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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上45个常见介词的基本用法介词短语=介词+名词 1、about 基本含义:a-b-out “A在B外面” 引申含义:“A和B的联系” 1、在周围:The kids are sitting about their teacher. I like the necklace about her throat. 2、环绕:The bird always flies about the forest. I plan to travel about the world. 3、关于:a book about English study They are talking about the new film. 4、adv 大约 固定搭配: 1、How about.? 2、something+adj+about X 一些关于X的adj的事 2、above 基本含义:a-b-over “A在B上方” 引申含义: 1、在上方:The sun rose above the horizon. 2、数目大于/重量超过/价格(能力、地位)高于 There is nothing in the store above 50 cents. “He who comes after me is above me ,because he was before me” 固定搭配: 1、above all: 首先(强调重要性) Above all, he was an outstanding mathematician. 2、above all things: 最最 What you need, above all things, is confidence. 3、be above oneself: 兴高采烈=high spirit When he heard the good news, he was above himself. 3、across 基本含义:a-grass “A走过一片草坪” 引申含义:1、穿过:She walked across the road.2、在.对面: The bar is just across the street.3、交叉:He sat with his arms across his chest. The two lines pass across each other at right angles.固定搭配:1、A come across B. A偶遇B。 I came across Yu Minhong the other day.2、A get sth across to B. A使某物被B了解。 I want to get my theory across to all students. 4、after 基本含义:“A在B之后” (强调顺序) 引申含义:1、在之后 (时间顺序、空间顺序) After dinner, they went out for a walk. I should after him, but he still went on.2、照着的样子 Read the sentence after me, please. The building is named after the famous hero. I will make a box after that one.固定搭配:1、be after寻找/go after 追逐/run after 追求 You should run after your own dream.2、after all不管怎样 (即:在任何事情之后都一样) After all, he is your father.3、look after照顾5、against基本含义:a-g-e“相对”引申含义:1、碰着、靠着:She was leaning against a tree.2、反对:We should fight against crimes.3、预防:Save money against a rainy day.未雨绸缪固定搭配:1、go against 违反(故意违反某人的意志) He chose to go against his family.2、be against(1)违反(违反法律、制度) It is against the law to hunt tigers.(2)反对 Lincoln was strongly against slavery.(3)不利于 What he said is against him.6、around基本含义:a-round”A在一个圆里面”(在一定范围内)引申含义:1、在周围:There are many bars around the towm.2、在附近、到处:I showed him around our campus.3、【adv】大约: There are around 1000 people watching the game.7、at基本含义:“朝向一点”引申含义:1、小地点,或小时间点 Usually, he is at his office in the morning. I arrived at home at 7:00. Knock at;look at;aim at;shoot at;arrive at2、表示引发某种情绪或动作的原因 He showed no sign of pleasure at seeing her. Be surprised/excited at;8、before基本含义:“在之前“(时间、空间、顺序)引申含义:1、时间上:Please come back before 10:00pm.2、空间上:Dont put the cart before the horse.3、顺序上:Health should come before wealth.固定搭配:1、before long:过不了多久2、before time:提前9、behind基本含义:be + hide “在之后“引申含义:1、空间上,在后面: A dog is running behind us.2、在后台操纵:There must be someone behind it.3、时间上,在之后;能力上,在之后; New York is 12 hours behind Beijing in time. He was behind others in ability.10、beside基本含义:be+side “在边上”引申含义:1、在.旁边=next to; by the side of a town beside the sea She sat beside the teacher.2、与.相比=compared with My work is so poor beside yours.