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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上重点短语1.retire from 从退休,从退役2.perform ones promise 履行承诺3.perform an operation on sb. 给某人做手术4.have an advantage over 比有优势5.have an advantage in 在方面占优势6.take advantage of 利用7.to sbs advantage 对某人有利8.have the advantage of 有的优势9.give sb.a guarantee 给某人保证/承诺10.under guarantee 在保修期内11.on the increase 正在增加12.together with 加之,连用;和,与13.increase by 增加了(表示增加的比率)14.increase(from) to (从)增长到(表示增加后的结果)15.by chance 偶然的,意外的,碰巧16.take a chance/chances 碰运气/冒险17.protest against/about/at 反对,抗议18.declare sth.(to be) sth. 宣布某物是,断言为19.declare war on/against sb. 对宣战20.declare against 表示反对21.declare for 表示赞同22.declare that. . . 声明,郑重地说23.So what? (非正式)那又怎样呢?结果怎样?24.rise to ones feet 站起身25.pick up 把扶起来;接某人;收听;好转26.Thats not the point那不是关键;没有说到点子上27.to the point 很得要领的;中肯的28.off the point 离题的29.Theres no point in. . .干没有用;干没有意义课标单词1track跑道(n.)2perform表现(vi.)3guarantee保证(vt.)4purchase购买(vt.)5specific具体的;特定的(adj.)6score得分(vi. & vt.)7quality特性;品德;品性(n.)8victory胜利(n.)9dramatically戏剧性地(adv.)10protest抗议(vi.)11tough费力的;棘手的;困难的(adj.)12retire退休(vi.)retirement退休(n.)13advantage优势;长处(n.)disadvantage(反义词)劣势,不利条件(n.)14champion冠军(n.)championship冠军地位,锦标赛(n.)15declare宣布(vt.)declaration宣布,声明(n.)16competitor竞争者;对手(n.)compete竞争,对抗(vi.)competition竞争,竞赛(n.)常用短语1rise to ones feet站起身2be up to sb由某人决定3every ten seconds每十秒钟4have an advantage over比有优势5on the increase正在增加6six out of seven七分之六7according to根据,依据8pick up拾起,捡起9compete with和竞争10.go over仔细检查/审查;反复研究11.make a list of列出名单12.together with和,连同13.on the increase正在增加14.as/so long as只要,如果15.vote for投票赞成16.by oneself独自,单独17.six out of seven七分之六e onto the market上市19.sense of failure失败感20.be made up of 由组成重点短语再现1. on the increase在增加on the decrease在减少increase by增添了2.rise to ones feet站起来 struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来 jump/leap to ones feet跳起来set foot in/on 进入;踏进on foot步行3.every ten minutes每十分钟once a week每周一次every few minutes每几分钟4.pick up 接人;捡起;恢复pick on(跟某人)找别扭;故意刁难pick out 挑选5.be determined to do sth.下决心做某事a determined will坚决的意志6.vote for 投票选举vote against 投票反对7.declare war on向宣战be at war with与处于交战状态8. up to you由你决定up and down上上下下9.have an advantage over 比有优势to ones advantage对某人有利 take advantage of利用10.six out of seven七个中有六个two fifths五分之二单词精研1.perform vt.做;执行;履行;表演;正式进行;实施(某事)vi.表演;表现;(机器)运转精讲拓展:perform (vi.) well in 在中表现很好perform a part 扮演一个角色perform a task 执行任务perform ones duties 履行职责perform an operation 实施手术performance n. 表演put on a performance演出(教材P42)He was disappointed because he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.他感到很失望,因为他在1988年的首尔奥运会上表现得不好。(2011高考山东卷)When they discovered that Black Wednesday were going to perform at our local theatre,they all bought ticket,for performance.当他们得知“黑色星期三”乐队要来我们当地的剧院演出时,他们都买了演出的门票。This operation has never been performed in this town.这个小镇从未做过这种手术。The company has been performing poorly over the past year.这家公司过去一年业绩欠佳。They will give a performance/put on performances at the theatre.他们将在那家剧院演出。