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一、下面的句子或段落中都含有比喻的成分,将它们翻译成汉语:1. He was the first Europea n head of state to visit their coun try, and they rolled out the red carpet for him.他是第一个访问该国的欧洲国家首脑,在那里受到了热烈而隆重的欢迎。他是第一个访问该国的欧洲首脑,他们用隆重的礼仪来欢迎他。2. I hit the wall and was pretty much a limp dishrag for the next several days. 我遭受到重创,在随后的几天中,我像一块软抹布那样无精打采。I felt old and worn out like a limp dishrag all the time. I feel like a limp dishrag.3. Rece ntly the stork visited Mrs. Lorna Kelly. She prese ntedher husba nd with a son. Mother and son are doing well at Balli na Hospital.洛纳凯利夫人最近为丈夫生了一个儿子,目前仍在巴琳娜医院,母子平安。4. I dont know why she feels the need to defend how strong her marriage is to us - for me that just rings alarm bells.我不明白她为什么要向我们表白自己婚姻的牢固,这一举动让我警觉起来。5. The in ability to run a professi onal campaig n is the real issue. Until we see this issue being addressed, many of us are si tting on our donations.真正的问题在于竞选缺乏专业规范,在这一问题得到解决之前,我们许多人不会提供赞助。6. Carme n was a ride-or-die chick to the bone - a five-foot-seve n Puerto Rica n beauty with pretty alm on d-shaped eyes and thick black lashes to compleme nt them.卡门是个与生俱来无所畏惧的女孩,这位波多黎各佳丽身高五英尺七英寸, 浓黑的睫毛下映衬着一双美丽的杏核眼。alm on d-shaped eyes“ride or die chick ” refers to some one who is dow n for everyth ing & anything. Basically dow n for both the bad and the good.7. Econo mists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seas onsthey can only tell us that when the storm is past the ocean is flat again. (J.M. Keynes “ A tract on monetary reform)” (1923)经济学家们为自己设定的任务太容易也太无用,他们只是在风暴来临时告诉我们,风暴结束后海洋将恢复平静。The economy has been injected with a cocktail of three growth-inducing drugs-negative real interest rates, a rising budget deficit and a falling currency.(美国)经济已被注入了一副三合一增长剂,其中包括实际利率的降低、不 断增长的预算赤字以及货币的贬值。8. I despise its very vastnessand power. It has the poorest millionaires, the little great men, the haughtiest beggars, the pla in est beauties, the lowest skyscrapers,and the dolef uln ess pleasures of any tow n I ever saw. (O. Henry)我嗤之以鼻的正是纽约的宏大与权威。这里有最贫穷的百万富翁,最矮小的 伟人,最目空一切的乞丐,最相貌平平的美女,最低矮的摩天大楼和最令人 悲哀的欢乐,与我所见到过的任何城市相比,纽约都有过之而无不及。9. The sea of faces on the Mall may have been the most inspirational sight of the day so far. When the cameras closed in on their faces, some in tears, you had to believe these people were here not merely because the mome nt was historic but because they believed in the promise of Barack Obama.华盛顿国家广场人山人海,这是目前为止最为鼓舞人心的场面。当镜头聚焦 时,可以看到一些人的脸上热泪盈眶。这一切使人不得不相信,人们来到这 里不仅是为了这一历史性时刻,同时也为了巴拉克奥巴马作出的诺言。Yesterday, history was made.The first Africa n-America n preside nt was sworn in to office in front of an audienee of over 2 million people in Washington D.C, with billions estimated to have watched it live on TV. Preside nt Barack H. Obama delivered his in augurati on speech to a sea of peoplewith passi on and conv icti on and pain ted a hopeful message for the coming years. Obama did not shy from the harsh reality of what faces America (and the world), but quickly reassured his supporters that cha nge had arrived.The National Mall (国家广场)is an open-area national park in downtown Washi ngt on, D.C., the capital of the Uni ted States .国家广场是一片绿地,一直 从林肯纪念堂延伸到国会大厦,这里是议会召开会议、总统宣誓就职的地方。10. With equipment and construction costs estimated at Rmb40bn (US$5.17bn),Chi na Mobile is doing more tha n dippi ng its toe in the tech no logical waters with its pla nned test of the Beiji ng-backed third-ge nerati on sta ndard, TD-SCDMA. 