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被动语态讲解及练习(含答案)一、单项选择被动语态1. Many subway stations, including the one near our school,at present for a better tran sport in the city.A. are con struct ing B . are being con structed C. is con struct ing D . is being con structed【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查动词时态语态。句意:许多地铁站,包括我们学校附近的地铁站,目前正在建设中,以便有更便利的交通。此处表示动作正在进行,句中主语Many subway stations和动词con struct是被动关系,所以此处用现在进行时的被动,与主语一致,故选B.【点睛】现在进行时的被动结构:be + bei ng+过去分词A number of Dongfeng trucks are being shipped abroad. 一批东风卡车正被运往国外。1) “ be being done中的动词be应随主语作相应的变化。2) 将现在进行时的主动语态变为现在进行时的被动语态的关键是:把be doing变为be being done.例 1. The stude nts are clea ning the classroom now.The classroom is being clea ned now.现在学生们正在打扫教室。(are cleaning变为is being cleaned)例 2. The boy is counting some sheep.Some sheep are being counted.那男孩正在数羊。(is counting 变为 are being counted)2. The affairs of each country should be y its own people.A. elected B. settledC. developed D. contained【答案】B【解析】考查动词。句意为:各国事务应由自己国家的人们解决。由句意可知,选settle ,意为 解决” elect选举;develop发展;contain包含,控制。故选B。3. At the awarding ceremony held in Tokyo, the scientists were surprised by whatinscie nee and tech no logy.A. has discovered B. has been discoveredC. had discovered D. had been discovered【答案】D【解析】句意:在东京举行的颁奖仪式上,科学家们惊讶于科学技术的发现。科学家们感到惊讶是过去式,故科学技术发现用过去完成时,what于动词discover是被动关系,故选DoA. had been built B . was builtC. was being built D . is being built【答案】D【解析】考查时态和语态。句意:图书馆正在建设中;明年开放。根据后面一句可推知, 图书馆是正在建设中,所以要用进行时,图书馆是被建的,要用被动。所以本句要用现在 进行时的被动语态。故选D。5. The sin ger s music videoarly 9 millio n times since it was posted on the Internet four weeks ago.A. viewedB. has viewedC. was viewedD. has been viewed【答案】D【解析】试题分析:考查动词时态与语态辨析。A. viewed,一般过去式;B. was viewed过去式的被动语态;C. has viewed,现在完成式;D. has been viewed,现在完成式的被动语态。句意: 自从四个星期前这位歌手的音乐视频被放在互联网上,这个视频的访问量达到了将近9百万次。si nee从句用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时has done形式,又因 music video是被访问的,故要用被动语态。故选Do考点:考查动词时态与语态辨析。6. - Why dont we choose that road to save time?-The bridge to it.A. has repairedB. is repairedC. is being repairedD. will be repaired【答案】C【解析】考查时态和语态。句意为:一一我们为什么不选那条路以节省时间呢?一一通往那条路的桥正在维修。桥正在被维修,故用现在进行时的被动语态。答案: C7. Did he decide to take part in the competition?Yes, of course. Heto.A. has been encouraging B. had been encouragedC. has been encouraged D. was to be encouraged【答案】B【解析】考查时态和语态。句意:一一他决定参加比赛吗?一一是的,当然。他已经被鼓励参加比赛。根据 he和动词encourage之间的逻辑关系分析,此处应该使用被动形式,故 先排除A项。再和第一句话的一般过去时态结合起来分析,此处应该使用过去完成时态的被动语态。故选B。8 Quantities of soil in the area, resulting in the increasing number of natural disasters.A is washed away B have washed away C have washed away D have been washed away 【答案】 D 【解析】考查时态和语态。句意:在这个地区大量的土壤被冲走了,结果导致自然灾害数 量增加。