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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Table of Contents目录1 How to use this Manual如何使用本手册1.1 About this Document关于本文件These Operating Instructions for the Trainguard MT for CQL10 have been written for the driver and are designed to support him when entering the necessary operator control actions. It only covers the operator actions performed by the driver in the cab.CQL1号线Trainguard MT 的操作说明是为司机设计的,以在其输入必要的操作控制动作时,对其加以支持。仅适用于司机在司机室进行的操作动作。The purpose of these Operating Instructions is to ensure safe operation of the vehicle and its availability.这些操作手册的目的是保证车辆的安全运行及其可用性。They also contain specifications necessary for proper operator control of the TrainguardMT on-board equipment for CQL10. It comprises the following topics:它们还包括包含操作员对CQL1号线Trainguard MT车载设备的适当控制的规范的说明。由以下内容构成: A description of the controls and displays, including overview figures控制和显示说明,包括概览图。Operating modes and states运行模式和状态Basic operator actions and details of operator control during operation, including troubleshooting基本操作动作和运行中的操作动作细则,包括发现并修理故障。1.1.1 Target Audience目标人群This document is directed at qualified operating personnel and train drivers.本文件供合格的操作人员和列车司机使用。1.1.2 Documentation is Part of the TrainguardMT Equipment文件是TrainguardMT产品的一部分This documentation is part of the TrainguardMT equipment. It must be kept for the entire lifetime of the system. 本文件是TrainguardMT设备的一部分。在系统的整个寿命期内,本文件必须加以保留。Make this document available to the personnel responsible for the activities described.与所述活动相关的责任人应能保证能获得此文件。Where applicable, insert any amendments subsequently received from Siemens into this document.接受到西门子对文件的任何合理改动后,应及时更新文件内容。NOTICE注意!Make sure you are familiar with the section Error! Reference source not found., Error! Reference source not found., before performing any operator actions on the on-board control unit (OBCU).在车载控制单元(OBCU)上进行任何操作动作之前,务必要熟悉第2部分“安全信息”。This section contains general safety notices which are of fundamental importance. Specific safety hints are given in context in the relevant sections.该部分包括了基本安全概要注意事项。在文件相关部分还将给出特殊安全提示。1.1.3 Representation of Action Prompts动作提示的表示法Texts prompting you to perform an action are shown with an arrow.动作的提示文字由箭头引出。Example例如: Click the OK button.按OK按钮.1.1.4 Suggestions建议Should you have any suggestions to improve this document, please contact our customer support. In this way, you can help to keep this document up-to-date. Any ideas and requests will be gratefully received.如果对本文件的改进有任何建议,请与我们的客户支持人员联系。通过这种方式,你可以帮助保持本文件的及时更新。对于你的任何想法和要求,我们都将非常感谢。1.1.5 Customer Support客户支持If you cannot remedy faults with the help of this operating manual please contact the Siemens customer support:如果在本手册的帮助下你仍无法消除故障,请联系西门子的客户支持人员,联系方式为:Siemens AGP.O. Box 33 27D-38023 Braunschweig, GermanyPhone: +49 531 226-0E-mail: rail-automation.tsD-38023德国不伦瑞克33 27号信箱号西门子股份公司电话: +49 531 226-0电子邮件:2 Safety Information安全信息Where a risk of injury or damage cannot be totally ruled out in the work described, attention is drawn to the relevant dangers by means of especially highlighted safety information. These safety notices are classified according to the severity of the danger and have the following significance.在所述的工作中,当不能完全避免人员损伤和财物损失时,应通过特别标出的安全信息,对相关的危险加以关注。这些安全注意根据危险程度分类,具以下意义。2.1 Pictograms图示Observation of the following information is intended, on the one hand, for your personal safety and, on the other hand, to protect the described system or the connected equipment against damage.请注意以下信息,一方面是为了保护人身安全,另一方面是为了防止系统或者连接设备受损。DANGER危险This pictogram, the signal word Danger and the associated text warn you of imminent hazards which will cause death or serious injury.此图示,单个“危险”字样和相关文字警告了会导致死亡和严重人员损伤的临近危险。