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TOLERANCES公差规定:Unless shown otherwise on the drawing or sketch, Strix uses a tolerance convention based on thenumber of decimal places shown in a dimension: 除非在图纸上另外指定,思瑞克斯基于尺寸所显示出的小数点的位数来确定公差精度。Linear 线性公差 X 0,5mm X,X 0,2mm X,XX 0,1mmAngular 角度公差1DXF versions of the drawings referred to in these pages are available on request via your localStrix contact.需要参考这个标准的DXF版本图纸可通过联系当地的思瑞克斯代表获得。STEP and other format 3D CAD data are also available on request.STEP和其他的3D格式图档公差也可应要求获得。IMPORTANT NOTICE: Approvals and Certification重要的提示: 批准和证明The submission for approval of each appliance into which Strix products are incorporated is the responsibility of the OEM.所提交的每一个包含思瑞克斯产品的电器认证的责任是OEM厂商的。Strix Products are developed and tested to the most stringent of appropriate international standards and are approved by applicable international approvals organisations. Strix can provide advice and assistance in the incorporation of Strix products into appliances, but the ultimate responsibility for appliance design, function and compliance with the appropriate safety standards must rest with the appliance designer and OEM.思瑞克斯的产品的研发与测试采用最严酷的国际标准并且被适用的国际机构批准。思瑞克斯能够为使用思瑞克斯产品的电器提供应用建议和帮助,但电器的设计,功能和安全标准的最终责任则依靠电器的设计者和OEM厂商。推荐精选Illustrations in this document are shown using a false-colour technique to assist in visual identification purposes and do not represent the colours of the product or appliances simulated. 这个文档里的插图使用假色技术的目的是来帮助视觉识别的,并不代表产品的颜色或模拟的水壶。 Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that you are working to the latest revision level of this designer pack document. Recipients of this document will not automatically be notified of any changes to it. The style, design and entire contents of this document and its predecessors are the copyright of Strix Limited 2008 Strix. The Strix Owl and the Strix Logo are registered trademarks. 请注意确保使用最新的设计指引版本是你的责任。此文件的使用者将不会因文件的更改自动通知。文件的风格,设计和整个内容及它的之前版本都是思瑞克斯的知识产权。思瑞克斯猫头鹰图像和标志是思瑞克斯的注册商标。 推荐精选CONTENTS1.0Introduction介绍 p42.0Hot Cup FeaturesHot Cup 特征 p43.0Hot Cup Specification Hot Cup 规格 p4 3.1Dispense Time 出水时间 p43.2Dispense Temperature 出水温度 p53.3Capacity / Volumes容量/水量 p54.0Component Design零件设计 p74.1Industrial Design Considerations工业设计考虑 p74.2Boiler Chamber Assembly水箱的组装 p94.3Connecting Tube连接管 p134.4Emptying / Drainage 倒空/排水 p144.5Top Chamber Assembly蒸汽盒的组装 p154.6Variable Volume (Optional) 可调水量(可选) p194.7Mid-flow Stop Feature (Optional)随时急停特征(可选) p20 4.8 Lid/ Button/ Cover 壶盖/开关按钮 / 上盖 p24 4.9 Filter (Optional) 过滤网(可选) p265.0Instruction Manual指导手册 p275.1Operating Instructions操作指引 p275.2De-Scaling除垢 p286.0OEM Assembly & Test OEM组装&测试p28推荐精选7.0Appendix: Stop / R48 Linkage附录: 急停/ R48连杆 p308.0Change History更改历史 p33 Glossary of TermsHot Cup.Strix Hot Cup Appliance system. 