中国移动设备及建设费用预计高达400亿元人民币,目前正就国家 3G标准TD-SCDMA进行预期试验,此举已超出了技术试水阶段。TD-SCDMA.(字母词)(分時一同步分码多工存取(英文:Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access,缩写为:TD-SCDMA ), 该标准是中国制定的3G标准。)11. The picture, co-authored and directed by Lawrenee Huntington, is a leisurely, literate and pungent whodu nit from En gla nd, graced with good performa nces and laced with gen tle wit. All in all, The Fran chise Affair is a polite little storm in a teacup. It is also an exceedi ngly well-brewed cin ematic cup of tea.(C in ema: The New Pictures, Jul. 28, 1952法兰柴思事件是一部英格兰侦探影片,由劳伦斯?亨廷顿参与编剧并担任导演。该片叙事舒缓、富有品位、惊心动魄,同时又不乏表演的精湛和睿 智的点缀。总之,此片是一杯浓浓的影院香茶,又是一场茶杯里温和的小小 风暴。(法兰柴思事件获第19届英国学院奖最佳影片、最佳摄影等奖项。) whod unit - a no vel, movie, or play cen teri ng on the sol ving of a crime, usually a murder侦探小说12. Microsoft decision to offer new employee perks, initially only at its headquarterscampus near Seattle but eventually also in other sites around the world, marks a reversal of an earlier, unpopular cost-cutting policy.A decision to scrap the free towel service two years ago became a lightening rod for employee dissatisfaction. Under Ken DiPietro, who was hired as head of human resources from Dell, a technology company renowned for its low-cost ways, Microsoft abandoneda number of perks, echoing a wider attempt at the time to bring a new and more stringent financial discipline to the software company.(Microsoft plans perks to retain staff May 20 2006) 美国微软公司决定向新员工提供福利,起初仅限于临近西雅图总部的员工, 后来扩展到全球的所有员工, 这标志着该公司对此前不受欢迎的节约成本政 策的彻底否定。两年前微软曾取消向员工免费提供毛巾, 由此引发了员工的极大不满。 (此 举成为了员工不满的导火索。 )13. Israel, Earths Lightning Rod 以色列:全球是非之地(全球的避雷针) Indeed, Israel attracts violent reactions the way a lightning rod attracts lightning, and that is in keeping with prophecy. Practically the whole world is unified in its desire to force Israel to bow to this awful peace process, and this shows the widespread lack of un dersta nding of the times.就如同避雷针吸引雷电一样,以色列总是在吸引着暴力,这与预言完全一致。14. Green shoots, but spri ng is far away 绿芽初显,春天尚远The improvement of certain financial indicators from their lows reachedin the first quarter of 2009 and falling interest rate spreads on emerging-market debt and corporate bonds, combined with the rebound of securities, commodity prices and the exchange rates of several emerging-market currencies by mid-2009, were quickly seen as“green shoots ” of economic recovereyc.oBnuotmthicewinter isfar from over: tumbling profits in the real economy, previous overinvestment in real estate and rising unemployment will continue to constrain private consumption and investment for the foreseeablefuture. As the crisis is global, reliance on exports offers no easy way out, since trade is expected to decline by about 11 per cent in real terms and any new trade expansion requires a recovery of consumption and investment somewhere in the world.某些金融指标从 2009 年第一季度呈现的低位回升,新兴市场债券和企业债 券与主要市场的利差缩小,加上股票、初级商品价格和一些新兴市场货币汇 率到 2009 年中期的反弹,很快都被视为经济复苏的“绿芽” 。但经济严冬远 未过去;实体经济利润的巨减,以往对房地产的过度投资和失业率的上涨, 在可预见的未来将继续限制私人消费和投资。由于危机是全球性的,依赖出 口并非是摆脱危机的捷径,因为预计贸易将下跌11,任何新的贸易扩张都离不开世界某一地区消费和投资的复苏。15. There are also widespread concerns that thheuge injections of central bank moneyand the sharply rising budget deficits in many countries will sooner or later lead to inflation, and eventually to accelerating inflation if governments and central banks do not react early to contain this danger. This fear is based on the monetarist view that inflation is always a monetary phenomenon because it cannot be financedwithout additional money, and that too much“money chasing too few goods”will inevitably create inflation (Greenspan, 2009; Feldstein, 2009). 