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L5 Unit 1-1 ListeningJessica was 35 years old. She graduated from middle school 20 years ago. This year her middle school class had its 20th year class for reunion. All of her classmates and teachers were invited to attend. It s to going to be held at the hotel, near where their school used to be. Like many other buildings, the school had been torn down. It had been replaced by some of the apartment buildings.At first, she wasn t sure if she could go to the reunion. One reason was that there wasn t anyone in particular that she wanted to see. Another reason was that she was very busy. She was a working mother, with a boy 8 years old and her husband who was rarely at home. Going to the reunion meant that she would have to arrange someoneto tak e care of things while she was away. That wouldn t be easy. She didn t want to take her boy with her and her husband wouldn t take time off from work.Then she got a messagefrom Sharon, one of her classmates. Sharon was contacting people from their class and urging everyone to come. In the school days, she was class monitor, and now she was helping to organize the reunion. They exchanged the messages and Jessica said she couldn tmake it. Then Sharon gave her a call and they talked for almost an hour.Sharon really wa nted her to come and so did a couple of Jessica s old friends. They were all wondering how she was doing. None of them have seen or heard from her since graduation. They were especially curious since she hadn t gone to their first reunion 10 years before.Jessica decided to arrange things so that she could go. Her husband finally agreed totake care of things while she was away. He agreed to do it because her mother had offered to comeand stay for a while so Jessica could attend the reunion. Since he and h er mother didn t get along, he decided to change his schedule and work from home for a few days. He really didn twant her mother to come though he didn t say so. When she got to thereunion, she was shocked. Everyone had aged so much and manyof them were out of shape. Some who used to be good-looking had lost their looks completely and others look muchbetter and before. It was strange howtime had changed people in such different ways. Anyway, she decided that since she was there, she would try to enjoy it.L5 Unit 1-1 vocabularyTo replace something means to put something else in its ways. When something gets old and begins to break down, it may need to be replaced.To tear something down means break it apart. To tear a person down means to hurt them by saying negative things about them.To construct somethings means to build it or put it together. Large construction projects include buildings, bridges and organizations. The opposite of constructive is destructive.To organize something meansto arrange things in elderly logical way. An organization is something that has a logical structure such as a well-managed company.To support something such an idea is to help or add strength to it.The opposite of support is to undermine(逐渐肖U弱)or weaken.Public information is available to anyone who wants to know it. if a store is open to the public, it means anyone can come in.Private information is not open to everyone but it s only availableto trusted friend to family. In formation about one s secret hopes ordreams is usually private. Confidential information is secret information. Confidential is not supposed to be shared with others.Gossip is information that is often be exchanged because of its exciting and fun, even though it maybe not be true. Offering gossip is often entertaining but it can often be damaging.Opinions are what people think and feel about something as it supposed to factualinformation. Factual information is based on facts or evidence, but opinions are what people think or feel.They are too disorganized to get anything done on time.To replace something means to out something else in its place.The opposite of construct is tear down.Opinions often differ, and when they do people may argue.Gossip is information that is often made up or exaggerated.The password to your bank account information is private information.Many people make money by investing in public companies.Revealing confidential information may be illegal.Gossip may hurt or embarrass the person being gossiped about.L5 Unit 1-1 dialogueIs this the Ace service center?Yes, it is, Sir. May I help you?Yes, I m calling to complaining about your service.Certainly, sir. I m sorry to hear that. Let me see if that ssomething I can do to help you. Please tell me what happened.I order a new washing machine at new website. It was more than a week ago.Before you go on, may I have your order number please?Sure, it s abc1005.And may I have the last 4 digits of your social security number?I don t have a social security number. Im an 川egal alien.Very funny, sir. Ok, then. What