吉林省长市第五中学高中英语《Unit 4 Globa language points》课件1 新人教版选修6

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吉林省长市第五中学高中英语《Unit 4 Globa language points》课件1 新人教版选修6_第3页
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Unit 4 reading1.matter 要紧、有关系,要紧、有关系,= be important It doesnt matter if I miss the train because theres another one in ten minutes.It is what you do rather than what you say that matters. compare to 也可用也可用compare with 用于比较不同事物用于比较不同事物.Their prices are low compared to those in other shops.用法比较用法比较: compare A with B 把把 和和 相比。相比。 Researchers compared living conditions in London with those in other cities. compare A to B 把把 比成比成 ,比较两者的相似之处。,比较两者的相似之处。 Poets like to compare death to sleep. Hpare1)The town has changed a lot _ what it was before.2) We often _young people _ the rising sun.3) _ this _ that , and youll see which is pared to/with compare toCompare with 1.How has this come about and does it matter?2. 你能告诉我事情是怎样发生的吗?你能告诉我事情是怎样发生的吗?3. With the use of electricity, great changes have come about.这是如何发生的,是否要紧这是如何发生的,是否要紧?Can you tell me how the accident came about?随着电的使用,种种大变化发生了。随着电的使用,种种大变化发生了。 Heading 2. come about Difficult Sentences1.There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer but there is fierce debate over whether it is human activity that has caused this global warming or whether it is just a natural phenomenon.毫无疑问地球在变暖,但究竟是人类活动使地球变暖毫无疑问地球在变暖,但究竟是人类活动使地球变暖还是它仅仅是一种自然现象,就此引发了激烈的争论。还是它仅仅是一种自然现象,就此引发了激烈的争论。“There is no doubtbut there is fierce debate”是主句,是一个并列句;是主句,是一个并列句; “There is no doubt”分句中的分句中的“that ”是同位语从句,是同位语从句, “but there is fierce debate”分句中有两个由分句中有两个由whether 引导的宾语从句。作介词引导的宾语从句。作介词over的宾语,第一个的宾语,第一个宾语从句中又有一个强调句型宾语从句中又有一个强调句型.Para1常用结构:常用结构:There is no need 没有必要没有必要There is no question 是没有问题的是没有问题的There is no reason 没有理由没有理由There is no possibility that 是没有可能的是没有可能的There is no knowing/telling没法知道没法知道/说说It is a/no wonder that 真奇怪真奇怪/真令人吃惊真令人吃惊It is no use/good thatIt is no use/good doing sthThere is some doubt whether John will come on time.约翰会不会准时来约翰会不会准时来有些疑问有些疑问。 她说了实话,这一点似乎是没有疑问她说了实话,这一点似乎是没有疑问。There seems to be no doubt that she has told the truth.1._ was no _ that he was a fine scholar. A. There; doubt B. It; doubt C. There; wonder D. It; question2. _ no knowing what he could do. He might get a job tomorrow. He might stay out of work for weeks. A. There is B. It is C. There was D. It was Fossil fuel:矿物燃料。矿物燃料。 Ancient animal and plant material below the surface of the earth with a high carbon content, such as coal,oil and natural gas, which can be burnt to produce energy. Also known as non-renewable energy because once they are used they have gone forever; they cannot be renewed. Para21.SOME BYPRODUCTS OF THIS PROGRESS ARE CALLED “GREENHOUSE” GASES, THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE BEING CARBON DIOXIDE.在这一过程中产生的许多副产品被叫做温室气体,最重要的在这一过程中产生的许多副产品被叫做温室气体,最重要的是二氧化碳。是二氧化碳。 Para2是一个独立主格结构,其基本结构是:是一个独立主格结构,其基本结构是: 名词(代词)名词(代词)+ + 现在分词现在分词/ / 过去分词过去分词/ /不定不定式式/ / 形容词形容词/ / 副词副词 Difficult Sentences2.THIS IS WHEN SMALL AMOUNTS OF GASES IN THE ATMOSPHERE, LIKE CARBON DIOXIDE, METHANE AND WATER VAPOUR, TRAP HEAT FROM THE SUN AND THEREFORE WARM THE EARTH. 这是当空气中的少量气体像二氧化碳、甲烷和水蒸气将太阳的这是当空气中的少量气体像二氧化碳、甲烷和水蒸气将太阳的热量保存住而散发不出去时,因此就使地球变暖。热量保存住而散发不出去时,因此就使地球变暖。 Para2when 引导表语从句引导表语从句 Difficult Sentences3.quantity n.(u)数量数量He prefers quantity to quality when food is concerned.