
上传人:ail****e1 文档编号:50637855 上传时间:2022-01-21 格式:DOC 页数:4 大小:62KB
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There be 结构20. Therea football match on televisi on this eve ning There is a +单数可数名词+ .在某地有一个 There is an +单数可数名词+ .在某地有一个There is some 环可数名词+ .在某地有一些两个some,两个一,意义:某物在某地There are some可数名词复数 +.在某地有一些1肯定句常见四个基本结构:There be, there be 四兄弟;There is a house in the picture.There is an orange on the table.There is some water in the glass.There are some childre n in the classroom.在一般疑问句和否定句中,要用 any替换掉肯定句中的somesome加可数复,还加+不可数若在否定、疑问句any用在some处there a cup of tea on the table?a bed and two chairs in Bettys room.some childre n in the park.a teacher and many stude nts in our classroom.There is not a house in the picture.There isnt a house in the picture.There is not an orange on the table.There isnt an orange on the table.There is not any water in the glass.There isntany water in the glass.There are not any childre n in the classroom.There are n a ny childre n in the classroom.练习1用is或are填空I. Theremany mon keys in the moun tai n.3. Theresome water in the glass.5. there any maps on the wall?7. Therea bird in the tree.9. II. There_13. There _15. ThereThere is not a +单数可数名词+.There isntThere is not an +单数可数名词+.There isntThere is not any +不可数名词+.There isntThere are not any +可数名词复数 +.There isnt2. Therea beautiful garde n in our school.4. Theresome bread on the table.6. Theretwenty desks in our classroom.8. Theresome trees n ear the house.10. Theresome apple juice in the glass.12. Theresome milk in the bottle.14. Therean ice cream in the boys hand16. Theremany birds and a lion in the forest. 17. Therean orange on the table.18. Theremany thi ngs over there19. Therean eraser in the pen cil-case.三、用 uhave.has tLthere is : there areM 或者there *7. What do you9a readins-room in the buildina?9. What does Mike?四、用have活has填空1a n ice picture.2. Hea good frie nd.3They some kites.4. Wesome flowers.5 Shetwo ducks.6. My father a new bike.7. Her mothera book. 8. Our teacheran En glish book.9.Our teachersan En glish book. 10 Lilysome jacket.五、用some, any填空1. Thereswater in the cup. There isnttea in the cup.2. Is therebread here? Y es, there is. Thereson the table.3. Are therecars in front of the buildi ng? No, there arent.4. There isntchocolate on the table.5. Is theresoap on the dress ing table?六、按要求进行句型转换1. There are five kites on the wall.(一般疑问句,肯定回答.,否定回答 否定句)2. There is some rice in the bag.(同上)3 .There are some apple on the tree.(同上)4 .His uncle has some new story-books.(改为般疑问句)6、There is a woma n n ear the house.(变复数)7.There are some bookson the desk .(变单数)


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