误区警示:performance表示“演出”时为可数名词,如:They have given many performances of the play.这出戏他们已演出多次了。朗文在线:The advice service performs a useful function.咨询服务发挥了有用的作用。Our team performed very well on Saturday.星期六时我们队表现得很好。命题方向:perform作及物动词用表示“表演”的用法以及名词形式performance的用法。活学巧练:完成句子(1) Li Ming performed well in the last match.李明在上次比赛中表现很出色。(2)What play will be performed tonight?今晚演什么戏?Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo _ so well at the 21st Winter Olympics that we were all proud of them. A. performed B. possessed C. observed D. supported【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意为:申雪和赵宏博在第21届冬奥会上表现得太好了,我们都为他们而骄傲。2.advantage n. 优势,长处Li Nings designs were attractive,and they had a major advantage over their betterknown rivalsthey were cheaper.李宁牌运动服的设计很吸引人,而且它们还有一个强于知名对手的主要优势便宜。(回归课本P42)He always takes full advantage of the mistakes made by his rivals.精讲拓展:at an advantage 有利地;占优势gain/win/have an(the) advantage over 胜过;优于take advantage of sth./sb.乘机利用某事/欺骗某人to ones advantage/disadvantage 对某人有利/不利disadvantage n. 不利条件put sb. at a disadvantage 置某人于不利境地turn to advantage 使转化为有利be of advantage to 对有利have/win/gain an advantage over 胜过,优于with an/the advantage over 胜过,优于give sb. an advantage 使某人处于更有利的地位B11have the advantage of 比强,胜过B12disadvantage n不利条件Living in a big city has many advantages such as good schools,libraries and theatres.住在大城市里有好多便利,如好的学校,图书馆和剧院。Dont lend them the cartheyre taking advantage of you!不要把汽车借给他们他们在利用你!It would be to your advantage to attend this meeting.参加这次会议会对你有利。误区警示:advantage C n利益,优点,长处U n优势;便利,方便朗文在线:For certain types of work wood has advantages over plastic.对于某些类型的制品来讲,木头要强于塑料。Candidates with computer skills will be at an advantage.具有电脑技能者优先。I took advantage of the good weather to paint the shed.我趁天气好给棚屋刷上油漆。命题方向:advantage 作名词的用法, take advantage of 和have an advantage over句型及反义词disadvantage的用法。活学巧练:翻译句子(1)There are several advantages in city life.答案:(1)都市生活有几个优点。(2)The Internet has both advantages and disadvantages.答案:(2)因特网既有好的方面,也有不好的方面。(3)In the first half, we had the advantage over the opposing team.答案:(3)前半场,我们比对方队占优势。Being able to speak another language fluently is a great when you are looking for a job.A.chance B.importance C.assistance D.advantage解析 句意为:能够流利地说另外一门外语,在你找工作时是一个很大的优势。I think full advantage is _ of this technology to improve the quality of our products. 2010绍兴模拟A. taken B. made C. placed D. picked【解析】选A。句意为:我想应该充分利用这项技术来提高我们的产品质量。考查固定词组 take advantage of,意为“利用”。3.declare vt. & vi.宣布;宣告;申报(教材P49)The Americans protested and in the end the American runner was declared the winner.美国人提出抗议,最终那位美国选手被宣布获胜。观察思考Germany declared war on France on August 1,1914.德国在1914年8月1日向法国宣战。I declare this exhibition open.我宣布展览会开幕。Others followed him and declared against the slavery.其他人跟随他表态,反对奴隶制度。易混辨异declare/announce/claim(1)declare指正式宣布,当众宣布。通常指官方正式公布、宣告事情。The results of the election will be declared soon.选举结果很快就会公布。(2)announce指预告性地宣布或公开宣告大家关心的事情。The teacher announced in the class that the winter holidays would begin on January 28.老师在班上宣布元月28日放寒假。(3)claim多指根据权利宣称,声称。