思瑞克斯Hot Cup水壶系统CRF.Contract Review Form - Technical and commercial review of the product. 合同评审表- 产品的技术与商业评审 QSOP.Quality Standard Operating Procedure (Appliance assembly and test methods). 品质标准的操作程序(水壶的组装与测试方法)DP.Designer Pack. 设计师指引Reference Documents参考文献HotcupDPHCPDWiring配线DPIAWDU17DPU17DR48DPR48DSSFDPSSFDP72DPP72DFilter 过滤网 DPRWVDSee Section 4.2 for a list of Component Drawings. 见4.2节的零件图列表。推荐精选1.0 INTRODUCTION 介绍HotCup is a quick boiling system that delivers one cup of water. Optional features include Variable Dispense Volume and Mid-flow Stop. HotCup是一个快速提供一杯热水的煲水系统。可选特征包括调节出水量和随时急停功能。 Fill the Hot Cup with water. 给Hot Cup装水 Place Hot Cup on the base.把Hot Cup放置于台面上 The Boiler Chamber will automatically fill with water.水箱将自动装水 Put a cup on the drip tray.把杯子放置于滴水盘上 Optional: Select Volume.可选:选择出水量 Switch the Hot Cup on.Hot Cup开关打开 Water will boil and start dispense in 15-30s.水将煮开,并在15-30秒之间开始出水。 Optional: Stop Feature.可选:急停特征 Dispense will be completed and auto off.出水将完成和开关自动断开 Boiler chamber automatically re-fills from the Hot Cup.水箱自动从Hot Cup中再注水2.0 HOT CUP FEATURES HOT CUP的特性 A new style of appliance. 一种新型水壶。 Quick Boiling of one cup of water. 快速煮开一杯水 Boiled water automatically dispensed by appliance.水壶能自动出开水 Main Vessel water automatically refills the boiling chamber after dispense. 当出水完后,储水箱能自动给水箱再次充水 Optional Variable Volume. 可调水量 Optional Mid-flow Stop Feature.随时急停功能。 Based upon standard kettle control and heater technology. 基于标准的水壶控制和发热管技术。3.0 HOT CUP SPECIFICATION HOT CUP规格3.1 Dispense Time (with a 350ml boiler and 300ml dispense) 出水时间(350ml的水箱和300ml的出水量)Standard Test Condition: Nominal Power. 20C water start temp. Time from power on, to pour end. Typical times for various powers (see following fig.), exact specification will need confirming with OEM and brand and will depend upon features such as the nozzle design.推荐精选标准的测试条件:额定电压。20C的水开始加温。从接通电源到出水结束的时间。各种功率典型的时间(见下图表),精确的规格需要与OEM厂商和品牌商确认,同时会取决于特征的设计,如出水口设计影响。功率(千瓦)通电时间(秒)开始出水的时间(秒)出水结束的时间(秒)在不同的功率下,HotCup从冷态到出水的时间图表在不同的功率下,HotCup从冷态到出水的时间图表出水时间(秒)功率(千瓦)出水结束的时间(秒)通电时间(秒)开始出水的时间(秒)出水时间(秒)3.2 Dispense Temperature 出水温度Aspect 项目Requirement 要求Check检查Dispense Temperature出水温度The dispense temperature will depend upon various interacting factors including nozzle design, appliance height, and the thermal mass of the mouldings in contact with the water. The general is =89C.The specification must be agreed with the OEM and brand at the start of the project.出水温度将会受到各种各样的因素的影响,包括出水口的设计,水壶高度和与水接触的注塑件的厚度。一般的水温=89C。这个规格须在项目的开始阶段得到OEM厂商和品牌商的同意。3.3 Capacity / Volumes 容量/水量Appliance Specs are defined by the customer / OEM before Tooling Stage.水壶的规格由客户/OEM厂商在开模前定义Component Specs (including number of cups dispensed) are calculated based on the Appliance Specs.