尔特沃尔特 迪斯尼迪斯尼To improve the standard of living around the world - Cargill提高全球生活水准提高全球生活水准 - 嘉吉嘉吉What a purpose is not核心宗旨并非核心宗旨并非.To become a $125 billion company by the year 2000至至2000年,公司营业收入达到年,公司营业收入达到1250亿美元亿美元To achieve an output of 30,000 tonnes in the next 5 years在今后在今后5年中,产量达到年中,产量达到30,000吨吨To have the largest market share and be at least twice as large as my nearest competitor拥有最大的市场份额,至少达到首要竞争对手拥有最大的市场份额,至少达到首要竞争对手的的2倍倍Some more examples其它实例其它实例3M - To solve unsolved problems innovatively富有新意地解决遗留问题Unilever (联合利华联合利华) - To fulfill everyday needs of people everywhere满足各地人民的日常需求Hewlett Packard (惠普惠普)- To make technical contributions for the advancement and welfare of humanity发展技术,促进社会发展和人民安康Hewitt (翰威特翰威特)- To improve business results through people通过人员来改善企业经营结果Haier (海尔海尔)- Paying back society and creating a better life for mankind回报社会和改善人民生活Purpose. .why bother?为何为何确定宗旨?确定宗旨?Research has proven that having a core purpose:研究表明,确定核心宗旨:研究表明,确定核心宗旨: Is a key trait in organizational success是组织取得成功的关键是组织取得成功的关键 Enhances performance有助于提高绩效有助于提高绩效 Energizes employees by “CONNECTING” them with the organization激励员工融合到组织之中激励员工融合到组织之中 Promotes and creates a central theme for change加强和创造变革的核心主题加强和创造变革的核心主题 Provides basis for strategic planning为战略规划奠定基础为战略规划奠定基础 Motivates individuals激励个人激励个人 Facilitates the recruitment of talent有助于招募贤才有助于招募贤才 Keeps decision making within context根据背景信息制定决策根据背景信息制定决策When does a purpose fail若宗旨无法奏效若宗旨无法奏效.The walk does not match the talk言行不一言行不一Irrelevance缺乏关联缺乏关联Management fears risk and ambiguity管理层担心风险和模棱两可管理层担心风险和模棱两可Discomfort in top management to imagine, dream and think beyond boundaries高层管理人员不愿进行创造性展望、想像和思考高层管理人员不愿进行创造性展望、想像和思考 A future irreconciled with the present未来与现实格格不入未来与现实格格不入Too abstract or too concrete过于抽象过于抽象/具体具体Lack of creativity缺乏创造性缺乏创造性Poor management of participation对参加人员管理欠妥对参加人员管理欠妥Complacency自鸣得意自鸣得意 To protect the confidential and proprietary information included in this material, it may not be disclosed or provided to any third parties without the approval of your organization and Hewitt Associates LLC.为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。Next接下来接下来.Arriving at a statement of purpose for Kingdee确定金蝶宗旨陈述确定金蝶宗旨陈述 Process overview程序概述程序概述 Participants to be divided into groups将大家分成小组讨论将大家分成小组讨论 Group exercises to be facilitated by Hewitt翰威特咨询顾问组织进行分组练习翰威特咨询顾问组织进行分组练习 Evolution of the statement of purpose for Kingdee制定金蝶宗旨陈述 Presentation by each group各小组进行演讲介绍各小组进行演讲介绍 Discussion on key themes针对关键议题展开讨论针对关键议题展开讨论 Integrating various themes and arriving at a statement of purpose综合各项议题并确定宗旨陈述综合各项议题并确定宗旨陈述To protect the confidential and proprietary information included in this material, it may not be disclosed or provided to any third parties without the approval of your organization and Hewitt Associates LLC.为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。Next接下来接下来.Group exercises分组练习分组练习To protect the confidential and proprietary information included in this material, it may not be disclosed or provided to any third parties without the approval of your organization and Hewitt Associates LLC.为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。Next接下来接下来.Group Presentations小组演讲介绍小组演讲介绍Kingdees statement of purpose金蝶宗旨陈述金蝶宗旨陈述 To protect the confidential and proprietary information included in this material, it may not be disclosed or provided to any third parties without the approval of your organization and Hewitt Associates LLC.