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江苏大学继续教育学院2013届毕业设计(论文) THE Comparative study of English and Chinese address forms of pragmatic英汉称呼语的语用对比研究 专业名称: 英 语 班 级: 11英 语 本 学 号: 4 号 作 者: 陈 娟 指导教师: 姚 蔚 二零一三年三月THE Comparative study of English and Chinese address forms of pragmatic by 陈娟Under the Supervision ofTeaching Assistant Yao WeiJiangsu University 2013.3摘要称呼是言语交往过程中的重要组成部分,在许多情况下,称呼是传递给对方的第一个信息。称呼语的研究虽然不是全新的课题,但由于称呼语在实际运用中的重要性,仍然具有很高的研究价值。国内外众多社会学家和语言学家从各角度对称呼语做了相关研究,研究学者主要从跨文化对比,社会语言学,语用学等角度对称呼语做了一系列研究。本文是在他人对称呼语分析和研究的基础上,运用语用学的理论即礼貌原则和权势与一致性理论,采用英汉对比的方法,对英汉称呼语进行研究的。语用研究的目的是为了能够准确的运用称呼语,进而探索称呼语的文化根源,以及对跨文化交际和英语教学的意义。关于数据的收集方面,本文主要是以文学作品作为参考进行数据的收集和分析。作者通过查阅参考大量的国内外文学作品,收集整理了大量的关于称呼语的使用实例。作者将收集到的范例分为英汉两部分,然后对其进行详细分析。结合收集到的大量数据,本文运用语用学的相关理论对英汉称呼语做了详细的对比研究。首先通过对具体实例的分析,本文从英汉称呼语的不同入手,对英汉各类称呼语分别做了详细的对比分析,找出它们在实际运用中的具体区别。作者发现, 总的来说,英汉称呼语在实际运用中存在很大差异,汉语称呼语较英语称呼语更加复杂多样,使用起来更加具体化,而英语称呼语倾向于简单普遍性。汉语称呼语中职业头衔和官方头衔称谓使用的普遍性和亲属称谓的外延化是英语称呼语所不具备的特点。本文接下来运用语用学的相关理论,主要是礼貌原则和权势与一致性理论, 对英汉称呼语的差异进行解释分析。本文主要运用与称呼语相关的语用学理论, 如礼貌原则中的关联和独立策略,得体准则,谦虚准则,贬己尊人准则,称呼准则,以及权势与一致理论,通过运用具体理论对英汉称呼语的语用差异进行了较详细的比较研究。研究发现,汉语称呼语较多的体现独立策略而英语称呼语普遍使用关联策略,这主要体现在人称代词和亲属称谓的语用对比中;汉语称呼语严格遵循得体准则,注重谦虚,贬己尊人的礼貌原则,其普遍使用的头衔称谓语和复杂的亲属称谓就是这一特征的体现,而英语称呼语对这些准则的侧重点不同, 更强调个体的独立性和人际关系的平等,因此英语称呼语遵循尊人但不贬己的准则,尤其近几年,西方称呼语正在经历一场革命,无论年龄长幼,地位和职位高低,人们越来越愿意直呼其名,这种体现个体独立和社会平等的称呼方式正是被西方国家接收的得体的礼貌原则;中国人受“上下有礼,长幼有序等传统礼制的影响,在交际场合十分注重个人所处的位置和语言的运用,所以称呼语的使用体现了权势理论的取向,属于非对等式的称呼类型,而西方国家偏爱于对等式, 其称呼语充分的体现出平等一致性的取向。英汉称呼语的语用差异有深厚的文化根源,本文探讨了英汉称呼语语用差异的文化根源,从不同文化的社会哲学渊源进行对比,深入分析了称呼语的文化差异,主要从三个方面挖掘其文化根源:平等主义一孔子等级思想,个人主义一集体主义,权势一平等一致性,这些文化根源是导致英汉称呼语语用差异的根本原因。论文最后阐述了称呼语对跨文化交流和第二外语教学的意义。称呼语是言语交际的一个重要范畴,含有独特的语用特征和文化特色。为了跨文化交际的成功,交际者仅具备基本的语言能力是不够的,还应当掌握必要的社会交际能力。本文对称呼语的深入研究不仅有助于外语学习者及使用者在交际中避免潜在的冒犯或误解,帮助我们在日常生活的交流中更加有使用称呼语,而且对英语交际和英语教学具有一定的借鉴作用。关键词:英汉称呼语,差异,语用对比,文化根源Abstract As one important part in speech communication,address form is considered as the first message conveyed from speakers to hearers in many situationsAddress form, though not a new topic in academic researches,is still worth studying for iis importance in the practical useLots of sociologists and linguists at home and abroad have done many researches on address forms from different perspectives which are mainly sociolinguistics,anthropology,crossculture,and pragmaticsOn the basis of the former researches,the thesis develops an analysis of the address forms in English and Chinese winl some pragrnatics theoriesThe thesis employs the method of contrast when doing the study The purpose of the pragmatic study is to use address forms properly andto find the cultural roots and the implication ofaddress forms As for data collection,it mainly comes from lots of literature worksThrough consulting some literature works,the author collects as many examples as possible, and classifies them into English and Chinese to do the studyOn the basis of the data, the thesis develops a contrastive study on the address forms in English and Chinese wim pragmatics theoriesFirst of a11,through the analysis of the examples,the thesis gives a contrastive analysis on all kinds of address forms in English and Chinese in demil,to find their specific differences in practical useGenerally speaking,there exist a large number of differences between Chinese address forms and English address formsChinese address forms are more complicated while English address forms are more simple;specificity and generality are their respective featuresIn Chinese address forms,the generality of professional titles and official titles and the extension of kinship terms are two exclusive features which are not included in those of English address forms Then the thesis gives an explanation to the differences with pragrnatics theories, iepoliteness principles,power and solidarity theoryWith some pragmatics theories related to address forms such as the involvement strategy and independence strategy, tact maxim,modesty maxim,the self-denigration maxim,and the address term maximof politeness principles,the thesis develops a contrastive study on the differences of address formsThe study suggests:Chinese address forms employ the independence strategy while English address forms the involvement strategy,which is realized through the differences of person pronouns and kinship termsChinese address forms obey strictly the tact maxim,modesty maxim and self-denigration maxim,which are realized in titles used widely and complicated kinship terms,but English address forms emphasize the individual independence and social equality,and the address forms elevate others but not denigrate selfEspecially in recent years,English address forms is going through a revolution,that is to say people tend to address each other 、)l,itll names whatever the age,title and status,which