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第四讲:一般过去时一、定义:表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。1.表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或存在的状态: e.g. He was twelve last year. She was at work.2.表过去经常或反复发生的动作: e.g. She often came to help us in those days. Mrs. Peter always carried an umbrella.2、 常与一般过去时连用的词:1. 时间状语 ago(two hours ago(一段时间+ago) yesterday(morning,afternoon,evening) the day before yesterday last week,last(year,night,month) 具体时间(如Jan.fourth) just now at the age of 10(过去时间段) one day long ago once upon a time this morning(afternoon, evening) long long ago(很久以前) the other day(前几天) at the moment3、 一般过去时的构成1、 系动词be的一般过去时 构成:主语 + be(was, were) + 其他 主语是”I” 时 - was 主语为单数时 - was 主语为复数及 you时 - were 否定句的构成: 主语 + be + not + 其他 was not = wasnt were not = werent【活学活用】填入适当的be动词。1、 Kitty_an English girl.2._ (be) it cold in your city yesterday?3、I_not from Taizhou.4. It _ (be) hot yesterday and most children _ (be) outside.5、She_tall.6. How many people _ (be) there in your class last term?7. There _ (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening.8. I_(be) tired yesterday. 9.I _ at school just now.10.He _ at the camp last week.11.We _ students two years ago.12.They _ on the farm a moment ago.13.Yang Ling _ eleven years old last year.14.There _ an apple on the plate yesterday.15.There _ some milk in the fridge on Sunday.2、 情态动词的一般过去时 构成:主语 + 情态动词 + 动词原形+其他 She had to do her homework yesterday. 注意:情态动词后的动词一定要用原形,而且只能是情态动词的过去式。 They should(应该) be right. 否定句的构成:主语 + 情态动词 + not + 动词原形 + 其他 could not = couldnt must not = mustnt would not = wouldnt should not = shouldnt might not = might not had not to = hadnt to【活学活用】填入适当的词。1. She_(could not) speak English last year.2. You_(must not) open the door last night.3. They_(should not) be right at that moment.4. She said she_(would not) go to Japan.3、 行为动词的一般现在时 构成:主语 + 行为动词 + 其他 These boys liked playing football. The girl read English every morning in 1998. 加ed方法: 1直接加ed:work worked looklooked2以不发音e结尾的单词,直接加d:live lived hopehoped useused3. 以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i加ed:study studied carrycarried worryworried 26个字母中 除A E I O U五个元音字母外,其余21个都是辅音字母4.以元音字母+y结尾的,直接加ed:enjoy enjoyed playplayed5. 以重读闭音节结尾的,双写最后的辅音字母+ed:stop stopped planplanned不规则变化的动词过去式:have-had are-were get-got say-said feel-felt do/does-did is-was go-wentdrink-drank eat-ate bring-brought think-thought buy-bought catch- caught teach - taught sit-sat wear-wore cut-cut sweep-swept sleep-slept become-became【活学活用】一、写出下例单词的过去式isam_ fly_ plant_ are _ drink_play_ go_ make _ does_ dance_worry_ ask _ taste_ eat_ draw_put _ throw_ kick_ pass_ do _二、完成句子1. Tom and Mary _ (come) to China last month.2.Mary _ (read) English yesterday morning.3.I _ (call) Mike this morning.4.I listened but _ (hear) nothing.5.Tom _ (begin) to learn Chinese last year.6.Last week we _ (pick) many apples on the farm. 7.What _ (make) him cry (哭) just now?8.Last year the teacher _ (tell) us that the earth moves around the sun.9.Eli _ to Japan last week. ( move)10. He ate some bread and _ (drink) some milk.4. 否定句的构成: 主语 + 助动词(did)+not +行为动词原形 + 其他 These boys didnt(did not) like playing football. The girl didnt (did not)read English every morning last year. 