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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上磅薄:1.(广大)boundless; majestic; vast; widespread ; tremendous; 气势of tremendous momentum; 大气of vasty atmosphere 2.(充满)fill; permeate: 热情 be filled with immense zeal苍翠fresh green; luxuriantly green; 的竹林a green bamboo grove 草木葱笼luxuriant vegetation 葱笼茂盛luxuriant growth of vegetation徐娘半老,风韵犹存:The woman in her thirty-forties still retains a great deal of charm.苍茫:(空阔辽远)vast;boundless;苍茫的大地boundless land (没有边际,迷茫)indistinct;暮色苍茫deepening shades of dusk隽永meaningful 闲适:leisurely and comfortable醇厚:(气味滋味纯正浓厚)mellow; rich; 酒味The wine is (tastes)mellow.(淳厚)pure and honest; simple and kind.静态:static state平淡:flat;uninteresting;dull;insipid;pedestrian 平淡无味的谈话insipid |dull conversation凄凉:dreary ,desolate; miserable; gloomy and forlorn ;bleak凄凉的景色 dreary scenery;凄凉的前景bleak prospects 凄凉的生活forlorn life;的一生a desolate life; 满目desolation all round晚景lead a miserable and dreary life in old age我感到无限A sense of desolation overwhelmed me凄风苦雨miserable condition; bitter winds and miserable rains; bleak wind and wretched rain 缕:1. thread:万青丝a mass of black hair;千丝万缕countless ties; a thousand and one links2. (一条一条;详详细细) in fine detail;条分缕析make a careful and detailed analysis; analyze point by point3. (量)(用于细的东西)wisp; strand; lock; 一麻a strand of hemp;一头发a lock of hair; 一炊烟 a wisp of smoke from a kitchen chimney大千世界:the boundless universe; the big world; the kaleidoscopic world洋火:matches静寂无声:A perfect silence prevailed; There is a dead calm.吞云吐雾:blow a cloudto smoke opium; blow clouds ;inhale clouds and exhale mist; opium-smoking; smoke; smoke tobacco; swallow clouds and blow fogs香气扑鼻:feel/smell a sharp aroma; A sweet smell greets the nose ;fragrance striking the nose ; The scent of reached ones nose; The sweet smell of strikes the nose.偎红倚翠:have many concubines(妾,姘妇,情妇)温煦:warm缭绕:coil up;curl up;耳际ring in ones ears; 歌声The song lingered in the air 烟从营火上升起 The smoke from the camp fire curled upwards.红叶:red autumnal leaves (of the maple,etc.)秋扇见捐:be cast aside like the fan in autumn; share the fate of an autumn fan; abandoned (lovers) like a fan in autumn荒1.(荒芜)waste;地了。The land lies waste/uncultivated. 2.(荒凉)desolate; barren; 村deserted village;山barren hill 3.(不合情理)fantastic; absurd; 荒诞无稽absurd and groundless 4. (迷乱;放纵)dissolute; self-indulgent; 淫无耻given to debauchery; dissipated and unashamed 5.(未加工的;粗制的) roughly processed ;crude;(1).(荒歉)famine;crop failure;Many people died during famines every year before liberation.(2). (荒地) wasteland ; uncultivated land 垦Reclaim /open up wasteland (3). (荒疏) neglect; be out of practice: Dont neglect your lessons.别把功课了。His English is rusty.他的英语丢荒疏了。枯槁:1.(枯萎)withered: 草木Trees and grass withered up. 2. (憔悴) haggard;wizened:面容look haggard;形容的人 a wizened man凋零:(凋谢零落)withered,fallen and scattered about:树木(with)trees withered and bare.老气横生:1.(摆老资格)act as an elder; arrogant on account of ones seniority; showing the self-importance of the aged 2(没有朝气)lacking in youthful vigor偏爱:favor; have partiality for sth; be partial to; have a preference for; love one more than another; play favorites; take sides; go over board ; show favoritism to sb; have a predilection for: 法国烹调 partial to French cuisine;待人treat a person with favor; 老实偏爱她The teacher favored her.偏安一隅:be content to exercise sovereignty over a part of the country.明媚bright and beautiful; radiant and enchanting;的春光 a radiant and enchanting spring scene;她用那双晶莹的眼睛端详着我。She studied me with her sharp bright and beautiful eyes。明媚娴雅,端庄莹静charming yet graceful娇艳: delicate and charming; tender and beautiful: 的桃花delicate and charming peach blossoms; 无比being gay to excel all.绝伦be so gay as to excel all; delicate and charming beyond compare.茂密:(of grass, trees)dense; thick; 叶子的树 trees thick with leaves 林中的小山谷dingle 橡胶林区pilang不足为奇:be not at all surprising; and no wonder; be nothing strange; be nothing to take exception to; have nothing to be wondered at; nothing remarkable ; nothing surprising; not strange at all; not to be wondered at ;This is no strange thing.凛冽:piercingly cold; biting cold; bitter cold;北风biting north wind萧瑟:(风吹树木的声音) rustle in the air 秋风The autumn wind is soughing. (景色凄凉) bleak; desolate; 一片的景象 a bleak scene纯熟:(熟练)skilful; practiced ; fluent; well versed; 技术highly skilled宏毅坚实:坚实:1.(坚固结实)solid; substantial;打下的基础lay a solid foundation ;迈出的步子make solid progress这条公路平整。This is a smooth, strongly built highway.2. (健壮)strong; staunch:身体的人a man of substantial build 无穷:1. (没有穷尽;没有限度)infinite endless; boundless ;inexhaustible;的烦恼endless troubles;的力量inexhaustible power; 的潜力boundless potential; 的忧虑endless worries;的烦恼She had trouble without end.The wisdom of the masses is inexhaustible.言有尽而意Theres an end to the words, but not to their message.(数学专业) infinite :极数infinite series苍劲:1. (用于树木)old and strong;的挺拔的青松hardy, old pines 2.(用于书画)vigorous; bold: 笔力(write or paint)in bold, vigorous strokes不屈unbending苍劲有力:vigorous and forceful;他的书法。His calligraphy is vigorous and forceful.风韵:graceful bearing; charm:翻译时设法把握住原文中难以捉摸的。Try to catch the elusive charm of the original in translation.风韵依旧:Ones indescribable majesty and charm still remain; be as charming as before.风韵犹存:still retaining ones graceful bearing/manner; keep ones charm, look still attractive专心-专注-专业


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