Doctors claimed to have discovered a cure for the disease.医生们声称已找到该疾病的治疗方法。活学活用用declare,announce或claim的适当形式填空(1)He claimed that he had been dining with friends at the time of the accident.(2)Our monitor announced to us that there would be a sports meet the next week.(3)The use of certain chemicals has now been declared illegal.精讲拓展:declare against sth. 声明反对某事declare in favor of sth. 声明赞成某事declare off 宣布作废;毁约;宣布退出declare oneself 发表意见,表明态度;宣布自己的身份declare sth. open 宣布开幕declare war (on/against sb.) 对宣战declare sb. the winner 宣布某人为获胜者declaration n. 宣布,宣言,声明declarer n. 宣告者declarative adj. 宣言的,公布的B11declaratory adj. 宣言的,公布的朗文在线:The doctor finally declared that the man was dead.医生最终宣布该男子死亡。Ali was declared the winner of the fight.阿里被宣布为这场拳击赛的获胜者。Well I declared! What a pretty little village!我的天!多美的小村庄啊!命题方向:declare后接open作宾补的用法,以及与相关单词间的词义辨析。辨析declare,announceDeclare 指正式、明确地向公众“宣布;宣告;声明”,侧重当众发表,多用于宣战、议和、宣判等。announce指正式地“公开;发表;宣布”,侧重“预告”人们所关心或感兴趣的事情,尤指新闻之类的消息。另外,该词还有“预示;显示;显露”之意。(2011高考福建卷)The driver declared guilty may be fined a maximum of HK$ 25,000 and be sentenced to up to 3 years in prison.被控告有罪的司机最多罚款25000港元并判最高三年的刑期America declared war on Iraq on March 20,2003.2003年3月20日美国对伊拉克宣战。He declared that he had found a way to solve the demanding problem.他声称他已找到了解决这个棘手问题的办法。The court declared that Browns case should be reviewed.法院宣布布朗的案子应当重审。The government announced that the danger was past.政府宣布危险已经过去。活学巧练:翻译句子(1)The government has declared a state of emergency.答案:(1)政府已宣布进入紧急状态。(2)He declared that he was in love with her.答案:(2)他声称他已爱上了她。(3)The moment the 28th Olympic Games _ open, the whole world cheered.Adeclared B. have been declared C. have declared D. were declared答案与解析:D句意为:在28届奥运会宣布开幕的那一刻,全世界沸腾了。the moment在此句中引导时间状语从句“一就”,又有cheered可知答案应为D。4.guarantee vt.担保;保证;允许;允诺 n担保物;抵押物;保证书(教材P42)Success for Li Ning was guaranteed,and it came quickly.李宁的成功之处就在于保质包换,而且反馈迅速。精讲拓展:guarantee fund 保证金stand guarantee for sb. 替某人作保guarantee sb./sth. against/from 保证不受/免遭guarantee sb. against/from loss 保证某人不受损失guarantee sth. to sb. 向某人担保/保证某事be guaranteed to do sth. 必定做某事under guarantee 在保修期内guarantor n保证人观察思考Even if you complete your training,I cant guarantee you a job.即使你完成了培训,我也无法保证你能有工作。Your watch will be repaired free,if its still under guarantee.你的手表在保修期内可享受免费修理。We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week.我们保证一周内交货。We had to offer our house as a guarantee when getting the loan.我们在贷款时不得不拿房子作抵押。朗文在线:Take this opportunity, and I guarantee you wont regret it.抓住这个机会吧,我保证你不会后悔的。If you yell at him, hes guaranteed to do the opposite of what you want.如果你向他大喊大叫,他肯定会跟你对着干。My watch is still under guarantee.我的表还在保修期之内。活学巧练:汉译英(1)这只表保用两年。答案:(1)This watch is guaranteed for two years.(2)我保证他会去。答案:(2)I guarantee that hell go.(3)他向我保证这种事情决不会再发生。答案:(3)He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again.活学活用Working hard is not only a of greatsuccess,but it is also among the essential requirements.A.sign B.signal C.guarantee D.supposition解析 句意为:努力工作不仅是成功的一个保障,而且是基本的要求之一。