注意:didnt之后动词一定要用原形【活学活用】一、将下面句子改成否定句1. I had a word with Julia this morning. _2. Li Ming studied English this morning. _3. There was an apple on the table last night. _4. I got up very early this morning. _5. The police stopped me on my way home last night. _6. They gave the concert last night. _二、按照要求改写句子1. Mike _(not go) to bed until 12 oclock last night. So she _ (get ) up late.2. He _ (not find ) his key last night.3. Her mother _ (not give) the girl any present one her birthday.4. Last week, I _( not buy) a new bike, I _(buy) a new kite instead. 5. 一般疑问句 含be动词或情态动词的一般疑问句 Were you a student ? be动词 主语 其它 Yes,I was. No,I wasnt. be + 主语 + 其它部分? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+be 否定回答:No,主语+be+not 注意:在回答时,主语要用相应的代词代替 Could you speak English last year? 情态动词 主语 动词原形 其他部分 Yes,I could. No,I couldnt. 情态动词 + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其它部分? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+情态动词 否定回答:No,主语+情态动词+not 注意:在回答时,主语要用相应的代词代替 含be或情态动词一般疑问句的改写 秘诀:一调二改三问号 一调:即把句中的be或情态动词调到主语前; 二改:改换主语称谓,即将句中的主语I my mine we our ours等第一人称分别改为相应的第二人称 you your yours等; 三问号:句末的句号改为问号 【活学活用】将下例句子改成一般疑问句1. I was an English teacher . _2. He was happy yesterday._3. They were glad to see each other last year._4. I should sweep the floor a moment ago. _行为动词一般疑问句的构成问句: Did your parents go to school yesterday? 肯答: Yes,they did. 否答: No,they didnt.肯定回答用“Yes, 主语+ did.”否定回答用“No, 主语+didnt(did not).”特别注意:对于行为动词的一般疑问句一定要注意动词的还原,因为时态与数的变化已经体现在助动词上了。 含行为动词(或称为实义动词)一般疑问句的改写:秘诀:一加二改三问号 一加:即在句首加助动词did; 二改:1、把谓语动词改为原形; 2、改换主语称谓; 三问号:句末的句号改为问号。【活学活用】按照要求改写句子2. We read English every morning last year. (改为一般疑问句) _2. Toms father listened to English on the radio every evening . (改为一般疑问句)_3. Mr. Green came to Shanghai a week ago. (改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)_4. Millie lived in a flat in Beijing last week. (改为一般疑问句, 并做否定回答)_5. Daniel enjoyed playing computer games. (改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)_6. 特殊疑问句以疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。常用的疑问词有:what who whose which when where how why等。特殊疑问句有两种语序:()如疑问词作主语或主语的定语,即对主语或主语的定语提问,其语序是陈述句的语序:疑问词(主语)谓语动词其他成分?如:who was singing in the room whose bike was red()如疑问词作其他成分,即对其他成分提问,其语序是:疑问词一般疑问句语序?如:what class were you inWhat did she look likeWhere were you fromWhat time did he get up every morningHow did you know特殊疑问词+助动词+主语+动词原形+其他?eg:Where did you do study English?特殊疑问词+be动词+主语+其eg:Why was your Mum so angry?特殊疑问词+情态动词+主语+动词原形+其他? eg:What could I do for you?【活学活用】一、选择正确的单词填空(who, where, when)1._ was that pretty girl? She was my sister. 2._ were Jack and Tom? They were behind you.3._ did you go to school? I went to school from Monday to Friday.4._ had a beautiful flower? John had a beautiful flower.5._ were they? They were my parents. 6._ was my mother? She was in the living room.7._ were you going? We were going to the bakery(面包坊).8._ did Jim and Wendy play ball? They played ball in the afternoon.9._ did he jog? He jogged in the park. 10._ were you last night? I was at home.二、就画线部分提问1.He was my father. _ 2. They were under the tree._ 3. I often watched TV after dinner.(晚饭后) 提示:饭后强调的是时间问题。_ 4. Lily swam in the swimming pool.