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初级英语单词表一、学习用品(school things)1. pen钢笔2. pencil铅笔3. ruler尺子4. book 书5. post card明信片6. schoolbag书包7. eraser橡皮8. notebook笔记本 9. magazine杂志10. dictionary词典二、身体部位(body)1. foot脚2. head头3. face脸4. hair头发5. nose鼻子6. mouth嘴7. eye眼睛8. ear耳朵9. arm手臂 10. hand手11. finger手指12. leg腿三、颜色(colors)1. red红2. blue蓝3. yellow黄4. green绿5. white白6. black黑7. pink粉红8. purple紫9. orange橙10. brown棕四、动物(animals)1. cat猫2. dog狗3. pig猪4. duck鸭5. rabbit兔子6. horse马7. ant蚂蚁8. fish鱼9. bird鸟10. snake蛇11. monkey猴子12. bear熊13. lion狮14. tiger老虎15. fox狐狸16. turkey火鸡17. goat山羊18. cow奶牛19. donkey驴20. shark鲨鱼五、人物(people)1. friend朋友2. boy男孩girl女孩kid小孩3. mother母亲father父亲4. sister姐妹5. brother兄弟6. uncle叔叔7. man男人woman女人8. Mr先生Miss小姐lady女士9. parents父母10. grandma/grandmother(外)祖母grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父11. aunt阿姨12. cousin堂表兄弟姐妹13. classmate同学14. neighbor邻居15. university student大学生六、职业(job)1. teacher教师2. doctor医生3. nurse护士4. driver司机5. farmer农民6. singer歌唱家7. writer作家8. actor男演员9. artist画家10. engineer工程师11. accountant会计12. policeman(男)警察13. salesperson销售员14. cleaner清洁工15. assistant售货员七、食品、饮料(food&drink)1. rice米饭2. bread面包3. beef牛肉4. milk牛奶5. fish鱼6. hot dog热狗7. hamburger汉堡包8. cookie曲奇9. jam果酱10. noodles面条11. meat肉12. chicken鸡肉13. pork猪肉14. mutton羊肉15. vegetable蔬菜16. salad沙拉17. soup汤18. ice-cream冰淇淋19. Coca-Cola可口可乐20. juice果汁21. tea茶22. coffee咖啡23. breakfast早餐24. lunch午餐25. dinner/supper晚餐八、水果和蔬菜(fruit & vegetable)1. apple苹果2. banana香蕉3. pear梨4. orange橙5. watermelon西瓜6. grape葡萄7. eggplant茄子8. tomato西红柿9. potato土豆10. peach桃子11. strawberry草莓12. cucumber黄瓜13. onion洋葱14. carrot胡萝卜15. cabbage卷心菜九、衣服(clothes)1. jacket夹克衫2. shirt衬衫3. T-shirt T恤衫4. skirt短裙子5. dress连衣裙6. jeans牛仔裤7. pants裤子8. socks袜子9. shoes鞋子10. sweater毛衣11. coat上衣12. raincoat雨衣13. shorts短裤14. boots靴子15. hat帽子16. cap鸭舌帽17. sunglasses太阳镜18. tie领带19. scarf围巾20. gloves手套十、交通工具(vehicles)1. bike自行车2. bus公共汽车3. train火车水4. boat小船5. ship轮船6. taxi出租车7. jeep吉普车8. plane飞机9. subway地铁10. motor cycle摩托车十一、杂物(other things)1. window窗户2. door门 3. desk课桌4. chair椅子5. bed床6. board写字板7. fan风扇8. light灯9. picture图画;照片 10. wall墙壁11. floor地板12. curtain窗帘13. trash bin垃圾箱14. closet壁橱15. mirror镜子16. present礼物17. lamp台灯18. phone电话19. fridge冰箱20. table桌子21. air-conditioner空调22. lock锁 23. photo照片24. chart图表25. gift礼物26. toy玩具27. balloon气球28. kite风筝29. box盒子30. umbrella伞十二、地点(locations)1. bedroom卧室2. bathroom卫生间3. living room起居室4. classroom教室5. washroom盥洗室6. kitchen厨房7. library图书馆8. supermarket超市9. bank 银行 10. post office邮政局11. hospital医院12. cinema电影院13. bookstore书店14. garden花园15. playground操场16. gym体育馆17. company公司18. factory 工厂 19. pet shop 宠物店20. science museum科学博物馆十三、课程(classes)1. Chinese 汉语(语文)2. Mathematics(简写Math) 数学3. sports 体育 4. science自然科学5. Social Studies社会十四、国家、城市(countries&cities)1. China/ PRC中国2. America/ USA 美国 3. UK 英国4. England 英格兰 5. Canada/ CAN加拿大6. Australia澳大利亚7. New York纽约8. London伦敦9. Sydney悉尼10. Moscow莫斯科11. Cario开罗十五、气象(weather)1. cold 冷的 2. warm温暖的3. cool 凉爽的 4. snowy下雪的5. sunny晴朗的 6. hot 热的 7. rainy下雨的8. windy刮风的9. cloudy多云的10. weather report天气预报十六、景物(nature)1. river河流2. lake湖泊3. stream小溪4. forest森林5. path小路6. road马路7. house房子8. bridge桥9. building建筑物10. rain雨11. cloud 云 12. sun太阳13. mountain大山14. sky天空15. rainbow彩虹十七、植物(plants)1. flower 花 2. grass草3. tree 树 4. seed 种子 5. sprout 芽 6. plant 植物 7. rose玫瑰8. leaf 树叶 十八、星期(week)1. Monday2. Tuesday3. Wednesday4. Thursday5. Friday6. Saturday7. Sunday8. weekend周末十九、月份(months)1. January2. February3. March4. April5. May6. June7. July8. August9. September10. October11. November12. December二十、季节(seasons)1. spring2. summer3. fall/autumn4. winter二十一、方位(directions)1. south南2. north北3. east东4. west西5. left 左 6. right右二十二、患病(illness)1. have a fever发高烧2. hurt 疼痛 3. have a cold 伤风 4. have a toothache 牙疼 5. have a headache 头疼 6. have a sore throat喉咙疼二十三、数词(number)1. one2. two3. three4. four5. five6. six7. seven8. eight9. nine10. ten11. eleven12. twelve13. thirteen14. fourteen15. fifteen16. sixteen17. seventeen18. eighteen19. nineteen20. twenty二十21. thirty三十22. forty四十23. fifty五十24. sixty六十25. seventy七十26. eighty八十27. ninety九十28. hundred一百1. first第一2. second第二3. third第三4. fourth第四5. fifth第五月 6. sixth第六 7. seventh第七 8. eighth第八9. ninth第九 10. tenth 第十 11. eleventh 第十一 12. twelfth第十二二十四、形容词(adj.)1. big 大的 small 小的 long 长的 tall高的short短的2. young 年轻的 old老的strong强壮的thin瘦的3. active 积极的 4. quiet安静的5. nice好看的6. kind 善良的 7. smart 聪明的 8. funny滑稽的9. sweet甜的10. salty 咸的 11. sour酸的12. fresh 新鲜 13. favorite最喜欢的14. clean干净的15. tired累的16. excited兴奋的17. angry生气的18. happy 高兴的 19. bored无聊的20. sad 难过的 21. fine好的22. great棒的23. heavy重的24. right对的25. hungry饿的26. cute可爱的27. little小的28. lovely可爱的29. beautiful漂亮的30. colorful五颜六色的31. pretty漂亮的32. cheap便宜的33. expensive贵的34. juicy有汁的35. healthy健康的36. helpful有帮助的37. proud 骄傲的 38. sick生病的39. better更好的 40. higher更高的二十五、介词(prep.)1. in在里面2. on 在上面 3. under在下面4. near在附近5. behind 在后面 6. next to 在旁边 7. over悬在上面8. in front of在前面 二十六、代词(pron.)1. I 我 2. we 我们 3. you你,你们4. he 他 5. she她6. it它7. they 他们 8. my我的9. our我们的10. your你的,你们的11. his他的12. her她的二十七、动词(verb.)1. play 玩 2. swim 游泳 3. skate溜冰4. fly 飞 5. jump跳6. walk走7. run跑8. climb爬9. fight 打架 10. swing荡秋千11. eat 吃12. sleep睡觉13. like喜欢14. have有 15. turn转 16. buy买 17. take拍(照),带 18. live 居住 19. teach 教 20. go去21. study学习22. learn学习23. sing 唱歌 24. dance跳舞25. row划26. read books读书 27. do homework做作业28. watch TV 看电视 29. cook the meals烧菜30. water the flowers浇花31. sweep the floor 拖地 32. clean the bedroom打扫房间33. make the bed铺床叠被34. set the table摆餐桌35. wash the clothes洗衣服36. do the dishes洗盘子37. use a computer 用电脑 38. do morning exercises 做早操 39. eat breakfast 吃早餐 40. eat