句中 soil 和 wash away 是被动关系,此处指土壤已经被冲走并对现在造成影响, 故要用现在完成时,要用现在完成时的被动语态,故选D。9107 The farmer said the PLA men came to rescue timely when they in the snowstorm.A were trapping B were being trapped Care trapping Dare being trapped【答案】 B 【解析】考查过去进行时的被动语态。句意:这位农民说他们在暴风雪中被困时,解放军 战士及时赶来营救。根据题干中的 said 判断从句中需要与过去相关的时态;根据短语 “be trapped in 排除 A和C;句中表示 被暴风雪困住的时候”,故用过去进行时的被动语态,故 选 B。点睛:对时态的选择,要在把握时态的基本用法的基础上,根据具体语境和题干中的时间 推断时态,同时关注特殊的结构。10 Have you moved into the new house?Not yet. It .A has been built Bwas builtCis being built D had been built【答案】 C【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。句意: 你搬进新家了吗? 仍旧没有,它仍旧正 在建设。根据语境可知, It 指代上文提到的 the new house ,是第三人称单数,与 built 是被 动关系,用被动语态,结合句意, built 这一动作表示正在进行的动作。故选C。11. - Are the repairs finished yet?-Yes, theywhen I came back home.A. would be completed B . would completeC. had completed D . had been completed【答案】 D【解析】考查被动语态。上句:修理被完成了吗?下句:是的,当我回到家的时候它们已 经被完成。根据句意可知句子用过去完成时态的被动语态,故选D。12. A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who in the mountains for twodays.A. are trapping B. have been trappedC. were trapping D . had been trapped【答案】D【解析】考查语态和时态。句意:一个救援人员冒着生命危险挽救了两个被困在山里两天的旅游者。 “whoin the mountains for two days 是定语从句,修饰 two tourists, two tourists 禾口trap之间是被动关系,该空应用被动语态。由risked可知,营救人员救游客是过去的事情,被困两天发生在营救人员救了他们之前,即过去的过去”该空应用过去完成时态。综上,D选项正确。点睛:过去完成时表示过去某一时间或动作以前已经发生或完成了的动作,即过去的过去”其表达形式为 had done ,被动语态的表达形式为had been done。13. This is one of the highest buildings thatin our city recently.A. has been built B. buildC. have been built D . have built【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查现在完成时态的被动语态。句意:这是最近我们城市建设的众多最高的建筑中的一座。此处the highest buildings是先行词,指物,复数形式,且和build之间是被动关系,再根据recently所以句子用现在完成时态的被动语态,故选C。14. Our teacher keeps telling us that the future _to the well-educated.A. belongingB. belongsC. is belongingD. is belonged【答案】B【解析】考查短语:bel ong to属于,没有进行时态没有被动语态。故答案选B。15. To my, he was not a littleat the news that he had won the first prizein the En glish speech con test, for he thought that he did nt perform so well.A. astonishment; astonishingB. astonished ; astonishingC. astonishment; astonishedD. astonish ; astonishment【答案】C【解析】考查astonish相关短语的用法。使我惊讶的是,他对这个消息并不感到惊讶.to onesastonishment使某人感到惊讶的是 ” be astonished at sth.对某事感到惊讶”故选 C.16 People believe that the China Dream is not very difficult so long as the wholenation works hard for it.A realizingB to be realizedC realizedD to realize【答案】 D【解析】【详解】 考查固定句型和语态。句意:人们相信只要全国人民一起努力中国梦不难实现。be difficultto do 结构中,若主语与其后的不定式为动宾关系,那么该不定式习惯上要用主动形式表示 被动意义。如: She was difficult to understand at times. 有时候她很不容易理解。能用于此结 构的形容词主要有 convenient, dangerous, difficult, easy, hard, impossible, interesting, nice, pleasant, safe, unpleasant 等。这类结构的特点是句子主语必须是其后不定式的逻辑宾语。 