课文(外)复习课件 Book2 Module 4

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MODULE 4 Fine Arts-Western, Chinese and Pop Arts目的要求:目的要求:1. 如何表达喜欢和不喜欢如何表达喜欢和不喜欢2. Grammar : -ing form as subject.Task one:Read the passages A-D on P33, paying attention to the description of the four famous artists and their art style.Then complete the following passage.Pablo Picasso, a Spanish artist, _ (consider) to be one of the greatest western artists. He and another _ (start) Cubism. They painted objects and people, with different aspects of the objects or people _ (show) at the same time.Roy Lichtenstein, a world famous example of pop art, is a contemporary American artist. His paintings _ (aim) to show ordinary twentieth-century city life, _ soup cans and advertisement.is consideredstartedshowingaimedsuch asQi Baishi, _ paintings are known for their brush drawings in black inks and natural colors, is one of Chinas greatest painters. He _ (observe) the world of nature very carefully and his paintings are special _ this.Xu Beihong is _ Chinas best-known artist. _ Qi Baishi did, he painted in the traditional Chinese style and had a beautiful brush line. He is most famous _ his lively paintings of horses.whoseobservedbecause ofanotherAsforTask two:Read the passage on P39, learn how to write a summary of a person.Born _At the age of 10_At the age of 16 _In his early twenties _From 1902 to 1904 _From 1904 to 1906 _In 1937 _About Picasso( in the time order):In SpainAlready an excellent artistHad his first exhibitionMoved to FrancePained a series of pictures in the color bluePainted much happier pictures in the color pinkPainted the greatest Cubist painting GuernicaOne possible version (5 sentences) Picasso was born in Spain and was already an excellent artist at the age of 10 and had his first exhibition at his age of 16. He studied art in Spain, but moved to France at his early twenties. From 1902 to 1904 Picasso painted a series of pictures where the main color was blue. From 1904 to 1906 he painted much happier pictures in the color pink. In 1937, he painted his greatest Cubist painting Guernica.Task 3: grammar 1._ (chat) on line can more freely express their feelings and opinions.2. Many parents say children _ (make) friends on line is dangerous as well as a waste of time. Chattingmaking3. Some motor-sellers think _ (ride) motors may be an easy transportation means for people in the areas with poor economic conditions.4. Im for the idea of learning a foreign language from an early age because _ (master) a foreign language is one of the demands of modern society.ridingmastering5. _ (concentrate) on what the teacher says in class is the most important for students.6. It was _ (see) people with snake bites that led me to this career.Concentrating seeingTask Four 基础写作训练基础写作训练 上周,上周, 我们以我们以“你最喜欢什么和最你最喜欢什么和最不喜欢什么不喜欢什么”为题,在为题,在26645学生中进行了一次调查,学生中进行了一次调查, 以下是调以下是调查数据。查数据。男生男生女生女生喜欢喜欢不喜欢不喜欢喜欢喜欢不喜欢不喜欢足球足球52%10%6%71%看小说看小说15%7%29%13%摇滚乐摇滚乐36%1%11%57%电脑电脑50%2%9%18%徒步旅行徒步旅行29%14%17%14%根据以上数据,写一篇短文,包括以下内容根据以上数据,写一篇短文,包括以下内容 1. 调查时间,调查问题及调查对象。调查时间,调查问题及调查对象。 2. 男女生在喜欢男女生在喜欢足球方面的差异。足球方面的差异。 3. “电脑电脑”在男女生喜欢程度中的排序差异。在男女生喜欢程度中的排序差异。4. “徒步徒步旅行旅行”在男女生中不喜欢程度中的差异。在男女生中不喜欢程度中的差异。 5. 你喜欢你喜欢的项目及理由。的项目及理由。One possible versionLast week, we did a survey among 26645students on “Which is your favourite and which do you dislike?”. The survey shows that half of the boys like football, while only 6% of girls are interested in football. As the data shows, “computer” ranks the second for the boys, but the fourth for the girls. However, the percentage of the boys disliking “hiking” is the same as that of the girls. As for myself, I am fond of rock music because I think it is exciting.基础写作52%同学认为没有艺术 枯燥无味的 油画和素描最高体现形式 老少皆宜的活动.20%同学认为买画浪费钱.画画 浪费时间.美术 不重要 取消美术课.你的观点上周我班进行了一次要不要开美术课的讨论,下面是讨论结果.用5句话总结以上表格中内容以及你的观点开头已经给出. My class had a discussion about whether we should have art lesson at school or not. 52%of think that life without art will be boring . Paiting and drawing are the highest form of art activities which everyone can enjoy. While 20%of the students think it a waste of money and time buying pictures and drawing pictures. Art isnt half as important as science.we had better cancel art lessons. In my opinion,I think art is very intresting and should not be put off.


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