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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上英译汉第三次翻译练习班级: 学号: 姓名: Virtually everything astronomers know about objects outside the solar system is based on the detection of photonsquanta of electromagnetic radiation. Yet there is another form of radiation that permeates the universe: neutrinos. With (as its name implies) no electric charge, and negligible mass, the neutrino interacts with other particles so rarely that a neutrino can cross the entire universe, even traversing substantial aggregations of matter, without being absorbed or even deflected. Neutrinos can thus escape from regions of space where light and other kinds of electromagnetic radiation are blocked by matter. Furthermore, neutrinos carry with them information about the site and circumstances of their production: therefore, the detection of cosmic neutrinos could provide new information about a wide variety of cosmic phenomena and about the history of the universe. (131 words)实际上天文学家对太阳系外天体的所有认知都基于对光子一种电磁辐射量子的探测上。不过,还有一种遍布宇宙的辐射:中微子。正如其名,中微子不带电荷,质量可忽略不计/微乎其微。因为几乎不和其他粒子发生反应,中微子可以穿越整个宇宙,甚至穿越物质聚合体,也不会被吸收或发生轨迹偏离。因此,在某些空间区域,光和其他电磁辐射会被物质阻截,中微子却可以逃逸出来。 而且,中微子携带关于它诞生地点及环境的相关信息:所以,探测宇宙中的中微子可以提供关于各种宇宙现象和宇宙史的新信息。But how can scientists detect a particle that interacts so infrequently with other matter? Twenty-five years passed between Paulis hypothesis that the neutrino existed and its actual detection: since then virtually all research with neutrinos has been with neutrinos created artificially in large particle accelerators and studied under neutrino microscopes. But a neutrino telescope, capable of detecting cosmic neutrinos, is difficult to construct. No apparatus can detect neutrinos unless it is extremely massive, because great mass is synonymous with huge numbers of nucleons (neutrons and protons), and the more massive the detector, the greater the probability of one of its nucleons reacting with a neutrino. In addition, the apparatus must be sufficiently shielded from the interfering effects of other particles. (124 words) 但是,科学家们怎样才能探测到这种极少与其他物质发生反应的粒子呢? 从泡利提出存在中微子的假说到真正发现中微子间隔了25年(之久)。此后,所有有关中微子的研究实际上都使用大型粒子加速器人工获得的中微子,并在中微子显微镜下研究中微子。但是,能够探测到宇宙中的中微子的中微子望远镜很难研制。没有装置能够探测到中微子,除非它极其巨大。因为质量越大意味着大量核子(中子和质子),探测器质量越大,内部某一核子与中微子起反应的可能性就越大。此外,这一装置必须有效阻止其他粒子的干扰。 Fortunately, a group of astrophysicists has proposed a means of detecting cosmic neutrinos by harnessing the mass of the ocean. Named DUMAND, for Deep Underwater Muon and Neutrino Detector, the project calls for placing an array of light sensors at a depth of five kilometers under the ocean surface. The detecting medium is the seawater itself: when a neutrino interacts with a particle in an atom of seawater, the result is a cascade of electrically charged particles and a flash of light that can be detected by the sensors. The five kilometers of seawater above the sensors will shield them from the interfering effects of other high-energy particles raining down through the atmosphere. (119 words) 幸运的是,一些天体物理学家已经提出利用广阔的海洋探测宇宙中的中微子,项目简称DUMAND(深水介子和中微子探测器)。这个项目要求将一系列光感仪置于水下5千米深海处。探测媒介就是海水本身:中微子和海水原子中的粒子发生反应时,会产生一连串的带电粒子和传感器能探测到的光束。传感器上方五千米深的海水能够屏蔽大气中离散的其他高能粒子的干扰 。 The strongest motivation for the DUMAND project is that it will exploit an important source of information about the universe. The extension of astronomy from visible light to radio waves to x-rays and gamma rays never failed 反义词+否定to lead to the discovery of unusual objects such as radio galaxies, quasars, and pulsars. Each of these discoveries came as a surprise. Neutrino astronomy will doubtless bring its own share of surprises. (70 words)DUMAND项目实施的最大动机是它能开发出一个关于宇宙的重要信息源。天文学从可见光延伸到无线电波,再到X射线和伽马射线,总是能够发现不寻常的天体,例如发射无线电波的星系,类星体和脉冲星。每一次的发现都引发轰动。中微子天文学毫无疑问将带来它的轰动成果。 专心-专注-专业


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