This win _ them a place in the final. A. is sure B. Guards C. guarantees D. makes sure【解析】选C。句意:这场胜利确保他们在决赛中有一席之地。guarantee sb. sth. 向某人保证某事。5.score vt. & vi.(在游戏,比赛中)得分;获胜;得胜;领先 n得分;二十精讲拓展:make a score 得分keep the score 记分数The score in the final was 43(four to three)决赛的比分是4比3。know the score知道事情的真相on the score of因的理由three score years and ten 70年scores of几十个观察思考Yao Ming scored as soon as the first minute had passed.刚过一分钟,姚明就进球了。Arsenal scored a goal in the final minute of the game.阿森纳尔队在比赛的最后一分钟进了一球。Girls usually score highly in language exams.在语言考试中,女生通常得高分。Have you heard the latest score?你听到最新的比分了吗?Scores of volunteers offered to help.许多志愿者主动帮忙。误区警示:当score作名词用,表示“二十,二十个”时,如果前面有数词,则该词一定用单数形式,如two score, five score, ten score.;如果作定语,则名词前的of可用可不用,如a score (of) people, two score (of) students。如果表示“几十个”不太确定的数量,则须用scores of, score必须用复数形式,如scores of people几十个人。朗文在线:Is anybody keeping (the) score?有没有人负责记分?The Green Party scored some successes in the northwest.绿党在西北部获得了数次成功。Scores of people are in line for food.许多人在排队等候食物。命题方向:score作量词前面出现数词时必须用单数的用法以及scores of 短评。易混辨异score/dozen二者都可以表示数量。score二十,dozen十二。(1)其前有具体数字修饰时,其本身不用复数形式。(2)score后接名词时,常用of,构成score of的结构,而dozen后一般不接of。(3)当其后的修饰词为代词或所修饰的名词前有限定词时,其后加上of。She went to the bookstore and bought .A.dozen books B.dozens books C.dozen of books D.dozens of books解析 dozens of表示“很多,许多”,其后跟可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词。活学巧练:(1)Hes been to Hong Kong scores of times(多次)(2)Mary scored(得分) the highest mark on the exam.(3)In the game we got ten points/scores(得分)while the Medical School only got three.(4)He got 80 marks for geography.(替换)scores短语精释1.on the increase增加,增长The number of young people with money to spend was on the increaseand sports had never been so popular.有钱消费的年轻人的数量在增加,而体育运动也变得前所未有地普及。 (回归课本P42)观察思考The economy in China has been on the increase in the past 10 months.在过去的十个月里,中国的经济一直在增长。Tickets for the performance are on sale at the box office.演出的票正在售票处销售。He went to Hong Kong on business.他到香港出差去了。Crime is on the increase.在此结构中,介词on表示“在情况下,处于状态中”,类似的短语有:on fire着火on holiday在度假on duty在值日 on business出差on sale在出售 on show在展出on leave在休假 on strike在罢工on guard在值勤At present,the number of young people who smoke is on the increase.目前吸烟的年轻人的数量正在增加。(朗文P589)Helen is on night duty all next week.下个星期海伦全都是值夜班。Tickets for the famous singers performance are on sale at the box office.那位著名歌手演出的票正在售票处销售。The British coal miners have been on strike for several weeks.英国矿工罢工已有几个星期了。精讲拓展:increase by倍数或百分数,表示增加了倍或百分之increase to具体的增长后的数字,表示增加到increasing adj.日益增长的increasingly adv.越来越多地,逐渐增加的on the decrease在减少活学巧练:(1)The population has increased(增加) from 1.2 million 10 years ago to 1.8 million now.(2)The rate of inflation has increased by(增长了)2%.(3)The number of robberies in this area seems to be _on the increase(有增无减)(4)With the new policy carried out, our country is increasingly(逐渐) prosperous and strong.The number of the students attending the College Entrance Examination has increased 10% this year than last year.A.to B.on C.at D.by解析 increase by增加了;increase to增加到。