推荐精选Note: Measure the performance of volume in grams because the volume is affected by temperature.Items A to E are agreed with the customer. Items F to M are measured from the CAD.Refer to notes and section 4.5 for details of volumes.零件规格(包括出水的杯数)基于水壶的规格来计算。注释:用克单位来测量体积的性能,因为容量会受温度的影响。项A到E需要客户同意。项目F到M需从CAD图档上测量。参考注释和4.5节关于水量的详细说明。Aspect 项目Requirement 要求Example例子Check检查Appliance Specs 电器规格Variable Feature included?是否包括可调水量?AYes / No 是/不是Yes 是Stop Feature included?包括急停特征吗?BYes / No 是/不是Yes是Min Dispense Volume最小出水量CNominal: 额定:Tolerance: (See *Notes)公差:(见*注释)150+/-25gMax Dispense Volume最大出水量DNominal: 额定:Tolerance: (See *Notes)公差:(见*注释)300+/-25gAppliance Capacity 水壶容量(See *Notes)(见*注释)EIf appliance includes Stop or Variable, then Max fill must be 200ml min (250ml recommended) below the drain back hole.如果水壶包括急停或者可调水量功能,则在回流孔下面到最大水量处须最少空间为200ml(推荐250ml)1700 mlComponent Specs 组件规格Weir围骨FDispense pipe weir = 9ml出水管围骨Vent pipe weir = 7ml排气管围骨9 ml7 mlBackwards slope volume.回流槽容量Ref section 4.5, areas 2 and 3.参考4.5节 2,3处GTypically 3 5ml典型是3 5毫升4 mlLeakage:漏水:from top chamber to reservoir从蒸汽盒到储水箱HWithout Stop or Variable: 0ml没有急停或可调水量功能:0mlWith Stop or Variable: 0 10ml有急停或可调水量功能:0 10ml10 mlRequired Pumped Volume需要泵上的水量II = D+F+G+H330 ml推荐精选Top Chamber Volume蒸汽盒容量(See *Notes)(见*注释)JMinimum:最小:Recommended:推荐:J = I x 55%J = I x 70%230 mlAnti-quench to protect element防急冷以保护发热盘K40ml40 mlBoiler Chamber水箱LL = I + K370 mlNumber of Cups Dispensed出水的杯数MM = (E150)/D5 cups5杯*NOTES: 注释:Dispense Volume Tolerance (Items: C,D)出水量公差(项:C,D)Appliance with Variable Feature有可调水量功能的水壶Production Range (All Appliances): +/-25 g生产公差范围(所有水壶):User Range (Single appliance): +/-15 g用户公差范围(单一水壶)Appliance without Variable Feature没可调水量功能的水壶Production Range (All Appliances): +/-20 g生产公差范围(所有水壶):User Range (Single appliance): +/-15 g用户公差范围(单一水壶)Appliance Capacity (Item: E)水壶容量(项E)水箱最大水量250mlMax Fill, without Stop or Variable allow for 25ml increase during boiling.在没急停或可调功能时,在煮水过程中,最大注水量允许再增加25ml。 Max Fill, with Stop or Variable.有停止或可调水量功能时的最大注水量250mlTop Chamber Volume (Items: J)蒸汽盒容量(项J)Total Volume = Up to the stop linkage opening. (or steam inlet, if no Stop Feature).总容量=直到急停连杆孔底部开口打开(或蒸汽入口底部在没有急停功能时,)4.0 COMPONENT DESIGN 零件设计Variable (Optional)可调水量(可选)Start开始推荐精选Stop (Optional)急停(可选)4.1 Industrial Design Considerations 工业设计考虑Drip Tray滴水盘Boiler Chamber水箱Connecting Pipes连接管Outlet出水口Top Chamber / R48 蒸汽盒/R48Recommend this is a subassembly推荐:组成一个子组件Aspect项目Requirement要求Check检查Project Development项目开发The Top Chamber needs to be shaped to suit each appliance ID.Therefore, please keep Strix informed of the project development, and supply CAD for review prior to tooling stage.蒸汽盒需要根据每个水壶外观来设计。因此,请在项目开发时通知思瑞克斯的项目团队,并在开模之前提供CAD图档审核。Min Fill Indicator最小装水量指示尺Include Min fill indicator on the water window.包括最小水量指示尺显示在水窗上。