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八年级上Unit9 can you come to my party?根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. He ran so fast that I couldnt cup with him.2. Hello, Nancy, Im gto meet you again.3. She rhis invitation to the tea party because she was really busy.4. Thank you for(打印)the article for me.5. Lets go to the(音乐会)on Friday night.Unit 9 Can you come to my party?知识点练习(答案详解)1. Tomorrow is Dragon Boat Day.My mother and my grandma _a big meal for our family now.Aare preparing Bbe preparingCprepare Dprepared2. Im very busy these days.Last week I _the driving test.Now Im _take part in the coming sports meeting.Aprepared;preparingBprepared for;preparingCprepared for;preparing toDprepared;preparing to3. She has to prepare _ an exam _ Monday evening.Afor; at Bfor; on Cat; on Don; in4. I will study _ my science test _ Thursday afternoon.A. at; on B. on; for C. for; in D. for;on5. My father is busy. He has _ work to do.A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too6. The boy is _ thirsty (口渴的) and he drinks _ water.A. too; too B. much; muchC. too much; much too D. much too; too much7. Are you free tomorrow? No. I am _ for Hangzhou to work.A. leave B. leaves C. leaving D. to leave8. He _the basket on the wall after entering the room yesterday.Ahang Bhangs Chung Dhanged9. Im going to _ out with my friends this afternoon.Ahang Bhung Changed Dhanging1. I will _ lesson on Friday afternoon.A. play piano B. play a piano C. have piano D. have a piano2. Linda, I have to go shopping now. please _ your littler sister at home.A. look for B. look like C. look after D. look up3. My parents are not at home,so I have to _ my little sister.Alook at Blook likeClook after Dlook for4. Thank you _ your gifts!A. as B. in C. for D. with5. _your advice.AThanks for BThanks toCThank for DThank to6. Thank you for _ me to your party.A. invite B. inviting C. to invite D. telling7. Thanks a lot for_me_your house.Ainvite;for Binvite;toCinviting;for Dinviting;to8. If you dont want to go there. You can _ his invitation.A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down9. We would like _ the mountains.Ato take a trip Btake trips toCtake a trip to Dto take trips to1. Do you know _ I miss you?Ahow many Bhow much Chow long Dhow far2. Can you help _ with any of the party preparations?A. out B. in C. at D. of3. Im looking forward to _ my parents soon. What about you?Me too.A. seeing B. see C. saw D. sees4. Im looking forward _ New York some day.Ato visit Bto visitingCvisit Dvisiting6. I am going to _ you on Sunday and go bike riding.Acatch BAccept Crefuse Ddelete7. Now hes working hard _up with his classmates.Acatch Bcatches Ccaught Dto catch8. I invited him _ our school last year.Ato visit Bvisited Cvisiting Dvisits9. Thanks a lot for _ me _ your housewarming party.A. invite; for B. invite; to C. inviting; for D. inviting; to10. My best friend often invites me _ delicious food.Aenjoy Benjoying Cenjoyed Dto enjoy1. I _some gifts from my friends,but I didnt _ them.Areceived;accept Baccepted;receiveCreceive;accept Daccept;receive2. Im not happy because he refused _ for the meeting.Aprepare Bprepared Cto prepare Dpreparing3. I asked him where to go, but he didnt _ me.A. reply B. answer to C. reply to D. replied to4. Dont forget _to my question.Ato answer Bto reply Creplying Danswering5. Please give me the _ this invitation soon.Aanswer Breply to Cquestion Dask6. This is Ellas _. She has a lot of things to do this week!A. card B. book C. calendar D. paper7. Can you look at the _ and tell me the activities?Amenu B calendar Cclock Dphone8. If you are _ tomorrow,you can bring all the _.Aavailable;available newspapersBavailable;newspapers availableCnot available;available newspapersDnot available;newspapers available1. The story _me.That is,Im _ at the _ story.Asurprise;surprising;surprisedBsurprises;surprised;surprisedCsurprise;surprised;surprisingDsurprises;surprised;surprising2. The students are very _ at the _ news.Asurprised;surprising Bsurprising;surprisedCsurprised;surprised Dsurprising;surprising3. Im _ that he can wash his clothes.Asurprise Bsurprised Csurprising Dsurprises4. To my _, he was not _ when he heard the _ news.A. surprise, surprised, surprising B. surprised, surprising, surpriseC. surprise, surprising, surprised D. surprise, surprised, surprising5. Tony didnt feel better _ he took some medicine.I guess he can go to school this afternoon.Auntil Bwhen Cafter