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I. Interpret the fol lowing sentences into English. (20%)1、作为我们的老客户,您应该很清楚我们产品的质量上乘,而且,我们的报价是与世界市场的现行价格相一致的2、我们保证一俟收到你方的相关信用证,就立刻安排装船。3、可能你也注意到了,原材料价格猛涨,因此我们不得不相应调整产品的价格。4、坦白地说吧,己经有其他的客户己更高的价格向我们的订货呢。如果不是考虑到我们长期的业务关系,我们也不会以这个价钱向你方报实盘。5、对于此订单,希望能给予合同数量10%的装运误差,差额按合同价格处理。II. Interpret the fol lowing sentences into Chinese. (20%)1 As you are aware, we wont be able to make any profit if we miss the sales season.2、rd like to order 1000 sets washing machines of this type first for a trial sale. If the first lot isgood, wed like to repeat the order and have a regular supply.3、To our disappointment, there is a difference of 20 tons between the actual landed weight and theinvoiced weight. Im afraid we have to lodge a claim against you for short weight.4、But as you know, our buyers are rather discriminating. What they appreciate most is a reliablemachine.5、The point is that to open an L/C with a bank, I have to pay a sum of deposit. This wouldincrease the cost of our import and whats more, tie up our funds.III. Situational Dialogue: make a dialogue based on the fol lowing situation withyour partners. (30%)1、Your are going to import some toys from a supplier from Dutch. But you find their price is onthe high side. You try your best to persuade him to reduce the price with good reasons. At last heagrees to make a reduction.IV. Free Talk. (30%)1 How to prepare a business negotiation?I. Interpret the following sentences into English. (20%)1. As an old client of ours, you know perfectly well that our products are superior inquality and our quotations come in line with the ruling prices in the world market.2. We can assure you that we will arrange shipment immediately after we receive yourrelevant L/C.3. As you may notice, the price skyrockets in raw materials; we are forced to adjustour prices accordingly.4. To be frank with you, there are many other customers who have approached us withsome higher prices. If it werent for our long relationship, wed hardly be willing tomake you a firm offer at this price.5. Concerning this order, wed like you to grant us the option of shipping 10% moreor less on the contract quantities and the difference to be settled at contract prices.IL Interpret the following sentences into Chinese. (20%)1. 如你所知,错过了销售季节就没法赢利。2. 我想先订购1000台这种洗衣机试销一下。如果第一批货卖得好的话,我还想与你们续定单,并且长期向你们订购。3. 令人失望的是,实际重量比发票重量短缺了 20吨。恐怕我们只好向你们提出短量索赔了。4. 但你知道,他们也挺有眼力的。他们最看重的是性能可靠的机器。5. 问题是,通过银行开立信用证,我得付一笔押金。这会增加我们的进口成本,而且占压我们的资金。


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