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MARKS$SPENCERETI and GSP non-complia nces道德贸易与全球采购不符点This docume nt contains some of the most com mon non-complia nces in relati on to the M&S Global Sourcing Principles and the ETI Base Code, ranked according to whether they are critical, major or minor.此文件包含关系到玛莎环球采购政策和ETI基本原点的很多常见不符点,视情况可分为严重,主要,次要,等级。New factories with critical issues will not be accepted for M&S product ion.新厂有严重的问题不能被玛莎生产接受。Exist ing factories that are found to have critical issues must be referred in the first i nsta nee to the releva nt M&S Social Complia nee Man ager.已合作工厂发现有严重问题的,必须提及首次案例给相关相关玛莎社会责任经理。The Global Sourci ng Prin ciples are available from the M&S website.玛莎网环球资源政策可用如下地址http:/www.marksa ndape SBra n d=coreThe ETI Base Code is available from the ETI website, in several different Ianguages.可用几种语言打开ETI网,ETI基础码。http:/www.ethicaltrade.org/Z/lib/base/i ndex.shtmlEmployme nt is freely chose n自由雇佣Critical致命的Any form of involun tary work e.g. un paid, bon ded, forced, trafficked.任何形式的非自愿工作,如不付钱,绑定,迫使,贩卖。Employees who refused overtime are pen alized e.g. threats of dismissal, pay cuts, demoti ons. 员工拒绝加班被罚,如:威胁解雇,扣工资,降职等。Employees are not able to resig n.员工不能辞职。Employees are not able to leave the factory whe n the shift en ds.交班结束员工不能离开工厂。Rete nti on by employer/age nt of origi nal ide ntificati on papers/passports-uni ess required by law. 雇主/机构扣留原始省份正/护照,除非法律要求。Complete abse nee of toilet and rest breaks.完全无上洗手间以及休息的时间。Involuntary prison labor.非自愿的监狱劳动力。Major主要的Unreasonable delays in payments when employees leave. 当工人离开时无理由地拒绝支付工资。Unreasonable notice requirements or financial penalties for leaving. 离开时无理由的要求或者罚款。Monetary deposits for work tools, PPE, training. 工具个人防护用品,培训押金。Restricted toilet and rest breaks. 严格的上洗手间以及休息的时间。Minor 次要的Excessive monetary deposits for accommodation. 过多的住房押金。No policy on prison labor. 无政策的监狱劳动力。Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected 集体自由及集体合同权利要求。Critical致命的Employees who wish to join a union/employee committee are unable to do so- and there is a breach of country law.员工不能参与想加入的工会或员工委员会,这也不符合当地法律。Penalising or discriminating employee/ representatives in any way for participating, joining or being represented by a union/ employee committee.处罚 / 歧视参与,加入或代表工会/员工委员会的员工 /代表人。Employer obstructs union / employee committee recruitment activities or denies reasonable access for recruitment.雇主阻止工会 / 员工委员会招募活动 /否认合理的委任。Evidence of a critical communication breakdown between employees and employers which may lead to serious conflict or abuse. 有证据证明员工与雇主沟通关系破裂导致严重的冲突及虐待。Employer does not comply with collective agreement. 雇主不遵守集体协议。Major 主要Employees who wish to join a union / committee are un able to do so-and there is no breach ofcountry law. E.g. minority wish to join.要加入工会的员工,无违背当地法律,少数愿意加入。Failure to have works council where a legal requirement. 法律要求成立员工委员会而没有成立的。Consistent refusal of facilities for trade union activities. 拒绝给工会活动提供设备。Employee representatives are not given time off meet and address issues. 员工代表没有时间会面解决问题。Collective agreements fail to comply with country law. 没有按照国家法律规定收集员工意见。Collective agreements are not in writing and / or not available to workforce. 收集的意见没有写下来或者对劳动力无效。Employer interferes with union /employee committee decision making or election / appointment of employee representative.雇主干涉工会 / 员工委员会员工代表选举以及任命的抉择。 There is no formal structure for employee representation. 没有正式的员工代表组织。Employees are forced to talk about sensitive issues.Minor小问题No policy in place on freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. 无集会自由及集体合同权利政策。Inadequate facilities for union / employee committee activities. 