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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上ChapterUnit 2Periods6hStudents Grade 2Contents1. To understand the topic of the unit Exercise2. To learn the text A intensively Iron and the Effects of Exercise3. To learn the text B extensively Does Exercise Have Unexpected Benefits4. To grasp the reading skillFacts and Opinions.Objectives& Requirements1. To acquire word building knowledge including the suffix ance or ence and some nouns and adjectives can be joined by hyphen “-” to form adjectives.2. To enable students to have a better understanding the appositive and absolute structure. 3. To enable the students to writing passage by cause and effect method.Important PointsThe dominant structure of the passage is cause and effect, enable the students to understand the structure and to write a composition with the structure.Difficult Points1. words & expression of text A &B;2. Sentence Analysis;3. Reading skill Facts and OpinionsTeachingMethods &Techniques1. Teacher-talking;2. Collaborative3. Student-oriented communicative teachingAssignments1. Exercise (P36-45);2. Exercise (P53-55).Reflections&Remarks教学内容1. Warm-up activitiesTalk and discuss the topic ExerciseII. Understanding the text A1. What is the speakers problem with exercise?2. What are the suggestions the exercise experts gave to the speaker?3. Do you have any exercise problems? Whats your exercise program?III. Detailed studies of the text A Text AI. Structure AnalysisPart I (Paras. 1-3) Central topic + Supporting detailsPart II (Paras. 4-6) 1 Effect + 2 CausesPart III (Paras. 7-12) Problems + SolutionsPart I (Paras. 1-3)Central Topic: Exercise, even moderate exercise, may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women.Supporting details: A new study is cited to support the topic.Part II (Paras. 4-6)Effect (Para. 4): Iron deficiency is very common among women.Cause 1 (Para. 5)Cause 2 (Para. 6)II. Active ExpressionsIn English, you may find some expressions formed by very common words, but they are active and powerful. Find out the active expressions:1.they are liable to experience a deficiency. 2.Youre not in stage 3 until your iron reserves go to zero 3.youre in trouble. 4its advisable for people in these groups to have a yearly blood test Practice: 1. 困难可能发生。 Difficulties are liable to occur.2. 直到星期一他才打开邮件。He did not open his mail until Monday.3. 那个女子出事了!That woman is in trouble!4. 喝酒不可过量。It is not advisable to drink too much. III. Word Using 1. supplement n. a substance with a specific nutritional value taken to make up for a real or supposed deficiency in dietDid you take any supplement before? If yes, can you name them? an additional section included in or sold with a magazine or newspaper, especially an additional section that appears regularlyDid you read the special supplement to this financial magazine? 你看过这本金融杂志的特别增刊吗? an addition to something to increase its size They are doing extra jobs outside their regular ones to supplement their incomes.除了常规工作外,他们还干些零活,以补充收入。2. respectively adj. separately in the order mentionedThe nurses and the miners received pay rises of 8% and 12% respectively.respective: 各自的; 分别的respectful: 恭敬的; 表示尊重的(对待某人/某物)respectable: 体面的;正确的;值得尊敬的1. They listened in _ respectful _ silence.2. He was born in a _ respectable _ family.3. .We went to visit our _ respective _ mothers.3. plus conj. / prep. furthermore or additionally and; also 我太忙了,另外,我也缺现金。 三加六等于九。 I am too busy, plus I am short of cash. Three plus six is nine. 4. health-conscious adj. caring much about healthiron-rich; tax-free; water-proof; safety-conscious; fashion-conscious5. risk n./v. danger; hazard the possibility of injury, damage, or harm to endanger somebody or something Up to 2,000 employees are still at risk. 仍有多达两千人有失业的危险。 He took a risk when he crossed the old bridge. 他冒险过这座旧桥。 He risked his life when he saved the kid from the fire. 他冒着生命危险把孩子从火中救出来。6. allowance n. the amount allowed or granted Most of our flights have a baggage allowance of 20kg per passenger. 我们的大多数航班容许每位旅客免费带20公斤行李。 something, such as money, given at regular intervals or for a specific purposeThe manager traveled on business with an allowance that covered hotel and restaurantbills. 这位经理出差时有包括食宿的补贴。7. tip sb. over the edge make someone so unhappy that they cannot deal with their life or a situation any longer 由于经济危机,许多公司处于破产的边缘。 过多的压力使她处于崩溃的边缘。 Because of financial crisis, many companies were tipped over the edge of bankruptcy. Too much pressure tipped her over the edge of breakdown. 8. compromise v. to expose somebody or something to danger be compromised: be affected 他重新获选的机会因绯闻而大打折扣。 有些药物会使免疫系统受损。 His chances of reelection were compromised by the scandal. Some drugs can compromise the immune system. 9. sufficient adj. enough There is no sufficient evidence to show that he is guilty.10. throw up to vomit; to be sick 这强烈的气味使我呕吐了。The strong smell made me throw up. throw away 放弃,丢掉throw out 否决,不接受throw over 放弃,跟(某人)吹了11. derive from to obtain (especially a feeling or an advantage) fromHe is one of those people who can derive pleasure from helping others 有些人从帮助他人中得到快乐,他便是其中之一。 to come fromThe town derives its name from the river on which it was built. 这个市镇沿河而建,由此得名。 deprive: take away from 剥削,夺 deprive sb./sth. of sth.12. striking adj. very noticeable; making a strong impressionIs there anything striking in your life? What is that?strike 敲打;突袭;给印象;罢工13. interfere with to prevent sth. or slow down the progress to touch or change sth. without permissionEvery time the telephone rings it interferes with my work. 很多人认为科学家不该做干涉大自然的事。 Many people feel that scientists shouldnt interfere with nature.interfere in sth. 指别人未请而自己主动参与interfere with sth. 