固定搭配:beside oneself 高兴(悲伤)的不得了、忘形11、besides基本含义:“除外,还有” There were 2 other students in the classroom besides Tom.12、between基本含义:be-two-in“在两者之间”引申含义:1、空间、时间、顺序、等级上,在两者之间: Between two strange buildings stands a tree. His age is between sixty and seventy.2、表示两者之间的某种关系 He has to decide between life and death. This is a secret between life and death(仅在我们俩之间). Kyou should learn between lines(字里行间).13、beyond基本意思:be+yond(在彼处)=在之外引申含义:1、“在远处、在的那一边” What lies beyond my reach.2、“超出的限度”(能力认识) The fruit was beyond my reach.3、“除了” I cant tell you anything beyond what you already know.固定搭配:1、beyond words无法形容2、beyond understanding难以理解3、beyond cure无可救药4、beyond endurance无法忍受14、by基本意思:by后面的名词很重要引申含义:1、在旁边 We prefer a table by the window.2、到时候 We have studied several prepositions by now. I shall have finished the work by the time you return.3、通过;根据; He can tell the direction by the stars. Dont judge a person by his looks.4、按计算 Eggs are usually sold by dozen. The temperature has risen by 5 degrees.5、被; He was shocked by what he had seen.固定搭配:1、by accident/chance偶然2、by all means想尽一切办法、一定要3、by no means绝不、一点儿也不4、by turns轮流5、by mistake出于误会15、despite基本意思:尽管、不顾=in spite of The old professor kept on working despite his poor health.16、down基本意思:向下引申含义:1、表示自上而下 In order to catch the bus they run down the hill. Tears run down her face quietly.2、沿着河、沿着路 He walked down the road. We sailed down the river.固定搭配Sth break down坏了Let sb down 令某人失望 17、during 基本意思:在期间 引申含义: 1、在整个期间 Not a word did they say during the meal. I havent had any meat during the last several years. 2、在期间的某个时刻 I saw Linda during the meeting. 18、except 基本意思:ex-cept拿出来 Everyone was here except Tom. 【注意】 besides表示“加”,except表示“减” 19、for 基本意思:“为”引申含义:1、为了 I bought a gift for you. He played football for England. He paid 50 cents for that book.2、因为 Bejing is famous for its long history. I thank you for what you have done for me.3、作为 I had some chocolate for breakfast.4、表示时间、距离的长短 I havent seen you for years. For miles and miles you see nothing but trees.固定搭配:long for; thirst for 渴望for the moment; for the present 现在、此刻for the sake of 为了 I bear all this for the sake of my work. for my part 对我而言 for fear of 唯恐./以防. for pleasure; for fun 为了消遣 for sale 出售20、in基本意思:在.范围之中引申含义:1、在.范围之中(时间、地点) We sat down in the shade of the trees. Rome was not built in a day.2、在.情绪之中 I am in doubt about it. They are in great enthusiasm about the project.3、在.状态之中 You have put yourself in danger. Their economy was in chaos. Please put all the books in order.4、穿着. The police were all in plain clothes. I was in a jacket that day.5、用.语言 The letters were written in Chinese. Whats this in Englishi?固定搭配: in a sense在某种程度上 in accordance根据.;按照. in advance提前 in general一般而言 in ones opinion根据某人观点21、inside基本含义:在.里面(静态) I looked into the box, only to find nothing inside it.22、into基本含义:进入.的里面(动态)引申含义:1、进入.的里面 It was rainning, so they went into the house. He immediately copied those sentences into his book.2、进入某种状态 I burst into tears/laughter. You must put the theory into practice.3、变成./成为. The book has been translated into many languages. Those experiences have changed him into a true man.固定搭配: get sb into trouble/difficulties 使遇到麻烦 look into 调查,研究 run into 碰到,邂逅23、like基本含义:“像” He looks like his father. It was like fishing for a needle in the ocean. It was not like her.24、of基本含义:“属于某个集合”引申含义:1、属于 I am a student of this school.2、由.