没有足够设备提供给员工委员会活动。Lack of documentary evidence of bargaining. 没有有关议价的文件记录。Employees unaware of who their representatives are. 员工不知道谁是他们的代表。Lack of regular elections for employees representatives where this is legal requirement. 如果法律要求有正式员工代表选举而缺乏的。No training for employee representative. 没有对员工代表进行培训。Employees are forced to talk about sensitive issues. 员工被迫谈论敏感问题。Minor小问题No policy in place on freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. 无集会自由及集体合同权利政策。Inadequate facilities for union/employee committee activities. 没有足够设备提供给员工委员会活动。Lack of regular elections for employees representatives where this is a legal requirement. 如果法律要求有正式员工代表选举而缺乏的。No training for employee representatives. 没有培训员工代表。No action taken on issues raised during union/employee committee meeting. 对工会 /员工委员会提案不采取任何行动。Lack of meeting documentation.无会议记录。Working conditions are safe and hygienic-Fire safety 工作环境安全 /卫生 -消防安全Critical严重Locked or insufficient fire exits. 安全出口被锁 / 不够多。No fire fighting equipment on site. 没有定点的消防设备。MajorBlocked aisles preventing use. 过道堵塞。No fire exit signs. 没有安全出口的标志。Fire fighting equipment is inaccessible, out of date, insufficient, unusable, wrong type. 消防设备不易接近,过期,不够多,已经破损,型号不对。No records of fire evacuation drills. 没有消防演习记录。No evacuation procedures, drills or training. 没有撤离的安排,操练或者训练。Lack of distinctive fire alarm. 缺少可辨认的警铃。No, or inadequate, emergency lighting. 应急灯不足或者没有。No or inadequately maintained equipment/procedures to prevent explosions. 没有或者缺少防暴工具 /程序。Electrical wiring not adequately encansed or secured. 电线没有全部加电线盖或不安全。Minor小问题Fire escape doors poorly marked and / or maintained. 消防逃生出口标记不够明显或保存。Missing fire assembly points. 消防装备缺少指引。Fire extinguishers installed at the incorrect height. 灭火器装在不正确的高度。Incomplete records of fire evacuation drills. 没有完整的消防疏散演习。Emergency lighting poorly maintained. 应急照明灯保存不好。Failure to comply with requirements for electrical safety inspections. 没有按照要求进行用电安全检查。Working conditions are safe and hygienic -management systems. 工作环境安全卫生 -管理系统。Critical严重No health and safety management systems in place. 没有健康和安全管理系统。MajorSystematic failures in health and safety systems. 健康安全系统故障。No health and safety certificates.没有健康安全证。Management are unaware of the ETI code 管理无视道德贸易原则。Minor小问题Health and safety certificate have expired. 健康安全证过期。Employees are unaware of the ETI code. 员工没有察觉道德贸易原则。Working conditions are safe and hygienic -buildings. 工作环境安全卫生 -楼层。Critical重要Premises are not structurally safe. 建筑结构不安全。Major主要Premises require repairs that affect personal safety. 建筑有威胁到个人安全需修理。Inadequate lighting in hazardous areas. 在危险区域没有足够的灯。Systematic failures in heating, ventilation and air conditioning.系统管控无保暖,通风及空调。Minor 小问题Generally inadequate lighting in some areas. 某些区域照明灯不足。Isolated failures in heating, ventilation and air conditioning. 某些地方去缺失加热,通风及空调。Working conditions are safe and hygienic -chemical usage 工作环境安全卫生 -化学品使用。CriticalStorage / disposal facilities for hazardous chemicals don texist, or are dangerous. 危险化学物品没有存储设备/不安全。Hazardous materials are stored in accommodation premises. 危险材料存储在居住区。MajorInadequate provisions for safe handling of hazardous chemicals, or lapses in their application. 危险品安全操作设备不足,或应用时失败。Inadequate storage facilities, disposal, labeling, training, containment or spill kits for hazardous chemicals, and / or lapses in their use.缺乏存贮设备,配置,标签,培训,控制,防污应急箱,危险化学物品或使用时无效。Working conditions are safe and hygienic -accommodation 工作条件安全健康 -宿舍。Critical重要Accommodation is not structurally safe. 住处结构上不安全。Production and accommodation areas together. 仓库跟住处区域在一起。MajorEach individual does not have own sleeping mat / bad. 每个人没有自己的床位。