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Health and Fitness(鍋工悍涓疼繚鍋?(浜?(鎬诲垎锛?00.00锛屽仛棰樻椂闂达細 90鍒嗛挓)涓?銆?bSection 鈪?Listening Comprehension(鎬婚 鏁帮細0锛屽珞鏁帮細 0.00)浜屻?bPart A(鎬婚 鏁帮細1锛屽珞鏁帮細4.00)锛堝珞鏁帮細4.00锛?/div.What can we conclude from the mans reply?锛堝珞鏁帮細 1.00 锛?/divA. He wants to have more sleep.B. His wife doesnt sleep well.C. Women need more sleep than men.D. He doesnt need as much sleep as his wife.鈭?/span瑙f瀽锛歔錫姏鍘熸枃W: Look here, darling. The paper says people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than sixhours a day.M: That may be true for you, but it certainly isnt true for me.(2).What will Jane do this evening?锛堝珞鏁帮細 1.00 锛?/divA. Go to New York.B. Visit her sister.C. See her mother.D. Go to the airport.鈭?/span瑙f瀽锛歔錫姏鍘熸枃M: Are you doing anything special tonight, Jane?W: Oh, my mother is going to New York to visit my sister and I have to drive her to theairport.(3).Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?锛堝珞鏁帮細 1.00 锛?/divA. Students.鈭?/spanB. Student and supervisor.C. Coworkers.D. Husband and wife.瑙f瀽锛歔錫姏鍘熸枃W: Hi, how do you like this class?M: Oh, I really like it.W: Yeah, me too, so far.M: Its a little bit hard.W: Yeah. I had the same teacher last year. She is a little tough.M: Oh, you did? Um. are her tests hard?W: Her tests arent that bad if you keep up with the reading.(4).What does the woman suggest that they should do?锛堝珞鏁帮細 1.00 锛?/divA. Buy some ice-cream.鈭?/spanB. Wait for the lights to be turned off.C. Go immediately to get their seats.D. Enjoy the play.瑙f瀽锛歔錫姏鍘熸枃M: Shall we take our seats now? We can always get some later.W: The lights are about off, but Id like to buy some ice-cream before the play starts.涓夈?bPart B(鎬婚 鏁帮細1锛屽珞鏁帮細3.00)锛堝珞鏁帮細3.00锛?/div锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div(1) .What does the doctor suggest the man should do?A. Lie in bed.B. Take some more medicine.C. Eat more.D. Drink lots of liquids.鈭?/span瑙f瀽锛歔錫姏鍘熸枃W: Well, there is not too much you can do about the flu, you know. The best thing you can do is to stay home. Its best to stay away from other people, so why dont you take a couple of days off from work?M: Yes, I will. And do you think I should stay in bed and rest?W: Its not really necessary to go to bed. Just as long as you stay indoors and rest. You know, watch TV or read.M: I see. Nothing too active, huh? And is it a good idea to drink a lot?W: Yes, you need to drink lots of liquids. Thatll help. Now you wont feel very hungry, but when you do eat, just eat a little. Dont have a big meal. That way itll be easier to rest. M: OK. Are you going to give me a prescription?W: No, Im afraid there is really no medicine for the flu. You just have to rest and wait for it to go away. Medicine wont really do any good.(2) .What does the doctor say about aspirin?锛堝垎鏁帮細 1.00 锛?/divA. It will do the man some harm.鈭?/span锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/divB. The man can take it when he feels achy.C. 1 The man doesnt have to take it.D. The man can take at least four every day. 瑙f瀽锛?/div(3) .What do we learn from this dialogue?A. The man is seriously ill with a cold.B. The doctor doesnt take the mans disease seriously.C. The man is going to have a few days off.鈭 ?/spanD. The man hopes to get more effective medicine from the doctor.瑙f瀽锛?