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2016年6月大学英语四级段落翻译预测大学英语四级段落翻译预测一别在意外表,因为外表的东西往往不真实,也别在意财富,因为再多的财富也会有用 完的一天。找一个能让你绽放笑容的人,因为一个笑容就能让灰暗的一天变得明亮。去做 你想做的梦,去你想去的地方,成为你想成为的人,因为人生短暂,机会错过了可能就不 会再有。只有不断的尝试才能让你变得强大,永远怀抱希望你才会开心,幸福。Don t go for looks which often deceive you Don t go for wealth which would be used up however amazing it is. Go for someone who will make you smile because a smile is enough to render a dark day bright Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; become the one you want to be, because one s life is short and once you let the chanee slip through your fingers it may not come to you again. Only when you keep trying can you become strong; only when you cherish hopes can you remain cheerful and happy.大学英语四圾段落翻译预测二七夕节中国人的情人节中国人也有一天是奉献给爱情的。这就是农历七月初七的七夕节,常被人成为中国的情 人节。这一传统浪漫节日源自一个古老的传说:年轻的牛郎和织女分居银河的两岸,终年隔 岸苦苦相望而无法相会。玉皇大帝可怜这对恋人,传令天下喜鹊在七月初七这天夜晚全部飞 到银河上来。架起鹊桥,好让牛郎、织女在桥上相会。Qi Xi JieM Chinese Valentine* s DayThe Chinese also have a day devoted to love that is Qi Xi Jie”,or the seventh of the seventh month on the Chinese lunar calendar Often cal led Chinese Valentine* s DayM This romantic traditional festival oi4ginated from a old legend: Niu Lang and Zhi Nv were fairies living on opposite sides of the Milky Way They have been waiting for each other for a year but can not meet Feeling sorry for the two lonely sprites, the Jade Emperor ordered al 1 magpies must flock over the Milky Way to form a bridge so that the couple could meet there on the seventh night of the seventh month大学英语四级段落翻译预测三中国人喜欢在一起吃饭.这个传统可以追溯到很久之前。这反映出中国人喜欢团圆.不 愿分离的观念一一圆桌、圆盘、圆碗都象征着团圆和美满。盘子通常放在桌子的中央,这样 坐在桌子面前的所有人都可以吃得到。一锅热汤尤其可以增加和谐、团圆的气氛。朋友们也 喜欢在一起吃饭、生活。最近一位美国汉学家(sinologist)的著作认为,中国人的集依观念 (collective tradition)就是从一同吃饭发展而来的。Chinese like to eat together, which is a tradition that can be traced back in a long time ago. It reflects the Chinese notion of union versus division round tables, round dishes, and round bowls all symbolize union and perfection. Dishes are usually placed at the center of the table so that every one around the table can share them A hot pot, in particular, adds to the atmosphere of harmony and union, friends also 1 ike to eat and 1 ive together A recent book by an American Sinologist held that the Chinese collective tradition developed out the practice of eating together大学英语四级段落翻译预测四元宵节是庆祝中国新年的最后一天。这一天也是新年假期结束前人们花炮的最后时刻、 给吃大餐提供了最后一个理由以及给家人团聚提供了最后一个机会。人们点起万盏彩灯,庆 祝新年的第一个月圆之夜。这一天最终要的传统活动就是看花灯、猜灯谜。灯谜往往设计得 短小而巧妙,有时还很幽默,谜底往往是一个字、人名、地名或者一句谚语。The Lan tern Festival is the last day of the Chinese New Year celebratio n. This day is the last moment for setting off fireworks, the last excuse for a big feast and the last chanee for a family to get together before the vacations are over Hundreds of lights are 1 ightened to celebrate the first night of ful 1 moon in the New Year The most important traditional activity for the day is watching lanterns and guessing the answer to the lantern riddles The riddles are usually short. wise and sometimes humorous. The answer to a riddle can be a Chinese character, a famous person? s name, a place name or a proverb大学英语四级段落梱译预测五几千年的中国文化充实着中国梦,同时,过去三十几年的改革开放也激励着中国梦。中 国梦最显著的特征是包容性和双贏合作。这些也是使中国梦扩大它的全球影响围和被其他国 家的人民认可的基本特征。中国梦是民族复兴的梦。它是建设一个强大繁荣的国家,给中国 人民带来幸福生活的梦。中国梦需要维持稳定健康的经济发展,科学管理社会,以及有效应 对外部发展的风险和挑战。The Chinese dream has been enriched by thousands of years of Chinese culture and in spired among other things by the past three decades of reform and opening-up The most noticeable features of the Chinese dream include in elusiveness and win - win cooperation These are the very features that wi 11 enable the Chinese dream to expand its global reach and be recognized by people of other nations. The Chinese dream is the dream of national rejuvenstion. It is the dream of bui lding a powerful and prosperous state, a dream of bringing happiness in the lives of the Chinese people It entaiIs sustaining steady and healthy economic growth, scientifically managing the Chinese society, and effectively responding to the risks and challenges of external development大学英语四级段落翻译预测六饺子(Jiaozi)是人们在中国新年及北方常年吃的主要食物之一。饺子的发音听起来与 最早的纸币的名字相似,所以吃饺子被认为会带来好运。很多家庭杂除夕夜吃饺子。有些厨 师会藏一枚干净的硬币,让幸运的人找到它。常见的饺子肉陷包括猪肉,牛肉,鸡肉以及鱼 肉,这些肉陷通常会与切碎的蔬菜混合在一起。