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V-ing (现在分词)作状语 v-ed/done(过去分词)作状语,表语,定语, 宾补.现在分词的形式形式主动形 式被动形式否定形 式一般式doingbeing donenot doing/ being done完成式having donehaving been donenot having (been) done二.现在分词作状语辨析: 动词的-ing 形式和动词不定式作结果状语的区别。句子功能例句1.作时间状语,相当于 when,while,as, after 等弓 1 导 的时间状语从句Crossing the road, the old man was knocked over by a car.=When he was crossing the road, the old man was knocked over by a car.2.作原因状语,相当于as,because,since 等弓 1导的原 因状语从句Having eaten too much he couldnt go to sleep.=Because he had eaten too much, he couldnt go to sleep.3.作条件状语,相当于if,once,unless 等引导的条件状语从句Using your head, youll find a good way. =If you use your head, youll find a good way.4.作方式或伴随状语,相当于 and连接的并列谓语动词。Four people entered the room looking around in a curious way. =Four people entered the room and looked around in a curious way.5.作结果状语,可扩展为有并 列谓语的句子。It rained heavily, causing flooding in that city. =Itrained heavily so it caused flooding in that city.6.作让步状语,相当于 although,though,evenif,even though引导的让步状语从句Living miles away, he attended the course.=Although he lived miles away, he attended the course.辨析:(1)动词的-ing形式作结果状语通常表示自然而然的结果。(2)动词不定式作结果状语通常表示意想不到的结果,常与only连用,构成only to do三.连词+动词的-ing 形式作状语,省略状语从句的主语和系动词be,表示主动或者正在 进行。省略条件1:状语从句的主语必须和主句的主语一致省略条件2:状语从句有be动词Eg. While (I Was) waiting, I was reading magazines.温馨提示现在分词表示主动或正在进行;过去分词表示被动或已经完成。注意非谓语动词的逻辑主语是否与主句的主语一致。注意确定是否该用非谓语动词;注意标点符号,如果句中有连词( and,/but/or-),要 用谓语动词。注意非谓语动词与主句谓语动词的时间顺序。注意与句式“祈使句 +and/or+陈述句”的区别。V-ed(过去分词)作状语一、过去分词(短语)作状语时,表示被动和完成,在句中一般可以做时间,条件,原因,伴随或方式,让步状语等。Eg. Asked about his family, he made no answer.Given more time, we w川 do it well.注意:(1)分词状语,其逻辑主语必须与句子主语一致。否则,需加上自己的逻辑主语,构成独立主格。Eg. Weather/Time permitting, we will go shopping togethertomorrow.2 .过去分词(短语)与现在分词(短语)作状语的区别过去分词(短语)与句子的主语之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,即表被动;现在分词(短语)与句子主语之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,即表主动。3 .过去分词作定语单个过去分词作定语一般放在被修饰词之前,分词短语作定语一般放在被修饰词之后,往往可被定语从句代替。4 .过去分词作宾补规律说明例句过去分词(短语)用在感官类动词see,watch,notice,hear,feel 等后面I was glad to see the child well taken care of .过去分词(短语)用在表示心理状态的动词find,think 等后面When I came in, I found the glass broken.过去分词(短语)用在使役动词keep,get,make,leave,let , have等后面They leave the water running.I raised my voice to make myself heard.过去分词(短语)用在“ with+宾 语+宾补”的复合结构中,表示时 间,方式,条件,原因等。The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back.典例 1.(2014.四川高考)Themanager was satisfiedto see manynew products after great effort.A. having developed B. to develop C. developedPractice:五.过去分词(v-ed/done )作表语.过去分词(短语)放在系动词be, get, become,feel,remain, seem等后面作表语,构成系表结构,表示主语所处的状态。Please remain seated when the professor comes in .He seemed quite delighted at the news.1. Practice:1. 江西 nearly all our money, we couldnt afford to stay ata hotel.A. Having spent B. To spent C. Spent D. To have spent2. which university to attend, the girl asked her teacher for advice.A. Not knowing B. Knowing not C. Not known D. Known not3. the course very difficult , she decided to move to a lower level.A. Find B. Finding C. To find D. Found4 . When I was little, my mother used to sit by my bed, me stories till I fell asleep.A. having told B. telling C. told D. to tell5 . The pretty girl was dressed in bright red,_Her more beautiful.A.making;look B. to make;looked ;looked making ;looked6 . The stranger said something in a voice and the little girl wasvery much.A. frightening, frightenedB. frightened, frighteningC. frightening, frighteningD. frightened, frightened7.the piano, someone suddenly knocked at the door.A. PlayingB. When I was playing C. Repairing D. Examining8.1 n the seat for half an hour, Tomsuddenly realized that he hadleft his wallet( 钱包)at home.A. To wait B. Have waited C. Having waited D. To have waited9. the work , they have to stay there for another two weeks.completingcompletedhaving completed not completed用所给词语的适当形式填空1. All night long he lay awake, (think) of the problem.2. Their car was caught in a traffic jam, thus (cause)the delay.3. (live) with the girl for 5 years, we all know her very well.4. Though (work) so hard, he failed again.5. (not receive) his reply, she wrote another letter.6. (notice)by so manypeople, she felt nervous , (notknow ) what to say.After (tell) many times , he understood what was happening.1. into English, the sentence was found to have anentirely different word order.A. Translating B. Translated C. To translate D. Havingtranslated2. an