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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 2015年普陀区中考英语一模卷Part 1 ListeningI. Listening ComprehensionA. Listen and choose the right picture1. It is pleasant to keep a pet dog, isnt it?2. My best friend Lucy is a very confident actress.3. Have you seen the memory card of my camera?4. Offering tea to guests is a tradition in China.5. Yesterday the students did a survey on their interested topics.6. What will happen if all computers break down one day?B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear7. M: When will we leave for the exhibition tomorrow?W: Well meet at the school gate at 7:00 and the bus will leave at 7:15.Q: When will the bus leave?8. M: I cant find my glasses again! I think I put them by this book.W: No, I saw you put them beside the medicine bottle.M: Oh! You are right. There they are.Q: Where did the man put his glasses?9. W: I dont like to cook dinner. Shall we eat out?M: OK, what about the Japanese restaurant near our home?W: I dont like the food there. I prefer the Italian restaurant next to it.Q: Where does the woman like to have dinner?10. M: Is everything ready for tomorrows conference?W: Yes. Julia is responsible for contacting the reporters and Ill make sure all the machines work well.Q: What is Julias responsibility?11. M: Good evening! Can I help you?W: I think someone has broken into my house. The money in the safe is gone.M: Leave your address. Ill be there soon.Q: Who is the woman most probably talking to? 12. W: Are you still in the library?M: No. Im on my way home.W: Will you buy a pack of milk at the supermarket on the way?M: No problem.Q: What will the man do on his way home? 13. M: The Double Ninth Festival is coming. How about buying a blanket for Grandma?W: Unless we can think of a better idea for a present.Q: What does the woman mean? 14. W: Would you mind picking me up at the front gate tomorrow morning?M: Not at all, but shall we meet at the back gate? There is always a lot of traffic near the front gate and I dont want to make it worse.W: All right.Q: What can we learn from the dialogue? C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or falseLauras school organized activities to teach students what to do in an earthquake. Laura worried about being in a real one, so she taught her family what she had learnt at school. The whole family practiced that over and over. In addition, they tried to make their house strong enough. They stuck the mirror to the wall so that it wouldnt fall down. They moved all the beds away from any window or heavy picture. Everyone in the family learnt how to shut off water and gas when an earthquake happened.One night, the family was sleeping when suddenly they heard a big noise. The kitchen table started to shake. So did the lights. Tom, Lauras little brother, shouted loudly. His face was pale and his hands were cold. He even forgot to hide under the nearest table or desk as they had practiced. However, the shake lasted only a few seconds. “I thought the shake would never stop!” Tom said. Laura was surprised at how calm she felt. She said, “I hardly felt the shaking. It was strange.” Suddenly, Mum started to laugh. She pointed to the outside of the house. They saw a huge truck! It was trying to park next door! The shake was made by the truck! There was no earthquake at all. Laura and her parents all laughed at their mistake.