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Unit 9 What does he look like?Period OneI.教学目标:1.知识目标:1).单词: hair, curly,straight, height, tall, medium, thin,heavy,build ,beard,glasses, blonde, brown 2).句型: - What does he/she look like? -He/She is tall and has long hair.-What do you look like? -Im thinHe/She wears glasses/2.能力目标:1)学完本课,学会描述人物外貌。 2)能积极思维,运用所学单词,短语及句型,结合实际生活进行灵活运用。3.情感态度目标:让学生学会友好地描述别人的形象。II.教学重点: 掌握本课新单词和句型和怎样描述一个人的外貌。III教学难点:掌握描述人物外貌的方法。IV. 教学设计:Step 1 1.what do you look like? 2.What does Tom/he look like?Step 2: Practice (B1a, A1a)1.Finish P44, B1a.2.Now please look at P41, Use the letters to match the people in the picture with one of the numbered words. Write each letter next to a numbered word. You can use some letters more than once. Point out the sample answer. (Keys: c, f, a, a, d, h, e, b, g, e)Step4: Listen 1b(Look at their books Listen and fill careful1y).Listen carefully and fill in the blanks and find Amys friend? We will listen twiceThe first time, just listenThe second time,listen and fill in the blanksAnd say Amys friends look( Hes really tallAnd he has curly hair.) Step5: Practice (1c and 3b )1. Ask two students to read the sample conversation to the class. Then ask the class to point to the girl in the picture who has long hair and a medium build.2. Make a dialogue with a student. And ask the student to point out the person you described. Then Ss practice the dialogue in pairs. 3.(3b) 1).2). Act the dialogue.3). Finish the form.Step 6 make sentences (Section B 1b)Step 7 describe(shelfcheck3)Step 8 a guessing game (SectionB2c)Step9 homeworkDescribe your family member and draw a picture of him/her. Period Two I.教学目标:1.知识目标:1).单词:always, captain, popular,team, good-looking, a little bit, joke, never, stop, teeny, huge, dreamer, wise2).句型:如同第一课时。Do you know David? No/Yes.2.能力目标:1). 提高听读能力。2).能抓住人物的主要特征来描述人物的外貌。3).能概括人物的外貌特征并根据人物特征推理出某一人物。4).能和合作伙伴互相交流,充分交换信息,进行合作学习。3.情感态度目标:1).教育学生要多发现别人的优点,学会赞美别人。2).懂得心灵美比外表美更重要。II.教学重点: 掌握本课新单词和句型和熟练掌握描述人物外貌的方法。III教学难点:熟练掌握描述人物外貌的方法并成功的根据人物特征推理出某一人物。IV. 教学设计:Step 1 According to the picture to describe your family member.Step 2 listening (Section A 2a/ 2b)Listen 2a and 2b And find the difference between is and hasStep3 Pairwork (Section A 3)1).Have students do the activity individually.2).Practice the conversation3).Describe Nancy to your partner. Step 4 Presentation1.listen and match the descriptions you hear in 3a.2.Introduction:This is my good friend,Liu PengPlease describe him with your partner.3.1) What does Ma Yan look like? 2)What about Wang Lins appearance?4. Fill the formStep5 What does your best friend look like?1.survey 2. report her /him to the classStep6 homework1.(SectionB3c) According to the picture you draw to write about him or her down.2.Design yourself a new look that you are twenties later.Period ThreeI.教学目标:1.知识目标:1).单词:look, remember, nobody, singer, pop singer, now, say2).句型:复习前面句型2.能力目标:1).继续提高听读能力。2).能概括人物的外貌特征并区别人物和推理出 某一人物。3). 能替自己和别人进行新形象设计,能和合作伙伴互相交流,充分交换信息。3.情感态度目标: 1)通过描述同学、教师或自己的偶像的外貌,简单地表达自己的观点或好恶,学会交换不同的看法,使学生在人际交往中学会尊重和理解别人。2).培养正确的审美观。II.教学重点: 掌握本课新单词和句型和熟练掌握描述人物外貌的方法并能灵活运用于生活中。III教学难点:熟练掌握描述人物外貌的方法和画疑犯图。IV. 教学设计:Step1 organization 1organize Ss by showing a picture taken about ten years ago(Let the students guess who was me in the picture.)Step2 a song Why do most people can find themselves in a picture first?Please enjoy the song and answer my question.Step3 Free talk1.Ask the students to describe my old photo2.Let the students talk about some changes.Step4 My new lookStep5 Listen (Section B 2a and 2b)You will hear Maria and Danny talking about Tina Brown and Johnny Dean.1.Your job is to write the job each person does. Point to the heading Job on the chart. 2times. Check the answers.2.This time your job is to write what each person looks like. Point to the heading looks like. Check the answers.Step6 Section B 3a1.Read the magazine article to the classAnd find the difference between the two pictures of Johnny Dean2.Point to the blanks in the chartDescribe Johnny before and now. Point out the simple answer.Step7 Section B 3b3b is an article provides guided writing practice using the target language, point out the numbered blanks in the paragraphPeriod FourI.教学目标:1.知识目标:1).单词:复习整个单元。2).句型:复习整个单元。2.能力目标:1).能熟练的用英语进行对人外表特点的描述,并根据描述画出人像。2). 能掌握本单元出现的表示人外观的词组及句型,并能结合实际生活进行灵活运用这些词组及句型描述别人的外表,提高写作水平。2.情感态度目标:能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务, 尽情享受学习的乐趣。II.教学重点: 描述人物外貌特征和写作。III教学难点:听文画图,看图写文。IV. 教学设计: Step1. Who remembers best?words Selfcheck 1Step 2.Who describes best? (SectionA/4)In groups, ask a student to describe his or her classmateUse only words and sentence patterns from this unit. For example, Shes short and thin. She has curly hair. (The other students listen to him or her carefully and guess who it is.)Give a sample description of someone in the class and ask the class to guess who you are describing. Ask some students to describe a person while their classmates guess who it is.Step3 Who draws best? (Section B/ 4)This activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language.1. Ask each student to draw a picture without letting ,anyone else see it.2. Have students get into groups of four. Tell the students in each group to give themselves numbers from 1 to 4.3. Ask the other three students in each group to listen to the description and draw the person. You may wish to have them listen to the description several times.4. Ask each group to swap its pictures with another group. That group votes to decide which of the three copies looks most like the original picture. The student who drew that copy is the winner.Step4 Who writes best?Choose a picture you draw and write the description on the exercise books.Step5 homework 1. Revise the useful expressions in this unit.2. Look for some more beautiful passages to read.3. Write down a notice for looking for the lost people


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