为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。Developing a mission statement for Kingdee Software 制定金蝶软件的公司使命陈述制定金蝶软件的公司使命陈述Strategic imperatives策略重点策略重点Strategies策略策略Goals and Measures目标与评估标准目标与评估标准Mission statement使命陈述使命陈述Statement of purpose宗旨陈述宗旨陈述Cascading the statement of purpose公司宗旨陈述逐级分解公司宗旨陈述逐级分解Defining a mission定义一项使命定义一项使命. Clear, compelling, lofty goal which seems almost unimaginable明确、令人信服、明确、令人信服、几乎几乎无法想像的高级目标无法想像的高级目标Should not have a sure chance of success未必一定成功But organization should believe that it can reach it with extraordinary effort但组织应坚信自己可以通过加倍努力来加以实现 Can be achieved in a finite time period可以在一个特定时限内实现可以在一个特定时限内实现However, requires thinking beyond current capabilities and environment不过,要求超越现有的能力与环境进行思考Defining a mission确定一项使命确定一项使命. A focal point for organizational effort组织工作的核心组织工作的核心Has a clear finishing line具有明确的最后时限 Types of missions使命类型使命类型Target missions“目标”使命Common enemy vision“共同敌人/竞争对手”使命Role model mission“典范”使命Internal transformation mission“内部转化”使命Purpose vs. Mission宗旨与使命宗旨与使命.A Purpose宗旨宗旨The reason for existence存在原因存在原因 Should last a 100 Years至少延续至少延续100年年Can never be completed可能永远无法实现可能永远无法实现Inspiring ideal激励作用激励作用Provides reason for organization to keep changing and progressing组织变革和进步的理由An organization can have only one purpose一个组织仅有一项宗旨一个组织仅有一项宗旨A Mission使命使命An envisioned, articulated future一个预期的、明确的未来一个预期的、明确的未来Time frame of 20- 30 years时限为时限为20-30年年A daunting challenge but not impossible to attain一个大胆的挑战,但并非无法实现一个大胆的挑战,但并非无法实现Aids achievement of Purpose协助实现宗旨协助实现宗旨Organization can have more than one mission 组织可以拥有多项使命组织可以拥有多项使命Some examples实例实例.A Purpose宗旨宗旨To make people happy - Walt Disney为人们带来欢乐为人们带来欢乐 - 沃尔特沃尔特 迪斯尼迪斯尼To improve the standard of living around the world - Cargill提高全球生活水准提高全球生活水准 - 嘉吉嘉吉To solve unsolved problems innovatively - 3M富有新意地解决遗留问题富有新意地解决遗留问题 - 3MA Mission使命使命To become a $125 billion company by the year 2000 - Wal Mart (1990)到到2000年,公司营业收入达到年,公司营业收入达到1250亿美元亿美元 - Wal Mart (1990) Yamaha wo tsubusu (we will crush, squash, slaughter Yamaha) - Honda彻底击败雅马哈彻底击败雅马哈 - 本田本田To become the preeminent drug maker worldwide in the 1980s - Merck (1979)在在20世纪世纪80年代,成为全球首要的药品制造年代,成为全球首要的药品制造商商 - Merck (1979)Some examples of mission statements使命陈述实例使命陈述实例 Hewitt翰威特翰威特To excel, around the world, at helping our clients and their people succeed together在全球范围内帮助客户及其员工共创成功,追求卓越 Citibank, predecessor to Citicorp (1915)花旗银行,花旗集团前身(1915)Become the most powerful, most serviceable, and most far reaching financial institution that has ever been成为有史以来最强大、服务能力最强、服务范围最广的财务机构 Microsoft微软微软A computer in every desk and in every home遍及所有办公电脑及家庭电脑 Boeing (1950)波音波音 (1950)Become the dominant player in commercial aircrafts and bring the world into the jet age首要的商用航空公司并促使全球进入航空时代To protect the confidential and proprietary information included in this material, it may not be disclosed or provided to any third parties without the approval of your organization and Hewitt Associates LLC.为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。为严守本材料的信息机密与版权,未经贵司和翰威特咨询有限公司的事先许可,严禁向任何第三方泄漏或者提供本材料中的任何信息。Next接下来接下来.Arriving at the mission statement for Kingdee 达成金蝶使命陈述达成金蝶使命陈述The balanced strategic measurement framework均衡的策略评估框架均衡的策略评估框架 “Adapted from Kaplan, Robert S. and David P. Norton; The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy Into Action. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1996.”Perspectiveserspectives维度维度Financial Financial 财务财务How do we create value?如何创造价值?Customer Customer 客户客户What do our customers expect and value?客户期望和注重什么?Organization Organization 组织组织 To satisfy our customers, at what processes must we excel?为确保客户满意,我们必需擅长哪些程序?Learning & Growth Learning & Growth 学习与发展学习与发展To achieve our purpose, how must we learn, innovate, and improve?为实现宗旨,我们必需学习、创新和改进哪些方面?Value PropositionValue Proposition价值定位价值定位Value Chain: Path to PerformanceValue Chain: Path to Performance价值链:绩效路径价值链:绩效路径Business Performance LeversBusiness Performance Levers经营绩效模式经营绩效模式Enabling CapabilitiesEnabling Capabilities必备能力必备能力Business ResultsBusiness Results经营结果经营结果Growth StrategyGrowth Strategy成长策略成长策略Returns StrategyReturns Strategy回报策略回报策略CostCost成本成本QualityQuality质量质量TimeTime时间时间FunctionFunction职能职能RelationshipRelationship关系关系DevelopDevelopNewNewProductsProducts开发新产品开发新产品Skills andSkills and competencies competencies技能与核心能力技能与核心能力Technology Technology and databasesand databases技术与数据库技术与数据库Knowledge assets,Knowledge assets, best practices best practices知识资产、最佳知识资产、最佳操作方案操作方案+ + + +Context, Context, Climate, CultureClimate, Culture背景、氛围、文化背景、氛围、文化BuildBuildthetheBrandBrand确立品牌确立品牌MakeMakethe Salethe Sale销售销售DeliverDeliverthetheProductProduct提供产品提供产品ServiceServicethetheCustomerCustomer客户服务客户服务Financial财务财务How would you describe your business, 10 years from now?您如何描述金蝶10年内的经营情况? Who would your key financial/ business stakeholders be?金蝶关键的财务/经营利益相关人是谁?What would they expect from you?他们对您有何期望?Customer客户客户What customers/market segments would we serve?我们为哪些客户/市场部门提供服务? Who would your customers be?您的客户是谁? What would we provide to them?我们为其提供哪些服务?What would our unique value proposition be? Why would they come to us?我们独特的价值定位是什么?客户为何采用我们的产品或服务?Organization组织组织What would your possible high-level business process map look like?金蝶可能的最高级经营程序图的模式如何?At what must you excel in order to be successful?为取得成功,您必需专长于哪些方面?How would you be possibly organised?金蝶可能的组织方式如何?Enabling capabilities必备能力必备能力What enabling capabilities would you need in order to execute your strategy?为实施金蝶战略,您需要具备哪些能力?Skills and competencies技能与核心能力Technology and Database技术与数据库Knowledge assets and best practices知识资产与最佳操作方案 Organisational climate, context and culture组织氛围、背景与文化Employees of the future未来的员工To keep at the back of minds思考思考1. It is 2010. China is well on its way to becoming a “developed economy”2010年,中国将逐步成为年,中国将逐步成为“发达经济发达经济”国家国家 What would this mean to you?这对您而言意味着什么?这对您而言意味着什么? How would you describe Kingdees role in Chinas development (as you would foresee)?您如何描述金蝶在中国发展过程中所发挥的作用您如何描述金蝶在中国发展过程中所发挥的作用(您的预测您的预测)? What challenges would you foresee in such development在上述发展过程中,您可以预见哪些挑战?在上述发展过程中,您可以预见哪些挑战?2. China enters the WTO and becomes a member中国成为世贸组织成员中国成为世贸组织成员 Describe the implications for your industry说明这一事件对您所在行业的影响说明这一事件对您所在行业的影响 Describe the opportunities and threats arising out of those implications说明上述影响所引发的机遇和威胁说明上述影响所引发的机遇和威胁 What would Kingdee have to do in order to succeed?为取得成功,金蝶必需专长于哪些方面?为取得成功,金蝶必需专长于哪些方面?Process overview程序概述程序概述Participants to be divided into groups将大家分成小组讨论将大家分成小组讨论Group exercises to be facilitated by Hewitt翰威特咨询顾问组织进行分组练习翰威特咨询顾问组织进行分组练习 Developing a mission statement for Kingdee Software, 10 years from now制定金蝶软今后10年的公司使命 Using the balanced strate


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