s your first pet s name?Mr. Kidi.OK, I see your all information. Now, what s your problem?I ordered a new washing machine and paid for it. Then I chose the delivery date for a set of choices. It was supposed to be delivered today, but it s still not here.Did anyone contact you?No, I haven t received messages.I m sorry to hear that sir.I see here that the washing machine you ordered hasn t arrived in our warehouse(仓库)yet. It can be delivered until next week.You do nt even have it yet? Why haven t I been notified. I took time off from work to be at home today.You should have been notified by phone or email.I wasn t. I haven t received any notification. This is very upsetting.I understand, sir. I m really sorry for this.Being sorry isn t enough. I m really upset. This is no way to do business.Yes, sir, I understand.I can send you a 50-dollar gift coupon as a way to express our appreciation for your patience.I don t care about the money. I don t blame you of course but I want you to know how disappointed that I am with Ace. I expected much better service.I m reall y sorry, sir. Is that anything else that I can do for you?Yes, that is. I d like to cancel the order and get a refund.I m sorry to hear that, sir. But I understand. I ll see to it thatyou get your refund. How long will it take before I get the refund?You should see the credit on your next month s credit card billing statement. Thanks for your help.You are welcome sir and once again, please accept my apologies.L5 Unit 1-2 ListeningJessica s 20 -year class reunion was held at a fancy hotel. When she arrived, she wasn t sure she wasin the right place. At first, she didn t recognize anyone. She felt a bit awkward and out of place . But it wasn t before a strange man came up to her. He was already losing his hear and he was wearing thick glasses(深度眼镜).Don t you rememberme?He asked. When he said who he was, she barely remembered him, especially he has changed so much. Then he told her that he had always had crush on her.He said she looked beautiful and he immediately took a selfie of them, with his arm tight around her waist. This made her felt a bit strange. She smiled at him and pretended to be happy to see him. But in fact, she was sure how to react, thought he seemednice. She finallyexcused herselfand went to the ladies room. She was beginning to regret to having come to the reunion. Shehad always been shy and she still was. Whenshe returned to the party, Sharon invited her to sit at her table. Dinner was goingto be served soon and some of the classmates were going to give speeches. Sharon next was also got to say a few words too because people were curious. This was a surprise. Jessica had never been very popular and she didn t think anyone had noticed her. She had always felt like an outsider, with only a couple of close friends. Still, she had been one of the best students and people rememberedher. As the evening wore on, Jessica began to really enjoy herself. She told to her old friends and was amazedby how someothers had changed.For example, Tom used to be good looking and athletic. He was one of the most popular students, and star basketball player. His one problem was math. He had hadhard time in math especially in geometric. This is because he wasn t a logical thinker. Except for basketball, he didn t want to d o anything, unless it was easy. Tom was no longer good looking. His nose which had always been large, had grown even larger. Hehad also gained a lot of weight.His wife had left him so for the first time and ever, he waslone. He looked lonely and depressed, not at all like he used to be.Steve was a nobody in middle school. People hardly noticed him. He was small, quiet and a bit ugly with crooked teeth. What he was good at was English. His English was even better than their teachers. After graduating, he went to low rent university and eventually dropped out. For a while, he worked as a tour guide. Then, 10 years ago, he and some friends started a little company which is now a great success. In fact, he had becomea rich, generous man. Hehad a nice warmsmile and his success hadn t gone to his head(冲昏头月曲).It was a pleasure to be around him.Betty used to be the most beautiful girl in school. She wasn t erysmart but she was a great singer. She made a video of her singing and it went viral. She became famous overnight but it only lasted for about 2 years. After that, her fans lost interested in her. She tried to become an actress, but she failed. She has been too stiff and nervous in front of the camera. Betty has a nice husband who seems to adopt her. The one tragedy in her life happened about 5 years ago when she lost her daughter to a rare form of cancer. Because of that, her hair had begun to turn grey. Jessica couldn t help but feel sorry for her. Betty had had such high hope in tremendous energy as a girl, but things didn t work out.And