WARNING警告This pictogram, the signal word Warning and the associated text warn you of possibly hazardous situations which may cause death or serious injury.此图示,单个“警告”字样或相关文字,警告可能导致死亡或严重人员损伤的危险情况。CAUTION小心This pictogram, the signal word Caution and the associated text warn you of possibly hazardous situations which may cause minor injury and possibly detrimental situations which could cause the destruction of, or damage to, components, circuit boards or devices affecting either the documented product as such or the product in its environment.此图示,单个“小心”字样和相关文字警告可能造成元件、电路板或装置毁坏或损伤的 影响到文档产品或在该环境下的产品的有害情况。Safety-related Application Rule安全相关的实施规则This pictogram and the associated text draw your attention to requirements derived from the safety case. They must be observed.此图示和相关文字使您对由安全问题引出的要求加以关注。必须被遵守。NOTICE注意This pictogram, the signal word Notice and the associated text provide hints for operator control and additional information.此图示,单个“注意”和相关文字提示了操作控制,并提供附加信息。2.1.1 Qualified Personnel合格的人员Work on the TrainguardMT on-board equipment must only be performed by qualified personnel which is :Trainguard MT车载设备必须只由具以下资质的人员进行: specially trained and examined for operation of the described equipment, and在相关设备的操作上受过专门培训和审查,在所述设备的维修方面接受过专门培训和考核,并且 authorised by the operator to operate the described equipment in accordance with the standards governing railway signalling and safety systems.按照轨道信号和安全系统相关标准,经操作人员授权对设备进行操作。获得了运营商的授权,来根据铁路信号和安全系统适用的标准进行设备维护。The term qualified personnel as used in this document refers to persons who have been trained to use the system described.这份文件中“合格的人员”是指在所描述的系统上的使用方面受过培训的人员。CAUTION小心As qualified personnel, you are responsible for safety. Improperly performed operation may result in a potentially hazardous situation which could result in death or serious injury as well as severe damage to the equipment.作为合资格人员,须对安全负责。不恰当的操作会导致潜在危险的情况出现而致死或者严重受伤又或者设备的严重损坏。Always adhere to the respective operating regulations when performing operating actions and the corresponding acknowledgements.在执行日常操作和相关确认时总是遵循各个操作的规定和要求。All instructions have to be carried out in the correct order.所有指令必须按照正确的顺序执行。Do not carry out any work not described in this operating manual.不要进行任何操作手册上未描述的工作。2.2 Proper Use正确使用The operator actions performed on the OBCU serve to maintain a safe rail service.操作员在OBCU上的行动应当维持安全轨道服务。2.3 Information for the Operator提供给操作人员的信息CAUTION小心The Trainguard MT on-board equipment must be switched on and off at specific intervals in the course of servicing. If this period is not observed, the OBCU switches over to System Failure mode.在维修过程中,必须以特别的时间间隔开启和关闭Trainguard MT车载设备。如果没有遵守到这一周期,则OBCU转到系统故障模式。CAUTION小心Operation by the driver of the electronic circuit boards of the on-board unit in the computer cabinet is prohibited.禁止司机操作计算机机柜中的车载单元的电子线路板。3 System Overview系统总览The Trainguard MT on-board equipment for CQL10 has two operating modes: intermittent (ITC) and continuous (CTC).CQL10 Trainguard MT 车载设备有2个操作模式:点式间断列车控制(ITC)和中央连续列车控制(CTC)。3.1 System Structure系统结构The Trainguard MT on-board equipment is responsible for controlling and supervising the train movement. It also supports automatic driving of the train.Trainguard MT 车载设备负责列车控制和监控。它还支持列车的自动驾驶。Figure 1 System structure of the Trainguard MT on-board equipment/Trainguard MT车载设备系统结构The Trainguard MT on-board equipment consists of the following components:Trainguard MT车载设备是由以下部件组成的: ATP component The OBCU_ATP is responsible for all essential control and monitoring functions within the TrainguardMT train control system.ATP部件:OBCU _ATP负责Trainguard MT 列车控制系统之内的所有必要的控制和监控功能。ITF component The OBCU_ITF performs the remaining non-vital functions, i.e. mainly managing the data transfer between the OBCU components and to the wayside equipment. ITF部件:OBCU_ITF执行其余的非安全功能,即:主要管理OBCU部件之间的数据传输以及到轨旁设备的数据传输。 