unit1 第一课时(1)

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小榄吉安学校 五年级 英语教案 教学单元Unit 1第 1 课时课题What are you going to do today?教学内容 New words: take a test、go on vacation、get a haircut、see the doctorSentences: What are you going to do today? Im going to go on vacation.教学目标New words Ss can asking about and describing future activities教学重点教学难点Read the New words and new sentencesLearn new tense-future activities教学准备pictures ,Tape and Multimedia TPR教学过程二次备课Teaching procedure:Step - Warming-upGreeting: Sentences: Ask some question.Step Leading Bring in a planner to class and show Ss. Teacher paint a line in blackboard. yesterday today tomorrowT: (point to yesterday date.) What did you do yesterday?Ss: I saw a movie yesterday.T: (point to now time.) What are you doing now? Ss:I am reading now. T: (point to tomorrow. ) Leading future activities: what will happen in the future, it not happens. (用于将来时,表计划,打算做某事,后面加动词原形) Going to do _ 打算做_ please read after me“What are you going to do today?Step Presentation Learn new wordsTeacher show cards and ask:take a test 、go on vacation、get a haircut、see the doctor1、Write the new words on the blackboard:2、Read after the tape and teacher many times;3、Make sentences with each new words.3、Read the new words with their partner.4、check the pronunciation.Waming up:What are you going to do today?I am going to .Be going to +V原Consolidation:What are they going to do today?They are going to .教学过程二次备课Learn new sentencesWhat are you going to do today? Im going to write letters. 人称/ be动词替换: What is Gogo going to do today? He is going to _. (人称/ be动词 与句型练习) Step : Consolidation Games: 1、hold up the cards ( picture side up) in random order and have Ss say words; 2、summary ( words and sentences) Step Home work:1、Copy the new words ( 4 for each)2、Read the new words and sentences five times at home.Step Blackboard writing Unit5 What are you going to do today? Words: take a test、go on vacation、get a haircut、see the doctorSentence: What are you going to do today? Im going to go on vacation.What is + 第三人称单数going to do today? 第三人称单数is going to _.将来时: 人+be going to + 要做的事情+时间What is she/he going to do today?She/he is going to 教学反思陈渺:八个短语学生能在新授课后自己把它们拼读出来,be going to do+ V原这个句型也能把短语灵活的运用在句型中。但学生会在做练习册的习题中会很粗心会把do 忘记。有时也不知道这个时间也会用错,人称的变化让学生摸不着头脑。


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