then there was John. John used to be the school bully. He had been big, strongand mean. He hadn t been nice to anybody. It seemedthat he was always angry and ready to hit someone. After graduating, he joined the army and went overseas to fight to a war. His saw many people died and he grew to hate fighting of any kind. Then one day, he was nearly killed when a helicopter he was in was shut down. He survived the crash(事故)but helost a leg and was hospitalized for nearly a year. Now he had completely changed. He had gentle, kind eyes and beautiful smile. He was working for an organiz ation that provides support to elde rly people. From Jessica s point of view, john had turned out to be a wonderful surprise. In the end, Jessica was glad she went to her reunion. It was interesting to see how people had changed through these years. Still, she was happy to get homeand appreciate everything that she (viral像病毒一样传播开来 be preparefor为一作准备)L5 Unit 1-2 vocabularyA broken heart is what happens when a love relationship is broken off. Someonewith the broken heart is usually depressed which means they feel awful and don t enjo y life.To fall in love with someone can be a wonderful experience, with powerful emotions. People in love often share their deepest feelings and emotions, which is intimacy(n. 亲密;亲近;亲昵的言行;性行为).To find someone attractive usually means there is a physical desire to be with him. Physical attraction may sometimes lead to love, But in many cases, it may only lead to a short term sexual relationship.To flirt( 调情)with someonemeansto let him or her know that you want to be approached. Some people use their eyes or smile to flirt.Jealousy is what often happens when two people compete for the love of the same person. The one who loses may be very jealous of the other and tries to break things up.Rivals insult 辱骂Feelings of jealousy may last for a long time and can destroy friendship.Some people can remain calm even when everyone else is confused and upset. When you are calm, you can think clearly and make good decisions.People react to disappointing news in different ways. Sometimes they get discouragedand lose their confidence. Sometimes they get depressed and began to cry or even get drunk.People are furious when they are in extremely angry. People who are furious at each other maybeend up fighting or trying to hurt each other.To be excited is usually a good thing. People can becomeexcited while watching a soccer match and seeing their team score a goal. The opposite of exciting is doll or boring.Someone is terrified if they are extremely afraid and shaking with fear. Terrified people will often scream and run away from whatever is threatening them.Being in love can blind you from seeing things as they really are.The emotions of love have inspired poets throughout history.When you are in love with someone you can hardily think of anything else.L5 Unit 1-2 dialogueWhat are you so exciting about?Have you heard? John and Sylvia are getting a divorce.No, I haven t. But I m not surprised. To be honest, I never expected their marriage to last for very long. She is so aggressive and bossy(专横的).Well, I think John has an affair. He met someone on the business trip.Really, how did you find that out.Sherry told me a few minutes ago.Oh, Sherry. She is such a gossip. I wouldn t believe anything she says.No, really. This time I think we can trust her. Idon t think she smaking it up. Wow, this is news. What about their baby?I don t know. I haven t heard anything about that.Well, that s too bad. Even though I don t like either one of them, I feel sorry for them. It s so bad when this happens especially for the child.Yeah, right. It s easy to fall for the gossip and forget to think about the serious consequences.Still, I can t sense surprised. Can you imagine living with someone like that?No, I can t. She is so self -center.I donAnd what about him?t kno w him well but he seems nice.I think so too. I m not sure how he ever felt for her.Are you kidding? Hormones( 荷尔蒙),You had to admit that she is physically attractive.He probably co uldn t help himself. And now he seems to have fell in love with someone else.I guess he can t control himself. I ve heard he had a drinking problem too.Oh, I wasn t aware of , what s new, right? Something s never changed. That s for sure. He y, what about lunch?No, thanks. I d better to get back to work.L5 Unit 1-3 ListeningEmma s best is a small but growing health food company. It was started in 1995, by a marriage couple who were tired of working for large companies. The two founders were Ed and Emmamith, both health-conscious vegetarians. Despite the risks, Ed, Emma wanted to start their own business. He knew it would be hard work but they were determined to try. Their plan was to create a business that provided healthy food to busy people. They wanted they could be something they could be proud of. When