人们广泛关注的是,许多国家央行大笔资金的注入以及预算赤字的急剧上升 迟早会引发通货膨胀的出现,如果政府和央行不能及早遏制这一危险势头, 通货膨胀将会加剧恶化。此种担心源于货币主义观点,即通胀是一种货币现 象,没有货币的增加则不可能融资,而 “太多的钱追逐太少的产品”将必然 导致通货膨胀。16. Givi ng Chi na a bloody n ose (作业)Aug 4th 2005From The EconomistBy sabotaging a Chinese bid, America has damaged its own interestsWHAT started out as a firecrackerChinas biggest, boldest foreign takeover attempt, and a contested one to boot this week fizzled out as a damp squib. On August 2nd, the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), a huge, partially state-owned firm, meekly withdrew its $18.5 billion bid for Californias Unocal, scared off by what it calls “unprecedentedpolitical opposition o”n Capitol Hill. On August 10th Unocal shareholders are now almost certain to accept a lower $17.6 billion offer from a domestic rival, Chevron. CNOOC emergesfrom this episode with question marks over its credibility. It bears no fault for the fact that it became a lightning rod for all the issues that now enrage American politicians about Chinafrom its “undervluaed”currency and trade surplus with America to its supposed destruction of American jobs and poor human-rights record. It can fairly cast itself as a victim and turn to hunting other, less costly and politically sensitive, oil and gas assets. Relieved investors reacted to the news by sending CNOOCs shares high.erUnocal = 加州联合石油公司( Union Oil Company of California 破坏中国收购,美国损人不利己。如同点燃后丝丝作响的爆竹突然瞎火,本周中国规模空前、最为大胆且颇具 争议的海外收购遭遇失败。straw in the wind something that shows you what might happen in the future There were straws in the wind that suggested a strike was l i ke l y .种种迹象表明,很有可能出现罢工。Slowly the door opened. To their surprise, Sang Zhus bald head emerged, and then in came his small body and bowlegs. Hello, k-k-Uncle Sang, Nan said with a clumsy smile, which revealed his canine teeth. # Without answering, Sang glared at Nan, who had almost blurted out his nickname Cuckold Sang. n.有不 贞妻子的男人 /戴绿帽子者 People called him that because his young wife, Shuling, often had affairs It was said that she was a fox spirit and always ready to seduce a man. People thought that Sang, already in his fifties and almost twice his wifes age, must have been useless in bed. At least he didnt have sperm, or elseShuling would have given him a baby. # Sang was holding his felt hat. He looked tipsy, his baggy eyes bloodshot. Uncle Sang, Wang Ming said, take a seat. Without a word, Sang sat down and put his elbows onCuckold = A man whose wife has committed adultery. 2 . v.t. to make (ones husband) a cuckoldStrictly speaking, a cuckold is a married man with an adulterous wife, but current usage sometimes extends the term informally to include cuckqueans (women with adulterous husbands), wittols (husbands who consent to their wifes extramarital sex), and non-married couples in analogous situations.、将下面含有比喻成分的段落翻译成英语: (有困难者可以不做)我躺在汽车的心窝里,想起了那么一个晴朗温和的中午,那时的阳光非常美 丽。我记得自己在外面高高兴兴地玩了半天, 然后我回家了,在窗外看到父亲正 在屋内整理一个红色的背包,我 扑在窗口问:“爸爸,你要出门?” I lie inside the heart of the truck, remembering that clear, warm afternoon. The sunlight was so pretty. I remember that I was outside enjoying myself in the sunshine for a long time, and when I got home I saw my dad through the window packing a red backpack. I leaned against the window frame and asked, “Dada, re you going on a trip? ”父亲转过身来温和地说: “不,是让你出门。”