is acknowledged and accepted as the tact politeness principle among the west countriesInfluenced by the traditional system ofBe polite between senior and junior,and be orderly between old and young,Chinese stress the StatuS of individual and the proper use of language in communicating situation,so the address forms show power tendency and belong to the non-reciprocal type;while the western people prefer reciprocal paUern and the address forms have solidarity orientation There are deep culture roots of the pragmatic differences of address formsThe thesis searches the cultural roots of the differences of address forms in English and Chinese from the perspective of philosophical sources of different culturesThe thesis gives a discussion from three aspects:the concept of equality and Confuciusranking theory,individualism and collectivism,power and solidarity,which are the essential causes of pragmatic differences in address formsFinally the thesis points out the implication and application of address forms in intercultural communication and in English teaching and learning As a major category in the verbal communication,address forms possess unique cultural flavors and pragmatic characteristicsIn order to achieve successful intercultural communication and to avoid further pragmatic failures and misunderstanding in the intercultural communication,the thesis suggests that English learners in China should pay more aRention to the communicative competence,and in particular,sociolinguistic competence in their studies and English teachers should alsoattach more importance to this aspectThe present study on address forms has some implication both in intercultural communication and in the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language Key Words:English and Chinese address forms;differences;pragmatic contrast; cultural roots Introduction Address forms are common phenomena in human verbal communication in daily life across culturesThey make up one of the most important parts of language word systems and reflect the speakerS and addresseeS role and identity,family and social statusintimacy or remoteness of their relationship well as their likes and dislikes Address forms are the prelude to personal aSsociation and their proper use is the prerequisite to achieve the aim of personal contactThey also play ail important role in intercultural communicationIn many circumstances,address forms are the very first message conveyed to the addresseeSometimes a simple address form Can take the place of a long sentence in conveying a profound meaningAddressing is a systematic,variable social phenomenonDifferent nation has its own unique addressing systemAddress forms are important as well as frequent in everyday social interactions all over the worldAppropriate addressing behavior is crucial for the establishment and maintenance of interpersonal relationships 11 The Definition ofAddress Forms Address forms are frequently used and easily observed in our daily life,but how to define this item is a really difficult task because the use of address forms involves many factorsAddress forms are also called address terms,terms of address or forms of address,which call be defmed from different perspectivesDifferent linguists,at different stages,from different perspectives,gave different definitions of address formsA brief review of some significant and influential definitions may throw some light on our understanding of address forms (1)Address form is a word or words used to address somebody,in speech or writing(Richard et ab (2)An address form is a form used to refer to,or name a person directly in speech or writing(Wales) (3)An address form is the correct title or name that you use for someone when you are speaking to himher(The Longrnan Dictionary of Contemporary English) (4)Address form is the correct title or expression ofpoliteness to be used tosomeone in speech or writing(Proctor) (5)Address forms are the words and phrases speakers use to designate the person they are talking to while they are talking to them(Fasold) (6)By“address”we means a vocative,a direct reference to the addressee such as “MrOrMrs”Term is defined by Oster best as designating a value judgment that qualifies the formality of“address”according to certain invariable(social position and the like)but more often according to the situation(LeeWong) (7)Address forms are the word or words used to the person or persons with which the speaker wants hisher word(s)to be received and interpretedThey call be personal pronouns,personal names,titles,kinship terms,nicknames,nominal phrases,etcAddress forms indicate the application of linguistic forms to the specific social setting and the relationship between the interlocutorsaddresser and addresseeThey