高中英语Unit 16 scientists at work课件

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2022-2-121UNIT 16 SCIENTISTS AT WORKreading2022-2-122TASK Understand the use of some new words and phases.2022-2-123REVIEW How much do you know about the experiment with kite?2022-2-124SOME NEW WORDSlightningcondenserthunderstorm闪电电容器雷暴thunderchargeConduct electricitythundercloud2022-2-125SOME USEFUL EXPRESSIONS Conduct : 1. to direct or lead;管理,引导He conduct her business very successfully.He conducted us on a tour of the city. 2.指挥 conduct a concert./conductor(乐队)指挥,售票员 To act as the path for(electricity, heat,ect.)传string wont conduct electricity, but wet string will.2022-2-126 a number of 大量,许多。/修饰可数名词的复数形式。比较a number of 和the number ofA number of students are from Guandong.The number of students is 300 in the school. high adj.&adv. quick-quickly wide-widely high-highly deep-deeply close-closely The door opened wide and people came streaming out.(大的。宽的) The drug is widely used in the treatment of cancer(广泛的). 2022-2-127 begin to do begin doing 含义基本没有很大区别。但如果谈论一个长期的习惯动作开始养成时,常常用begin doing. How old were you when you first begin playing the piano? 2.当begin 后面是跟understand,realize, see, know, think 等动词,用begin to do. She began to think she was wrong after a second thought. 3当begin 为beginning 时 后用to do, Are the farmers beginning to sell apples?2022-2-128 Work起作用,产生影响;行得通;奏效 Will your method work? 你的方法行吗? The medicine seems to be working. 药好象起作用了。 Charge 1.充电 2.ask in payment 收费,要价 The hotel charged me $10 for a room for the night. 3. Rush in or as if in an attack 冲进;进击 Suddenly the wild animal charged at us. 4. Command; give as a responsibility.命令;使负责she charged me to look after her son.2022-2-129 a great deal of 许多,大量/修饰不可数名词 tear 1.to pull apart or into pieces by force,撕开,撕破 Why did you tear the cloth instead of cutting it with scissors? 你为什么撕布而不用剪刀剪呢? 2. N. 眼泪 3. Tear down =destroy 4. Tear into sb. 痛打; 5. Tear up 撕碎2022-2-1210 tie 1.领带 2.平局 3. 捆,栓, 系 tie to 总结您要进行的工作2022-2-1211 conduct work tear charge tie REVIEWn a number ofn a great deal ofn begin to do /begin doingn high-highly


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