important role in a new movie, Andy has a chanceto become famous.A. Offer B. Offering C. Offered D. To offer3. his scientific work, he has no time to care for hisfamily affairs , which his wife always complains about.A. Devoting into B. Devoted to C. Being devoted with D.Devoted with4. Dina, for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a position at a local advertising agency.A. struggling B. struggled C. having struggled D. tostruggle5. the right kind of training, these teenager soccerplayers may one day grow into international stars.A. Giving B. Having given give D. Given6. In order not to be found , I spent the whole night in my room.A. locking B. locked C. to lock D. Lock7. twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.A. Being bitten B. Bitten C. Having bitten D. To be bitten8. Michaels new house is like a huge palace, with his old one.A. comparing B. compares C. to compare D. compared9. but excited , the runner raced to the finishing line. A.Exhausting B. Exhausted C. Being exhausted D. To be exhausted二.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. The newsreporter hurried to the airport, only (tell) the film star had left.2. After her journey from abroad , Mary returned home,() (exhaust ).3. (see) from the top of the building, our school looks beautiful.4. False friends are just like leaves, (find) everywhere, but true friends are like diamonds , precious and rare.I.She felt rather that she shouldnt have driven the car at such a speed.A. frightening;frightening B. frightened;frightened C. Frightening;frightened D. frightened ;frightening2. There is a big dog to a fence outside the house.A. tying B. tied C. to tie D. ties3. In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.A. sticking B. stuck be stuck have stuck4. As soon as she entered the room, the girl caught sight ofthe flowers by her mother.A. buying B. being bought C. were bought5. The student, at the way the question was put, didnt know how to answer it.A. Being surprised B. Surprising C. Surprised D. Having surprised6. Look at the note to the door; you will see that someone paid a visit when we were away.A. pinning B. pinned C. being pinned D. is pinned7. It is one of the funniest things on the Internet so far this year.A finding B. being found C. to find D. found8. We finished the run in less than half the time . A. allowing B. to allow C. allowed D. allows9. When I came in, they were in a heated discussion.A. absorb B. absorbed C. absorbing D. being absorbed10. The woman sitting there under the tree, in a blueskirt, is our head master.A. wearing C. worn D. dressingn.用所给动词的适当形式填空1. In our daily life, there are a lot of health problemsthat,when not _(treat) in time, can become bigger ones later on .2. The thief (question)by the police a momentago stillcouldnt tell the truth.3. I couldnt accept the view (offer) to me unless it is based on facts.4. Cleaning workers in big cities usually get (pay) by the month.5. The (surprise) look on his face suggested that he must have heard some surprising news.(2014.临沂高二检测)While you were out, you should keep your doors and windows A. close B. closing C. closed closed2. Ill have all of the reading by the end of this termif my plan goes well.complete C. completed D. being completed3. To learn English well , we should find opportunities to hear English as much as we can .A.speak B. speaking D. to speak4. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work , he gladly accepted it.A. finished B. finishing C. having finished D. was finished5. He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make themin his lectures.A. interested B. interesting C. interest D. to interest6. Laws that punish parents for their little childrens actions against the laws get parents . A. worried B. to worry C. worrying D. worry7. I dont want the children out in such weather.A. take B. to take C. taken D. takingn.用所给动词的适当形式填空1. With all the work (do), I feel very relaxed now.2. He didnt notice his wallet ( steal)3. The students wouldnt like the problem(djscuss)at the moment.child4. I am very busy now. Id like to have my little (take ) to school.5. When we got to school, we saw the door(lock)_6. Be careful, or youll have your hands (hurt).7. He spoke slowly to make himself (understand)8. Helen had to shout above the sound of the music to make herself (hear)


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