dinner 吃晚饭 41. go to school去上学42. have English class上英语课43. play sports体育运动44. get up起床45. climb mountains爬山 46. go shopping去购物47. play the piano弹钢琴48. visit grandparents拜访祖父母49. go hiking去远足50. fly kites放风筝51. make a snowman堆雪人52. plant trees植树53. draw pictures画画54. cook dinner烧晚饭55. read a book读书56. answer the phone接电话57. listen to music听音乐58. clean the room打扫房间59. write a letter写信60. write an e-mail写电子邮件61. drink water喝水62. take pictures拍照片63. watch insects观察昆虫64. pick up leaves摘树叶65. do an experiment做实验66. catch butterflies捉蝴蝶67. count insects数昆虫68. collect insects收集昆虫69. collect leaves收集树叶70. write a report写报告71. play chess下棋72. have a picnic野餐73. get to到达74. ride a bike骑自行车75. play the violin拉小提琴76. make kites做风筝 77. collect stamps集邮78. meet遇见79. welcome欢迎80. thank 谢谢 81. love 爱 82. work工作83. drink喝84. taste尝85. smell闻86. feed喂87. shear 剪 88. milk挤牛奶89. look看90. guess猜91. help帮助92. pass传递93. show展示,给看94. use用95. clean打扫96. open打开97. close关98. put放99. read读,看100. write写101. paint画画102. tell告诉103. kick踢104. bounce弹105. ride骑106. stop停107. wait等108. find找 109. drive驾驶110. fold折叠111. send送,寄112. wash洗113. shine照耀114. become变成115. feel感觉116. think想117. fall掉下118. leave离开119. wake up醒过来120. put on穿上121. take off 脱下 122. hang up挂起来123. wear穿124. go home回家125. go to bed去睡觉126. play computer games玩电脑游戏127. play chess下棋128. do housework做家务129. empty the trash倒垃圾130. put away the clothes放好衣服131. get off下车132. take a trip去郊游133. read a magazine 读杂志 134. go to the cinema 去电影院二十八 动词的第三人称单数形式1. readreads 2. livelives 3. watchwatches 4. teachteaches 5. gogoes 6. dodoes 7. havehas 二十九、动词的ing形式1. gogoing 2. dodoing 3. walkwalking 4. jumpjumping 5. climbclimbing 6. playplaying 7. teachteaching 8. catchcatching 9. watchwatching 10. readreading 11. cookcooking 12. cleancleaning 13. answeranswering 14. listenlistening 15. collectcollecting16. countcounting 17. runrunning 18. swimswimming19. havehaving 20. liveliving 21. makemaking 22. taketaking 23. useusing 24. divediving 25. writewriting 26. rideriding三十一、动词的过去式watchwatched washwashed cleancleaned playplayed visitvisited learnlearned climbclimbed rowrowed dancedanced dodid gowent singsang eatate taketook havehad seesaw buyboughtreadread 三十二、形容词的比较级1. talltaller 2. shortshorter 3. oldolder 4. youngyounger 5. smallsmaller 6. longlonger 7. strongstronger 8. bigbigger 9. thinthinner10. heavyheavier 三十三、疑问词1. what(什么) 2. which(哪一个) 3. when(什么时候) 4. where(在哪里) 5. why(为什么) 6. how(怎样,如何) 7. how many(多少) 8. how much(多少钱) 9. what about(怎么样)三十四、单词的缩写1. Im = I am 2. its = it is 3. hes = he is 4. shes = she is5. thats = that is 6. whos = who is 7. whats = what is 8. theyre = they are 9. isnt = is not 10. arent = are not 11. cant = cannot 12. dont = do not 13. doesnt = does not 14. lets = let us1


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