Personal living space and / or sleeping areas are not separated by gender. 居住空间没有按性别分开。Living conditions are unsanitary .居住条件不够卫生。Unsafe appliances. 用具不安全。No secure personal storage for personal effects. 没有安全的个人存储空间。Minor小问题Inadequate laundry facilities. 洗熨设备不足。Poor housekeeping.不够整洁。Inadequate secure storage for personal effects. 个人安全存储空间不足。Working conditions are safe and hygienic -employee healthCritical重要Clean drinking water not available.没有干净的饮用水。Suitable PPE not issued to employees and / or not worn in hazardous environment. 员工没有个人防护用品发放/在危险条件下不佩戴。No health and safety training for employee in hazardous environments. 在危险工作环境下,没有对员工进行健康安全培训。No wash facilities in hazardous environments, including eye wash facility where appropriate. 危险工作环境无洗涤设备包括适当的洗眼设备。Factory equipment inappropriately used, maintained or designed, which could lead to loss of life or limb.工厂设备使用保存设计不适当会导致伤及生命或致残。MajorClean drinking water not easily accessible. 干净的引用水易受影响。Suitable PPE not always issues.适当的 PPE 没有经常发放。Inadequate health and safety training for employees in hazardous areas. 在危险区域缺少对员工的健康和安全培训。Systematic failures to provide health and safety training for employees. 系统疏忽为员工提供健康安全训练。Inadequate toilets and washing facilities and / or facilities not separated by gender. 洗手间不够多 / 没有按相别分开。No appropriate medical examinations of employees in hazardous environments. 在危险环境下没有对员工进行适当的体检。Factory equipment inappropriately used, maintained or designed with could cause serious injury. 工厂设备不适当使用,保存,设计导致严重伤害。No first aid kits in hazardous or high risk areas.在危险 /高危险区域没有急救工具。No trained first aid personal. 没有培训急救人员。Workstations and work areas are untidy creating a risk of serious injury. 仓库和工作区域不整洁导致安全隐患。Lack of appropriate equipment or training for safe handling of loads which constitutes a serious risk.缺少适当设备 / 安全货物操作培训导致严重危险。Lack of appropriate guards on machines, as appropriate. 机器上缺少适当的使用说明。Lack of regular maintenance-by appropriately trained personal-of machines which are a potential ganger to life or health.缺少定期机器保养 -适当个人培训 -导致隐性的生命及健康隐患。Injuries and accidents are not recorded. 工伤和事故没有做好记录。No health and safety representatives and /or committee. 没有健康安全的代表委员会。No medical room was provided for the employees. 没有向员工开放的医务室。Slippery surfaces creating risk of injury. 光滑地面导致伤害危险。Employee transport where provided is unsafe 。 员工运输通道不安全。Inadequate health and safety provision and procedures for pregnant employees. 针对孕妇是否有足够的健康与安全权利及程序。Inadequate provision for hygienic food storage and preparation. 卫生食物的存储和准备供应不足。Minor小问题No or inadequate testing of water for potability. 引用水检测不足。Suitable PPE issued but not consistently worn. 适当个人防护用品发放,但不坚持穿戴。Isolated failures to provide health and safety training for employees. 疏忽对员工进行单独的健康安全培训。Rest and canteen facilities are inadequate and do not comply with local law. 休息处和餐厅不够多,没有依照当地法律。Isolated failures to carry out medical examinations where applicable. 疏忽对可适用人群的体验。No noise assessment. 没有噪音评估。Inadequate numbers or maintenance of first aid kits. 急救工具不充足或没有进行维护。Insufficient trained first aid personal, and / or employees do not know who they are. 员工急救训练不足,或者员工不知道哪些是急救人员。Workstations and work areas are untidy creating a risk of moderate injury. 仓库及车间不整齐导致中度伤害的危险。Critical labour shall not be used 不能雇佣童工Critical严重Employees below the age of 15. 员工有小于 15 岁。Systematic causes of evidence of individual sage identity being unavailable, false, or not kept on personal file.个人年龄身份证据系统资料不完整,有错误,没有纪律在个人档案里面。Major 主要No policy in cludi ng remediatio n on child labour.没有童工补救政策。Under the country slegal age of employment but older than 15. 比国家法定年龄小,但小于 15 岁。Isolated cases of evidence of individual sage and identity being unavailable, incomplete, false, or not kept on personnel file.