Can take initial,medial,or final position in an uRerance or a sentenceThey call be used in a direct speech or writing(Chen Xiafang) The above definitions differ from each otherHowever,each of them has their own defects and drawbacksThe first two definitions do not indicate the functions of address formsThe third and fourth definitions point out that an address form Can be a title or nameThey further point out the relationships between the address forms and politenessBut these definitions are limited,since they do not include personal nalTles and pronouns as address formsAt the same time,they do not indicate the functions of address formsFasoldS definition is alSO limited in that it does not demonstrate particular kinds of address formsThe definition given by Lee-Wong is drawn from the perspective of function and concerns the situations but it doesnt mention the specific classification of address formsThe last one,to a certain degree, overcomes the shortcomings of the above three and gives a comprehensive definition of the address form,which covers the categories of address forms,the relationships between address forms and social context,and the functions of them Besides,some of the above definitions confuse the term of address form with appellation,such as the first and the fourth oneThese definitions circumscribe address forms in a broad sense by coveting both the major modes of human 2communication:directly and indirectlyHowever,address form and appellation are different from each otherThe former is used directly between the parties on the spot, while the latter is used indirectly designating the third-party person or persons in a communication After reviewing all these definitions,due to their limitations and drawbacks,the paper here wants to make an attempt to give a definition to address forms in a narrow sense for the dissertation:An address form is the WOrd or the words used to address a person directly in speech or writing to mark relation among persons as well as to perform a certain behavior,for example,as a vehicle for the expression or exchanging of thoughts,concepts,knowledge,and informationMoreover,proper terms of address are induced from a personS age,sex,gender,profession and social status 12 The Classification of Address Forms Before we go to the depth of the study under pragmatic theories,it is necessary to make sure about the scope of address formsMany linguists have done researches on address forms and given different ways of classifications of address formsFor example, Friederike Braun in his book Terms ofAddress:Problems ofPatterns and Usage in Various Languages and Cultures(1988)divides address forms as follows:(1) pronouns of address;(2)verb forms of address;(3)nouns of address,which include a) names,b)kinship terms,C)titles of address,d)abstract nouns of address,e) professional nouns of address,f)terms of endearment,g)defining addresses by expressing the addresseeS relation to another person Chinese linguist Chen Songcen in his book Politeness Languages(1 989)discusses the use of address terms and divides them into six main types:(1)kinship titles;(2) occupational titles;(3)rank titles;(4)comnoll titles;(5)despicable titles;(6)names Another famous linguist Tian Huigang in his book Chinese and Western Interpersonal Address System(1 998)divides the address form system into five subgroups:(1)kinship addressing;(2)social addressing;(3)pronouns addressing;(4) names addressing;(5)politeness addressing Although each language has its unique address form system,the patterns of 3classifications of English address forms and Chinese address forms are almost similarIn general,seven types of address forms can generally be found:pronouns, personal names,titles,kinship terms,nicknames,nonaming and othersThe present thesis will make no attempt to cover all sorts of address forms,which requires all extremely thorough research,and which will decide the authorS purpose on this study 121 Person Pronouns Pronouns refer to the pronouns people use to call each other between the interlocutorsIn some languages,person pronouns show reciprocal social relationship of the interlocutorsSuch as“you”and“I”in EnglishThey only differentiate the status of the communicatorsBut in some other languages,the employment of pronouns as addressing terms shows the non-reciprocal social relationship of the interlocutorsLetS take the second personal pronoun as all example,there are nin“您form)and ni“你(T form)in Chinese,“VOHS”(V form)and“tu(T form)in FrenchV form represents formality and respect or salutationAnd T form represents informal intimate relation between the interlocutorsThey show the different social distance between the communicators 122 Proper Names Proper names are words to name persons