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentencesSarah and her father wanted to ski on a mountain. They needed to drive seven miles to get there. On the way, they found their car out of gas. So they had to stop on the road. A few minutes later, a car stopped beside them. After Sarahs dad explained their problem, the woman driver took out a red can and said, “Theres enough gas in this can to get you to the next gas station.” Sarahs dad thanked her. But she didnt take back the gas can and drove away. So they put the empty can in the back seat. Then they saw the words Pass it on written on the gas can. They understood that they should pass the can on to the next person in need. When they reached the gas station, they filled up both their car and the gas can. As they drove up the mountain, Sarah found a white car going very slowly. They decided to take a look. They slowly turned around and drove back to the white car. Sarah noticed that a mother and her young daughter were in the car. As soon as she handed them the gas can, she knew she was doing the right thing. “Thank you so much!” the woman and her young daughter said with one voice. “Its no problem,” Sarah said as she smiled. “Just pass it on!”A. Listen and choose the right picture (2.1/听力能获取重要的事实信息)1. C 2. A 3. F 4. D 5. G 6. BB. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear7. C(1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)(2.1/听力能获取重要的事实信息)8. C(1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)(2.1/听力能获取重要的事实信息)9. D(1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)(2.1/听力能获取重要的事实信息)10. A(1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)(2.1/听力能获取重要的事实信息)11. B(1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)(2.2/听力能理解话语中隐含的意思)12. D(1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)(2.1/听力能获取重要的事实信息)13. B(1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)(2.2/听力能理解话语中隐含的意思)14. A(1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)(2.2/听力能理解话语中隐含的意思)C.Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are true or false(2.1/听力能获取重要的事实信息)15. F 16. T 17. T 18. F 19. T 20. FD. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(2.1/听力能获取重要的事实信息)21. 7/seven miles 22. took out 23. drove away 24. very slowly 25. young daughterPart 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and GrammarII. Choose the best answer26. B 【解析】 (1.1/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别和理解不同语音所表示的意义)本题考查音标。题目中四个选项的音标分别为:order /5:d/;monitor/5m:nIt/;afford /5f:d/;corner/5k:n/。故答案选B项。27. A 【解析】 (1.1/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别和理解不同语音所表示的意义)本题考查音标。题目中四个选项的音标分别为:pole /pl/ ;pale /peIl/ ;poor /pu/ ;pull /pul/ 。