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4. Would you like to do sth.?5. It s good/bad to do sth6. It s good/bad for do sth.7. be +adj.+ eno ugh to do sth.8. sb. is ready to do sth.9. It s + adj.+ for sb. to do sth.10. It s + adj.+ of sb. to do sth11. would like/love /decide/want/wish/to do sth.12. would like/love sb. to do sth.13. Prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.14. how/ when/where/whether to do sth15. can t wait to do16. too to do 17. be afraid /ready/able/sure to do18. It s time to do sth19. My job is to do sth20. My dream is to do sth21. My hobby is to do sth22. refuse to do sth23. warn sb to do sth24. pretend to do sth25. .teach/learn to do sth26. need to do sth27. be willing to do sth28. .try to do sth29. try one s best to do sth30. agree to do sth31. seem to do sth32. plan to do sth /make a plan to do sthto do和doing句型总结一、带动词ing形式1. keep doing2. keep sb. Doing3. practise doing sth.4. enjoy doing5. finish doing6. be afraid of doing7. be busy doing8. look forward to doing9. how about doing 、./what about doing10. spend some time (in)doing11. spend some money (in) buying12. feel like doing13. stop/keep/preventfrom doing14. thank sb for doing15. thanks for doing16. dosomecook in g/clea nin g/readi ng/shopp in g/wash ing17. goswim min g/fishi ng/shopp in g/skati ng/boati ng18. mind doing19. can t help doing20. consider doing21. have fun doing sth have difficulty doing sth have trouble doing sth have problem doing sth22. waste time/money doing23. in stead of doing24. miss doing25. hold on to doing26. pay atte ntio n to doing27. suggest doing28. It s time for doing29. There is sb doing sth30. be used to doing sth31. be used for doing sth32. have a lot of experie nee33. sb allow doing sth34. put off doing sth35. succeed in doing sth36. end up doing37. give up doing二. 含有不带to的动词句型:1. had better (not) do sth.2. would you please (not) do sth3. why not do sth.4. why don t you do sth.5. Shall we do sth.?6. let sb do sth.7. make sb. do sth. have sb do sth8. feel sb do sth三、含有带to的动词不定式句型:1. It s time to do sth.2. It takes sb. some time to do sth3. tell/ ask/ want/en courage/i nvite/ sb. to do order to do sth63.volun teer to do sth1.begi n to do/d oing34.have a cha nee to do sth64.offer to do sth2.start to do/d oing35.find it +adj + for sb to do sth65.have an opport un ity to do3.con ti nue to do/d oing36.have sth to do66.get sb to do sth4.take turns to do/d oing37.There is sth for sb to s one s duty to do an xious to do68.use sth to do sth39.afford to do sure to do sth六、既用不带 to的动词不定式又用现在分词的40.used to do sth70.have to do sth句型:用不带 to的动词不定式强调动作的完成 used to do able/un able to do sth过程;用现在分词强调动作的进行状态。 supposed to do sth1.hear sb do sth./do ing43.allow sb to do sth2.liste n to sb do sth./d be allowed to do sth3.look at sb do sth./do ing45.the best way is to do sth4.see sb do sth./d oing46.the next step is to do sb do sth./d oing47.have nothing to do tice sb do sth/d oing48.the first thing is to do s best to do sth四、既用带to的动词不定式又用ing形式的句 s a good time to do sth型 is a good way to do sth1.stop to do/ doing52.add to do2.forget to do/ doing53.urge sb to do3.remember to do/d oing54.educate sb to do4.go on to do/d oing55.wait for sb to to do/d oing56.order sb to to do/d oing57.happe n to do sth7.prefer to do/do ing58.lead sb to do sth8.hate to do/d a good place to do vite sb to do61.get to do sth五、下列结构用带to的动词不疋式和ing形式62.expect to do含义相同:、


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