and usually consist of two or more partsSome are passed down from family and others are given by family or other peopleAccording to Lou Guangqing,there are generally three modes of proper names which are as follows: (1)NFLS+(X)+G (2)_ (X)+S (3)G+(X)+( NF-name form S=sumame G=given name FN-first name X=the first variable Y-the second variable()-noncompulsory element There are three forms of personal nameS: a)FIlll name In most countries,a full name is composed of a family name and a given name 4For instance,“方鸿渐in Chinese,“方is the family name,and“鸿渐”is the given nameThe mode of names of Europeans and Americans are also composed of a family name and a given name(some of them have a middle name which is the family name of a personS mother or the given name of the father),but given name is put before the family nameFor example,Jane Eyrein English,Eyreis the family nameand“Jane”is the given name b)First name First name(FN)Can be applied alone which is also called given name or Christian name in English because it is given by the family or it is given during the personS baptismal ceremonyThe use of first names denotes familiarity or intimacy between speakers and listenersJohn,Jane,Lucyare some coinnlon first names in English c、Lastname Last name(LN),which is always put at the end in English,is also called surname or family name in English because it follows the name of patrilineal familyIn the name“Buck Mulligan”Mulligan”is the last name 123 Titles ofAddress Forms This kind ofaddress term is used in salutation and courtesy by adding the rank titles or profession titles before or after the nameIn communication,when age and profession title are in conflict with each other,the occupational title is superior to age There are two forms of this pattern:PT form(Pure Title)and TLN form(Title+Last Name)PT form means that people directly use the addresseeS title or profession, such asprofessor,“doctorin English and“主任,校长,老师,医生in Chinese TLN form is much formal,such asPresident Clinton,Master Reedin English and “沈先生,“方博士,“王主任in Chinese There are four kinds of titles of address forms: 1231 Social Titles This l【ind of addressing paRern can be adapted universally to any member of the same social category to show the popular relation between addresser and addressee mlen the interlocutors dont know the name or the social status of each other and cailt determine their social relation they often adopt this kind of addressing forms, such as“Sir,“Madam,“Miss”in English,“同志,师傅,先生,小姐”and SO on in Chinese 1232 Professional Titles Professional titles are the address forms addressing people according to professionsFor example,“Doctor,“Professor,“lawyerin English,“老师”,“律师and“大夫”in ChineseMany of this type of titles are followed by last names or full names“Doctor Harley,“Professor Hanson,“丁医生,“秋律师belong to this sortMost ofthem Can also be used alone 1233 Official Titles O伍cial titles are chosen to address a person in accordance with hisher official position and rank in political,technical,professional or legionary areasOfficial titles followed by full names or last names are commonly used in Chinasuch as“田书记”,“吕校长”However,it is seldom used as address forms in Englishspeaking countriesWe may not hear English speakers addressing others as“Bureau Director LeeorJudge SmithThere are truly names ofJudgeQueen Maryor “President Bush”,etc,but these names are not used as forms to address someone Instead,Your Honor,Your Majesty,andMrPresidentare chosen 1234 Zero Titles This l【ind of address term is used to call the strangers by occupations or actions they are engaged in(or by some common words for greetings)such as“driver, ooy.Hi”,“Hello”,etcin English and“开车的999“收废品的999“喂”,etcin Chinese 124 Kinship Terms Kinship terms are terms for blood relations and for affinitiesThey are used within family community between different members of a family with direct or distant relationship,such as“fatheL mother,sister,brother,uncle,aunt”in English, “父亲,伯伯,舅舅,姑妈,表哥in ChineseBut against different cultural backgrounds,each language has its unique kinship system,some are simple,such as in English,the kinship terms only reach three generations;and some are complicated, 6such as in Chinese,kinship terms reach four generations and distinguish age,sex, seniority,consanguineous and affinal relationsAccording to毋场ShiQinthe Chinese kinship terms are divided into four groups:paternal group,maternal group, wifeS line and affinal groupIt is SO complicated that no other language can match it 125 Nicknames Dunkling in his book A Dictionary of Epithets and Terms of Address(1 990) defines nickname踞“all extra name,normally unofficial and not used for legal purpose or in formal situations,which Call serve to


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