故本题选A项。28. C 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查冠词。in favor of表示“支持”,是固定搭配,中间不加冠词,故选C项。29. D 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查介词。本句句意为:我们家在2014年11月28日庆祝感恩节。2014年11月28日是一个具体的日期,介词用on,故选D。30. C 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查代词。本句句意为:每家店都有自己吸引顾客的方式。本句的主语是“每家店”,所以用its, 故选C。31. D 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查副词。different methods “不同的方式”,表示的是一个复数的概念,所以选several, 表示几个。few可修饰可数名词,表示“很少的,几乎没有的”,不符合句意;little,much都只修饰不可数名词,故答案选D。32. B 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查介词。in ones opinion是固定搭配,表示“在某人看来”,故选B项。33. B 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查代词。根据题意可知,横线上的内容表示的是“其他的人”,故选用名词性物主代词others, 此处还限定了“你们班上的”,所以加定冠词the,故选B项。34. D 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查形容词。本句句意为:尽管Jack是公司的人,他仍旧很受欢迎。根据题意可知,此处应该是用形容词的最高级the most serious表示“最严肃的人”,故选D。35. A 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查连词。not.until.表示“直到才”,在句中表示勇敢的消防员一直没有结束工作直到所有人都获救。because “因为”表原因;since “自从”表时间;if “如果”表假设,均不符合句意。故选A项。36. A 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查名词。happiness“幸福”;happily“高兴地”;happy“高兴的”;happier“更快乐的”。根据句意可知,句子表达的意思是“作为一个老师的幸福”,故选A项。37. C 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查非谓语动词。it是形式宾语,空格处是真正的宾语,所以用动词不定式短语作句子的宾语补足语。故选C。38. B 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查非谓语动词。except sb. to do sth.是固定用法,表示“期望某人做某事”,故选B项。39. D 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查非谓语动词。deny doing sth.表示“否认做某事”,是固定搭配,故选D项。40. D 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查现在完成时。根据yet可知,本句应使用现在完成词,表示最喜欢的广播节目还没开始,故选D。41. C 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查时态。and连接两个动词表示动作先后发生时,动词的时态要保持一致。根据waited可知,本题的时态应为过去时,故选C。42. A 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查疑问副词。How soon “还要多久”;How often “多久一次”;How far “多远”; How long “多长时间”。由答句句意“半个小时后。”可知问句句意为“你还要多久去机场?”故选A。43. C 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查情态动词。由Its freezing outside.“外面冷极了。”可知妈妈要求必须穿上外套,故选C项。44. A 【解析】 (1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)本题考查情景交际。第一句表面意思为“你不必这么大声地在半夜唱歌,不是吗?”实际上是一种委婉的抱怨,抱怨对方在晚上大声唱歌,所以答句应该用“Im sorry”表示抱歉。故选A项。45. B 【解析】 (1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)本题考查情景交际。对于拒绝别人的传话,应该要表示感谢。故选B项。. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once(1.3/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用词汇)(3.2/阅读能根据上下文正确理解词语和句子)46. A 【解析】 本题考查名词。此处是说,当别人突然不理你时,你会想自己是不是做错了什么。所以此处应该填thoughts“想法”。故选A项。47. D 【解析】 由上文对别人不理自己就会感到发疯可知此处是问:“你是不是很容易紧张?”故选D项。48. C 【解析】 由上文“Although this attitude is not good enough”并结合下文可知,这种现象很普遍。故选C项。49. E 【解析】 结合文意可知此处是说,我们都想被周围的人喜欢,不希望制造任何麻烦。故选E项。50. B 【解析】 本题考查名词。have effect on.是固定搭配,意为“对有影响”。故选B项。51. E 【解析】 由上文可知,如果我们过多地关注别人想什么的时候,我们应该往后退几步,想想自己到底想要什么,并据此做出改变。故选E项。52. A 【解析】 上文提到,有时候我们又不得不关注别人的想法,所以此处是说因为我们生活在社会中,我们要遵守一些规则。故选A项。53. D 【解析】 此处提到的直接走进朋友的公寓,然后和他抱怨他装修的噪音以及他装修的样式,这是很不礼貌的,所以rude“鲁莽的”符合句意,故选D项。. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms(1.3/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用词汇)54. speeches 55. herself 56. tenth 57. interested58. fisherman 59. mainly 60. death 61. dishonest. Rewrite the following sentences as required(1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)62. didnt develop 63. Which seat 64. What a65. at present 66. has been 67. if, was68. They showed me how to operate the machine.Part 3 Reading and WritingVI. Reading comprehensionA【短文分析】本文是关于三则广告的应用文。第一则广告是一则寻找一间公寓合租室友的广告。萨拉在幸福村租了一间很大的公寓,有一间房间已经可以立刻使用了,所有的家具和设备一应俱全。公寓离最近的地铁站只要三分钟的路程,到最近的购物中心也只有两个街区的距离。公寓在公园的附近,公园里的风景一览无余。包水电费等各种物业费用只需要2100美元,但是只招租不吸烟、不养宠物的女性租客。萨拉的了解方式是25720836或10077809。第二则广告是一则出售广告。布朗先生因为要搬家,所以现在正在出售以下物品:红色和棕色的扶手椅,每张400美元;黑色的木质咖啡桌,800美元;很大的一幅油画,900美元;3米乘7米的绿色天津产地毯,600美元;双人床,500美元;很大的方形镜子,500美元;很大的双开门冰箱,1000美元;老照片,每张140美元。布朗先生的了解方式是周末25216011,工作日25245867。第三则是一则招聘广告。招聘的是一名实验室兼职助理,工作的内容是帮助一家电子公司做电脑开发工作。要求要有电子专业学士学位和在电子实验室工作的经历。工作时间:星期一到星期五的上午9点到下午1点。月薪6598元到10230元,依据工作经历而定。申请这份工作的方式是写信到上海陕西路45号NOVA电子公司,G Chen女士收。69. B 【解析】 (3.4/阅读能推测文章中的隐含意思)推理判断题。由第一条信息的标题“Share Flat”和对公寓的介绍,以及最后一句“$2100 including bills; female nonsmoker; no pet.”可以推测出Sara是想要找一个室友合租这间公寓,故选B项。70. A 【解析】 (3.4/阅读能推测文章中的隐含意思)推理判断题。由第一条信息中的“park view”可知在这所公寓中可以看到公园里的景色,所以这间公寓应该是在公园附近,故选A项。B项广告中并未提及,由“with all necessary furniture and appliances”和“1 room ready for use immediately”可知C、D项错误。71. C 【解析】 (3.4/阅读能推测文章中的隐含意思)推理判断题。由第二条信息的标题“Moving Sale”可知Mr. Brown是因为要搬家所以才卖这些东西的。故选C项。72. D 【解析】 (3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)事实细节题。由第二条信息中的“Mr. Brown, Tel: Weekend, 25216011; Weekday, 25245867”可知,在星期天了解Mr. Brown应该拨打他留下的周末的了解方式,所以拨打25216011。故选D项。73. A 【解析】 (3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)事实细节题。由第三条信息中的“Salary 6,59810,230 dependent on experience.”可知薪水的高低是取决于工作经历的。故选A项。74. D 【解析】 (3.4/阅读能推测文章中的隐含意思)推理判断题。这三条信息分别是找室友合租公寓、因搬家而卖家具和招聘信息,所以这是三条广告。故选D项。B【短文分析】本文一篇介绍移动博客的说明文。随着博客在人们的生活中越来越受欢迎,移动博客也逐渐地为人们所熟知。文章首先对移动博客进行了定义。移动博客是由两个单词组成的。第一个单词是移动,意指移动照相手机或者移动相机。第二个词是博客,是供人们上传文字或者图片的一个网站。所以综合起来,移动博主就是指用手机拍照或者拍视频,然后把它们传到自己博客上的博主。而这样的博客,就称为移动博客。移动博客给人们带来了极大兴趣,引起了更多人们的关注。任何新兴事物能迅速火热起来,肯定是有其原因的,移动博客也不例外。接下来文章用移动博客起源的经历来解释移动博客给人们带来的方便之处。移动博客的特别之处在于,只要有了一个照相手机和移动博客,人人都能成为一个记者。在伦敦巴士发生恐怖袭击,造成重大人员伤亡之后,许多人纷纷拿出自己的手机,拍下了现场的情况,然后将这些照片视频上传到网上,这正体现了移动博客最大的特点,那就是及时性人人都能在真正的记者到达现场之前,记录下事件发生的现场情况。而自此之后,移动博客迅速火热,各种车祸等突发性时间都能被人们及时地通过手机直播到网上。移动博客除了能及时地传播突发事件外,还能给人们的个人生活带来方便和乐趣,比如,你可以通过移动博客来找到一些你朋友做鬼脸的博客,这肯定能让你开怀大笑。而且人们也可以通过移动博客分享自己的旅途,晒一晒自己的孩子,还能和朋友们分享自己的新衣服,中午的午餐等等。当然,移动博客的迅速火热,给人们带来的肯定不止是方便,还有不便之处。接下来文章就以另一个例子来阐述了移动博客给人们带来的不便之处个人信息太容易被泄露,个人隐私得不到保障。不久前在韩国,一位女士的狗把火车上弄得一团糟,当被要求把脏乱清理干净时,这位女士很生气,拒绝之后离开了。当时有人把她拍了下来,并且后来把她的照片传到了博客上,附上了发生在火车上的事件。全国所有的网民都为之愤怒,可以想象她当时的感受如何!最后,文章提出了对移动博客的观点:移动博客虽然很奇妙,但是如果滥用移动博客而对其他人的隐私造成影响,未免太不礼貌了。最后还提到了日本人对这种现象的一个解决方法:可以通过对手机拍照功能进行改造,使之在拍照时发出像相机一样的咔嚓声,从而解决未经当事人同意而发生的拍照事件。(3.2/阅读能根据上下文正确理解词语和句子)75. A 【解析】 本题考查数词。由下文中的“The first word is mobile, which means a mobile camera phone or camera. The second word is blog, a website for posting words and pictures.”可知moblog是由两个单词组成的。故选A项。76. C 【解析】 本题考查介词短语。由上文可知moblog的意思是用手机拍照或者拍视频,然后把它们传到博客上。所以应该是put them on the Internet。故选C项。77. B 【解析】 本题考查形容词。上文提到通过moblog,人人都可以成为记者。