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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上as用法系列(一)as在比较状语从句中应用as简单之至的一个单词,用法却非常复杂.我会陆续分类收集整理,如果能对大家有所裨益,我将颇感欣慰.as用法一.两种事物的同种属性进行比较,as中间是形容词或副词,结构如下:事物A+谓语+as/so+adj(形容词)/adv(副词)+as+事物B注:肯定句用as,否定句用as/so均可. 它们是adv(副词)用来修饰其后的adj(形容词)/adv(副词),as是连词用来连接事物B.例句分析:1.She is as beautiful as her sister. 她和她姐姐一样漂亮.造句步骤1.先写句子 她漂亮 She is beautiful.肯定句在形容词前加as,所以句子为:She is as beautiful.步骤2.找比较对象她姐姐 her sister,并在其前加as,所以为:as her sister步骤3.将1和2连起来完整句子为 She is as beautiful as her sister.2.She doesnt study as/so hard as her sister.她不如她姐姐学习用功.造句步骤1.先写句子 她学习不用功 She doesnt study hard. 否定句在副词前加as/so,所以句子为:She doesnt study as/so hard.步骤2.找比较对象她姐姐 her sister,并在其前加as,所以为:as her sister步骤3.将1和2连起来完整句子为 She doesnt study as/so hard as her sister.as用法二.事物A+谓语+倍数+as/so+adj(形容词)/adv(副词)+as+事物B倍数词:once,twice,three times,four times.half , 基数词+序数词(基数词大于1,序数词后加+s)来表示几分之几, 三分之一one third,三分之二two thirds,例句 My books are twice as many as yours.我的书是你的两倍多.as用法三.两种事物的同种属性进行比较,as中间是名词,结构如下:事物A+谓语+as+adj(形容词)+a+n(名词)as+事物B例句分析:She is as clever a child as my sister. 她和我妹妹一样是聪明的孩子.造句步骤1.先写句子 她是个聪明的孩子.She is a clever child .as只修饰形容词,不能修饰a,所以a,clever交换位置,as放在clever前,所以句子为:She is as clever a child步骤2.找比较对象我妹妹 my sister,并在其前加as,所以为:as my sister步骤3.将1和2连起来完整句子为:She is as clever a child as my sister.as用法四.主语+谓语+as+adj/adv+as one can(could)/possible.尽可能.例:I read the book as carefully as I can.我尽可能认真地看这本书.注:以上几种用法均是形容词,副词原级比较从句,事物B都省略了与事物A后相同谓语部分,one can 后也省略了与谓语相同部分.as用法五.同种事物的两种不同属性,则无比较含义,只说明这种事物具有两种属性,肯定句意为又.又.,不但.而且., .而,却.句子结构为:句子A+谓语+as+adj(形容词)+as+句子B例句分析:1.She is as clever as she is beautiful. 她既聪明又漂亮.造句步骤1.先写句子 她聪明 She is clever.肯定句在形容词前加as,所以句子为:She is as clever步骤2.再写句子她漂亮 She is beautiful.在句子前加as,所以句子为:as she is beautiful步骤3.将1和2连起来完整句子为 : She is as clever as she is beautiful.2.We are as poor as we are happy. 我们穷但我们快乐.3.She is as beautiful as her sister is ugly.她长得漂亮,她妹妹长得丑.造句步骤同1.不再赘述.as用法六:主语+be+as+adj+as+同一adj can be.例:as rich as rich can be 富得不能再富了as poor as poor can be 穷得不能再穷了as dirty as dirty can be 脏得不能再脏了as bad as bad can be 坏得不能再坏了as much as much can be 多得不能再多了as用法七:as+adj+as+(数字)+名词例:as many as five hundred students 多达五百学生as long as five meters 长达五米as wide as two meters 宽达两米as tall as two meters 高达两米as far as the station 远至车站as late as two in the morning 迟至凌晨两点as early as last week 早在上周as easy as ABC 极其容易, as busy as bee 非常忙as用法八:as well as 也,和可以看作连词,可以连接主语,谓语等并列成分.例:1.连接主语 The teacher as well as her students goes to the park every week.谓语动词人称和数与原句主语保持一致.2.连接谓语 She did her homework as well as helped her brother with his English.3.连接不定式 My mother asks me to do my homework as well as clean my room.连接不定式时,前一个带to,后一个多不带toas well=too 也,通常用在句末.I am going to the park and my sister is goig to as well.might (just) as well do sth 最好干某事We might as well stay at home.as用法九:not so与其说.不如说.可连接主语后任意并列成分.例:1.He is not so much my teacher as my friend. 与其说他是我老师,不如说他是我朋友.2.Success lies not so much in luck as in hard work.成功与其说在于运气,不如说在于努力工作.3.We do not so much help her as teach her.与其说我们在帮她,不如说我们在教她.4.The life is not so much to teach us how to solve the problems as to teach us how to face the difficulties. 