制成的 The desk is made of wood.3、表示人或物的性质 They two are of the same height. English is of great importance.4、表示后者修饰前者的A of B The 2008 Olympic Games was held in the City of Beijing.5、表示前者修饰后者的A of B(此时A为数量词) Millions of people are celebrating the festival.25、off基本含义:“离开”引申含义;1、从某物体上分离出来(动态) Cut small piece off the bread. Tom fell off the wall.2、表示离某物、某地有一定的距离(静态) The old man lives on an island off the coast.26、on基本含义:“吸附”引申含义:1、在.上面 Put the book on the desk.2、在某个特定的时间上 The accident happened on the cold winter morning.3、“关于” a lecture on English study.4、处于某种状态 I am on a tour to Japan. The influence of China is rapidly on the rise.27、opposite基本含义:”op-po”对立,在对面 I am sitting opposite Tom.28、out of基本含义:“出”引申含义“1、从.出发、从.出来 He ran out of the house.2、从总体中“分离出“一部分 Three out of four people are in favor of the plan.3、“出于“ I study English out of interest.4、没有了 I have run out of money. I was out of breath when I got there.5、从中提取出来(类似于made from) Flour is made out of wheat.29、outside基本含义:out+side“在外边“引申含义:1、外部的 Outside the window lies a bridge.2、除了=excepet No one knows it outside the members of my own family.30、over基本含义:盖在.上面引申含义:1、在.上面 I put a cloth over the table. I saw a bridge over the river.2、在.问题上 Do not cry over spilt milk.3、凌驾于.之上 The king rules over the empire.31、past基本含义:超过引申含义:1、经过 I drove past your house yesterday.2、时间或年龄上超过 It is a quarter past nine.32、regarding基本含义:有意识地相关 He wants to talk with me regarding his future. Regarding you recent enquiry.关于您最近的询问33、since 基本含义:自从 引申含义: He has not written to his parents since last Christmas. I have been in Beijing since 2010. I have been here since then. 34、through 基本含义:穿过(跐溜) 引申含义: 1、通过、穿过 Walk through the door. 2、贯穿一段时间 It keeps raining through April. 3、经历 He has gone through the whole event. 4、通过某种途径 The American people won their freedom through struggle. 35、throughout 基本含义:全部包括 引申含义: 1、在整个.地区 The good news has spread throughout the country. 2、在整个.时间 He has been feeling bad throughout the day. 36、to 基本含义:“去、到”,强调目的、方向 引申含义: 1、“到”某个位置、方向 go to school 2、“到”某个时间、数目 Dont leave things to the last moment. 3、“到”某个状态 The music can put you to sleep in a short while. 4、“对着”某个对象 Dont yell to me. 5、“对于”某个对象 It is important to me. 37、towards 基本含义:方向、趋势 引申含义: 1、表示动作的方向 He ran toward to horizon. 2、“对于” She has a mixed feeling towards him.38、under 基本含义:在.之下 引申含义: 1、在某物之下: The dog likes sitting under the table. 2、少于 Its population is under 2000. 3、受.支配 We will be very happy to work under his leadership. 39、until/till 基本含义:某人或某物从一个过程中走到一个固定的点 I shall go on working until next week. In any case, its better to wait until tomorrow. 40、up 基本含义:“向上” 引申含义: 1、向.上面,由.向上 He ran up the hill. 2、沿着马路、沿着河 He lived up the river. We walked together up the garden path. 41、upon 基本含义:upon=on 较正式 This is a book upon English. 42、with 基本含义:在一起,伴随 引申含义: 1、“和.在一起、一道” He lives with his parents. 2、支持某人 I am with you on your point. 3、对的态度或情绪 The dog is friendly with me. My father is strict with me. 4、“用、以” Kill two birds with one stone. 5、带着 Dont go to bed with anger. 43、within 基本含义:在.之内 引申含义: 1、在.之内 A desire for success burns within him. 2、不超过. The book is within reach of the students.专心-专注-专业 44、without 基本含义:没有 引申含义: 1、没有.事物 We couldnt have finished the work without you . 2、没有做. He left without telling me.


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