Min Fill must be (Boiler Chamber Volume + 150ml).最小装水量须为(水箱水量+150ml)Max Fill Indicator最大装水量指示尺See section 3.3见3.3节Outlet Position出水口位置Outlet end should be 120mm minimum, above the Drip Tray surface.Outlet centre should ideally be 25mm from the appliance body.出水口的末端应离滴水盘上表面最小为120mm。理想上,从水壶的主体到出水口的中心位置距离应大于25mm。Appliance Lid水壶壶盖Lid must be able to withstand steam temperatures, because Top Chamber is vented into the appliance body. Suggest make lid double wall.壶盖必须经受得住蒸汽温度,因为蒸汽盒是联通到水壶主体的。建议给壶盖做双层盖。Lid should open towards the switches (to minimise water splashing onto the switches during filling). Ensure lid latches are sealed to avoid steam and water ingress into the handle.壶盖应向着开关的方向打开(在装水的过程中,减少溅出的水滴溅到开关上)。保证壶盖是锁紧密封的以免蒸汽和水跑到手柄上。Drip Tray滴水盘Volume can be defined by the OEM / customer at the Detailing Stage.Volume is normally bigger than max cup size, although it can be smaller if Stop Feature is included.在细节设计阶段,水量是由OEM厂商/客户定义的。接水盘的容量一般情况下是大于最大的出水量,但是有急停功能时它可以小些。Emptying倒空Take care to minimize the areas that can trap water when emptying.当倒空时,尽量把易聚水区域减到最少。Switch Positions开关位置Typically: Stop at the front, then On, then Variable (see above).典型情况:急停开关在前,然后是通电开关,再到可调水量开关(见上图)。推荐精选Alignment Feature定位特征See below.见下面Recommended Alignment Feature: 推荐的定位特征Feet Off-set脚位置偏移There must be 4mm minimum off-set between each foot.在每个脚之间至少有4mm的镜像偏移量。Appliance AlignedHorizontal 水平top水壶定位30 incline1mm min clearance至少1mm的间隙Appliance RotatedFeature must raise jug by 4mm min.当旋转时,水壶需升高至少4mm。水壶的旋转2mm min overlap至少2mm的重叠量4.2 Boiler Chamber Assembly 水箱的装配The Boiler Chamber separates a fixed volume of water from the kettle, allowing the system to boil only the water required for one cup. 水箱是把水壶分离出要求固定水量的容器,允许系统仅煮所要的一杯水。Optional可选: With Puck Seal 带阀芯密封圈推荐精选锥形阀芯挡板SSF密封圈发热盘组件发热盘密封圈有通气管安全阀过滤网水箱锥形阀芯D2YAspect项目Requirements 要求Check检查Component Drawings零件图纸The OEM should request and follow these drawings during the Detailing Stage:在细节设计阶段,OEM厂商应索要和依据这些图纸进行设计。 DA524F 320ml Boiler Chamber with vent pipe 带排气管的320ml水箱 PA961P 250ml Boiler Chamber 250ml的水箱 PA962U Cone Valve 锥形阀芯 PA963R Valve Stop Plate 阀芯挡板 PA964H Intentional Weak Part 安全阀 Other HotCup related drawings: 其他HotCup相关的图纸: DA525C Bi-stable spring (see section 4.6). 双稳弹片(见4.6节) DA531E Hotcup Puck Seal HotCup阀芯密封圈Materials材料See Drawing DA524F for material specifications.见图纸DA524F 中的材料规格Volume水量See section 3.3. 见3.3节Element发热管Must be approved by Strix. Element should be orientated, so the hottest part of the element is on the same side of the appliance as the water pipe.(see P8)须由思瑞克斯的发热盘项目组批准。发热盘是有方向的,因此发热盘最热的部分和水壶的出水管是同一地方的。Cone Valve锥形阀The Cone Valve flatness is important for the performance. See PA962U for tolerances.锥形阀的平面度对于性能是很关键的。见PA962U的公差要求。Fixing Screws固定螺丝3 X 10mm SS Tap Screw for plastic. (TRI-LOBULAR). Qty 10 off, evenly distributed 对于塑胶,用3 X 10mm 不锈钢自攻螺丝。