个别证据证明个人年龄,身份不可查,不完整,错误或不在个人档案中。Company accepts photocopy identification from employees without checking originals. 公司接受员工只提供身份证明复印,不查原件。Child on site but not working.小孩子在工作地点,但是没有工作。Young employeeshours of work contrary to local law. 年幼员工的工作时长与当地法律相反。Young employees engaged in night work or hazardous work. 年轻员工从事夜间工作或者较危险的工作。Young employees not registered or recorded as per legal requirements. 年轻员工没有按法律要求登记注册。Young employees are not risk assessed and given health examination. 年轻员工没有进行风险评估,给予健康检查。Not recruitment policy for young employees.没有征用新的年轻员工。Minor小问题Contracts for young employees not signed by parent or legal guardian (see also employment is freely chosen).年轻员工合同不是由父母 /合法监护人鉴定 (雇佣自由 )。Living wages are paid 生活津贴补助Critical严重Employees work without payment. 员工工作没有报酬。Employeespay or piece rate earning are below any applicable legal minimum wage or agreed national industry benchmarks.员工计件,所赚的钱低于最低工资标准/国家工业基准。Overtime premiums are incorrect, or not paid for holidays worked. 加班没有补贴或者假期工作没有工资。Wages could not be verified due to inconsistent or incomplete records. 工资不明,工资表不完善。Evidence of fdeliberate falsification of wages records. 明显伪造工资记录。MajorWages not paid on time. 工资没有按时发放。Legally required allowances, bonuses or benefits are not paid or not paid correctly. 法律要求的津贴,分红,福利无发放或不正确发放。No paid annual leave. 工资没有当年结清。Factory is using home working, other factories and location as a way of avoiding paying overtime premiums.工厂使用家庭加工,其他工厂 /地方以避免付加班费。Unreasonable deductions from wages 。 不合理的扣工资。Isolated inconsistencies between wage records and other records. 工资记录和其他记录相矛盾。Pay slips not provided with each payment in local language. 工资条没有用当地语言列出明细。Minor n小问题Employees are not given sufficient information, or not understand how wages are calculated. 员工没有提供充足的信息,不知道工资是如何扣的。 Failure to meals allowance where legally required. 没有按法律要求给予伙食补贴。Working hours are not excessive 工作时间不能超额。Critical严重Unreasonable hours, in excess of 72 hours per week for more than 16 weeks per year. 不合理的工作时间,每周超过72 小时的一年不得多于 16 周。Regular, systemic 7 day working. 经常工作每周 7 天。Wages could not be verified due to inconsistent or incomplete records. 由于记录不完善导致工资不明。Evidence of deliberate falsification of working hours records. 有证据证明工作记录是故意伪造的。MajorExcessive hours, between 60-72 per work, or above legal limits-whichever is the lower. 多于工作时间,在每周 60-72 小时,或高于法律要求 / 法律要求工作时间小于 60-72 小时。 Standard hours regularly exceed 48 hours per week, or legal limits-which ever is the lower. 标准时间超过每周 48小时 -法律规定最短时间 /或者更少。Overtime hours regularly exceed 12 hours per week, or legal limits-whichever is lower. 额外工作时间超过 12小时 /周法律要求最少时间,或者更少。Working without correct breaks. 工作中没有正常的休息。Occasional or isolated 7days working. 经常性的 7 个工作日 /周。Isolated inconsistencies between wage records and other records. 工资记录和其他记录相矛盾。Pregnant, younger or female employees working illegal hours or without prior approval from local labour bureau.孕妇少女或者女性员工工作时间超额或者没有被当劳动局承认。Minor小问题Isolated cases of standard hours regularly exceeding 48 hours per week, or legal limits-whichever is the lower.工作时间标准经常超过 48 小时 /周,或超过法律要求。Isolated cases of overtime hours regularly exceeding 12hours per week, or regular limits-whichever is the lower.加班时间经常超过 12小时 /周,或者超过当地法律要求。No clear policy on overtime working and/or policy has not been communicated to or understand by employees.没有明确的政策表明超时工作,没有跟员工交流或被员工理解。No discrimination is practiced 无歧视Critical严重Sexual abuse or harassment. 性别侵扰。MajorEvidence of discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, national origin, religion or belief, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation. 有证据证明雇佣,补偿,培训,退休因种族歧视,等级,国籍,宗教,信仰,年龄,残疾, 性别,婚姻状况,性别趋向协会成员或党派成员。