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保康县中等职业技术学校 Unit9第二课时教学设计 授课人:黄鹤课题Unit9 What club would you like to join?第二课时课型新授课课课时2课时学习目标知识与技能:1. 知识目标(1)掌握加入俱乐部与海报宣传的词汇,如:flash; membership; experience; staff; reduce; stress; schedule; qualification; offer; fill; performance; contact; fee; gain; excitement; (2) Understand the information in the advertisement.(3) Write the reasons of joining clubs. 2. 能力目标(1)学生能掌握询问俱乐部信息的语句。(2)学生能提高阅读水平,培养获取信息的能力。(3)学生能用所学英语有条理的表述加入俱乐部的理由。过程与方法:通过在旧语言知识的基础上植入新的语言知识,然后大密度的进行听力朗读训练,精讲多练,让学生对本课题有关的语言知识印象深刻;再进行拓展训练,学以致用情感态度与价值观:学生能根据自己的能力特长,选择自己喜欢做或能做得好的事情,扬长避短,丰富自己的业余生活,增强学习的乐趣。重点练习俱乐部招新对语,读懂宣传海报,写出加入俱乐部理由。难点招新对语,加入俱乐部理由。问题导入1. The teacher greets the class and asks some detailed questions concerning what they learned yesterday. What club would you like to join? What qualifications do you have?By the way, how much is the membership?Where can I get the schedule of the club?May I bring my friends to the club?(设计意图:复习第一课时教学内容,让学生回顾所学,表达信息,锻炼口语表达)2. Demonstrate their dialogues.Invite several groups to give their performance of applying for clubs before class. The teacher will just give a general assessment.(设计意图:考察学生课后作业,逐渐进入话题根据学习的反馈情况,以赏识教育为主,激励学生,努力提高学生学习英语的兴趣)5分钟自主探究Read advertisements.(1)Activity 13 Read and tick: Read the advertisements quickly and tick the names of club mentioned.ClubTimePlaceQualificationsActivitiesEnglish clubCooking clubSports clubVolunteer organizationComputer clubDancing clubHealth club(设计意图:根据海报培养阅读能力,查找信息,明确海报设计的要素)(2)Activity 14 Read and complete: Read the advertisements again and complete the above table according to the given information. Make sure that all the students understand the detailed information. Analyze difficult points when necessary.experience u.n.&v. Experience the excitement of making flash all by yourself.enjoy vt. enjoy doing sth.have a good chance to do sth. be interested in sth.with the help of our staff reduce your stress.make life easiergain working experiences (设计意图:明确信息内容,读懂信息内容,将信息归类;通过表格的填写,学习做笔记;解释语言点,帮助学生理解已达到灵活运用的目的)10分钟互动质疑(1) 学生完成了任务后,小组内进行交流,选出班级交流的代表人.(2) 班级交流.为后面的学习奠定基础.15分钟检测反馈1、 在学生交流展示的语言点的基础上,呈现新的语言知识点.2、 朗读练习1)Activity 15 Read and choose: Read four persons individual information and help them find proper clubs from the above posters.(设计意图:通过在阅读过程中快速查找关键词、句来获取所需信息,利用信息配对)2). Activity 16 Think and write: Read the posters again. Choose two clubs that you are interested in .Then write at least two sentences for each club to state the reasons why you want to join them. Students can also state the reasons for joining other clubs. Clubs Your Reasons( ) A. Health Club _( ) B. Cooking Club _( ) C. Computer Club _( ) D. Volunteer Organization _(设计意图:用英语表达自己的想法,锻炼学生的表达能力)3). Activity 17 Talk and decide:Talk with other members of the group and find out the most popular club. The reasons for their choice are required. (设计意图: 学会交流意见或想法,培养小组合作意识;学会用归纳法获取必要信息)4. Write a short paragraph for your club as the content of advertisement.You can take the following information into consideration. Design a poster with partners after class.NameQualifications ActivitiesTime PlaceTelephone numbere-mail(设计意图:请学生为自己感兴趣的俱乐部设计海报广告语,引发学生学习兴趣.教师事先收集一些英文海报广告词.阅读上面的信息,给学生一个直观的范本,鼓励学生大胆创新)10分钟总结提升1. Summary Make a short summary of what weve learned today. Ask students to review what we have learned in this class. Read it together.(适时的复习巩固本节课所学知识。)2.Homework (2 mins) 1. Copy words: united; online; fun; fan; performance; member; qualification; form; membership; schedule; certificate; experience; pleasure; staff; reduce; stress; flash; excitement; gain; organization; basic; in line; 2. Design a poster for your club.3. Do the exercises in the workbook.5分钟板书设计Unit9 What club would you like to join? Clubs Your ReasonsHealth Club - experience: v/nCooking Club - enjoy doingComputer Club - have a good chance to do sthVolunteer Organization - be interested in doing sth with the help of


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