Dbecause6. Helen didnt know anything about it _ her father told her.A. if B. because C. after D. until7. The girl didnt go to bed _ her parents came back late last night.A. so B. until C. though D. after9. I couldnt do it _ your great help. Thanks a lot.A. with B. without C. for D. to10. He left without _ goodbye.Asay Bspeak Cspeaking Dsaying11.Can you finish the work _ our help?Yes.I can finish it by myself.Afor Bwith Cunder Dwithout12.Sorry,but I have to look after my brother.Thats too_.Maybe_time.Abad;another Bbad;otherCgood;another Dgood;other13.I dont like this pen.Please show me_one.Aother Bthe other Canother Dthe another1. Could you come and play football with me?_. I have a lot of work to do.A. Of courseB. Yes, Id love to C. Im afraid D. Its a pleasure2. Can you come to my home for dinner?Sure,_.AI had love to BI would loveCI would love to DI love3. Will you please _ me your photos?Ashow Bto show Cshowing Dshows4. Would you like_ some noodles?Ahave Bto have Chaving Dhas5. Would you like to visit the museum?_AYes,please. BSure,Id love to.CSorry,I wouldnt. DYes,I would.6. My mother is ill.I have to look after her at home._.AThank you BOh,I dont knowCBad luck DIm sorry to hear that7. _?Its Friday,the 26th.AWhats the matterBWhats the date todayCWhat day is it todayDWhats today8. Whats the date today?Its _.A. summer B. Tuesday C. July 2nd D. six oclock9. _?Its Wednesday.AWhat is the date todayBWhat day is it todayCWhat time is itDWhats the weather like today10. _ great picture! Who painted it?A. How B. What C. How a D. What a11. Simon, Im going to Beijing with my parents tomorrow._!A. Have fun B. Best wishes C. Never mind D. Cheer up学习目标: 知识目标:1 口笔头掌握以下句型A: Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?B: Sure, Id love to . / Sorry , I cant . I have to help my parents.A: Can she go to the movies? B: No, she cant . She is reading.2 熟练掌握以下词汇:prepare, exam, flu, available, until3熟练使用情态动词 can 和have to技能目标:能够听懂提出邀请及应答邀请的会话,并能使用它们有礼貌地发出邀请,接受邀请或拒绝邀请。情感态度:培养学生有礼貌地与他人交往的能力。课前准备I 朋友要举办一个晚会,你有什么拿手的节目吗?回想你学过的相关动词及短语(包括音乐,体育,美术等方面)。如:I can sing English songs . I can dance. I can play the guitar.II 列举出你的一些课外活动Play the guitar _ _ _ _III 你能猜出下面短语的汉语意思吗?借助手中的词典或课本的词汇表,试着译一译:go to the doctor_ have the flu _help my parents_ meet my friend_study for a test_ thanks for asking _have too much homework_ another time_IV想一想,如果你的朋友周六举行一个party,根据你的日常安排,你愿意去的话,该如何表达?_ 若不能去,又该如何拒绝呢?_学习过程Before listening1 交流、检测课前准备的情况,写出你的问题。2 学生看课本1a,小组核对答案。3 假设老师要在本周末举行一个晚会,邀请你来参加。请运用课前准备IV的内容,和同伴共同讨论如何邀请和应答。While listening1 看图片听录音完成1b,小组核对答案2 Anna 要举办一个聚会,她想邀请朋友参加。读2a中的句子,听录音,完成2a.3 听第二遍录音,Anna是怎样邀请朋友参加聚会的?朋友们又是如何做出应答的?和同伴讨论一下吧!4 再听一边录音,完成2b4 听录音并跟读,注意模仿Anna发出邀请时的语音语调。观察与思考:对话中表示发出邀请的句式是_。如果接受对方的邀请我们可以回答_.如果拒绝对方的邀请,一般不直接说_,而应该说_,以示礼貌,然后说明_5 大声朗读2a,根据听力内容选择正确的答案来补全下列句子Jeff_ (cant/can) go to the party, because he has to _. Marry_ (can/cant) go to the party. May _(can/cant) go to the party, because she has to_. Mei Ling _(can/cant) go. She has to _.Paul _(can/cant)go to the party, because he has to _观察与思考请仔细观察下面几个句子,你能看出have to 的用法吗?I have to help my parents. He has to study for a test.Have to /has to 后面要接_ 汉语意思是_ 强调_ (主观/客观)原因。而must意为“必须,”强调_(主观/客观)原因。完成下列小练习。回味一下句中have to 的用法(1 )Its too late. She _ _ go there by bus.(不得不)(2)I have to clean the room right now.(改为否定句)I _ _ _ clean the room right now.After listening1 如果主人向你们发出邀请,你们能参加他的聚会吗?四人一组,表演对话。2 本周末你打算干什么?Miss Lin 邀请大家去参加音乐会,谁愿意去?同伴互相问答,参考句型:A: Hey , can you come to the concert on Saturday?B: Im sorry , I cant .I have to.A: Thats too bad. Maybe another time.B: How about you ?知识巩固 I 用所给词的适当形式填空1_you play tennis? Yes , I can.2.Mary is ill , she _ (have)_ (go )to the doctor.3.Look! Some people _ (take) photos here.4.Thanks for _ (cook) for me .5.She often _ (help) me with my English .II 完成下面的句子1-Hi , Jeff. Can you come to my party on Saturday?- Im sorry ,I cant .I _ _ _ _ _ (得去看我的阿姨)on Saturday .2 - Hello, Marry. Can you come to my party on Saturday?-_ _ _(我愿意)3 -May Lee ,can you come to my party tomorrow?- Im sorry I_ _ (得帮我妈妈)4 - Claudia, can you come to my party on Saturday?- Im sorry ,I_ _ _ _ _ (要去看电影)5.-Hey, Paul._ _ _ to my party_ _?(周六你能来参加我的聚会吗?)- Id love to .课堂反思:1 当朋友邀请我们去做事时,如果我们愿意做,应该说_ 或_ 。拒绝他人的邀请时我们应该有礼貌地说_,I _ I have to _ 或者_。I am doing.2 通过本课的学习,你还有哪些疑问?_家庭作业:1 结合课堂反思,熟记你还没有掌握好的单词和句子。2 根据今天所学到的知识,写出接受邀请和拒绝邀请的答语。Can you come to my party on Saturday?愿意去的答语:_ 有礼貌拒绝的答语:_3 依据学习目标,预习下一个学案的课前准备。


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