/div锲涖?bSection鈪 ?Use of English( 鎬婚 鏁帮細1锛屽珞鏁帮細 20.00)The decrease 1 blood pressure occurred 2 race or 3 and whether or not study participants are a typical American diet, 4 is high in saturated fats and contains few fruits and 5 or the so-called DASH (for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)diet, which emphasizes lots of fresh 6 , low-fat diary, fish and fewer sweets and which was proved in 1997 to reduce hypertension. The biggest decrease in blood pressure in this study was recorded in subjects who ate the DASH diet and reduced their sodium 7 to 1200mg a day.Why is this significant? 8 -health experts estimate that Americans consume, on average, about 3500 mg of sodium- 9 about 9 grams of salt-daily. Its not 10 were that heavyhanded with the saltshaker. Most of our dietary sodium is added 11 food processing. 12 to 1200mg, youd have to forgo most 13 foods, take-out deliveries and restaurant meals.So pay attention 14 how much salt youre eating, but dont forget to make fruits, vegetables and whole grains a 15 part of your diet. Theyll help 16 your cholesterol level 17 your blood pressure. Be sure to drink alcohol 18 , if at all. 19 weight-even just 4.5kg-and exercising at least 30 minutes most days of the week can also have a marked 20 on blood pressure.锛堝珞鏁帮細20.00锛?/divA. atB. intoC. in鈭?/spanD. with瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡浠嬭瘝鎼麻锛宒ecrease in sth. 銆?/divA. in terms ofB. regardless of鈭?/spanC. despite ofD. as for瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡锲哄畾鐭鐢儿硶銆俰n terms of 鍦弓?诙柟闈 紱regardless of 涓嶇锛屼笉椤撅紱despite灏界锛沘s for鑷充簬锛屽叧浜庇?傛晠閫塀銆?/divA. maleB. femaleC. gender鈭?/spanD. adult绌哄墠涓簉ace(浜虹锛岀鏃?锛屾晠姝搴瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡錫嶈瘝璇嶄篦杈儿瀽锛屾斾负gender(鎬y埆)姝g銆?/divA. which鈭?/spanB. thatC. whatD.who瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡闈為檬瀹氭?y 畾璇粠鍙m兢寮曞璇嶏紝搴旂敱which寮曞銆?/divA. meatB. porkC. alcoholD.vegetables 瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽 egetables(钄 彍)姝 g銆?/divA. productB. sampleC. productionD. produce鈭?/span瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡錫嶈瘝璇嶄篦杈儿瀽銆俻鈭?/span鑰冩煡鍙7棿閫昏緫鍏崇郴銆傛绌哄墠涓篺roductruits(姘存灉)锛屾晠閫塿搧锛泂ample鏍峰搧锛沺roduction 鐢 fruits 銆乿egetables锛岄兘灞炰簬鍐 ?/div熶骇锛沺roduce鍐滀骇鍝侊紝锲狗绌哄墠錫疼竴鐩村湪璁滀骇鍝併?傚睚鏍规嵁鍙7棿鐨勯?昏緫鍏崇郴锛屾晠閫塂銆A. absorptionB. digestionC. intake鈭?/spanD. output瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡錫嶈瘝璇嶄篦杈儿瀽銆俛bsorption 錫告敕锛沝igestion 娑堝嶷锛沬ntake鐸勫叆锛沷utput浜h噺銆傛晠閫塁銆?/divA. PersonalB. Public鈭?/spanC. DomesticDn ternal瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡褰 璇嶈瘝涔夎鲸鏋憤?俻 ersonal涓 汉鐨勶紱public鍏 叡鐨勶紱 domestic锲藉唴鐨勶紝瀹跺涵鐨勶紱 internal 鍐呴儴鐨勩?傛嵁涓婁笅鏂困紝璁鎵?鏈麦編锲戒汉 鐨勫仴搴烽棶棰橈紝鏁呴?塀姝g銆俻ublic-health 鍏叡鍋二悍銆?/divA. equal to鈭?/spanB. similar toC. as toD. according to瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡鐭鐢儿硶銆俥qual to 绛変簬锛泂imilar to涓庘?匸浉浼硷紱as to鎖愬強锛屾彁鍒帮紱according to鏍规嵁锛屼緷鐓 b紝鏁呴?堿銆?/divA. whichB. that鈭?/spanC. whatD. how瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡it鍋氫富璇椂杩炶瘝鐨勪娇鐢弓?傛鍙m敤that銆?/divA. atB. intoC. during鈭?/spanD. between瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡浠嬭瘝鎼麻during.process(ing) 銆?/divA. Getting downB. Having got downC. To get down鈭?/spanD. Get down瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡鍙7棿閫昏緫鍏崇郴銆傛嵁涓婁笅鏂困紝鍓嶅簲涓虹洰鐨勭妍璇紝鏁呴?塁銆?/divA. preparingB. prepareC. prepared鈭?/spanD. prepares瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡鍔瘝-ed褰紡鍋氬畾璇敤娉嚅?傛瀆勫簲涓衡?翁曖瀆囩兢鈥?濓紝鏁呴?塁姝g銆?/divA. to鈭?/spanB. inC. intoD. with瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡锲哄畾鎼麻銆俻ay attention to娉儿剰鈥?