ATO component The ATO (OBCU_ATO) performs the automatic operation of the train if activated by the driver.ATO部件:如果司机启动了ATO (OBCU_ATO),则ATO (OBCU_ATO)执行列车的自动驾驶。 Radio The Radio component handles the wireless communication line to the wayside components.无线:无线部件处理到轨旁部件的无线通信线路。 HMI On the one hand, the HMI displays information of the Trainguard MT OBCU on-board equipment; on the other hand it is used to control the OBCU on-board equipment.HMI:HMI一方面显示Trainguard MT OBCU车载设备信息,另一方面被用于控制OBCU车载设备。 Radar The radar unit works according to the Doppler radar principle and provides speed information.雷达:雷达单元根据多普勒雷达原理工作,提供速度信息。 Odometer Pulse Generator (OPG) The odometer pulse generator (OPG) is mounted at an axle and detects rotational speed and direction of rotation.里程表脉冲发生器(OPG):里程表脉冲发生器(OPG)被安装在轴上,测量转速和转向。 Balise antenna The balise antennas mounted at the vehicle transmit data (signal aspects, etc.) from the wayside equipment to the vehicle.应答器天线:应答器天线安装在车辆上,将数据(信号显示,等等)从轨旁设备传送到车辆。WARNING警告Keep a certain distance!保持一定的距离! When the TrainguardMT on-board equipment is activated, the 27MHz radiation in the area surrounding the antenna may be hazardous and have a detrimental effect on pacemakers and other technical equipment.当Trainguard MT车载设备是启动的时候,天线周围的27MHz辐射可能是有害的,对起搏器和其他设备有害。3.2 Equipment relevant for Operation Purposes与操作目的有关的设备In this section, the controls and displays required for the operator control of Trainguard MT are described.在这个部分,Trainguard MT所需的控制和显示被描述如下3.2.1 Wayside Components轨旁部件3.2.1.1 Signals and their Aspects信号机及其显示The following signal aspects are available: 可使用以下一些信号显示:Colour颜色Meaning含义What to do即将进行的动作Leve级别lRed红色Stop停车Stop! Do not pass the signal!停车!不要越过信号机!IXLC, ITCGreen绿色 Proceed继续前进IXLC, ITCYellow黄色Proceed slowly, there is at least one point on the route慢速继续前进,进路上至少有一个道岔。Drive according to the HMI. When driving in RM (e.g. in the depot), the driver has to take into account more restrictive regulations (e.g. speed on diverging track).依照HMI驾驶。当驾驶员以RM模式行驶时(比如在车辆段),驾驶员必须考虑更多的限制规则(比如说在道岔轨道上的速度)IXLC, ITCDark黑色Moving block移动闭塞CTCRed/yellow红色/黄色Call on引导The track is disturbed and it is not possible to set a route. Call the operator at the OCC to ensure safe operation. The operator must lock points and will protect you against other trains. Meanwhile, the driver shall have pre-selected RM, and after the operator has set the signal to “call on” aspect, the driver can pass the signal.轨道受到干扰,而且不能排列一条进路。呼叫OCC的操作员以确保安全运营。操作员必须锁闭道岔以防其他列车。同时,司机应已经提前选择RM,且在操作员将信号机设置为“引导”之后,司机可以通过信号机。IXLCTable 1 Signal aspects信号机显示3.2.1.2 Balises应答器Balises have two tasks. At CTC level they only serve for locating. At ITC level they additionally provide movement authorities. There are the following types of balises:应答器有两项任务。当处于CTC级别时,应答器仅仅用于定位。处于ITC级别时,应答器额外提供移动授权。有以下类型的应答器: Main signal balises主信号机应答器 Infill balises填充应答器 Locating balises定位应答器 Wrong-side balises错误侧应答器Main signal and infill balises are connected to the signal. The respective signal aspect will be read by the OBCU ATP. The contents of locating balises and wrong-side balises are fixed.主要信号应答器和填充应答器被连接到信号机。各个信号显示将由OBCU ATP读出。定位应答器和危险侧应答器的内容是固定的。Figure 2 Eurobalise欧式应答器3.2.1.3 Axle Counting System计轴系统Axle counting systems are the basis of track vacancy detection systems. The occupation of a track will be determined by counting incoming and outgoing axles. This is necessary especially in IXLC and ITC level, but also for upgrading to CTC level.计轴系统是轨道空闲检测系统的基础。通过对进入轴和离开轴的计数来确定一条轨道的占用。当处于IXLC和ITC级别时,这是尤为必要的,这也是为了升级到CTC级别。