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PUTONGHUA1. Put on ghua is the com mon Ian guage of the Han eth nic group in China. Its standard Chineselanguage. Its Mandarin and official. Its based on Beiji ng phon etics and the dialect of the n orther n Chi na.2. The Chinese Ianguage is divided into seven major dialects. Speakers of differe nt dialects in some cases cannot un dersta nd each other, but dialects are un ified by the fact that they share a com mon script. The seve n Chi nese dialects are Norther n dialect, Wu dialect, Xia ng dialect, Gan dialect, Min dialect, Hakka(spoken in northern Guangdong and other provin ces) and Canton ese.3. Min, Hakka and Cantonese are widely spoken among overseas Chinese com mun ities. In Taiwa n a form of Min dialect is used, though the official Ian guage is Man dari n. Man dari n is also widely used in Sin gapore, where its known as Huayu. Canton ese is mainly used in Hongkong, Macao and Guangdong provin ce.There are two system in written Chinese. One is simplified, the other is traditi on al. The simplified is used in Mainland. The traditi onal is used by H.k. Macao, Taiwa n and overseas Chin ese com mun ities.How do we learn pinyin well?1. Today we will learn pi nyin.2. What is pinyin?Pinyin is the mark of phonetic notation for Chinesecharacters. Its made of three parts: in itials, fin als an d ton es.3. For example, phy n, n?h od, xi cxi e, za ij ian4. After learn three parts, we should be able to pronounce every single word.5. How do we lear n pinyin?We divide our pinyin class into 10 classes.In the first or second class, firstly recognize all (three parts).Secon dly, practice group by group. Thirdly, do some exercises.Steps:带读 解释方法放弃Mistakes:发音部位发音方法莫名其妙u的读法:u First, try to pronounce i, and then your tongue stays here,gradually purse your lips.Try it yourself.u的标调方法: When you see j q x y initial goes with , you can seeu.INITIALS AND FINALSInitial Sounds:(22)These initial letters havethe same pronunciationas in English:(f,l,m,s,(w),(y)m-(as in ma n)n-(as in n o)l- (as in letter) f- (as in from)s-(as in stude nt) w- (as in woma n)The follow ing in itial letters have slight differencesas no ted below. If the comme nt calls for a strong puff of breath, old your open hand several inches from your mouth and make certain that you can actually feel the breath as you pronounce the letter.p- (as in pun or pop) no te: use a strong puff of breath k- (as in cop) no te: use a strong puff of breath t- (as in top) no te: use a strong puff of breath b- (as in bum) no te: no puff of breath* d- (as in du ng) no te: no puff of breath* g- (as in good) no te: no puff of breath* h- (as in hot) note: slightly more aspirated than in English The followinginitial letters are the more difficult for English speakers* z-(as in frien ds)* c-(as in bits)* s-(almost the same as the pronounce of s in English)* zh- (as in judge)* ch- (as in church, but with a strong puff of breath) sh- (as in shirt)* r- (as in run)* j- (as in jeep)* q- (like the ch in cheese)* x- (like the sh in sheep)Final (Ending) Sounds:(39)The finals connect with the Intitial sounds to create the one syllable words that are the basis of the Chin ese Ian guage.Although all Chin ese words are one syllable, they are ofte n comb ined to create terms made from several words. -a (as in father) -an (like the sounds of Joh n or a ngry) -ang (like the sound of un der or ra ng)* -ai (as in high) -ao (as in how or out) -o (like aw)* -ou (like the ow i n low or boat)* -ong (like the un g i n lu ng with a slight oo sound) -e (sou nds like uh)-en (like un i n ope n)* -eng (like the un g in lun g)-ei (like a long a or the ei in eight)-er (like the er in herd)* -i (like a long e or the i in machine or see)* -ia ( like ya in yard)* -ian (similar to yen)* -iang(-i followed by ang)* -iao (like yow in yowl)-ie (like ye in yes)-in (as in bi n)-ing (like si ng) 一iong (i merged with ong) -iu (like yo in yoga)-u (like the oo in loop) -ua (u followed by a)* -uai (like wi in wild) -uan (u followed by an) -uang (like wang in twang) -uang (u followed by eng, which exists only with zero initial as weng) -ui (similar to way) -un (as in fun) -uo (as in war) - u(First, try to pronounce i, and then your tongue stays here, gradually purse your lips. Try it yourself) -ua n (followed by an, only with in itials j,q,x) -ue/ ei() -un ( with n, like French une)Rules of spelling1. The fin als of zhi chi shi ri zi ci si are i.2. As for fin als beg inning with i without in itials:If there is no other vowel, just add y to the beg inning: yy n, y ng.If there is ano ther vowel or other vowels, remove ia nd add y to the begi nning: ya(-ia); ye(-ie); yao(-iao); you(-iou); yan g(-ia ng); yon g(-i ong)3. AS for fin als begi nning with u without in itials:If there is no other vowel, just add w to the begi nning: wuIf there is ano ther vowel or other vowels, remove u and w to thebegi nning: wa(-ua); wo(-uo); wan(-uan); wan g(-ua ng); wen g(-ue ng); wai(-uai); wei(-uei); wen (-ue n).4. When you see j q x y initial goes with , you can se曲u. For example, Ju; qua n; xue; yu; yue; yua n; yun.5. Tone marks are marked on the vowels a o e i u according to the order. For example, kcizh do. When the tone mark is on an i, the dot on the i should be omitted. For example, jin, 11, zh i.AS for fin als iu and ui, we always put the tone marks on the latter. For example,di口 niu hu iTONES1. DefinitionChin ese is tone Ian guage. By tone Ian guage I mean the Ian guage in which every word has its specific tone or ton es.2. ImportaneeTones can disti nguish meanin gs. Differe nt tones have differe nt meanin gs.For example, the two pinyin have the same in itial and fin al. They are different only in tones. For example, mai and mci, ma and met m ai is the third tone and means to buy.m ai is the fourth tone and means to sell.3. A vivid illustration of Chinese tones. (pitch graph of the 4 tones)The tone marks: mother , Yes? (not found)Yes! What!In order to give you a better un dersta ndin g, I will share you a pitch graphThe bigger the number, the higher the pitch. The first tone is number 5.The second tone is from number 3 to number 5. The third tone is from nu mber 2 to 1 and the n goes from nu mber 1 to nu mber 2 to 4. The fourth tone is from nu mber 5 to nu mber 1.4. Where to place tone marks?Gen erally, put it on the major vowel of the fin al. The n whats the major vowels? Its that one that appears ahead accord ing to the order a o e i u.uEg. m a i k a i zh a o xi e d ou5. The neutral tone/ light tone/ tonelessSome words have un stressed syllables which one ton elessa nd therefore they are not give n tone marks. Eg. .6. How do we know a word is the n eutral tone? Structural words like particles are also ofte n un stressed and similarly unm arked. Eg.de(的) le (了)ma(吗) When we address others, sometimes the same two Chinese characters are read together. Thesecond one is often toneless. Eg. m ji e ema other cases conventional/customaryEg. W o men xi e xie t a iyang y a njingTONAL ADJUSTMENT1. Adjustment of the third tone In speech,whe n a third tone precedes ano ther third on e, it cha nges to a sec ond tone. Eg. n i h ao Tone3+tone(1,2,4.neutral)-its rising part is omitted, like half tone3Eg. W u me i WO men2. Adjustment of 不(bu) and 一(yi)When y i precedes tone1, tone2 and tone3, it changes to the fourth tone.When y i precedes the fourth tonechanges to the second tone.Eg. y I ti a nf 艸 I ;ni a nf yyl wa nf y y ; kuai f y iSimilarly, 不(bu) is fourth tone but changes to second tone bub u gab rldn/b u h afb u(remain the same tone) ; b m dnf b Um dn


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