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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! Unit 1 can you play the guitar?Role-play the conversationJ: hi, bob .what club do you want to join ?B: I want to join a sport club.J: great! What sports can you play ?B: Soccer.J : So you can join the soccer club.B: what about you? Youre very good at telling stories. You can join the story telling club.J: Sound good .but I like to draw, too.B: then join two club ,the story telling club and the art club!J: ok, lets join now!Grammar focusCan you swim? Yes, I can /no, I cant. Can he /she play chess ?yes ,he can /no, he/she cant.Can you and Tom play chess? Yes, we can/no, we cant Can Jane and Jill swim? Yes, they can/ no, they cant .What can you do? I can dance /I cant sing.What club do you want to join? We want to join the chess club. Models for compositionAwe need help at the old peoples home, Are you free in July? Are you good with old people? Can you talk to them and play games with them? They can tell you stories .and you can make friends. It is interesting and fun! Please call us at 687-7729 today!BAre you busy after school? No? can you speak English? Yes? Then we need you to help with sports for English speaking students. It is relaxing and easy! Please come to the students sports Center. Call Mr. Brown at 203-7742.CCan you play the piano or the violin? Do you have time on the weekend? The school needs help to teach music. It is not difficult! Please call Mr. Miller at 555-3721. Unit 2 what time do you go to school?Role-play the conversationI : Scott has an interesting job. He works at a radio station. Scott ,what time is your radio show?S: From twelve oclock at night to six oclock in the morning.I: what time do you usually get up?S; At eight thirty at night. Then I eat breakfast at nine.I : Thats a funny time for breakfast!S : yeah. After that, I usually exercise at about ten twenty. I : when do you go to work ?S : At eleven oclock, so Im never late for work.Grammar focusWhat time do you usually get up? I usually get up at six thirty.What time do they get dressed? They always get dressed at seven twenty.What time does rick eat breakfast ? he eats breakfast at seven twenty.When does Scott go to work? He always goes to work at seven oclock. Hes never late.When do your friends exercise? They usually exercise on weekends.Models for compositionHi, Im Tony. I dont like to get up early. In the morning, I get up at eight thirty . I dont have much time for breakfast, So I usually eat very quickly .For lunch, I usually eat hamburgers. After school, I either watch TV or play computer games. At ten thirty, I brush my teeth and then I go to bed.Unit 3 how do you get to school ?Role-play the conversationL: hey, Jane .Is this your new bike?J :yes, I ride it to school every day. How do you get to school?L ; I usually take the bus. J : how far is it from your home to school?L : Im not sure. About 10 kilometers. The bus ride takes about 20 minutes .how long does it take you to get to school ?J : about 15 minutes by bike. Its good exercise.L : yeah, well, have a good day at school. You.too.Grammar focusHow do you get to school? I ride my bike .How does she get to school? She usually takes the bus.How long does it take to get to school? It takes about 15minutesHow far is it from your home to school? Its only about two kilometersDoes Jane walk to school” no, she doesnt she goes by bike.Do they take the bus to school? No. they dont .they walk. Models for compositionCrossing the River to SchoolHow do you get to school? Do you walk or ride a bike? Do you go by bus or by train? for many students , it is easy to get to school .But for the students in one small village in china, it is difficult. There is a big river between their school and the village. There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. So these students go on a rope way to cross the river to school.One 11-year-old boy ,Liang Liang, crosses the river every school day . But he is not afraid “.l love to play with my classmates and I love my teacher. Hes like a father to me”Many of the students and villagers never leave the village. It is their dream to have a bridge. Can their dream come true? Unit 4 Dont eat in class.Role-play the conversationJ :hi, my names John. Its my first day at school .A: hi, John. Im Alice .this is a great school, but there are a lot of rules. J: Really? What are some of the rules?A: well, dont be late for class. This is very important.J: Ok. So we must be on time. Can we bring music players to school?A: No, we cant . And we always have to wear the school uniform.J: I see.A: Oh, and we also have to be quiet in the library.Grammar focusDont run in the hallways. Dont fight. What are the rules? We must be on time for classCan we eat in the classroom? No, we cant but we can eat in the dining hall.Can we wear a hat in class? Yes, we can / no, we cant Does he have to wear a uniform at school? Yes, he does./no, he doesnt What do you have to do? We have to be quiet in the library.Model for composition Dear Dr Know,There are too many rules! At 6:00 a.m. my mom says,”Get up now and make your bed!” after breakfast, my mom always says, Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen!” After that ,I run to school because I cant be late. At school ,we have more rulesdont be noisy, dont eat in class.My dad says I cant play basketball after school because I must do my homework. I can play only on weekends. After dinner, I cant relax either. I must read a book before ,I can watch TV ,but I have to go to bed before 10;00. rules, rules, rules! Its terrible! What can I do, Dr. Know?Molly Brown ,new York Dear Molly, I know how you feel People always tell us, ”Dont do this !”or “You cant do that!” But think about it ,Molly . There are a lot of thing you can do. You can play basketball on weekends. You can play basketball on weekends. You can watch TV after you read a book . parents and schools are sometimes strict but remember, they make rules to help us. We have to follow them.Good luck!Dr. KnowUnit 5 what do you like pandas?Role-play the conversationYour dog is really cute,peter!Hes my new pet, Dingding. Hes very smart.Really ? what can he do?He can walk on two legs. He can dance, too.Wow!Does your family have a pet?My mom has a big cat,but I dont like her.Why dont you like the cat?Well ,because shes kind of boring. She sleeps all day, and her name is Lazy.Haha , then thats a good name for her!Grammar focusWhy do you like pandas? Because theyre kind of interesting.Why does John like koalas? Because theyre very cute.Why dont you like tigers? Because theyre really scary.Where are lions from ? theyre from South Africa.Model for compositionHello, we are students from Thailand, and we want to save the elephants. The elephant is one of Thailands symbols. Our first flag had a white elephant on it. This is a symbol of good luck.Elephants are smart animals. They can play soccer or music. They can also draw very well. People say that “an elephant never forgets” Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. They can also remember places with food and water. This helps them to live .But elephants are in great danger. People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes. People also kill elephants for their ivory. Today they are only about 3,000elephants(over1000,000before).we must save the trees and not buy thing made of ivory. Remember that March,13th is Thai Elephant Day.Unit 6 Im watching TVRole- play the conversationHello, this is jenny.Hi, jenny its Laura here.Oh, hi Laura. What are you doing?Not much. Im just washing my clothes. What about you?Im watching TV .Do you want to join me for dinner? My parents arent at home. We can eat out.Yeah, Id love to.Lets meet at my home first, come at half past six.Ok. See you then.Grammar focusWhat are you doing? Im watching TV. Whats she doing? Shes washing her clothes.What are they doing? Theyre listening to a CD.Are you doing your homework? Yes, I am/ no. Im not. Im cleaning my room.Is he reading a newspaper? Yes, he is /no, he isnt. Hes playing basketball.Are they using the computer? Yes, they are /no, they arent theyre exercising. Model for compositionTodays story is about Zhu Hui, a student from Shenzhen. Hes now studying in the United States. Hes living with an American family in New York. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Its 9:00 a.m. and Zhu Huis family are at home. His mom and aunt are making zongzi. His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV.Is Zhu hui also watching the races and eating zongzi? Well, its 9:00 p.m. in New York,and its the night before the festival. But there isnt a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, So its like any other night for Zhu hui and his host family. The mother is reading a story to her young children. The father is watching a soccer game on TV. And whats Zhu hui doing? Hes talking on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen. Zhu hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi .Zhu hui likes New york and his host family a lot, but theres still” no place like home”. 10 / 10


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