Dismissal of pregnant employees. 解雇怀孕的员工。Pregnancy testing on employees or potential recruits. 员工做怀孕测试或者再招新员工。Not meeting legal requirements on working conditions for pregnant, post partum or lactating women.没有按法律要求提供适当工作条件给孕妇或哺乳期妇女。Minor 小问题Suspicion of any form of discrimination but no evidence. 怀疑任何形式的歧视,但无证据。Lack of transparent policy on employment practices. 雇佣条例缺乏明晰的政策。Regular employment is provided.Critical 严重Complete absence of contracts. 没有劳动合同。Agency does not meet national requirements as a labour provider. 代理商作为一个劳动提供者没有满足国家需求。MajorIsolated absence of contracts. 劳动合同不充足。Employees are required to sign blank papers, resignation letters etc. 员工被要求空白纸上签名,写辞职信等。Absence of clear, understandable written terms and conditions of employment, which comply with local law and are signed by employees. 缺乏明晰易懂的雇佣书面条款,条款必须与当地法律一致,并且由员工签字。Copies of terms and conditions are not provided to employees. 劳动合同条款附件和条件没有提供给员工。Facility imposes additional terms or requirements on employees after employment contract signed. 雇佣条款鉴定后,工厂附加另外的条款。Probation period exceeds legally allowed period. 试用期超过法律规定的时间。Employees are fired and rehired to avoid paying same terms and benefits as for permanent employees.员工被辞退或二次雇佣一避免支付同笔货款,因此作为永久的员工。Employees are consistently employed on temporary contracts.( NB. This could be critical dependent upon circumstances.) 员工一贯的用临时的劳动合同被雇佣。Agency employees not receiving full legal and social security entitlements. 代理员工没有享受合法的社会安全权利。Unreasonable payment of fee to agent by the employee in own home or host country or fees exceed local legal lawsEmployees not receiving employment contract in home country and / or having additional contract when in country of work.Minor 小问题Contract not accurate or not up to date. 合同不精确或者没有更新。No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed. 粗鲁或不人道的做法是不允许的。Critical 严重 Any physical punishment or sexual harassment. 任何体罚或性虐待。Supervisors or managers taking bribes including sexual favours from employees. 管理人员受贿包括性喜好。Unreasonable personal body searches. 不合理的搜身。Extreme verbal abuse. 极端言语辱骂。MajorNo formal disciplinary or grievance procedure. 无正式规定或诉讼程序。Managers and supervisors do not follow the disciplinary procedure. 管理人员不遵守规定的程序。Failure to discipline any employee who has abused other employees. 没有处罚辱骂其他员工的人。Unreasonable policy and practice of fining employees for breaking rules. 不合理的罚款政策和措施,因为员工不守纪律。Shouting or swearing at employees, or other forms of verbal abuse. 朝员工大喊,咒骂,或其他形式的口头辱骂。Minor小问题Inadequate disciplinary / grievance procedure. 无充分的规定或诉讼程序。Disciplinary and grievance procedures not communicated to or not understood by employees. 规定及诉讼程序没有跟员工交流或不被员工理解。Additional requirements: Environment 其他要求 环境Critical 严重Total disregard for the environment or company is operating without any of the legally required safeguards.完全忽视环境,或工厂操作没有任何合法的安全环境。MajorBreaking the law of effluent and other chemicals. 不遵守排水道和其他化学物品的法律。Minor主要Isolated minor failings in environmental systems. 个别环境系统小问题。Additional requirements: Sub-contracting 其他要求 外加工Critical严重Use of illegal sub-contractors. 使用不合法的加工厂。Additional requirements :Management systems 其他要求 管理系统Critical严重Evidence to indicate the company does not operate in a socially responsible way. 有证据证明公司没有执行社会责任。A management with no commitment to improve. 没有承担改善管理义务。MajorLack of understanding of system requirements but a commitment to learn and cooperate. 对管理系统要求不够完善,有义务去学习合作。Minor 小问题No program in place to access the social accountability of suppliers. (NB. This could be critical dependent upon circumstances). 没有具体安排厂商去了解他们的社会责任,没有程序评估供应商的社会责任。


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