Figure 3 Axle counting system计轴系统For a level upgrade to CTC level it must be ensured that the train is the only train between two axle counting systems. This can be assured if there is not enough space between the train and the axle counting system for another (non-reporting) train. Because it takes some seconds to assure this, the speed may not be too high, when driving over an axle counting system. Currently, the recommended speed therefore should not increase RM speed (18km/h).如果要把当前一辆列车升级为CTC级别,必须确保这辆列车是两个计轴系统之间的唯一一辆列车。如果此列车和另一辆列车(非报告列车)的计轴系统之间没有足够的空间,这一点就可以得到保证。当在一个计轴系统上方行车时,由于需要用几秒钟时间来确保这一点,所以列车速度不可以太快。当前,建议列车运行速度不要超过18 km/h。When already driving in CTC mode or an upgrade to CTC level is not desired, this speed recommandation does not play a role.当以CTC级别行驶或不需要升级到CTC级别时,不再受此速度限制。3.2.2 On-board Components车载部件3.2.2.1 Driver Console司机控制台Figure 4 Driver console司机控制台3. TrainguardMT Human-Machine Interface (HMI) /TrainguardMT人机界面(HMI)The HMI is used by the driver to control and supervise the train without violation of the signal aspects as well as the speed restrictions. An HMI comprises a touch screen displaying operating states from the TrainguardMT on-board equipment as well as status information such as actual speed, target speed as well as further information essential for operation of the vehicle. In addition, the HMI will output audible signals to indicate special situations.HMI用于司机在不影响信号显示的情况下控制、监督列车并且进行限速。一个HMI包含一个触摸屏,上面显示TrainguardMT车载设备的操作状态以及如实际速度、目标速度和其他车辆操作必要的信息等的状态信息。此外,HMI将发出音频信号表明特殊状态。The TrainguardMT HMI is located on the right side of the drivers console.TrainguardMT HMI 位于司机操作台的右边。Figure 5 TrainguardMT HMIFor operation of the HMI, the following has to be taken into account:操作HMI时,必须考虑以下几点: If the temperature is too low (0C), the start-up procedure is delayed until the necessary operating temperature has been reached by using an internal heating. This is indicated by LEDs.如果温度过低(50C), the display screen and the processor does not work until the normal temperature has been reached.如果温度过高(50C),显示屏和处理器只有达到正常温度才会工作。 In the normal case (0 to 50C), the start-up procedure takes 3 minutes.在正常情况下(0到50C),,启动过程3分钟。 The display needs about 30 seconds to shut down.显示器关闭需要约30秒。For details regarding to the state of the HMI see the following table:关于HMI上详细的状态请见下表:Status状态Green LED绿色LED Yellow LED 黄色LEDRed LED 红色LEDPower-up (reboot device)开启电源(重启设备)ON开ON开ON开Waiting time until working temperature is reached等待温度达到工作温度OFF关FLASHES闪烁OFF关Warning temperature is reached达到警告温度OFF关OFF关FLASHES闪烁TFT off temperature is reached达到TFT关闭温度OFF关OFF关FLASHES FAST快速闪烁Device off temperature is reached达到设备关闭温度FLASHES闪烁FLASHES闪烁FLASHES闪烁Device ready, temperature is normal设备准备完毕,温度正常OFF关ON开OFF关Table 2 HMI Status LEDs/HMI上LED灯状态Figure 6 HMI indication (example) / HMI显示 (示例)Figure 7 Operations screen subdivisions操作屏分区The different areas on the HMI refer to different functions. By touching the display, the driver can select a menu and confirm inputs.HMI上不同的区域表示不同的功能。通过触摸显示器,司机可以选择菜单并且确认输入。ATarget information (A1, A2) /目标信息(A1, A2)BSpeed control (B1 and speedometer) /速度控制(B1和速度计) CAuxiliary driving Information (C1 to C5) /辅助驱动信息(C1 到 C5) DMenu (D) /菜单(D) EMonitoring (E1, E2, text monitoring) /监视(E1, E2, 文字监视) FACK message (F) /ACK 信息(F)MMode and status monitoring (M1 to M10) /模式和状态监测(M1到M10)TTrain data (T1 to T3) /列车数据(T1 至T3) Speed Display速度显示Actual Train Speed实际列车速度The actual train speed is indicated in two different ways in the monitoring area of the HMI:实际速度通过两种不同方式在HMI的监视区域显示: By the segmented pointer (analogue display)通过分段指示器(模拟显示器) In the centre of the speedometer (digital display)在速度计中央(数字显示器)Recommended Speed推荐速度The recommended speed is indicated by a yellow triangle inside the speedometer. This is the maximum permitted speed displayed to the driver推荐速度用速度计内的黄色三角形表示。这是为司机显示的最大允许速度。