词义拓展词义拓展quantity n.(c )数量数量 Police found a large quantity of illegal drugs.Quantities of books were on the desk. Para21) As a result of destroying the forest, a large _ of desert _ covered the land. A.number; has B. quantity; hasC. number; have D. quantity; have2) Every day large quantities of water _ into rivers without being cleaned.A.is poured B. is pouring C. are poured D. are pouring 可数名词可数名词和和不可数名词不可数名词均可修饰:均可修饰:lots of=a lot of, a quantity of =quantities of, a mass of =masses of, plenty of只修饰只修饰可数名词:可数名词:many, a great/large number of = large numbers of, a good/great many, scores of, dozens of只修饰只修饰不可数名词:不可数名词:much, a great/large amount of= large amounts of, a great/good deal of4.The increased amount of carbon dioxide means that more heat energy is trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.二氧化碳量的增加意味着更多的热能滞留在二氧化碳量的增加意味着更多的热能滞留在大气中,结果造成地球温度的上升。大气中,结果造成地球温度的上升。主句是主句是 “The increased amount of carbon dioxide means”; that 引导的是宾语从句,其引导的是宾语从句,其中的分词短语中的分词短语 “causing the global temperature to go up”作结果状语。作结果状语。 Difficult Sentences Para2THE AMOUNT OF +不可数名不可数名词词 THE NUMBER OF +可数名词可数名词What are you going to do with the amount of money? Para3常常 以以v-ing form 作结果状语的词有作结果状语的词有: make, reach, leave. The song “Notebook” is sung throughout the country,making it the most popular song.他父亲死他父亲死 了了, ,什么也没留下给他们什么也没留下给他们. .His father died, leaving nothing to them Para3 result in 产生,导致(产生,导致(lead to, cause sth to happen) result from 由由引起,产生引起,产生( lie in, occur as a result of/because of )The accident resulted _ the drivers carelessness, which resulted _ the death of two passengers.fromin1.The experiment _ the discovery of a cure for cancer. A. resulted in B. lead to C. resulted from D. was caused by2. He slipped and broke his leg. _, he will have to be away from school for two or three months. A. Resulting in B. With the result that C. As a result D. The result is that 同义表达同义表达His sickness was caused by eating too much.1. His sickness _ _ eating too much.2. He was ill _ he had too much.3. He was ill _ _ eating too much.4. _ _ _ _ eating too much, he was ill.5. Eating too much _ _ his illness.6. Eating too much _ _ his illness.7. He had too much. _ _ _, he was ill.resulted frombecause because ofAs a result ofresulted inled toAs a resultAS LOW AS 低至低至AS MUCH AS 高至高至.多达多达150名读者簇拥在那位名作家周围名读者簇拥在那位名作家周围.As many as 150 readers crowded round the famous writer.去欧洲旅游之费用高达去欧洲旅游之费用高达50 000元人民币元人民币.The cost of travelling to Europe is as much as 50 000 yuan.Para5WOULD BECOULD BE 虚拟语气虚拟语气Para6Para7 cause the sea level to rise by several metres.On the other hand, there are those, like scientists George Hambley, who believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air and that some scientists concerns about global warming are just speculation.另一方面,有些科学家,如另一方面,有些科学家,如George Hambley,认为,认为我们不应该为空气中二氧化碳的含量高担心,他们我们不应该为空气中二氧化碳的含量高担心,他们还认为一些科学家对地球变暖的担心只是一些猜想。还认为一些科学家对地球变暖的担心只是一些猜想。主句是主句是 “there are those”, “like scientists George Hambley”是介词短语作定语,是介词短语作定语, “who believe that”are just speculation”是非限制性定语从句,都修饰是非限制性定语从句,都修饰those; believe后有两个宾语从句,都由后有两个宾语从句,都由that 引导。引导。on the other hand,介词短语作状语从句,修饰全句。介词短语作状语从句,修饰全句。 Difficult Sentences Para8 Language Pointsrange n. 范围、排列;范围、排列; v. 排列、安置;漫游;在某范围内变化;排列、安置;漫游;在某范围内变化; 常用短语:常用短语: in range of 一系列的一系列的in range 在射程内在射程内out of range 在射程外在射程外beyond the range of 超越超越范围范围out of ones range 某人达不到的某人达不到的1.China is a country with a wide range of temperature.