(游泳池) _ 5. Superman flied in the sky._ 6. I often brushed my teeth in the evening when I was young. _ 7. Alan liked to play with Bill._ 8. Joes father played badminton(羽毛球) every weekend last year._ 9. The supermarket was near the school. _ 10. The laptop(笔记本电脑) was on the table._ 11. Jennifer had a pair of earrings(耳环). _ 12. The flowers were in the flower pot(花盆)._ 13. My grandpa often took us to the zoo . _ 14. I put the gold fish(金鱼) into the fish tank(鱼缸)._ 15. Themonkey slept last night._ 课外作业:一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1He put the books away and_(go) home.2. The boy is running and_(tie) his shoes on the playground.3. My father_(buy) a new computer for_(I ) yesterday.4. He often_(go) to school by bike, but last year he often_(walk) to school.5. After she finished_(pack) everything, she_(go) to bed.6. - Who_(wash) the plates on the table ?- Jenny did.7. - When_you_(see ) the film “ Titanic”?8. Its half past eleven now. Jim_(have) lunch. He usually_(have) it at this time.9. She_(write) to Jill last month. She_(write) to him next time.10. The students_(stop) talking when their teacher came up.11.There _ any hospitals (医院) in my hometown (家乡) in 1940. ( be not)12.There _ enough milk at home last week, wasnt there?13.Eli _ to Japan last week. ( move)14. When _ you _ (come) to China? - Last year. 15.Did she _ (have) supper at home? 16.Jack _ (not clean) the room just now. 17._ (be) it cold in your city yesterday?18.How many people _ (be) there in your class last term?19.It _ (be) hot yesterday and most children _ (be) outside.20. There _ (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening, but I _ (have) no time to watch it. 21. He ate some bread and _ (drink) some milk.22. _ he _ (finish) his homework last night?23. I_(be) tired yesterday. 24. I _(gain ) Arts degree last year.25. What _ you _ (do) last night?26. My grandfather _ (leave) Hong Kong for New York in 1998.27. What _ he _ (do) yesterday?28. Last week I _ (buy) a new bike.29. He _ (be) here just now.30. He _ (not find ) his key last night.31. My father _ (drink) a lot of wine yesterday.32. _ you _ (finish) your homework yesterday?33. I _ (eat) some eggs and bread this morning.34. Her mother _ (not give) the girl any present.二、选择( ) 1. Lee _ his mobile phone at home. A. was left B. has left C. had left D. left ( ) 2. _ he _ a good rest? No, he didnt. A. Have, had B. Did, have C. Did, had D. Had, had ( ) 3. When _ Lee _ school this morning? A. had, got to B. did, get to C. did, get D. did, got to ( ) 4. Will you please say it again? I _ quite _ you. A. didnt, hear B. havent, heard C. didnt, heard D. hadnt, heard( ) 5. _ you _ at six oclock yesterday? A. Do ,get up B. Did, get up C. Do, got up D. Did, got up( ) 6.What did you see _? A. now B. every day C. since 1990 D. just now( ) 7.He went into the room and _ the door. A. lock B. locking C. locks D. locked( ) 8. What _ you _ last week? I bought a bag. A. did ,buy B. did , bought C. do, buy D. do, bought( ) 9. _ he _ his lunch? Yes, he did. A. Have ,had B. Had, has C. Did, have D. Did, had( )10.Did the thieves _ into the car? No, they_. A. fell, didnt B. fall, did C. jump, didnt D. jump, did( ) 11. When did May come back from Hong Kong? She _ from Hong Kong last Friday. A. come back B. comes back C. returned back D. came back( ) 12. _ she _ this dictionary in the bookshop nearby last week? A. Did, buy B. Does, buy C. Did, bought D. Does, buys( ) 13. He _ to the station this morning and was_ for the train. A. hurry, in time B. hurries, on time C. hurried, in time D. hurried, at time( ) 14. Where _ Uncle Sun yesterday? A. was B. were C. did D. does( ) 15. Have you seen him today? Yes, I _ him this morning. A. has seen B. see C. will see D. saw( ) 16. He _ worried when he heard the news. A. is B. was C. does D. did( ) 17. There _ a telephone call for my brother Steven yesterday? A. is B. are C. was D. were( ) 18. Liu Fengwei _ three yuan for the lost library book. A. paid B. pay C. spent D. lost( ) 19. He _ in this school in 1958. A. taught B. has taught C. teaches D. had taught( ) 20. They _ tired so they stopped _ a rest. A. are, have B. were, have C. were, to have D. are, having( ) 21. Yesterday I _ in bed all day because I had a fever. A. lay B. lie C. laid D. lain( ) 22. Hello, Mike. Its you. I _ you _ in Beijing. How long have you been here? A. dont know, were B. hadnt known, are C. havent known, are D. didnt know, were( ) 23. It was raining hard when he _ home. A. got B. get C. gets D. was getting( ) 24. He has taught in this school since he _ work. A. began to B. begins to C. begun to D. begin to( ) 25. She said her brother _ in Beijing. He _ to Japan on business last week. A. wasnt, went B. hasnt, went C. wasnt, would go D. would be, went 三、 单句改错:下面每句均有一处错误,指出并加以改正1. Did you found the answer to this question?_ 2. Mary and her brother was born on the same day._ 3. We start this lesson about ten minutes ago._ 4. She hadnt anything for breakfast this morning._ 5. They came here for a year._ 6. Amy singed a song for us at that party._ 7. He said he will help me with my English when he was free. _8. The man saw the bag until it was late._ 四、按照要求改写句子 1. The children had a good time in the park.否定句:_一般疑问句:_对划线部分提问:_2. There were about nine hundred people at the concert.(音乐会)否定句:_一般疑问句:_对划线部分提问:_3. There was only one problem.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定/否定回答:_4. Ann did her homework yesterday evening.否定句:_一般疑问句:_对划线部分提问:_5. Last week I read an English book.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定/否定回答:_对划线部分提问:_五、 翻译下列句子1. 我过了一个忙碌但却刺激的周末。_ _ _ _ _ exciting weekend.2. Jenny喜欢看书。昨晚她看了一本地理方面的书籍。Jenny likes _ _. She _ a book _ _ last night.3. Emma每天都练习弹吉他。可是昨天他没有练习。他为数学考试作准备了。Emma _ the guitar every day. But he _ _ yesterday. He _ _ the math test.4. 上周六他们做什么了?他们做作业和购物了。What _ they _ _ Saturday?They _ _ homework and _ _ .5. 今天早上方方得做饭,因为他父亲不在家。This morning Fangfang _ _ _ _ because his father _ _ _ yesterday.6. 你还有什么要说的?What _ would you like _ _?7. 放学别忘了向老师说声再见。Dont forget _ _ _ _ the teacher.8. 为什么你昨晚没有看电视?Why _ you _ TV last night?9. 他在打扫教室的时候,发现地上有块表。When he _ the classroom, he _ a watch on the ground.10. 他什么时候出生的?1980年。-When _ he _? -_ 1980.教学反思教学效果下次课设想参考答案一、1.went 2. tying 3. bought; me 4. goes; walked 5. packing; went 6. washed 7. did; see 8. is having; has 9. wrote; will write 10. stopped 11. were not 12.was 13. moved 14. did; come 15. have 16. didnt clean 17. was 18. were 19. was; were 20. was; had 21. drank 22. did; finish 23. was 24. gained 25. did; do 26. left 27. did; do 28. bought 29.was 30. didnt find 31.drank 32. did; finish 33. ate 34. didnt give二、1. D 2.B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. C 11. D 12.A 13. C 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. A 20. C 21. A 22.D 23. A 24. A 25.A3、 略4、 略5、 1. I had a busy but 2. reading books; read; about geography3. plays; didnt practice; prepared for4. did; do last; did their; went shopping5. had to cook meals; wasnt at home6. else; to say7. to say goodbye to 8. didnt watch 9. was cleaning; found 10. was born; in 11


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