故选 D。17 You can t move in right now. The house now.A has painted B is paintedC is being painted D is painting【答案】 C【解析】【详解】 考查语态。句意:你现在不能搬进来,房子正在被粉刷。根据句意可知,此处应使用现在进行时的被动语态。故 C 选项正确。18 This is one of the best films .A that have been shown this yearBthat have shownC that has been shown this yearD that you talked【答案】 C【解析】【详解】 考查定语从句和时态。句意:这是今年上映的最好的电影之一。此处为定语从句,先行词 为 the one ,有最高级 the best 修饰,关系代词应该用 that ,在从句中作主语,语境表明使 用现在完成时,而且谓语要用第三人称单数,故 C 项正确。19 With the help of high technology, more and more new substances _in the past few years. A discovered Bhave discoveredC had been discoveredD have been discovered【答案】 D 【解析】【详解】考查时态语态。句意:因为有高科技的帮助,在最近几年中,越来越多的新物质已经被发 现了。根据时间状语 in the past few years, 说明使用现在完成时。根据句意新物质和发明之 间用被动形式。故 D 正确。20We didn t play football yesterday.The match.A was canceled B is canceledC has canceled D had canceled【答案】 A【解析】 【详解】 考查时态语态。句意:昨天我们没有踢足球,比赛取消了。根据句意可知, match 和 cancel 之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态;由yesterday 可知,这是发生在过去的一件事情,故用一般过去时的被动语态,故选A。21 New energy-sharing projects in dozens of cities across the country to fuel Chinasharing economy in the next few years.A are to carry outBare being carried outC were carried outD will have been carried out【答案】 B【解析】 【详解】 考查时态及语态。句意:新的能源共享项目正在全国数十个城市开展,目的是给中国未来 几年的经济提供动力。根据语境可知,表示新的能源共享项目正在城市中开展实施,才能 给中国的经济提供动力。要用现在进行时。New energy-sharing projects 与动词 carry out 是被动关系,因此要用现在进行时的被动语态。A. are to carry out 一般将来时的被动,表示将实施, B. are being carried out 一般现在时的被动,表示正在被实施,C. were carried out表示动作发生在过去,一般过去时的被动;D. will have been carried out 将来完成时的被动。故选 B。22We wont start the work until all the preparations .A are being madeBwill be madeC have been madeD had been made【答案】 C【解析】 【详解】 考查动词时态辨析。句意:我们得等到所有的准备工作都做好了才能开始工作。 are being 是现在进行时的被动形式; will be made 是一般将来时的被动形式; have been made 是现在 完成时的被动形式,用于强调动作产生的影响;had been made 是过去完成时的被动形式 。本题是主将从现的用法。主句是将来时时,从句用现在时或相当于现在的时态;现在完成时强调过去对现在的影响或动作从过去一直持续到现在。故选C。【点睛】通常说来 , 在时间状语从句中使用一般现在时代替将来时,前面的主句中使用将来时。在高 中英语中也使用现在完成时代替将来时,表示到将来某个时间已经完成的事情。主句是We wont star,t 从句用一般现在时或者现在完成时,故选C。23 The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts with successin the end.A rewardedB were rewardedC will rewardD will be rewarded【答案】 D【解析】【分析】【详解】 本题考查时态和语态。解题步骤: 1. 确定时态:根据句尾的 in the end 可知,事情发生在 将来,用将来时。 2. 确定语态: efforts 和 reward 是被动关系,应该使用被动语态。句意: 学生们一直在刻苦学习功课,他们的努力终将会得到回报。综上,用一般将来时的被动, 故选 D。【点睛】一般将来时1. 表示未来的动作或状态常用 will / shall + 动词(常与表示将来的时间状语边用如 tomorrow 、 next week 等)。2. 表示一种趋向或习惯动作。例如: We ll die without air or water.3. 表示趋向行为的动词如 come, go, start, begin, leave 等词常用进行时的形式表示将来时。4. be going to 与 will / shall, be to do, be about to do 用法及区别:(1)shall / will do 表示未事先考虑过,即说话时临时作出的决定。(2)be going to 表示现在打算在最近或将来要做某事,这种打算往往经过事先考虑,甚至已 做了某种准备; be going to 表将来,不能用在条件状语从句的主句中;而 will do 则能,表 意愿。