(三角螺丝)。数量10个,均匀分布。推荐精选Scale Filter水垢过滤网Plastic or metal. Etched, moulded or overmoulded with 0.5mm holes.Moulded material must be resistant to DSO temperatures.Ensure no metal particles can enter into system.Minimum filter (hole) area must be 50mm可用塑胶或金属材料。经过蚀刻成型,注塑成型或二次成型,带有0.5mm网孔。模塑的材料须能抵抗DSO干烧温度。保证没有金属颗粒进到该系统。最小的过滤网孔面积是50mm。Control温控器Strix U17思瑞克斯 U17 温控器Power & Vent Pipe不同功率&对应通气管XDYD22.73.0 KW103.515208.02.22.4 KW=103.015208.01.352.2KW=推荐精选Sure Seal in Boiler水箱密封圈Sure Seal密封圈Element发热盘DA524FChamfer倒角: 0.5X45No split line on this round surface.在这个圆弧表面不可出现分模线。1.6Boiler fixing method 水箱的固定方法Option 1: integrated fixing clamp (recommended) Option 2: isolated fixing clamp 方法1:整体的固定架(推荐) 方法2:分开的固定架 Isolated fixing clamp, stainless steel.分开的固定架, 不锈钢的Fixing clamp, integrated with element SS plate.固定架与不锈钢发热盘成一整体。推荐精选Option 3: PA fixing clamp 方法3: 尼龙 塑料固定架PA Fixing clampPA塑料固定架This clamp with low cost, but need deep slot, which will cause great shrinkage, unless there is other decoration trim to cover.这种架成本低,但需挖深槽,会引起煲身缩水,除非有其他装饰物来掩盖。Element orientation 发热盘方向The water outlet pipe should be in hot side of element, which can boost water temperature.出水管应靠近发热盘的发热管中部位置以提升水温。Element hot side 发热盘发热管中部位置Water outlet pipe 出水管推荐精选4.3 Connecting Pipes 连接管 One seal can be used to seal together: 须用到一个密封 圈来密封 Connecting Tube Top Chamber Main Vessel. 连接管-蒸汽盒-储水箱Flange裙边 Aspect项目Requirements 要求Check检查Water Pipe水管1 x Water Pipe, ID 8mm.1 支水管, 内径 8mmVent Pipe(Pacifier)通气管1 x Vent Pipe, ID 4mm. For different power, refer to section 4.2: Power & vent pipe, if those features are not available in boiler, need to add an equivalent restrictor in vent pipes. 1支通气管,内径 4mm。对于不同的功率,参考4.2节:功率&通气口,如果水箱里没有这些特征,需要在通气管中增加相应的限流器。This is used to prevent trapped air in the boiler from affecting the performance这是用来防止聚集的空气影响到水壶的性能。Assembly组装All pipes should be minimum length possible to reduce risk of buckling.所有的管应该用最小的长度以减少管折的危险。Careful consider must be given to the assembly of the pipes.管的安装须谨慎。Plan the assembly process during the detailing stage.在细节设计阶段,考虑组装的过程。Materials材料Silicone, PP or SS. Check that it does not affect taste and taint.硅胶,PP或不锈钢。检查确保不影响水质的味道和不污染水质。Manufacture制造Avoid burrs, kinks and bends. They can affect the performance and cause noise.避免披峰,弯曲。这些会影响性能和产生噪音。推荐精选Fixing screw arrangement固定螺丝的排布Check the arrangement of fixing screws throughout the appliance to optimize the assembly and the product robustness (sealing, etc, see screw fixing in P12).从整个水壶范围检查固定螺丝的排布来最优化管道的安装和保证量产顺利。(密封,等等,见螺丝安装-页12)4.4 Emptying / Drainage 倒空/排水Emptying倒空Drainage hole排水孔Some water will go to the Top Chamber and leak out from the steam vent and steam shutter.一些水会跑到蒸汽盒上而且从蒸汽孔和蒸汽闸哪里漏出。 Return upright.