He turned and very gently said,“No, I m letting you go on a trip.”“让我出门?”“ Letting me go on a trip?”“是的,你已经十八了,你应该去认识一下外面的世界了。 ” “ That s right. You re eighteen now, and its time you saw a little of the outsideworld. ” 后来我就背起了那个漂亮的红背包,父亲在我脑后拍了一下,就像在马屁股上拍 了一下。于是我欢快地冲出了家门,像一匹兴高采烈的马一样欢快地奔跑了起来。 (选自余华十八岁出门远行 1986)Later I slipped that pretty red backpack onto my back. Dad patted my head from behind, just like you would pat a horse s rump. Then I happily made for the door, and excitedly galloped out of the house, as happy as a horse.那一夜,满天的繁星在梦中流连,唯有两颗是同伴,彼此情依万千,彼此长 久相守。On that night, numerous stars were splashing across the sky in my dream, but only two of them being of companion to each other, gently loving, tenderly caressing and constantly caring.历经了近十年的爱情印证,我们所理解的爱不再是海誓山盟和大喜大悲, 而是生活中的高山流水, 是轻风细雨, 是每日每日你归来的脚步, 是我手下烫洗干 净的衣裤和在外面采撷的一把野草,是平淡又平淡的日日月月。After almost ten years of truly romantic experience, love is no longer an unbreakable vow or the emotional fluctuation of bliss and despair. Love is like a high bourn of life, a gentle breeze and light drizzly rain. Love is the echoes of your footsteps coming up from downstairs, the well-washed and neatly-ironed clothes I leave on the ironing board, and a bunch of wild grass I pick up from outside. After all, love is the days piling up on us with undisturbed regularity.如果我们能够体会到这种平淡之中的幸福, 能够在一粒沙中见世界, 能够在 锅碗瓢盆中品味出坦然, 那么这就是生命中的一个大境界了。 我们所期待的, 不 正是这样的一种德行 ?t it true that we aIf we feel a sense of happiness in a simple and peaceful life, if we see a whole world in a grain of sand, and if we develop a taste of calmness in our daily household chores, we must have reached an ideal state of our own being. Isnjust pursuing that kind of virtue?爱情如是,人生亦如是,我们常常所自勉的淡泊明志,宁静致远,便在此罢 了。Such an ideal state is all love about and all life about. We often encourage ourselves by quoting a saying: “ A genuine vision is derived from simplicity of life, and a real success is conceived in serenity of mind.There is indeed”some truth in it. (选自程黛眉散文梦里又飞花 ) 三、从下面的汉语隐喻中找出若干英语对等词语: body metaphor (身体隐喻 ):国手、国脚、国嘴 colour metaphor (颜色隐喻 ):高举红旗、打白旗 nature metaphor (自然隐喻 ):未雨绸缪、雾中看花、雪中送炭 animal metaphor (动物隐喻 ):丧家犬、 替罪羊 、热锅上的蚂蚁、井底蛙 plant metaphor (植物隐喻 ):雨后春笋 、泡蘑菇、装蒜 food metaphor (食物隐喻 ):老油条、炒鱿鱼、闭门羹 clothing metaphor (服装隐喻 ): 蓝领、白领 、首领;穿小鞋 instrumental metaphor (工具隐喻 ):笔杆子、笔墨官司、笔耕不辍 container metaphor (容器隐喻 ):瓶颈 、铁饭碗、倾盆大雨 matter metaphor (物质隐喻 ):万金油、加油 sports metaphor 体( 育隐喻 ):亮黄牌、冲刺、 站在同一个起跑线上 war metaphor (战争隐喻 ):攻关、过关、进军、挂帅、打擂台、 双刃剑 、大刀阔 斧将下面的句子翻译成汉语,注意比喻在句中的内涵。1. This dream is no castle in the air.2. Once the embargo ends, American tourists will flood the tiny country of 11 million people that long has been travelers forbidden fruit.3. I think if the police department had done what I asked them to do, they could have nipped this in the bud.4. The success has been remarkable, and doubters have had to eat their words about whether it would work.5. Everyone knows that in the contracting world of producing computer hardware it would always be a case of dog eat dog.6. In reality, every worker in the nuclear industry is a guinea-pig and the same goes for those living around the plants.


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