they started their business, organic food was becoming more popular. People were becoming more food-conscious and worried about food safety. In fact, people were willing to pay higher prices for food that was free of harmful chemicals. In addition, an increasing number of people have little time to go shopping and cook at home. They wanted the meals that were healthy but easy to prepare. There were very few frozen meals available at the time and none of them were vegetarian or organic. There was a gap in the market. Ed and Emma immediately saw the opportunity and launched their first product. It was a frozen pasta meal( 速冻面食餐)with a mix of vegetable and delicious cream sauce. The market responded with enthusiastic and profitable beyond expectation. Their product was an instant success. To their surprise, it was soon being eaten by millions of people, not only for vegetarians who were interested in organic foods. It was being brought because it was easy to prepare and it tasted good. And of course, it was healthy.Other products followed in rapid succession. As a result, at the end of 5 years, the company was producing over 100 frozen meals. Since then, they have increased thenumber of meals over 150, including pizzas, sandwiches and snacks.Their foods are carried by natural food stores and supermarkets throughout North America. Although they had expanded their production facilities and increased the number of employees, they had remained the previous company. They enjoyed the fact that the they are family-owned business, sensitive to the needs of their customers. They don t have to worry about pleasing shareholders. Rather than paying dividend to the shareholders, Emma sbest has a perfect sharing plan to benefits its employees. Bonuses and salary increases keep employees happy and motivate them to work hard. As a result, employer turnover is low and the company has been recognized as one of the best companies to work for. In addition, Emma s bestsupports local charities, especially those that provide health foods to children from low-income families. Given its success, the company feels an obligation to contribute to society. In spite of the fact that other company now produce similar products, Emma s best remain s the market leader. Their totally commitment to quality has made the difference and they are proud of their accomplishments.L5 Unit 1-3 vocabularyPeople are often nervous or apprehensive before performing in frontof an audience. People who are really nervous may feel tense which is the opposite of the relaxed. Someone who strongly believes in their ability to do something is often confident. The best way of build confidence is to practice what you re going to do until you can do it with ease.To be indifferentmeansto not care one way or the other about something.If you are indifferent to a person or project, it means that the person or project isn t i mportant to you.To be appreciative is to be thankful or grateful for something. If someone does something nice for you, you should appreciate it.To be depressed is the opposite of to be happy. When someone is depressed, they feel very sad.Aggressive people often push their only ideas or try to force others follow them. Someonewhois passive will usually not resist that of others.An optimistic person believes in a positive future. Optimists see a glass of half full rather than half empty. The opposite of an optimist is a pessimist.Sensitive people are emotional and have strong feelings about things.It s important to be careful when dealing with sensitive people because it s easy to upset them. Insensitive people don t seem to be aware o f or care about the feeling of others.A meanperson doesn t treat other people well or with kindness. Mean people often enjoy making people suffer for their mistakes. To be kind is the opposite of to be mean.Conceited( 自负的)people have very high opinion of themselves. They often talk about howgreat they are and tend to exaggerate their strengths. Modest people don t show off their strengths but they re often very good at what they do.L5 Unit 1-3 dialogueAce industry, may I help you? This is Sue Mitchell speaking.Hi, Sue, this is Ben Wong of Joblink.Oh, hi, Ben, how are you? I ve been expecting your call.I m sorry to be late. I ve been traveling.It seems like everyone is traveling these days.That s for sure. I m away more than I m here. Anyway, I m calling to see if we can arrange a meeting.Good, there were several matters I d like to discuss with you.Sure, will later this week be possible?Let me see. According to m y schedule, I ll have something Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.How long do you think we will need?I think an hour should be enough.That should be fine. Would Thursday at 3:30 work for you?Yes, that s fine. Ok, I m looking forward to seeing you


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