例如:If it is fine, we ll go fiS确ng.(If it is fine, we are going to go fishing.( 错误)(3) be to do sth. 表按计划、安排即将发生的动作,还可表示吩咐、命令、禁止,可能性等。例如: A meeting is to be held at 3:00 o clock this afternoon.(4) be about to do sth. 表示 “即将/正要去做某事 ”,通常不与时间状语连用,但可与 when 引 导的从句连用,构成常考句型: sb was about to do sth when sb did sth 。例如: Autumn harvest is about to start.24 Why didn t you attend the assembly this morning?But I anything about that.A didn t tellB haven t toldC hadn t been told Dhaven t been told【答案】 C【解析】【详解】 考查时态和语态。句意: 你为什么没有参加今天早上的集会? 没人告诉我。主语 I 和 tell 之间是动宾关系,故用被动语态,又 “没有告诉”的动作发生在今天早上之前,即过 去之过去,故用过去完成时的被动语态,即had been done ,故选C项。25Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the money-making jobs theybefore leaving their hometowns.ApromisedBwere promisedChave promisedDhave been promised【答案】 D【解析】 句意为:每年大量农民工涌入深圳,去寻找他们离乡前别人给他们许诺的挣钱的工作。此 处农民工是 被许诺工作”需用被动语态,故排除A和C两项;B项仅表一般过去时的被动;D项表示已经被许诺”故选D。26Time magazine has chosen“The Gua,rdia ngsroup”of journalists who for their work,as Person of the Year, for taking great risks in pursuit of greater truths.A will targetBhave targetedC will be targetedDhave been targeted【答案】 D【解析】【详解】考查时态。句意:时代周刊将 “守护者”一群因自己的工作而成为受攻击目标的记 者评为年度人物,因为冒巨大的风险追求更伟大的真理。根据句意可知,记者被攻击,且 已发生,有对现在的影响,所以用现在完成时。故选 D。27This project considered thoroughly, and Im sure it finished on time.A must be; may beBshould be; can beCmay be; must beDcan be; should be【答案】 B【解析】 试题分析:句意:这个项目应该被全面地考虑,并且我确定可以准时完成这个项目。 should be 表示“应该”这个项目要求考虑的全面, can be 表示“能够”有能力完成这个项目,所以选Bo考点:考查情态动词28. His sister left home in 1998, andsi nee.A. had not been heard ofB. has not been heard ofC. had not heard ofD. has not heard of【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查时态:句意:他的妹妹在1998年离家,至今杳无音讯 ”。And前用过去式表示她1998年离家这一事实,而 and后用has not been heard of表示从1998到现在这一段 时间的状态。现在完成时表示过去发生并且已经完成的动作对现在造成影响或后果,而且his sister和hear of是被动关系,选 B。考点:考查时态29. I saw your uncle take a taxi to the airport. Why didn t you drive him there?I. But my car.A. would; was fixedB. would have; was fixedC. would have; was being fixedD. did; was being fixed【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查虚拟语气和动词时态。句意:-我看见你叔叔坐出租车去机场了。你为什么不开车送他去那里呢?-我本来想送他了。但是我的汽车当时正在修理。根据语境可知说话人表示本来想做但是没有做的事情,应该用would have done ;而修理汽车是指当他叔叔去机场的时候,表示过去正在进行的动作,故答案选Co30. Mr. Wills, who was being helped up on to the platform to take the prize, looked as if he by light ning.A. was just struck B. were just struckC. would just be struck D . had just been struck【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查过去完成时态的被动语态。句意:威尔斯先生被扶上了讲台,接受了这个奖项,他看起来就像是被闪电击中了一样。此处as if (好像)引导方式状语从句,用虚拟语气,与过去的事实相反,用过去完成时态,且主语 he和strike之间是被动关系,故答案为 D。


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