/divA. smallerB. fewerC. moreD. l arger鈭?/span瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡褰璇嶇敤娉曞強涓婁笅鏂囬?昏緫鍏崇郴銆俛large/small part of 瀆?灏忛儴鍒嗭紝鎹笂涓嬫枃锛屽簲瀆氬悆姘存灉钄彍锛屾晠閫塂銆?/divAo wer鈭?/spanB. lowC. loweringD. to low瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡lower鐨勫姩璇嶇敤娉曞強help鍔瘝鎼麻锛屽悗鎺二姩璇嶅師褰紝help do sth. 銆?/divA. as toB. as forC. as ifD. as well as 鈭?/span瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡鐭鐢儿硶銆俛s to鎖愬埌锛屾彁鍙娩紱as for鍏充簬锛岃嚦浜庯紱 asif濂藉儚锛屼技涔庯紱 as well as 涔燂紝鍛屻?傛晠閫塂銆?/divA. positivelyB. tenderlyC. moderately鈭?/spanD. abundantly瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡鍓 瘝璇嶄篦杈儿瀽銆俻 ositively 鏄庣鍦帮紝鏈麦泭鐨勶紱 tenderly娓 十煍鍦帮紝鑴嗗急鍦帮紱 moderately閫傚害鍦帮紝涓嶈繃鍒嗗湴锛沘 bundantly瀆h噺鍦帮紝鎹 笂涓 嬫枃锛屼綔鑰呭缓璁 簲灏戝枬閰掞紝鏁呴?塁銆 ?/divA. Losing鈭?/spanB. LoweringC. CastingD. Prevention瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡锲哄畾鎼麻鈥滃噺鑲壬?濈兢琛揪娉嚅?俵ose ones weight锛?/divA. affectionB. affectC. effect鈭?/spanD. efficiency瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鑰冩煡锲哄畾鎼麻have an effect on sth( 瀵光?加拾鏁 ?鐨勭敤娉嚅?俛 ffect鍔瘝锛屽奖鍝嶏紱 affection鎯呮劅锛沞fficiency鏁堢巼銆?/div浜斻?bSection鈪 ?Reading Comprehension(鎬婚鏁帮細0锛屽珞鏁帮細0.00)鍏 ?bPart A(鎬婚 鏁帮細1锛屽珞鏁帮細10.00)Psychologist George Spilich and colleagues at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland, decided to find out whether, as many smokers say, smoking helps them to think and concentrate. Spilich put young non-smokers, active smokers and smokers deprived (琚 墺瀆?of cigarettes through a series of tests.In the first test, each subject (瀹為獙瀵硅薄 )sat before a computer screen and pressed akey as soon as he or she recognized a target letter among a grouping of 96. In this simple test, smokers, deprived smokers and non-smokers performed equally well.The next test was more complex, requiring all to scan sequences of 20 identical letters and respond the. instant one of the letters was transformed into a different one. Non-smokers were faster, but under the stimulation of nicotine (灏煎彝涓 ? , active smokers were fasterthan deprived smokers.In the third test of short-term memory, non-smokers made the fewest errors, but deprived smokers committed fewer errors than active smokers.The fourth test required people to read a passage, then answer questions about it. Nonsmokers remembered 19 percent more of the most important information than active smokers, and deprived smokers bested those who had smoked a cigarette just before testing. Active smokers tended not only to have poorer memories but also had trouble separating important information from insignificant details.As our tests became more complex, sums up Spilich, non-smokers performed better than smokers by wider and wider margins. He predicts, smokers might perform adequately at many jobs-until they got complicated. A smoking airline pilot could fly adequately if no problems arose, but if something went wrong, smoking might damage his mental capacity.锛堝珞鏁帮細10.00 锛?/div(1).The purpose of George Spilichs experiments is.锛堝珞鏁帮細 2.00 锛?/divA. to test whether smoking has a positive effect on the mental capacity ofsmokers 鈭?/spanB. to show how smoking damages peoples mental capacityC. to prove that smoking affects peoples regular performanceD. to find out whether smoking helps peoples short-term memory瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽瑕佺偣褰掔撼棰樸?傛湰棰樿?冩煡鏂囩珷绗竴娈电兢涓婚鍙?涓 績鍙卡?傚湪闃呰鏂囩珷鏃舵姄浣忔瘡娈垫枃绔犵兢涓績鍙二垨涓婚鍙二崄鍒嗛噸瑕侊紝杩欝簺甯稿父鏄嚭棰樼兢閲嶇偣銆徭涓?娈电兢涓績鍙二湪绗 簩琛屽彲鎺丨煡绛旀銆?/div(2) .George Spilichs experiment was conducted in such a way as to.