新仁爱英语九年级上册Unit 3 Topic 3 Section D

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会计学1新仁爱英语九年级上册新仁爱英语九年级上册Unit 3 Topic 3 Section D预习导纲预习导纲一一.读读1a短文,在文中划出下列短语并朗读。短文,在文中划出下列短语并朗读。1.从因特网上下载英语歌曲从因特网上下载英语歌曲_ 2.而且而且_3.一个有效的方法一个有效的方法_ 4.查明、找出查明、找出_5.模仿演员的发音模仿演员的发音_ 6.写下写下_7.用这种方式用这种方式_ 8.增加词汇量增加词汇量_9.确定做确定做_二二.读下列句子,翻译并探究。读下列句子,翻译并探究。1. Then have paper and a pen ready as you may want to write down useful words or phrases.译:译:_探究:探究:have sth. ready意为意为_,其中其中have相当于相当于_,ready作作sth. 的的_语。语。 as为为_词,意为词,意为_.引导引导_ 状语从句,语气比状语从句,语气比because弱。弱。第1页/共19页做一做:做一做:a ).Everyone should _ a pen and paperready before taking the exam. A.got B.let C.have D.use b). _ the environment is seriously polluted, many people move away. A.As B.Though C.As soon as D.Since2. In this way, you can increase the number of words and understand the dialogs better. 译:译:_探究:探究:the number of 意为意为_,做主语时谓语动词用,做主语时谓语动词用_数。数。a number of 意为意为 _,修饰可数名词的复数,修饰可数名词的复数,做主语时用做主语时用_数数。做一做:做一做:In the past few years, _ farmers have moved to the city, and _ them is increasing.A.the number of, a number of B. a number of , the number of C. the number of, the number of D. a number of, a number of第2页/共19页当堂训练当堂训练1.Joan _ riding every day and won the first place in the bicycle race at last. A.sticks to B.gave up C.felt like D.said no to2.What do you plan to do this weekend? I dont feel like_such a long trip.Id like_with my mom at home. A.having,staying B.having,to stay C.to have,staying D.to have,to stay3.Im_the result.Though it took a long time to complete the job. A.strict with B.pleased with C.worried about D.sorry for4. John, your birthday is coming. Lets book a cake.Oh, great. I cant wait _ it now.A .enjoy B enjoyingC .to enjoyD. for enjoying第3页/共19页1a Read the passage and write a proper title on the line. _You may choose one from the following statements:A. Learning English by Listening to English SongsB. Learning English by Watching MoviesC. Learning English with Fun Learning English with Fun第4页/共19页Read 1a again and choose the best answer.( )1. Student one prefers listening to English songs because _. A. It can help him improve his reading. B. It is an effective way and full of fun . C. He can pick some useful words before listening.( )2. Student two advises us to _ . A. imitate the pronunciation of the actors. B. choose a classical movie and enjoy it. C. write down the dialogs while watching.BAv.模仿,仿效adj.有效的第5页/共19页1b Read 1a and complete the table. WayStepEffectlistening to songs1._ first and find out _ the song is about.2._ some words or phrases.3.Use a _ if necessary.1._ the listening.2. Be _ to study.watching movies1._ favorite movies.2.Imitate the _ pronunciation.3.Have paper and a pen _.4.Write down _ words or phrases.Increase the number of _ and understand _ better.By doing so, you will learn English _ and do _.Readhappieractorswordsreadythe dialogsusefulfasterbetterPickdictionaryImprovewhatChoose第6页/共19页What do the following words have in common?widely foreigner impossible trader speaker powerful stranger excited differently expression totally sleepy retell indirect preview discussionDerivationsWe add prefix or suffix to a word to form a new one.Read through Sections A-C. Then group the words and fill in the blanks.第7页/共19页What do the following words have in common?guidebook whenever whatever underline toothpaste notebook textbook good-lookingeverywhere blackboard something ourselves headache overeat classroom kind-heartedCompoundsWe put two words together to form a new one.