吃饺子时拌有包含醋,大蒜或辣椒酱(hot sauce)和酱油为基础的沾酱(dipping sauce) oJiaozi is one of the major foods eaten during the Chinese New Year and year round in the Northern provinces The pronuncistion of Jiaozi sounds 1 ike the name for the earlier paper money, so eating them is believed to bring good fortune Many families eat Jiaozi on Chinese New Year? s Eve. Some cooks will hide a clean coin for the lucky to find The comm on meat fillings of Jiaozi include pork, beef, chicken and fish, which are usually mixed with chopped vegetables Jiaozi are eaten with a soy sauce-based dipping sauce that may include vinegar, garlic or hot sauce饺子是深受中国人民喜爱的传统食品。相传为古代医圣仲景发明。饺子的制作是包括:1)擀皮、2)备馅、3)包馅水煮三个步骤。其特点是皮薄馅嫩,味道鲜美,形状独特,百 食不厌。民间有“好吃不过饺子”的俗语。中国人接亲待客、逢年过节都有包饺子吃的习俗, 寓意吉利。对崇尚亲情的中国人来说,“更岁交子”吃饺子,更是欢度除夕、辞旧迎新必不 可少的容。Dumplings are one of the Chinese people s favorite traditional dishes According to an ancient Chinese legend, dumplings were first made by the medical saintZhang Zhongjing. There are three steps involved in making dumpl ings: 1) makedumpling wrappers out of dumpling flour; 2) prepare the dumpling stuffing; 3) make dumplings and boil them With thin and elastic dough skin, fresh and tender stuffing, delicious taste, and unique shapes, dumplings are worth eating hundreds of times There? s an old saying that claims, aNothing could be more delicious than dumplings During the Spring Festival and other hoiidays or when treating relatives and friends, Chinese people like to follow the auspicious custom of eating dumplings To Chinese people who show high reverence for family love, having dumplings at the moment the old year is replaced by the new is an essentinl part of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the New Year大学英语四级段落樹译预测七中国人使用筷子就餐的方式在世界上独树一帜。有史记载用筷的历史已有三千多年。筷子古 时称为箸,它看似简单,但却同时具有夹、拨、挑、扒、拌、攝、戳、撕等多种功能。中国 民间视筷子为吉祥之物,如婚俗中将筷子隐喻为快生贵子的祝福等。与使用刀叉以及手抓的 方式不同,成双结对的筷子含有“和为贵“的意蕴。西方人赞誉筷子是古老的文明。The Chinese way of eating with chopsticks is unique in the world The recorded history of chopsticks started more than three thousand years ago. Chopsticks were named zhu in ancient Chinese They look deceptively simple to use, but possess multi-various functions, such as clamping, turning over, lifting up, raking. stirring, scooping, poking, tearing, and so on. Chopsticks were taken as an auspicious mascot by ordinary people in ancient China. For example, the partial tone of chopsticks is often used by people as a metaphor at weddings to indicate a blessing or benediction for the couple to have a baby soon. Uni ike using a knife and fork or one s own hands, a pair of chopsticks also implies the meaning of Harmony is what matters Chopsticks are highly praised by Westerners as a hallmark of ancient oriental civilization.大学英语四级段落翻译预测八旗袍,是中国女性的传统服装,源于中国满族女性的传统服装。因为满族人被称为旗 人”,所以满族人的长袍被称为“旗袍”。到了 20世纪20年代,受西方服饰的影响,经过 改进之后的旗袍逐渐在广大妇女中流行起来。在中国,很多女性都喜欢穿旗袍。结婚的时候, 新娘不仅要订做一件中式旗袍作为结婚礼服,还要穿着漂亮的旗袍照一套婚纱照,作为永久 的纪念。对于中国的女明星们而言,旗袍也成为她们参加各种重要活动的首选礼服。 核心词提示:旗袍:Cheongsam满族:Manchu旗人:bannermanCheongsam, which is a traditional Chinese womenr s clothing, originated from Chinese Manchu womes traditional costume The Manchu robes are called cheongsam is because the Manchu people are called bannermenM In 1920s. influenced by western clothing, cheongsam went through some improvement. and steadily gained popularity among the women Now in China, women like to wear the cheongsam When get married, the bride should not only be measured for a traditiorml Chinese cheongsam as a wedding dress, but also take a series wedding pictures as a permanent memorial in that beautiful cheongsam. For Chinese female stars, cheongsam has become their first choice to participate in various important activities大学英语四级段落勸译预测九孔子是一位思想家、政治家、教育家,也是中国儒学思想的创始人。儒学,这个道徳和 的大系统建立在孔圣人的教学下。友兰,中国思想史上20世纪伟大的权威之一,把孔子在 中国历史上的彩响比作西方的格拉底。Confucius was a thinker, political figure, educator, and founder of the Ru School of Chinese thought Confucianism, the great system of moral and religious philosophy built upon the teachings of Master Kung Fung You-lan, one of the great 20th century authorities on the history of Chinese thought, compares Confucius in Chinese history with that of Socrates in the West


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