锛堝垎鏁帮細 2.00锛?/divA. compel the subjects to separate major information from minor detailsB. put the subjects through increasingly complex tests鈭?/spanC. check the effectiveness of nicotine on smokersD. register the prompt responses of the subjects瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽浜嬪疄杈厶埆褰掔撼棰樸?傛牴鎹枃绔犵 浜屾鐨勫紑瀆淬?佺涓夋 鐨勫紑瀆淬?佺锲涙鐨勫紑瀆翠互鍙婄 浜旀鐨勫紑瀆村彲鐭二疄楠岀兢椤圭洰瓒婃澈瓒婂鏉傘?/div(3) .The word bested (Line 3, Para 5) most probably means.锛堝垎鏁帮細 2.00 锛?/divA. beat鈭?/spanB. enviedC. caught up withD. made the best of瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽璇嶆眹棰樸?傛牴鎹枃绔犵兢绗簲娈电兢绗竴琛屽彲鎺丨煡绛旀銆?/div.Which of the following statements is true?锛堝垎鏁帮細 2.00 锛?/divA. Active smokers in general performed better than deprived smokers.B. Active smokers responded more quickly than the other subjects.C. Non-smokers were not better than other subjects in performing simple tasks.鈭?/spanD. Deprived smokers gave the slowest responses to the various tasks.瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽浜嬪疄杈厶埆棰樸? 傛牴鎹枃绔犵兢绗 簩娈电兢绗簩琛屽彲鎺丨煡绛旀銆?/div(5).We can infer from the last paragraph that.锛堝垎鏁帮細 2.00 锛?/divA. smokers should not expect to become airline pilotsB. smoking in emergency cases causes mental illnessC. no airline pilots smoke during flightsD. smokers may prove unequal to handling emergency cases鈭 ?/span瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽鎺儿柇棰樸?傛牴鎹枃绔犵兢绗叚娈电 锲涜璇存槑錫哥儫鑰呬笉鑳借價浠诲鐞嗙揣鎬卡簨浠躲?/div涓冦?bPart B(鎬婚 鏁帮細1锛屽珞鏁帮細5.00)LindaMy husband weighed 275 pounds. He used to skip breakfast, and he didnt eat all that much for dinner. So I once wondered why he was getting so big. Then I found out he was stopping to buy a dozen chocolate-covered doughnuts each morning. And you know how I found out? He was eating them while driving, so he wouldnt have to share them at work. While chasing one that roiled across the front seat, he ran into a telephone pole.EmilyTwo years ago, I knew my husbands health was at risk because of all the weight he had picked up since wed been married. But he wasnt doing anything about it. Then I went to a doctors office and I followed his advice and started talking about food to my husband-what was good, what was bad-as if it was a new discovery. I didnt lecture my husband about the evils of being overweight, didnt try to threaten him by saying if he didnt lose weight his blood pressure could shoot sky-high and he might have a heart attack. Instead, I talked about how well hed look in new clothes, how he d probably do better on the job (he was a salesman), to ask questions. After a few months, hed lost 20 pounds.JohnI once kept a list of everything I ate one week, just to show my wife was wrong about whereI was picking up extra pounds. When I studied my list, I wondered how I found time to do any work, I was eating so much. Theres nothing like seeing it in black and white to prove youre wrong.Jane ScottWhen I found my husband had weight problem, I was determined to take some measures. I made sure I needed something from the store three mornings a week, and then I told my husband I didnt want to walk there alone-it was about a quarter of a mile each way-and rd always insist on walking. He breathed hard at first, but gradually got used to it, and we started making a circle around the neighborhood at night, too, with the dog. That was three years ago, and now I cant keep him still. The walking got him used to using his