
上传人:feng****ing 文档编号:56741091 上传时间:2022-02-22 格式:DOC 页数:4 大小:29KB
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1、一You be excited that you rqjoing back to your hometown soon.Y es, I can t wait any Ion ger.A. shall B. can C. need D. Must2、一Two hundred years for such a T-shirt! Youbejoking!I m not joking. It s mlade of silA. can t B. canC. needD. Must3、You be serious! You re actually going to lend him money again?A. n eed ntB. cantC. should nt D. must n t4、 Who is that?Itbe Shirly. On ly she is in red today .A. couldB. mayC. must5、 Whose book is this?Itour geography teachers. Ydhiissieamie is on it.A. can beB. can beC. mustn beD.must be6、 Whose T-shirt is this?Itbe Joh n.It small for him.A. can t; much tooB.can t; too muchC. mustn t;too much7、The lady in this photo be over fifty! She looks so young!A. mustn B. must C. can D.Can8、一Is that your teacher?Thatbe Mr.Wa ng. He has gone to Japa n with his wife.A. can B. mustn C. may not9、 Is Jim coming by trai n?I mot sure. Hedrive his car.A. must B. may C. n eed10、Have you decided which senior high school to choose?Not yet. I go to Moonlight School.A. must B. may C. n eed D. should11、 Look at the boy play ing basketball on the groun d. Is it George?Itbe him. He told me he would play basketball after class, buthe s not sure.A. mustn tB. mustC. can tD.may12、 Tom, you play with the knife. Youhurt yourself.A. wont; cantB. must nt ; may C. should nt; mustD. cant;should13、You mustn t go off on your own, because you get lost in the mountains.A. shouldB. mustC. needD. might


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