所以这句话是说,伦敦的巴士恐怖袭击发生后,在真正的记者到达现场之前,人们就已经通过手机将现场的图片传到了网上。此处真正的记者与上文人人都可以成为记者形成对比。故选B项。78. C 【解析】 本题考查形容词。由下文“making funny faces”可知此处是说在moblog上可以找到朋友们的有趣的图片。故选C项。79. B 【解析】 本题考查动词。由下文她的照片被传到网上,人们对她的行为都感到很生气可知,她应该是拒绝清理她的狗在火车上造成的脏乱。故选B项。80. D 【解析】 本题考查副词。由下文日本人提出的提议:手机在拍照的时候会发出像相机一样的咔嚓声可知人们不能悄悄地用他们的手机拍照。故选D项。C(1.3/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用词汇)(3.2/阅读能根据上下文正确理解词语和句子)81. shy 【解析】 本题考查形容词。由下文“I was very comfortable speaking to everyone,”可知“我”不是一个害羞的人,故填shy。82. practis(c)e 【解析】 本题考查动词。由上文可知“我”不是一个害羞的人,“我”很习惯和人们聊天,所以“我”有很多机会来锻炼我的口语能力,故填practis(c)e。83. improved 【解析】 本题考查动词。上文提到“我”有很多的机会锻炼自己的口语,所以“我”的朋友都不敢相信“我”的英语提高了如此之多。由had可知用的过去完成时,故填improved。84. confident 【解析】 本题考查形容词。由下文的“I was always afraid I couldnt make myself clear.”可知“我”在说英语的时候从来不感到自信。故填confident。85. telephone 【解析】 本题考查名词。由下文的“so I almost had no chance for a nice long talk with my parents.”可知“我”之所以不能和我的父母长谈是因为“我”的室友一直在使用我们的电话。故填telephone。86. rarely 【解析】 本题考查副词。由上文的“but it was also lots of hard work!”和下文的“I had English classes six hours a day with lots of homework.”可知“我”一直很忙,所以从星期一到星期五几乎没有闲暇时间。故填rarely。87. diary 【解析】 本题考查名词。上文提到老师让我们多写,结合本句句尾的every day可知此处是说“我”每天都写一到两页的日记。故填diary。D【短文分析】本文是一封里克写给杰夫的信,信介绍了他参加“当一周父母”的计划的前后经过以及这个计划给他带来的感受。首先,文章以普通的信件格式开头,和收信人杰夫打招呼,并向杰夫说明了自己参加学校举办的这个“当一周父母”的计划。每周,老师都会给里克他们一个话题来全班讨论。而上周一,老师给了他们一个有趣的话题“你认为当父母困难吗?”有些同学开玩笑地回答说不辛苦,因为父母从来不用做家庭作业。老师没有给他们答案,而是给他们定制了这个计划。他们先将面粉装进袋子里,以模仿真实的婴儿的体型和重量。然后在接下来的一周里,他们要形影不离地照顾他们手中的“婴儿”。他有朋友粗心大意地将孩子落在了公交车上,有的将孩子头尾颠倒了里克自己也付出了很多,他要喂孩子吃饭,哄他睡觉,完成这些之后自己还要去写作业,夜里还要起床三次给孩子喂食通过这一周真实的当父母的体验,里克懂得了一个道理当父母从来就不是一件容易的事情!88. Yes, he did. (3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)89. In order to make them as heavy as real ones. (3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)90. He thought it was great fun. (3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)91. It was left on the bus by accident. (3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)92. He got up three times to feed it. (3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)93. (I feel I have learnt that) it is very difficult/not easy/hard to be a responsible parent. (3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)VII. Writing (作文) (共20分) 94.(4.2/写作能根据题意正确、连贯、贴切地进行书面表达)An Important First in Life for MeYesterday my parents were away on business, and I didnt want to eat out alone, so I experienced cooking meals on my own for the first time.Breakfast was not too difficult. I prepared a cup of milk and some pieces of bread for myself. For lunch, I planned to cook some rice and two dishes, but I forgot to press the cook button on the electric cooker! So my lunch ended up with a bowl of instant noodle. When it is time for supper, I first carefully checked whether I had pressed the cook button, then I began to cook the dishes. I cut the potatoes and green pepper, fried them together. And I also prepared a bowl of tomato and egg soup for myself.Though the meal was not as delicious as that my mother cooked, I felt very happy.8 / 8


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