body again, and he was happy to find it still worked pretty well.TedMen tend to think less about the costs of excess pounds than women do. Men often seem blind to the possibility that a beer belly is causing them to look unattractive to their mates, holding them back in their careers and killing them before their time. Also, many men feel self-conscious going to a diet center-especially if most of the group is female. Diets are perceived to be of womens concern, or an admission of weakness. There are even men who would rather blow up like a blimp before they admit to other men-or themselves-that they need to lose weight.Now match each of the persons with the appropriate statement.Note: there are two extra statements.StatementsA. The heavier, the merrier.B. Some form of physical exercise has to play a part in mens weight-loss program.C. Attention should be paid to eating patterns.D. Mens attitudes are quite different from womens.E. Gaining weight has nothing to do with health.F. Your educational role sometimes has to be more subtle.G. Facts are indisputable.锛堝垎鏁帮細 5.00 锛?/div(1).Linda 锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div瑙f瀽锛欳.Emily 锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div瑙f瀽锛欶(3).John锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div瑙f瀽锛欸.Ted锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div瑙f瀽锛欴(5).Jane Scott锛堝垎鏁帮細 1.00 锛?/div瑙f瀽锛欱鍏 ?bSection鈪?Writing(鎬婚鏁帮細0锛屽珞鏁帮細0.00)涔濄?bPart A(鎬婚 鏁帮細1锛屽珞鏁帮細28.00)1. Write a letter for absence (about 100 words).锛堝珞鏁帮細28.00锛?/div 姝g绛旀锛?)瑙f瀽锛欽une 25锛?003Dear Mr 锛嶫 ohnson 锛?Please excuse my absence from school today 锛嶪 coughed a lot and had a high fever last night 锛嶵 his morning those terrible symptoms are still killing me锛?even worse thanyesterday. So I met the doctor this morning and he said I have got a flu and need to rest for several days. So I am writing to you to ask for three days sick leave and I promise Iwill be back to school as long as I feel better.鍗併?bPart B(鎬婚 鏁帮細1锛屽珞鏁帮細30.00)2. Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic of The Declineof Smallpox according to the information in the chart below.The graph below shows the decline of smallpox in the world according to reported cases of smallpox from the countries listed. What does the graph tell you? Write more than two paragraphs to convey the information in the graph. The composition should be at least 120 words. Remember to write clearly.锛堝珞鏁帮細30.00锛?/div 姝g绛旀锛?)瑙f瀽锛?strongThe Decline of SmallpoxThe graph shows the declining trend of the number of countries reporting cases of smallpox from 1964 to 1980.The year 1964 is considered to be the worst year. In that year the number of countries reporting cases of smallpox was approximately 30. From that year on until 1977, there was a rapid decline in the number of countries reporting smallpox cases, with the actual number of reported cases dropping away to only two countries.In the year between 1977锝?978, there was a plateau in the number of reported cases, withthe total remaining in two countries, and that number fell to zero in 1980.The information presented on the graph tends to suggest that due both to improved methods of treating smallpox and to increased public awareness of the disease, thirty out of more than 200 countries world-wide have been successful in eliminating smallpox within a span of 16 years.


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