中国是一个气温变化很大的国家。中国是一个气温变化很大的国家。2. There is _(一系列一系列的活动的活动) for children.3. Most of the students entering the competition are _ (在在17至至20岁的范围内岁的范围内).4. The dog stayed well _ _(离孩子们远远的离孩子们远远的) a range of activities in the 17 20 age range out of range of the children 1. build up 逐渐增加。逐渐增加。After 4 oclock, the traffic begins to build up.She built the business up from nothing.You need to build up your strength.2. Keep on doing = continue to do sth.She kept on working although she was tired.The rain kept on all night. Para 9That is all.so long as= as long as conj. 只要只要, 如果如果1. Its OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it.2. 只要你不把书弄脏只要你不把书弄脏, 就可以借给你就可以借给你.只要你在使用电器只要你在使用电器, 使它处于工作状态是可以的使它处于工作状态是可以的.You may borrow the book so long as you keep it clean.同义词组同义词组:on condition that , only if, ifproviding (that), provided (that)注意注意:1. as long as 有时表示有时表示 “像像那么久那么久”;2. only if 接从句用于句首接从句用于句首,主句主谓语倒装主句主谓语倒装;3. if only 表达表达 “要是要是该多好啊该多好啊!”需要虚拟语气需要虚拟语气.同义表达:同义表达:You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat.1. You can go out _ _ _ you wear an overcoat.2. You can go out _ _ you wear an overcoat.3. You can go out _ you wear an overcoat.as/so long asprovided thatproviding thatonly ifprovided if providingcome aboutcome acrosscome roundcome into beingcome into effectcome outcome down to earth发生发生偶然碰到偶然碰到,找到找到来访来访, 苏醒苏醒出现出现, 产生产生开始生效开始生效出版出版;长出长出;显出显出回到现实中来回到现实中来renewable adj. 能再生的,可更新的能再生的,可更新的renew v. 更新,更新, 恢复,恢复, 重新开始,重新开始, 继续继续re- 是前缀,是前缀, 表示表示“再再” “重新重新”。 如:如:recycle rewrite rebuild retell recover reform 回收回收改写改写重建重建复述复述恢复恢复改革改革emphasis n. 强调强调emphasize vt. 强调强调emphatic adj. 强调的强调的put /lay emphasis on 强调强调emphasize sth. 强调某事强调某事glance vi. 匆匆一看,匆匆一看, 一瞥;一瞥; vt. 扫视,瞥视扫视,瞥视 n. 一瞥一瞥glance at 瞥一眼瞥一眼, take a glance at 匆匆瞥一眼匆匆瞥一眼.at a (the) first glance 一眼就,一眼就, 一见就一见就比较:比较:glance at 匆匆瞥一眼匆匆瞥一眼stare at 盯着看盯着看glare at 瞪着眼看活怒目而视瞪着眼看活怒目而视1. The little boy _ at the stranger for a few minutes before answering his question.A. Stared B. starved C. glared D. startled2. The woman was so angry that she _ the thief for a few seconds without saying a word. A. Stared at B. glared at C. Look at D. glance atsupply n. 供应;供给;供给之物。供应;供给;供给之物。 vt. 供给;供应;满足供给;供应;满足supply sth. to sb.=supply sb. with sth. 供给某人某物供给某人某物supply ones need 满足某人的需求满足某人的需求a good supply of 大量的大量的in short supply 缺少的缺少的supply and demand 供与求供与求1. The school(向孩子们提供书籍)(向孩子们提供书籍)_.2. We have (存有大量的食物)(存有大量的食物)_ for the bad weather.3. Water(此地水资源缺乏)(此地水资源缺乏)_.supplies books to childrena good supply of food in storeis in short supply hereIT WAS A SCIENTIST CALLED CHARLES KEELING WHO MADE ACCURATE MEASUREMENTS OF THE AMOUNT OF CARBON DIOXIDE IN THE ATMOSPHERE FROM 1957 TO 1997.(在空中在空中)出现:出现:It was getting dark and the stars were coming out.(消息消息)传开:传开: It has now come out that many people suffered severe side effects from the drug.(观点观点)公开:公开: many leading politicians have come out in favor of the e up发生、举行:发生、举行: Ill let you know if anything comes up Her weddings coming up soon. He out 2. cause表示的因果关系比较直接,如:表示的因果关系比较直接,如: Smoking can cause lung cancer. 可指所产生的结果与所涉及的人等有关,如;可指所产生的结果与所涉及的人等有关,如; My car has caused me a lot of trouble. bring about表示的因果关系不那麽直接,如;表示的因果关系不那麽直接,如; The war brought about a reduction in the birth rate. lead to = cause The strike could lead to a loss of jobs. Para2


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