指阻碍事情发生I have never interfered in his affair. 我从不干预他的事14. remedy v./n. to correct or improve a situation a solution to a problem; a cure for pain or minor illness Efforts to remedy this fault must begin right away. Warmth is the best remedy for a cold. 要立即纠正这个错误。 热疗是治疗感冒最好的方法。IV. Detailed studies of the text B Text BI Distinguishing Between Facts and Opinions:As we learned in Unit 2, Book 1 and Unit 8, Book 2, it is very important to tell facts from the writers opinions during the course of reading. Then what are facts? And opinionsfactswhat really happened; objective (客观的)opinionsideas, feelings, judgements or belief that you get from facts; subjective (主观的)Example 1Her study of 62 formerly inactive women who began exercising three times a week for six months was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.Of course it is a fact! The word “published” in the sentence shows what really happened.Example 2If iron levels are low, talk with a physician to see if the deficiency should be corrected by modifying your diet or by taking supplementsIts an opinion! Why? Because it is expressed in an imperative sentence, which indicates anopinion from the writer.A. Just as exercise strengthens the heart and lungs, bones and muscles, it may also power up the brain. (Opinion!)B. Human studies have focused primarily on older adults and suggested that regular exercise can improve the speed with which the brain processes information. Fact!C. This boost in reaction time after exercise training may occur because declines associated with getting old could actually stem from declines in physical condition. Opinion!D. Consequently, the brains of people who exercise may be better equipped to tackle mental challenges. Opinion!II. Active Expressions1. Learning a new dance step may boost the brain in the same way that learning a language can 2. that an effect found in rats may also apply to humans. 3. be a penalty of neglecting to stay physically active, 4. the academicwas thought to come from Practice:1. 从她花钱的方式,你可能会认为她很有钱。2. 类似情况下,适用于一人也一定适用于另一人。 3. 保持冷静,救护车正赶过去。4. 别人以为他是个钢琴师。1. Youd think she was rich, from the way she spends money.2. What applies to one person must apply to another in similar circumstances.3. Stay calm, the ambulance is on the way. 4. He was thought to be a pianist.III. Word Using1. strengthen v. to become strong or make sth. stronger After the disaster, people realize that their houses need to be strengthened.灾后,人们意识到要加固他们的住房。2. succession n. a number of people or things that follow one after another a succession of failure the succession of the seasons 一系列/连续的失败 四季的接续successive (adj.) 连续的;继承的 successor (n.) 继任者3. primary adj. What is your primary objective this term?primary school 小学primary education 初级教育 secondary education中等/中学教育tertiary education高等教育primary training 初步训练primary commodity 天然产品 4. provide v. to supply provide sb. with sth. provide sth. for sb. Sheep provide us with wool. He works hard to provide food and clothes for his family. 5. multiply v. to (cause to) increase greatly in number to add a number to itself a particular number of times Using this method, you can multiply your profit in a very short time. 利用这个方法,你便可在短时间内增加利润。 What do you get if you multiply 13 by 11? 13和11相乘等于多少?6. in response to as an answer to 我们应该响应号召,保护环境。 He went to open the door in response to a knock. We should protect the environment in response to the call. 听到有人敲门,他走过去开门。7. attribute to to believe that sth. was caused or done by sb./sth. Terry attributes his success to hard work. The drama is attributed to Shakespeare.contribute 贡献,有助于 distribute 分配,分布8. burn off steam to get rid of excess energy, or work off bad feelings through physical activitylet off/work off steam 发泄精力/情绪 Taking regular exercises is a good way of relaxing or letting off steam.定期锻炼是一种放松或消除压抑的好办法。 9. equip v. to supply sb./sth. with what is needed well-equipped travelers 装备齐全的游客 The room is well equipped. 这房子装配得很好。We shall equip all schools with new computers next year. 明年我们要让所有学校配上新计算机。 10. alike adj. similar他对顾客一视同仁。He treats all customers alike.Who is dressed alike with you?IV. Structured Writing 1. Structure AnalysisCause and effect is one of the most commonly used writing techniques.There are two types:From effect back to causes From causes to effects(For reference) From effect to causesHuman population has increased rapidly. There are two major reasons for this rapid growth of population in modern times. First, the industrial and agricultural revolutions, starting in 1650, led to increases in supplies of food and other necessitiesso that a bigger population can be sustained. Second, the emergence of modern medicine, starting in 1850, enabled people to live longer and healthier livesand produced more children. These two reasons show why human population has increased a lot. (For reference) From cause to effectsThe knowledge economy brings a lot of benefits to a country. Compared to other forms of economic activity, the knowledge economy is energy-saving and environment-friendly. It also accounts for a growing percentage of each countrys gross domestic product, as well as providing jobs for more and more people. In addition, it can help raise the overall quality of a countrys labor force and training more specialized personnel.IV. Grammar and exercise1. Do the exercises of the unit.2. Introduce some word formation knowledge.3. appositive structure的用法;absolute structure的用法教学小结As the topic is closely related to exercise, nearly all students actively participated in the class discussion. Through the passage learning, students learned something about beneficial exercise as well as the key language points.专心-专注-专业


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