Emergency Brake Intervention Speed紧急制动干预速度The emergency brake intervention speed is indicated by a red triangle on the speedometer. If this threshold value is exceeded, the OBCU triggers emergency braking in order to respect the constraint point.紧急制动干预速度用速度计内的红色三角形表示。如果此阈值被超过,则OBCU会触发紧急制动,以便遵守限制点。推荐速度紧急制动干涉速度速度指针实际速度Figure 8 Speed display速度显示3. Time Display时间显示The HMI display is updated cyclically. This is indicated by the two flashing colons between hours and minutes and seconds. The clock is displayed at a fixed position in the monitoring area (E) of the HMI (see Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found.).HMI显示循环地更新,用在小时、分钟和秒之间的两个闪动冒号来表示。 时钟显示在HMI监控区域的固定位置(E)(见Error! Reference source not found. “HMI显示”(示例)。 Audible Alarm声音报警If the warning speed is exceeded, an audible signal is used to warn the driver that he has to reduce the actual train speed. Otherwise, emergency braking will be triggered.如果超出了报警速度,则用一个有声信号来警示司机必须降低实际列车速度。否则,将触发紧急制动。 TrainguardMT Acknowledgement Button/Trainguard MT确认按钮The TrainguardMT acknowledgement button is used to confirm safety-relevant information and inputs for the OBCU on-board equipment. It is located on the right side of the drivers console. Trainguard MT确认按钮用于确认与安全相关的信息和OBCU车载设备的输入。它置于司机控制台的右侧。Figure 9 TrainguardMT acknowledgement button/ Trainguard MT确认按钮3. Key Switch钥匙开关The key switch is used to activate the drivers cab. It is located on the right side of the drivers console.钥匙开关用于启动司机室。它位于司机控制台的右边。Figure 10 Key switch钥匙开关Position位置Meaning含义Vertical垂直Cab not activated 驾驶室未激活Horizontal水平Cab activated驾驶室激活Table1 Possible positions of the key switch钥匙开关可能的位置3. Up and Down Button上下按钮During standstill of the train, the up and down buttons are used to change the preselected operating mode.列车静止状态时,上下按钮是用于预先选择的运行模式的转换。Figure 11 Up and down buttons上下按钮3. ATO Start Buttons/Indicators/ATO启动按钮/指示灯The ATO start buttons/indicators are used to activate the automatic driving function of the Trainguard MT system and to indicate its current status. They are located in the centre (left side) of the drivers console.ATO启动按钮/指示灯用来启动Trainguard MT系统的自动驾驶功能,并指示其当前状态。它们位于司机操作控制台的中间(左侧)。Figure 12 ATO start buttons/indicators/ATO启动按钮/指示灯Indication指示Meaning含义Off关ATO not ready (the Trainguard MT system is not in the Supervised Mode or the ATO has failed (see section Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found.)ATO未准备就绪(Trainguard MT系统不在受监督状态或ATO出现了故障(参见第6章节“OBCU车载设备的错误信息”)Flashing闪烁ATO readyATO准备就绪ATO start buttons can be pushed to activate automatic driving. Motoring/braking lever is already in the neutral position for automatic driving, the direction lever is in the forward position.ATO开启按钮可被推至激活自动驾驶。当方向杆在向前位置时,驾驶/制动杆能设置到空档位置以便自动驾驶Permanent长亮ATO activeATO激活The ATO can be deactivated by moving the motoring/braking lever.ATO可以通过移动操作手柄和牵引制动手柄解除。Table 3 Possible indications of the ATO start buttons/indicators /ATO启动按钮/指示灯的可能指示3. Door Permissive Button车门允许按钮The on-board subsystem provides a door permissive button to overcome problems regarding train doors.车载子系统提供一个车门允许按钮,以克服与车门有关的一些问题。If the driver activates the door permissive button, he is responsible for the supervision of train doors.如果司机激活了车门允许按钮,这个司机就要负责车门的监督。The door permissive button fulfils two functions:车门允许按钮可实现以下两个功能: At standstill, a door release can be forced on both sides.当列车停稳时,可以强制进行一次列车两侧的车门解锁。 At standstill, the train door supervision can be deactivated.当列车停稳时,可以停止车门监督。The door permissive operation is independent from the train control level and train operating mode. The usage of the door permissive button is only accepted at a standstill of the train.车门允许操作与列车控制级别和列车运营模式无关。只允许在列车停稳时使用车门允许按钮。The button is located left from the ATO start buttons.该按钮位于ATO启动按钮的左方。Figure 13 Door Permissive Button车门允许按钮3. Automatic Reversal Butt


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