回复到正放状态不允许不允许允许XX Aspect项目Requirements要求Check检查Emptying倒空Check that water can flow freely out of the appliance, and there are minimal areas that can trap water. Add drainage hole if trap water.检查水能否自由流出水壶,是否存在一些易于积聚水的小区域。如果有积聚水,请增加排水口。Return upright返回正放位置If water can get to the switch / cable areas, then this water should be drained out of the appliance from the outlet area. The appliance should be emptied with the Stop in the open position. In this case do not allow more than 5ml water to drain from the bottom of the appliance, or it could be perceived as a leaking appliance. 如果水能接触到开关/配线区域,这些水应从出水口排出水壶。水壶应该在急停功能没启动时倒空。在这种情况下,不要允许超过5ml的水从电器的底部排出,否则被视为漏水。推荐精选4.5 Top Chamber General Assembly 蒸汽盒的总装配The main function is to receive the boiled water, guide it out via the outlet tube, and switch the power OFF via the R48 steam switch. Stop and variable volume functions are optional. The R48 installation needs to conform to relevant approval standards.蒸汽盒的主要功能是接收烧开的热水,引导它到出水口,然后通过R48蒸汽开关断开电源。急停和可调水量功能是随时可以选择的。R48的安装需遵守相关的标准。2 design options for Steam vent 2种蒸汽孔的设计方案Aspect项目Requirement要求Check检查Option 1方案1Option 2方案2Volume水量See section 3.3 见3.3节R48Conform to R48 Designer Pack.Keep 3mm clearance around receptacles.遵守R48设计指引。保持与端子周围的间隙大于3mm。Steam Vent蒸汽孔Steam vent must guide steam back into the main reservoir. Steam vent must be sealed to prevent excessive steam in control area.See left: 2 design options for steam vent.蒸汽孔须引导蒸汽回到储水箱。蒸汽孔须密封来防止过多的蒸汽聚集在温控器区域。见左边:蒸汽孔的两种设计方案。Steam Shutter蒸汽闸Must be close fit, without interference.须配合得很好,没有干涉Steam Chimney蒸汽通道ID 10mm minimum.内径最小10mmDirectly below steam blade. This hole requires good ventilation 直接在蒸汽敏片的下方。这个孔要求好的通气。Outlet Pipe出水管ID 8.00.5 x 35mm long. Size will need tuning to optimize the pour quality. Add 3mm radius at the top. The outlet pipe can include features to keep screws or loose components in the chamber. 内径8.00.5 x 35mm长。大小需调整到最好的出水质量。在顶上增加半径3mm倒角。出水口管包含有这样的特征,使螺丝或在蒸汽盒里松开的零件不跑出来。推荐精选Optional: Add cross to outlet pipe 可选方案:在出水管里增加十字架8.0Pour quality出水质量Add cross to outlet pipe if require better pour quality.如果需要更好的出水质量,在出水口管里增加十字架。Weir = volume of water in this area.(See 3.3 item F)围骨围起来的体积=这个区域水量(见3.3节 项F) Drain back hole回流孔.Water Inlet进水口Tube: 管 ID 8mm x 12mm high.内径:8mmx12mm高 Open at the top.开在顶上Weir: 围骨 9mlDrain-back hole: 3mm wide x 5mm high. 回流孔:3mm宽x5mm高Vent Inlet排气口Tube: 管 ID 3mm x 12mm high. 内径3mmx12mm高 Closed at the top.顶部封闭Weir: 围骨 7mlDrain-back hole: 2mm wide x 11mm high. 回流孔: 2mm宽x11mm高Sealing密封The two halves of the Chamber should be sealed with a gasket:Gasket cross-section: 2.0 mm (min).Use 1 screw per 50mm gasket (approx).两半的蒸汽盒应用密封圈来密封:密封圈的横截面:2.0 mm (最小)。每50mm用1颗螺丝(大概)。Clearance间隙Gap between chamber and appliance body should be 3mm to prevent water collect. Need to ensure no interference between the top


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