If their marketing plans succeed, they _ their sales by 20%. A. will increase B. have been increasingC. have increased D. would be increasing【解析】选A。在条件状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来,主句用将来时。2.rise to ones feet 起身As the leader comes into the stadium to run the last few metres of the 42kilometre race,the crowd rises to its feet to shout and cheer.每当领先的运动员进入体育馆来跑那全程42公里的最后几米时,全场观众都会站起身来向他欢呼喝彩。(回归课本P49)The headmaster rose to his feet to welcome me.观察思考We all rose to our feet when we heard the news.当我们听到这则消息时,我们都站了起来。In the future,people will set foot on the moon.在将来,人们会登上月球的。The bus didnt come,so we set off on foot.公共汽车没来,所以我们步行出发了。精讲拓展:struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来on ones feet站着;恢复健康have ones feet on the ground实事求是,脚踏实地on foot步行rush sb. off his feet使某人疲于奔命set foot in/on进入;到达under ones feet碍手碍脚;讨厌stand on ones feet独立自主,自主foot by foot一步一步地,逐渐地朗文在线:He rose to his feet and tapped on the table as if he was going to speak.他站起身轻轻敲打桌子,好像要发言似的。Mike leapt to his feet and ran towards the window.迈克跳起身来,向窗口跑去。活学巧练:(1)He rose unsteadily to his feet(站起身)to reply to the speech of welcome.(2)Now that you are growing up you must learn to stand on your own two feet(独立)(3)The children are under my feet(烦我)all day.(4)Before Christmas the shop assistants are rushed off their feet(忙得不可开交)(5)Yesterday my friends and I went to _ town on _ foot.Athe; the Bthe; / C/; / D/; the答案与解析:Cgo to town “去城镇”和on foot “步行”都属固定搭配。The moment he heard his name was called,he to his feet.A.got B.stood C.got up D.stood up解析 由句意可知,此处指“站起来”,get to ones feet=rise to ones feet,故选A项。3.by chance碰巧;偶然地精讲拓展:chance n运气,机会,希望,可能性have a chance of winning有获胜的希望Its the chance of a lifetime.千载难逢的机会。by any chance万一;碰巧by some chance由于偶然的机会(The) chances are(that).很可能,大概是take a chance冒险一试chance vi.偶然发生,碰巧误区警示:(The) Chances are(that).是口语当中很常用的句型,如:Chances/The chances are that we will win easily.我们很可能会轻易取胜。该句型相当于“It is likely that.”或“It is probable that.”。朗文在线:I bumped into her quite by chance in Oxford Street.我在牛津街碰巧遇到她。Chances are theyll be out when we call.很可能我们去拜访时他们不在。Are you Mrs. Grant, by any chance?您可能就是格兰特夫人吧?命题方向:by chance作状语的用法,以及(the) chances are (that).句型的应用。活学巧练:(1)I met him by chance yesterday.昨天我无意中遇见他。(2)Chances are that he has already arrived.他可能已经到了。(3)Hearing many lucky men made their fortune in California, he also went there to take a chance.听说许多人在加利福尼亚发了财,他也去那里碰碰运气。4.every ten seconds每十秒钟精讲拓展:every other week每隔一周every other day每隔一天every few metres每隔几米every once in a while偶尔every now and then时而,不时地注意:every后跟基数词时,接可数名词的复数形式;后跟序数词时接可数名词单数形式。例如:every fourth day; every four days误区警示:(1)every与each都当作“每个”讲,多数情况下互换。但every当“每,每隔”讲时不能与each互换,即each没有此项用法。(2)every当“每,每隔”讲时,与few连用而不与a few连用。如every few metres每隔几米,而不说every a few metres活学巧练:汉译英(1)你应该每4个小时吃一片药。答案:(1)You should take one tablet every four hours.(2)沿路每隔几英里就设有一个军队检查站。答案:(2)There are army checkpoints every few miles along the road.(3)每隔一个月委员们会碰一次头。答案:(3)The committees meet every other month.5.Thats not the point.那不是问题的实质。精讲拓展:on the point of doing sth.