生活与其说教我们怎样解决问题,不如说教我们怎样正视困境.注:not so much.连起来看作连词,not不与助动词连用.not so much as .=not even 甚至都不,其中not须与助动词连用.He cant so much as write his own name.他甚至连名字都不会写.as用法系列(二)as在定语从句中应用一.as在定语从句中做关系代词,在从句中充当主语,宾语,或表语,as做表语习惯省略be动词.as在限制性定语从句中1.such+名词+as从句 such用来修饰名词I dont like such a man as talks big.我不喜欢吹牛的人.Such house as she could find was expensive .凡是他能找到的房子都很贵.注意区别下面两句话This is such an interesting book as everyone likes.定语从句 as做宾语 这是一本每个人都喜欢的书.This is such an interesting book that everyone likes it. 结果状语从句 这是一本有趣的书以至于每个人都喜欢.(such 修饰名词,so修饰形容词或副词)such+名词+as 表列举I like such animals as dogs ,cats.such +n+as to do sthI am not such a fool to believe her .such as to do sthMet with disappointments such as to drive me mad .2.such as从句 such是代词在主句中充当主语,宾语,表语Such as you see is our house.such as 表列举I know three languages, such as Chinese,English.such+n+as to =such+n+(that)从句as such 意思是本身Money as such will seldom bring happiness.the same +名词 +as从句I have the same book as he is reading.定语从句 as做宾语 我有一本和他正在读的一样的一本书.(两本书)I have the same book that he is reading.定语从句 that做宾语 我得到了他正在读的那本书.(同一本书)as(so)+adj+a+名词+as从句 只能用名词单数He is as clever a child as I ever saw. 定语从句 as做宾语他是我曾经见过的最聪明的孩子.so +形容词+as to do sth =so.that. (so修饰形容词或副词)I get up so early to catch the first as to do sth =in order to sthI worked hard so as to finish it before weekend.as在非限制性定语从句中修饰主句,对主句所陈述的事实加以概括,补充,说明等,此时as和which一样.区别:(1)as位置灵活,可在主句前,可在主句后,which只能在主句后.(2)不是修饰主句,当前面有先行词时,不能用as,只能用which.例:The elephant is not like a snake,which has no legs.更多例子:as 做主语as is well known (to us)as was mentioned beforeas could be expectedas could be judged from her eyesas may be seen from the bookas is recounted in his storiesas everyone could doas often happensas will be shown in fig.3as has been pointed outas has been explainedas is often the caseas (is) usualHe listed the names as follows (follows永远是单数)as做宾语as we all can seeas we all knowas it isas用法系列(三) as在其它状语从句中应用as引导时间状语从句(注意与when,while区别) as常有随着的意思.1.As time went by ,I become more and more interested in music.As I was getting off the bus ,I saw her . (此时=while when) soon asHe got a job as soon as he left university.as引导原因状语从句(注意与for,since,beacuse,now that区别)As I got up late this morning,I was late for引导让步状语从句 (as,though从句在主句之前,须倒装,从句中状语,动词原形,表语置于句首.如表语是名词,前置时省略冠词)Child as he is ,he knows a lot .Try as he might ,he couldnt find a job .as if(as though)引导方式状语从句 (从句一般用虚拟语气)The teacher treats the students as if they were her own children.(just)as 引导方式状语从句When in Rome,do as the Romans do .as(so) long as 引导条件状语从句As long as you study hard ,you wont fail the 用法系列(四) as的一些固定用法 a +职业 作为.as a teacher as a looked on(upon) as 看作.He is looked on(upon) as my best dressed as 装扮成.He is dressed as a regarded as 看作.He is regarded as my best a result of 由于As a result of the economy crisis,many small busines went against 与.相比As against last year,he works for 对.而言As for him,he of(from) 从.开始As of(from) today,we study to 关于Im not sure as to weather its the right way for him.( =according to ) as to size and yet 到目前为止 常用于否定句No one knows him as yet .专心-专注-专业


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