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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上新概念英语第二册复习笔记 第四课 单词学习1.exciting adj. 令人兴奋的excited adj. (感到)兴奋的excite v. 令兴奋(人作主语)eg. The news excited us. (过去式)这个消息令我们兴奋。eg. I have never been to Australia. 我从未去过澳大利亚。 It must be an exciting trip. 那一定是一次令人兴奋的旅行。eg. He is finding this trip very exciting. ( very exciting 宾补) 他发现旅途非常令人兴奋eg. We are excited at the news. 我们对这个消息感到兴奋。eg. The excited girl is looking forward to her exciting first date with her “Mr. Right”. 这个兴奋的女孩渴望着与她“白马王子”令人兴奋的第一次约会。eg. The excited children were expecting Christmas presents.那些兴奋的孩子正期待着圣诞礼物。类似的词:surprising 令人惊奇的 surprised 感到惊奇的interesting 令人感兴趣的 interested 感到感兴趣的shocking 令人震惊的 shocked 感到震惊的statisfying 令人满意的 statisfied 感到满意的disappointing 令人失望的 disappointed 感到失望的moving 令人感动的 moved 感到感动的touching 令人感动的 touched 感到感动的embarrassing 令人尴尬的 embarrassed 感到尴尬的2. receive v. 收到receive sth from sb 收到某人某物reveive a letter 收到一封信receive a present 收到一件礼物receive a phone call 接到一个电话receive good education 受到良好的教育eg. You will receive a warm welcome, whenever you come to my home.无论你何时来我家,都会受到热烈欢迎。eg. He has just received his fortnights pay. 他刚刚收到两星期的工资。receive 收到 accept 接受take 拿走 bring 带来eg. I received an invitation to the party, but I didnt accept it. 我收到他的晚会邀请,但我没有接受。eg. I received an apology from him, but I didnt accept it. 他向我道歉,但是我不接受。eg. I have just received a letter from my brother. 我刚刚收到我弟弟的信。receive a letter from 收到的信=hear from sbeg. Someone has taken my pen. 有人拿走了我的钢笔。eg. The waiter brought me a glass of beer. 服务员为我拿来一杯啤酒。receiver 收到.的人;电话听筒eg. He put down the receiver angrily. 他生气地挂断电话。 He rang off angrily. 他生气地挂断电话。3. firm1) n. (尤作口语)公司 eg. He is working for a big firm. 他在一家大公司工作。The firm of Johnson & Johnson 强生公司company (更口语化)公司corporation 公司,法人。团体enterprise 事业单位,企业,单位,公司,商行group 集团公司2) adj. 牢固的,稳固的,坚实的eg. The leg of that chair is not very firm. 那把椅子腿不牢固。eg. Prices are still firm. 物价仍旧很稳定。as firm as rock 坚如磐石a firm foundation 坚实的基础3) adj. 坚定的,坚决的eg. His reply to the request was a firm “No!” 他坚决地拒绝这个要求。4. different adj. 不同的(反义词:same)(Br) A is different from B. A与B不同(Br) A is different to B. A与B不同eg. The word “ receive” is different from “accept”. “receive”这个词与”accept”是不同的。eg. Everyone is different from others. 每个人都与别人不一样。(Am) A is different from B.(Am) A is different than B.eg. You look different than before. 你看起来跟以前不一样。difference n. 区别,差别tell the difference between A and B辨认A与B的区别eg. We can easily tell the difference between the twins. 我们能很容易地辨认这对双胞胎的差别。important importancepatient patiencedistant distance5. centre (U.S. -ter)shopping center 购物中心shopping mall 大型购物商城training center 培训中心service centre 服务中心eg. That girl likes to be the center of attention. 那个女孩喜欢成为大家瞩目的中心。eg. Beijing is the center of politics, economics and culture of China. 北京是中国政治,经济和文化的中心。left, right and center. here and there. 前后左右,处处eg. Ive been looking for you left,right and center, where have you been? 我到处找你,你上哪里去了?6. abroad adv. 在国外 (in or to another country overseas)be abroad 在国外go abroad 出国live abroad 在国外居住traval abroad 出国旅行eg. A great number of outstanding young Chinese want to study abroad. 许多杰出的年轻中国人想出国留学。eg. He will go abroad next month. 他下个月出国。专心-专注-专业


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