正在做时,快要to/ off the point中肯/离题,不切意Thats a point是这样,的确如此Whats the point of doing sth.?做某事有什么用呢?There is no point (in) doing sth.做某事没有意义point out指出point to/ at/ towards指向朗文在线:There is no point (in) talking with him.同他谈话没有什么意义。I was on the point of going out when he knocked at the door.当他敲门的时候我正要出去。Who can point out my mistakes?谁能指出我的错误来?活学巧练:(1)She is standing on the points of her toes.她足尖立地。(2)The two lines cross at point A.这两条直线相交于A点。(3)The coach was on the point of giving up when our team scored two points.教练刚要放弃这时我们队赢了两分。(4)Your advice is very much to the point你的劝告十分中肯。(5)(2009甘肃河西五市模拟)Our house has reached the point _ so many things need _ and its so hard to find the time to fix them.A. at which; to do up B. that; doing upC. on wich; to put up D. where; putting up答案与解析:D在此句中,point在后面的定语从句中作状语,表示程度,当先行词是表程度状况的词,如case, point, situation等时,关系副词常用where。另外,need表需要讲时,后面用动名词的主动形式表示被动意思。6.be up to sb.由决定,是的责任(教材P48)The choice is up to you,means you must decide.这个选择“取决于你”,意思是你必须决定。up to sth 达到(某数量,程度等);至多有直到能胜任;适合做/干(不好的事)Whats up? 怎么回事?up and down 上上下下,来来回回Hes not really up to the job.他并不能真正胜任这项工作。Im afraid the play wont be up to our expectations.我担心该剧达不到我们预期的效果。Up to now,she has written four books.到目前为止,她已经写了四部书了。(2011高考陕西卷)What are you up to this weekend?本周末你干什么?观察思考Its up to you to decide to eat out or at home.由你来决定我们是到外面吃饭还是在家里吃。The children are very quiet.I wonder what they are up to.孩子们很安静,我不知道他们在搞什么鬼。He is not really up to the job.他并不能真正胜任这项工作。Up to now,she has written four books.到目前为止,她已经写了四部书了。活学活用What do you want to do next?We have half an hour before the baseball game. .Whatever you want to do is fine with me.A.It just depends B.Its up to you C.All right D.Glad to hear that解析 由答语中的“Whatever you want to do isfine with me.”可知由对方来决定。重点句型1But _ this sense of failure _ made him determined to succeed in his new life.但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。答案:it was; that2(教材P42)If you go into a school or university anywhere,the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,都有可能看到身穿印有那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。【点津】(1)the chances are (that).该句型意思是“很可能”,that后面跟表语从句,与It is likely/possible that.意思相近。(2)theres a /no chance that.有可能/没有可能chance to do sth.=It chanced that碰巧The chances are that I will be looking for a new job soon.我可能很快就要找一份新工作。I hope that theyll arrive on time,but the chances are that they will be late as usual.我希望他们能够按时赶到,但很有可能他们会像往常一样迟到。Theres no chance that he will change his mind.他不可能改变主意。There is a slim chance of success for the football team in the final.这只足球队在决赛中获胜的机会非常小。(牛津P315)They chanced to be staying at the same hotel.It chanced (that) they were staying at the same hotel.碰巧他们住在同一家旅馆。If you live in the country or have ever visited there, are that you have heard birds singing to welcome the new day.A.thinks B.facts C.chances D.possibilities解析 考查句式(The) Chances are that.很可能会。 3. He isnt as famous as the others.他不如其他的运动员著名。_. He was a real sportsman, _ hes not very well known.那不是问题的实


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