第8页/共19页Decide whether the following words are derivations or compounds.fireplace, discover, impossible, homeless, development, indirect, exciting, illness, film-maker, retell, unhappy, downstairs, snowy, granddaughterDerivations: _ _Compounds: _homelessdiscoverimpossibledevelopment indirectexcitingillness retellunhappy snowyfireplace film-maker downstairsgranddaughter第9页/共19页Phrase Collectionbe afraid of doing make progress (in) feel like doinggive upbe weak inturn to sb.take a deep breathadvise sb. to doas often as possibleas long asstick to doing害怕做害怕做在在取得进步取得进步想做某事想做某事放弃,戒掉放弃,戒掉在在薄弱薄弱向某人求助向某人求助深呼吸深呼吸建议某人做建议某人做尽可能经常尽可能经常只要只要坚持做坚持做第10页/共19页FunctionsCould you make yourself _ (understand/understood) in the USA?I _ (dare/dared) not speak English in public.Im sure that you will _ (make/made) great progress as long as you stick to them.understoodmakedare第11页/共19页I dont know _ (what/what to) do.He is thinking about _(where to/where) go.Could you give us some advice on _ (what to/how to) learn English well?_ (How to/ Where to ) improve it was my biggest problem.what towhere tohow to How toWh-/How to do疑问词疑问词who, what, which, when, how 等与不定式连用,等与不定式连用,构成不定式短语,在句中作主语、宾语等。构成不定式短语,在句中作主语、宾语等。第12页/共19页ProjectSolving English Learning Problems1. Work in groups of four to discuss your English learning problems and give advice based on the table.SkillProblemAdvicelisteningspeakingreadingwriting2. Each group member should choose one skill and then write a paragraph based on your discussion.3. Each group should combine four paragraphs to form a passage and share it in class.第13页/共19页1. Could you tell us _( 做什么做什么) to protect the environment?2. _ (什么时候开会什么时候开会) hasnt been decided.3.The difficulty was _ (怎样过河怎样过河).4. There are so many beautiful clothes and I dont know _ (选哪件选哪件).5. I was wondering _ (是否听是否听他的意见他的意见)。what to doWhen to have the meetinghow to cross the riverwhich one to choosewhether to follow his advice第14页/共19页A: Whats wrong, Jim? You look unhappy.B: Not good. I feel a little worried about my English.A: _B: Im not getting along well with it.A: _ B: Well, I seldom have chances to meet English people.A: _B: Where should I go?A: _B: But . it seems English people never speak to me.A: Ah! You should speak first.B: _ A: The weather! English people are always interested in weather.A. You should go to English Corner.B. What can I talk about?C. Whats the problem?D. Why so?E. You should go out more.BACED第15页/共19页单项选择单项选择1.Its my honor _ to the party.A.to invite B.to be invited C.inviting D.invite2.James with the Greens_ the Dragon Tower if it_ tomorrow. A.is leaving for,isnt rainy B.are leaving for,doesnt rain C.is leaving for,wont rain D.are leaving for,isnt rainy3.Do you find it easy _the boy_ English. A.encourage,speak B.to encourage,speak C.encourage,to speak D.to encourage ,to speak4.Listening, speaking and reading are all important _ writing.A .besideB .besidesC .exceptD. expect5. A cellphone _ a camera by most young people in China.A. is used by B. used for C. is used as D. is used to第16页/共19页Summary1. Some words: easily, download, actually, effective imitate2. Some phrases: in this way, a number of, the number of3. Some sentences: (1)Then have paper and a pen ready as you may want to write down useful words or phrases.(2) In this way, you can increase the number of words and understand the dialogs better. 1.Form new words and get its meaning based on word formation. fireplace, discover, homeless, downstairs2.Understand many interesting study methods in learning English and apply them.3.Use the structure of wh-/how + to do.第17页/共19页第18页/共19页


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