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1会计学人教版五年级上册人教版五年级上册Lets sing a song.牛牛文库文档分享 I can do many things.牛牛文库文档分享 What can I do?dancecookplay ping-pongJennysingdraw pictures?牛牛文库文档分享I can cook tasty food.牛牛文库文档分享What can he do?Try to imagine 想象想象He can.ratsnake他们之间会发生什么?他们之间会发生什么?What will happen?牛牛文库文档分享ratsnake他们之间发生了什么?他们之间发生了什么?What happened?A.The snake ate(吃)the rat. B.The rat ran away.(逃跑)牛牛文库文档分享lake牛牛文库文档分享Is the snake happy?Why?牛牛文库文档分享Snake:Imhungry. MmmHerecomessometastyfood. NowIcaneat.牛牛文库文档分享Snake:Imhungry. MmmHerecomessometastyfood. NowIcaneat.跟录音同步读并做动作跟录音同步读并做动作牛牛文库文档分享eathungry If you are rat,what will you say/do? 如果你是小田鼠,你会说什么?你会怎么做?如果你是小田鼠,你会说什么?你会怎么做?牛牛文库文档分享Dear snake, wait a minute. I can do things for you. 牛牛文库文档分享Dear snake, wait a minute. I can do things for you. 跟读并表演跟读并表演牛牛文库文档分享 默读默读图三、图四图三、图四 ,迅速找到田鼠会做的事。请,迅速找到田鼠会做的事。请圈出圈出关键词。关键词。 Rat can _. Rat can _.singdanceWhat can the rat do?牛牛文库文档分享Yes, I can.Oh! What can you do? Can you sing? Can you dance?Yes, I can. Let me go. Then I can dance for you. 牛牛文库文档分享Yes, I can.Oh! What can you do? Can you sing? Can you dance?Yes, I can. Let me go. Then I can dance for you. 牛牛文库文档分享What happened next? 接下来又发生了什么?接下来又发生了什么?牛牛文库文档分享 Can you swim?singdanceYes/No!牛牛文库文档分享No! Dont throw me into the lake, please!Let me see. There is a lake near here. Can you swim?牛牛文库文档分享Cant the rat really swim? 小田鼠真的不会游泳吗小田鼠真的不会游泳吗?牛牛文库文档分享牛牛文库文档分享Haha! Silly snake! Now I can swim away. Bye!牛牛文库文档分享Read the story 小组可自由选择喜欢的段落,自由选择读的方式:个读、齐读、分角色读等进行朗读展示。Tip:小组合作,互帮互助。:小组合作,互帮互助。牛牛文库文档分享Review the story 回顾故事回顾故事牛牛文库文档分享Act out the story 小组可选择喜欢的片段表演,表演形式任意。小组可选择喜欢的片段表演,表演形式任意。 片段1: 图一,图二 片段2: 图三,图四 片段3: 图五,图六Tip:小组合作,互帮互助。:小组合作,互帮互助。牛牛文库文档分享If you are in danger(陷入危境), what can you do?牛牛文库文档分享(2).Try to look for help and run away.(3).Call 110 or call your parents and teachers.(1).We should keep calm(保持冷静). Dont be afraid. 牛牛文库文档分享 试着通过想象为这个故事画或者写一个结尾。试着通过想象为这个故事画或者写一个结尾。3、Try to image and draw or write an ending of the story.1、Listen and read the story .2、Tell the story to your friends.听并朗读故事。听并朗读故事。把这个故事讲给朋友听。把这个故事讲给朋友听。(任选其一)(任选其一)牛牛文库文档分享牛牛文库文档分享Is the snake happy?Why?牛牛文库文档分享Snake:Imhungry. MmmHerecomessometastyfood. NowIcaneat.跟录音同步读并做动作跟录音同步读并做动作牛牛文库文档分享 默读默读图三、图四图三、图四 ,迅速找到田鼠会做的事。请,迅速找到田鼠会做的事。请圈出圈出关键词。关键词。 Rat can _. Rat can _.singdanceWhat can the rat do?牛牛文库文档分享Yes, I can.Oh! What can you do? Can you sing? Can you dance?Yes, I can. Let me go. Then I can dance for you. 牛牛文库文档分享(2).Try to look for help and run away.(3).Call 110 or call your parents and teachers.(1).We should keep calm(保持冷静). Dont be afraid. 牛牛文库文档分享


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