高考英语一轮复习 Module11 Unit 2 Getting a job课件 牛津译林版(湖南专用)

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高考英语一轮复习 Module11 Unit 2 Getting a job课件 牛津译林版(湖南专用)_第1页
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高考英语一轮复习 Module11 Unit 2 Getting a job课件 牛津译林版(湖南专用)_第3页
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Module11Unit 2Getting a job1、 refresh vt. 使清新;消除的疲劳;使恢复 vi. 恢复精神;喝饮料,吃点心;补充给养 refresh oneself 可以提神;清醒头脑refreshing 令人振奋的refreshed 感到振奋的refreshment (精力或精神上的)恢复;爽快;恢复精力(或精神)的东西(如饮料、食物、休息等);提神物品A cold shower always refreshes us in summer.在夏天洗个冷水淋浴就会使我们感到凉爽。She refreshed herself with a hot bath. 她洗了个热水澡使自己又振作起来。We feel refreshed after a rest.休息后我们又精神百倍。His words refreshed my memory.他的话恢复了我的记忆。He refreshed from tiredness when he got up in the morning.清晨起来他消除了疲劳又振作起来。 The traffic jam had made me tired and upset. But Garths words immediately _ me and put a smile back on my face. A. corrected B. supported C. amazed D. refreshedDrefresh使精力恢复; 使精神振作,通过下文的“put a smile back on my face”可选择,与上文的“tired and upset”相反。2、edge n. (微弱的)优势; 刀刃;(尤指灾难的)边缘 vt.(使)渐渐移动;给加边;略为增加或减少 由edge构成的短语有: be on edge 紧张不安,烦躁hold the edge in sth.在某事中处于优势be at the cutting edge of sth. 处于先锋地位、最前沿take the edge off 削弱;挫伤的锐气edge sb. /sth. out (of sth.) 逐渐将排挤出 give sb. the edge over sb. 略胜过某人give sb. the edge of ones tongue 痛骂某人get the edge of ones tongue遭受某人的痛骂The Democrats hold the edge in the Senate. 民主党人在参议院中占优势。If you put that pot on the edge of the table it will fall off. 你要是把罐子放在桌子边上,它会掉下去的。Her pupils often got her rough edge of her tongue when they disobeyed her. 当学生不听话时,常常遭到她粗暴的训斥。Those who disagreed with the directors viewpoint were gradually edged out of the company. 那些与经理意见不一致的人慢慢被挤出公司。 edge in 侧着入内;悄悄挤入edge ones way 挤过3、 roundabout adj. 迂回的;间接的;兜圈子的 n. 交通环岛反义词为:straightforward adj. 直截了当的He always talks in a roundabout way.他总是拐弯抹角地说话。They took a roundabout route to avoid the flood.他们为避开洪水绕道而行。As usual, he reached her house in roundabout way.一如往常,他绕道来到她的家。1、 followup 对采取进一步行动,跟进,贯彻He failed to follow up my suggestion. 他没有照着我的建议做下去。The salesmen usually follow up a letter with a visit. 推销员往往在写了信之后又上门拜访。 I want to follow up this subject. 我想继续研究这个问题。2、 off the top of ones head 立即,马上,不假思索地;信口地;临时应付 与head构成的搭配:from head to foot 从头到脚be light in the head 头晕;头脑简单be weak in the head 不太聪明have a good head for 具有的才能;很有头脑hold ones head high 趾高气扬lose ones head 惊慌失措,失去理智 keep/get ones head down 专心工作,不分心laugh/shout/scream ones head off 大笑/高喊/尖叫keep ones head above water 勉强维持经营The speaker had a good head for figures, so he convinced the audience of what he said in his lecture. 那位演讲人对数字很有把握,因而使听众对他的演讲非常信服。When the fire broke out in the movie theater, the people lost their heads and ran in all directions. 电影院起火的时候,大家失去理智而向四方奔逃3、 have butterflies in ones stomach (做某事前)惊慌,紧张 have ants in ones pants 很紧张,坐立不安have a bee in ones head 神经不正常,胡思乱想have a frog in ones throat 失音或嗓音嘶哑翻译句子这个男生对于期末考试没有做好充分准备。他现在如坐针毡。_The boy is not fully prepared for the final exam. He now has ants in his pants. 坐在那里等的时候我心里七上八下的,很紧张,不过一上台我就没事了。_I had butterflies in my stomach when I was sitting there waiting for my turn, but once I stepped onto the stage, I was just fine. 4、 nod ones head 点头nod off 打盹;打瞌睡be in the land of nod 入睡on the nod 未经讨论而正式表示赞成be at someones nod 看某人点头而定,受某人支配,在某人支配下翻译句子吉姆终于睡着了。_Jims in the land of nod at last. 午餐后我经常会在沙发上打一会儿盹。_I often nod off for a little while in the sofa after lunch.that引导了一个同位语从句,对impression加以解释说明。It also gives the impression that youre confident even if you feel quite nervous.那也给出这样的印象:你很自信,即使你很紧张!A warm thought suddenly came to me _ I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday. A. if B. when C. that D. whichC句意:我突然冒出一个温馨的想法,我可以用零花钱给妈妈买一些花庆贺生日。that引导同位语从句,说明thought的具体内容。If it were not for the fact that she _ sing, I would invite her to the party. A. couldnt B. shouldnt C. cant D. might notC句意:如果不是考虑到她不会唱歌的事实,我就会邀请她来参加聚会了。that引导同位语从句,说明the fact的一个事实,故用一般现在时。


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