初中英语unit7how much are these socks教案

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课题:Unit7 How much are these socks? (SectionA 1a2c)学段:初中学科:英语姓名:李春萍单位:胶州26中联系电话:13793267082编号:(学校统一编写)Unit7 Howmucharethesesocks? 第一课时Section A(1a-2c)教学目标:基础性目标:1。 知识与技能:(1)Learn the new words and expressions: words about clothes like( pants, sock, shirt, Tshirt, shorts, sweater, shoes, skirt), words about colors like( black, white, red, green, blue, yellow),descriptions words like( big, small, short, long)。 (2)Learn how to ask about the prices. How much is? -Its dollars。-How much are? Theyredollars。2.能力目标:Learn how to shop。3。情感目标:通过本课学习,学生学会有礼貌地谈论物品的颜色和价格,与他人文明沟通。发展性目标:(1).Help the students to develop listening and speaking skill。(2)。Encourage the students to learn in groups。 过程与方法:(1) Work in pairs or groups to learn new structure.。(2) Task-based teaching approach.(3)Demonstration method. 情感态度与价值观:(1) Use English to talk about shopping correctly and politely。 (2)正确引导学生的穿着打扮。教学重点、难点(1) Master the new words and expressions: how much, pants, sock, shirt, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, shoes, skirt, sale, dollar, color, black, white, red, green, blue, yellow, big, small, short, long.(2) Learn how to ask about the prices: How much is ? Its/ How much are ? Theyre(3) Improve the students reading and speaking 。教学工具(1)a tape player (2) ppt教学过程 Step1。 Free talk1。 Greetings。Sing a song of color. 2. Show a picture of a clothing storeT: I like shopping。Do you like shopping? Do you want to go shopping with me?Now lets go to a clothing store。Look! There are lots of beautiful clothes on sale!The weather is getting colder and colder。 I want to buy a hat and a sweater.设计意图:通过歌曲,复习颜色的单词,激起学生学习热情,出示服装店图片,使教学很快导入到学习主题Step2。 Presentation 1。 Show a picture of a shirt T: Look! Whats this?Ss: Its a shirt。 In the same way,learn other clothing words。2。 Read words and memorize the new words。3。 play a memory gameDivide students into four groups ,show the pictures of the clothes.4。1a: Match the words with the things in the picture.Then check together。1b:Listen and circle the things,then check answers.please say the word and spell it quickly.who will win?。设计意图:通过分组竞赛的方式,促进学生之间竞争的意识,巩固所学新单词。5.Talk about clothes: :A:Whats this ?B:Its a sweater。A:How do you spell it ? B:SW-E-AT-E-RA:What color is it ?B:Its yellow.A:How much is it ?B:Its 10 dollars。通过实物图,教师提问,学生集体回答,由单数名词到复数名词,反复操练新句型。总结句型“How mach is / are? It is / They are” 的特点:单数用is ,复数用are.6。Explain: how much and dollar.Students listen and repeat。7.Show some more pictures,ask the students practice conversations in pairs。Step3.Listening practice1.2a:Listen and repeat,教师用一长一短的pants和shorts呈现long和short,用一大一小的hats呈现big和small, 并让学生跟着老师做手势,then ask students read one by one,at last,check the words spelling in pairs。2b-2c: There are two persons in the conversation. They are talking about the prices of the clothes. Please listen to the tape and do 2b/2c.设计意图:通过播放录音,锻炼了学生的听力,巩固了所学的知识。2.Guessing game:How much is/are?Show some pictures on the screen,ask the four groups to guess the prices.Step4 Scenarios Simulation (情景模拟)Mary要过生日,同学们到商场给她买鞋帽,衣服等礼物,学生四人一组,练习对话,教师巡视指导。最后小组展示对话成果并选出优秀小组。设计意图:通过“shopping”这个生活平台,学生不仅可以在愉快的氛围中运用本节课所学询问价钱等语言,而且使学习的过程变得生动有趣Step5 Summary and homework1. 总结强调本课所学的单词、短语和询问价格的句式。2。Make a survey to your friends and get the information about the prices, the colours of their clothes they are wearing today, write down the information. Then fill in the chart。namesclothescolorsprices 设计意图:让学生自己总结回顾,养成学生自主学习能力。3。Homework:Make a new conversation about shopping。板书设计Unit7 Howmucharethesesocks? Section A(1a2c)How much is the? Its。How much are the? Theyre。


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